Ключевые слова:
Аппаратные исследования, легкоатлетический спринт, количественные критерии.
Цель данного исследования – разработать объективные количественные критерии характеристики и оценки эффективности ведущих компонентов низкого старта в атлетическом спринте. Материалы и методы. В эксперименте приняли участие 14 спортсменов различной квалификации, отличающиеся по возрасту, весу и росту. Было зарегистрировано 42 старта в беге на 30 м. Благодаря использованию оригинальной аппаратной методики с трехмерной тензометрической платформой и специализированного программного обеспечения были установлены 11 силовых и временных показателей, 8 интегральных импульсов силы и 7 комплексных показателей, характеризующие третий шаг после старта. Результаты. Установлено, что корреляция между достижениями на 30 и 5 м максимального спринта из низкого старта r = 0,96. Параметр «время усилия до достижения максимальной силы» равен r = 0,83. Интегральный показатель «импульс силы в передней опоре» соответствует значению r = –0,40, а параметр комплексные «временные критерии – K6» равняется r = 0,81. Выводы. Нами было установлено, что важным критерием для оценки спортивной техники выступает «период воздействия силы во время третьего шага после старта», в то время как критерий «средняя мощность в течение всего этапа, сопровождающего третий шаг после старта» и «средняя сила на протяжении всего этапа, сопровождающего третий шаг после старта» не являются информативными для моделирования на микроуровне. Положительное влияние на уровень спортивной техники оказывает более короткий момент отталкивания по сравнению с фазой амортизации. В статье были изложены критерии и модели, а также представлена объективная основа для улучшения показателей в спринтерском беге.Литература
1. Arakelyan E., Primakov Yu., Umarov A., Tyupa V. Vertical Mechanical Working in the Aspect of Running Technique Estimation. Journal Theory and practice of physical culture, 1998, vol. 2, pp. 46–48.
2. Bachev V. Osnovi na Nauchnite Izsledvaniyata v Sporta. Fundamentals of Scientific Research in Sport. Sofia, BPS Publ., 2017. 309 p.
3. Bachev V., Stoyanov H., Dimitrov D., Hristov O., Zlatev B. Changes in Biomechanics of Sprint Jogging Depending on the Radius of the Curve. Journal of Sport Sciences, 2017, vol. 1, pp. 56–61.
4. Bachev V., Yordanov P., Groshev O. Criteria for Determining the Correctness of Various Methods for Research Through Motion Testing. Metrology and Metrological Assurance. XXIII National Scientific Symposium with International Participation, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2013, pp. 293–298.
5. Bachev V., Gadev M., Arakchisy Z., Traykova Bl., O. Groshev O., Yordanov P., Tatsov A. On the Ambiguity of the Digitalized Recordings of Dynamic Actions in Sport. Metrology and Metrological Assurance. XXIV National Scientific Symposium with International Participation, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2014, pp. 329–333.
6. Bachev V., Gadev M., Groshev O., Yordanov P. Metrological Aspects of Research Associated with Partial Evaluation Criteria of Sports Equipment in Sports with Speed-Power Manifestation. Journal Activities in Physical Education and Sport, 2014, vol. 2, pp. 191–193.
7. Beletsky V. Dvunogaya hodyba: modelynaye zadach i dinamiki i upravleniya [Two-Legged Walking: Model Tasks of Dynamics and Control]. Moscow, Nauca Publ., 1984. 288 p.
8. Bracic М., Supej M., Peharec S., Bacic P., Coh M. (2010) An Investigation of the Influence of Bilateral Deficit on the Counter-Movement Jump Performance in Elite Sprinters. Journal Kinesiology, 2010,vol. 1, pp. 73–81.
9. Churchill S., Salo A., Trewartha G. The Effect of the Bend on the Technique and Performance During Maximal Speed Sprinting. Journal of Sport Sciences, 2011, vol. 2, pp. 471–474.
10. Coh M., Peharec S., Bacic P., Polyclinic P. The Sprint Start Biomechanical Кinematic, Dynamic and Eletromyographic Parameters. Journal New studies in athletics, 2007, vol. 22, pp. 29–38.
11. Dimitrov D. Biomechanical Performance of Running at Maximum Speed. Journal Sport and Science, 2004, vol. 1, pp. 131–140.
