• H. Mazin Hillah, 51001, Iraq ammarhadi_1976@yahoo.com
  • H. Ammar Hillah, 51001, Iraq babylonbf@yahoo.com
Keywords: Impiratoiy muscle strength training, dyspnoea, unsupported aim elevation, chronic obstructive puhuonaiy disease


Aim. Present study aimed to identify the effect of an inspiratory muscle strength training program versus sham inspiratory muscle strength training program on the dyspnoea arising from unsupported arm elevation in COPD patients. Materials and Methods. Forty four COPD patients (U-40 to U-50) and with severe COPD (FEV1 = 50-70 % of predicted) were recruited and assigned to an experimental (EXP) or control group (CON). The training program consisted of 5 sessions/wk. (6 x 3 minute bouts of loaded breathing with 2 minutes rest periods between bouts) during 10 wk. Results. The outcome measured included airway obstruction (FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, and PEFR). inspiratory muscle strength (maximal inspiratory pressure (PI. max)), and exercise capacity (six minute walk distance test (6MWDT)). Our inspiratory muscle strength training program improves of all parameters of the EXP. but no significant improve is at the level of FVC. FEV1, FEV1/FVC, PEFR. 6MWDT. Sp02 before and after 6MWDT, PL max. and dyspnoea (VAS) after sham inspiratory muscle strength training program for CON. FEV1 before training for EXP was (54.81 ± 3.53) and after training improved into (70.87 ± 1.54) while for CON was (77.81 ± 6.00) before training and (77.93 ± 5.8) after training. Conclusion. Our study found that SIMT by using threshold loading device resulted in improve pulmonary function indices and then alleviate symptoms and improve UAE performance, in addition to develop dyspnoea. Therefore. S-SIMT didn’t lead to develop breathing symptoms, pulmonary function, and accessoiy muscles strength then effected on arm elevation.


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