12. Dimitrov D. Biomechanical Starts Acceleration Indicators. Journal Athletics and Science, 2004, vol. 1, pp. 3–10.
13. Dimitrov D. [Opportunities for Improvement of the Age Structure and Content of the Training Process in Running with Maximum and Submaximal Intensity]. National Sports Academy [DSc. Thesis]. Sofia, 2002. 280 p.
14. Dimitrov D. Biomehanichni pokazateli na starta i startovoto uskorenie v sprint ovite byaganiya [Biomechanical Startand Sprinter Acceleration Indicatorsin Sprint Run]. Sofia, Krisan-s Publ., 2013. 130 p.
15. Dimitrov D., Stoyanov H. Biomehanichen analiz na sprintovo tobyagane [Biomechanical Sprint Running Analysis]. Sofia, Tip-Top Publ., 2017. 151 p.
16. Dimitrov D., Zhukov I. Cinematic, Dynamic and Energy Performance Criteria for Sprint Running. Journal Coaching Thought, 1988, vol. 5, pp. 46–52.
17. Gadev M. Kinematic Characteristic of the Maximal Speed Factor in Low-Qualified Sprinters. Journal Sport and Science, 1997, vol. 4, pp. 38–42.
18. Gadev M. Kinematic Characteristic of the Maximum Speed Factor in Highly Qualified Sprinters. Journal Sport and Science, 1998, vol. 3, pp. 24–29.
19. Gadev M., NaumovskyA., Milanova S., Ivanova G., Niagin P., Groshev O., Yordanov P. A Quantitative Approach for Studying the Sport Technique in Sprint Running.Metrology and Metrological Assurance. XXIV National Scientific Symposium with International Participation, Sozopol, Bulgaria. 2014, pp. 334–341.
20. Gadev M., Tehnika na Gladkoto Sprintovo Byagane [Technique of Smooth Sprint Running]. Sofia, Bolid Ins Publ., 2015. 176 p.
21. Harland М., Steela J. Biomechanics of the Sprint Start. Journal Sports Medicine, 1997, vol. 23, pp. 11–20.
22. Mero A., Komi P., Gregor J. Biomechanics of Sprint Running. Journal Sport Medicine, 1992, vol. 13, pp. 376–381.
23. Saculin N. Analysis of Sports Techniques. Journal Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 1996, vol. 12, pp. 78–86.
24. Schot P., Knutzen K. A Biomechanical Analysis of Four Sprint Start Positions. Journal Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 1992, vol. 63, pp. 137–147.
25. Slavchev A., Niskiyat Start [The Low Start]. Sofia, NSA Publ., 2006. 76 p.
26. Slawinski J., Dumas R., Cheze L., Ontanon G., Miller C., Mazure-Bunnefoy A. 3D Kinematik of Bunched, Medium and Elongated Sprint Start. Journal Sports Medicine, 2012, vol. 33, pp. 555–560.
27. Stoner L., Ben-Sira D. Sprinting on the Curve. Journal Terauds& G.G. Dale (Eds.), Science in Athletics, 1979, pp. 167–173.
28. Tyupa V. On the Mechanism of Interaction of Sprinters with a Support. Journal Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 1978, vol. 6, pp. 32–39.
29. Zhukov I., Priluckit B., Rapcin L. Criteria for Effective Techniques Sprinter's Run. Journal Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 1983, vol. 9, pp. 15–23.
30. Zhukov I., Shabanov B. The Effectiveness of Using Facilitating Leadership in the Preparation of Sprinters. Journal Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 1983, vol. 7, pp. 9–15.
2. Bachev V. Osnovi na Nauchnite Izsledvaniyata v Sporta. Fundamentals of Scientific Research in Sport. Sofia, BPS Publ., 2017. 309 p.
3. Bachev V., Stoyanov H., Dimitrov D., Hristov O., Zlatev B. Changes in Biomechanics of Sprint Jogging Depending on the Radius of the Curve. Journal of Sport Sciences, 2017, vol. 1, pp. 56–61.
4. Bachev V., Yordanov P., Groshev O. Criteria for Determining the Correctness of Various Methods for Research Through Motion Testing. Metrology and Metrological Assurance. XXIII National Scientific Symposium with International Participation, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2013, pp. 293–298.
5. Bachev V., Gadev M., Arakchisy Z., Traykova Bl., O. Groshev O., Yordanov P., Tatsov A. On the Ambiguity of the Digitalized Recordings of Dynamic Actions in Sport. Metrology and Metrological Assurance. XXIV National Scientific Symposium with International Participation, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2014, pp. 329–333.
6. Bachev V., Gadev M., Groshev O., Yordanov P. Metrological Aspects of Research Associated with Partial Evaluation Criteria of Sports Equipment in Sports with Speed-Power Manifestation. Journal Activities in Physical Education and Sport, 2014, vol. 2, pp. 191–193.
7. Beletsky V. Dvunogaya hodyba: modelynaye zadach i dinamiki i upravleniya [Two-Legged Walking: Model Tasks of Dynamics and Control]. Moscow, Nauca Publ., 1984. 288 p.
8. Bracic М., Supej M., Peharec S., Bacic P., Coh M. (2010) An Investigation of the Influence of Bilateral Deficit on the Counter-Movement Jump Performance in Elite Sprinters. Journal Kinesiology, 2010,vol. 1, pp. 73–81.
9. Churchill S., Salo A., Trewartha G. The Effect of the Bend on the Technique and Performance During Maximal Speed Sprinting. Journal of Sport Sciences, 2011, vol. 2, pp. 471–474.
10. Coh M., Peharec S., Bacic P., Polyclinic P. The Sprint Start Biomechanical Кinematic, Dynamic and Eletromyographic Parameters. Journal New studies in athletics, 2007, vol. 22, pp. 29–38.
11. Dimitrov D. Biomechanical Performance of Running at Maximum Speed. Journal Sport and Science, 2004, vol. 1, pp. 131–140.
12. Dimitrov D. Biomechanical Starts Acceleration Indicators. Journal Athletics and Science, 2004, vol. 1, pp. 3–10.
13. Dimitrov D. [Opportunities for Improvement of the Age Structure and Content of the Training Process in Running with Maximum and Submaximal Intensity]. National Sports Academy [DSc. Thesis]. Sofia, 2002. 280 p.
14. Dimitrov D. Biomehanichni pokazateli na starta i startovoto uskorenie v sprint ovite byaganiya [Biomechanical Startand Sprinter Acceleration Indicatorsin Sprint Run]. Sofia, Krisan-s Publ., 2013. 130 p.
15. Dimitrov D., Stoyanov H. Biomehanichen analiz na sprintovo tobyagane [Biomechanical Sprint Running Analysis]. Sofia, Tip-Top Publ., 2017. 151 p.
16. Dimitrov D., Zhukov I. Cinematic, Dynamic and Energy Performance Criteria for Sprint Running. Journal Coaching Thought, 1988, vol. 5, pp. 46–52.
17. Gadev M. Kinematic Characteristic of the Maximal Speed Factor in Low-Qualified Sprinters. Journal Sport and Science, 1997, vol. 4, pp. 38–42.
18. Gadev M. Kinematic Characteristic of the Maximum Speed Factor in Highly Qualified Sprinters. Journal Sport and Science, 1998, vol. 3, pp. 24–29.
19. Gadev M., NaumovskyA., Milanova S., Ivanova G., Niagin P., Groshev O., Yordanov P. A Quantitative Approach for Studying the Sport Technique in Sprint Running.Metrology and Metrological Assurance. XXIV National Scientific Symposium with International Participation, Sozopol, Bulgaria. 2014, pp. 334–341.
20. Gadev M., Tehnika na Gladkoto Sprintovo Byagane [Technique of Smooth Sprint Running]. Sofia, Bolid Ins Publ., 2015. 176 p.
21. Harland М., Steela J. Biomechanics of the Sprint Start. Journal Sports Medicine, 1997, vol. 23, pp. 11–20.
22. Mero A., Komi P., Gregor J. Biomechanics of Sprint Running. Journal Sport Medicine, 1992, vol. 13, pp. 376–381.
23. Saculin N. Analysis of Sports Techniques. Journal Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 1996, vol. 12, pp. 78–86.
24. Schot P., Knutzen K. A Biomechanical Analysis of Four Sprint Start Positions. Journal Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 1992, vol. 63, pp. 137–147.
25. Slavchev A., Niskiyat Start [The Low Start]. Sofia, NSA Publ., 2006. 76 p.
26. Slawinski J., Dumas R., Cheze L., Ontanon G., Miller C., Mazure-Bunnefoy A. 3D Kinematik of Bunched, Medium and Elongated Sprint Start. Journal Sports Medicine, 2012, vol. 33, pp. 555–560.
27. Stoner L., Ben-Sira D. Sprinting on the Curve. Journal Terauds& G.G. Dale (Eds.), Science in Athletics, 1979, pp. 167–173.
28. Tyupa V. On the Mechanism of Interaction of Sprinters with a Support. Journal Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 1978, vol. 6, pp. 32–39.
29. Zhukov I., Priluckit B., Rapcin L. Criteria for Effective Techniques Sprinter's Run. Journal Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 1983, vol. 9, pp. 15–23.
30. Zhukov I., Shabanov B. The Effectiveness of Using Facilitating Leadership in the Preparation of Sprinters. Journal Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 1983, vol. 7, pp. 9–15.
2. Bachev V. Osnovi na Nauchnite Izsledvaniyata v Sporta. Fundamentals of Scientific Research in Sport. Sofia, BPS Publ., 2017. 309 p.
3. Bachev V., Stoyanov H., Dimitrov D., Hristov O., Zlatev B. Changes in Biomechanics of Sprint Jogging Depending on the Radius of the Curve. Journal of Sport Sciences, 2017, vol. 1, pp. 56–61.
4. Bachev V., Yordanov P., Groshev O. Criteria for Determining the Correctness of Various Methods for Research Through Motion Testing. Metrology and Metrological Assurance. XXIII National Scientific Symposium with International Participation, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2013, pp. 293–298.
5. Bachev V., Gadev M., Arakchisy Z., Traykova Bl., O. Groshev O., Yordanov P., Tatsov A. On the Ambiguity of the Digitalized Recordings of Dynamic Actions in Sport. Metrology and Metrological Assurance. XXIV National Scientific Symposium with International Participation, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2014, pp. 329–333.
6. Bachev V., Gadev M., Groshev O., Yordanov P. Metrological Aspects of Research Associated with Partial Evaluation Criteria of Sports Equipment in Sports with Speed-Power Manifestation. Journal Activities in Physical Education and Sport, 2014, vol. 2, pp. 191–193.
7. Beletsky V. Dvunogaya hodyba: modelynaye zadach i dinamiki i upravleniya [Two-Legged Walking: Model Tasks of Dynamics and Control]. Moscow, Nauca Publ., 1984. 288 p.
8. Bracic М., Supej M., Peharec S., Bacic P., Coh M. (2010) An Investigation of the Influence of Bilateral Deficit on the Counter-Movement Jump Performance in Elite Sprinters. Journal Kinesiology, 2010,vol. 1, pp. 73–81.
9. Churchill S., Salo A., Trewartha G. The Effect of the Bend on the Technique and Performance During Maximal Speed Sprinting. Journal of Sport Sciences, 2011, vol. 2, pp. 471–474.
10. Coh M., Peharec S., Bacic P., Polyclinic P. The Sprint Start Biomechanical Кinematic, Dynamic and Eletromyographic Parameters. Journal New studies in athletics, 2007, vol. 22, pp. 29–38.
11. Dimitrov D. Biomechanical Performance of Running at Maximum Speed. Journal Sport and Science, 2004, vol. 1, pp. 131–140.
12. Dimitrov D. Biomechanical Starts Acceleration Indicators. Journal Athletics and Science, 2004, vol. 1, pp. 3–10.
13. Dimitrov D. [Opportunities for Improvement of the Age Structure and Content of the Training Process in Running with Maximum and Submaximal Intensity]. National Sports Academy [DSc. Thesis]. Sofia, 2002. 280 p.
14. Dimitrov D. Biomehanichni pokazateli na starta i startovoto uskorenie v sprint ovite byaganiya [Biomechanical Startand Sprinter Acceleration Indicatorsin Sprint Run]. Sofia, Krisan-s Publ., 2013. 130 p.
15. Dimitrov D., Stoyanov H. Biomehanichen analiz na sprintovo tobyagane [Biomechanical Sprint Running Analysis]. Sofia, Tip-Top Publ., 2017. 151 p.
16. Dimitrov D., Zhukov I. Cinematic, Dynamic and Energy Performance Criteria for Sprint Running. Journal Coaching Thought, 1988, vol. 5, pp. 46–52.
17. Gadev M. Kinematic Characteristic of the Maximal Speed Factor in Low-Qualified Sprinters. Journal Sport and Science, 1997, vol. 4, pp. 38–42.
18. Gadev M. Kinematic Characteristic of the Maximum Speed Factor in Highly Qualified Sprinters. Journal Sport and Science, 1998, vol. 3, pp. 24–29.
19. Gadev M., NaumovskyA., Milanova S., Ivanova G., Niagin P., Groshev O., Yordanov P. A Quantitative Approach for Studying the Sport Technique in Sprint Running.Metrology and Metrological Assurance. XXIV National Scientific Symposium with International Participation, Sozopol, Bulgaria. 2014, pp. 334–341.
20. Gadev M., Tehnika na Gladkoto Sprintovo Byagane [Technique of Smooth Sprint Running]. Sofia, Bolid Ins Publ., 2015. 176 p.
21. Harland М., Steela J. Biomechanics of the Sprint Start. Journal Sports Medicine, 1997, vol. 23, pp. 11–20.
22. Mero A., Komi P., Gregor J. Biomechanics of Sprint Running. Journal Sport Medicine, 1992, vol. 13, pp. 376–381.
23. Saculin N. Analysis of Sports Techniques. Journal Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 1996, vol. 12, pp. 78–86.
24. Schot P., Knutzen K. A Biomechanical Analysis of Four Sprint Start Positions. Journal Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 1992, vol. 63, pp. 137–147.
25. Slavchev A., Niskiyat Start [The Low Start]. Sofia, NSA Publ., 2006. 76 p.
26. Slawinski J., Dumas R., Cheze L., Ontanon G., Miller C., Mazure-Bunnefoy A. 3D Kinematik of Bunched, Medium and Elongated Sprint Start. Journal Sports Medicine, 2012, vol. 33, pp. 555–560.
27. Stoner L., Ben-Sira D. Sprinting on the Curve. Journal Terauds& G.G. Dale (Eds.), Science in Athletics, 1979, pp. 167–173.
28. Tyupa V. On the Mechanism of Interaction of Sprinters with a Support. Journal Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 1978, vol. 6, pp. 32–39.
29. Zhukov I., Priluckit B., Rapcin L. Criteria for Effective Techniques Sprinter's Run. Journal Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 1983, vol. 9, pp. 15–23.
30. Zhukov I., Shabanov B. The Effectiveness of Using Facilitating Leadership in the Preparation of Sprinters. Journal Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 1983, vol. 7, pp. 9–15.
1. Arakelyan E., Primakov Yu., Umarov A., Tyupa V. Vertical Mechanical Working in the Aspect of Running Technique Estimation. Journal Theory and practice of physical culture, 1998, vol. 2, pp. 46–48.2. Bachev V. Osnovi na Nauchnite Izsledvaniyata v Sporta. Fundamentals of Scientific Research in Sport. Sofia, BPS Publ., 2017. 309 p.
3. Bachev V., Stoyanov H., Dimitrov D., Hristov O., Zlatev B. Changes in Biomechanics of Sprint Jogging Depending on the Radius of the Curve. Journal of Sport Sciences, 2017, vol. 1, pp. 56–61.
4. Bachev V., Yordanov P., Groshev O. Criteria for Determining the Correctness of Various Methods for Research Through Motion Testing. Metrology and Metrological Assurance. XXIII National Scientific Symposium with International Participation, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2013, pp. 293–298.
5. Bachev V., Gadev M., Arakchisy Z., Traykova Bl., O. Groshev O., Yordanov P., Tatsov A. On the Ambiguity of the Digitalized Recordings of Dynamic Actions in Sport. Metrology and Metrological Assurance. XXIV National Scientific Symposium with International Participation, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2014, pp. 329–333.
6. Bachev V., Gadev M., Groshev O., Yordanov P. Metrological Aspects of Research Associated with Partial Evaluation Criteria of Sports Equipment in Sports with Speed-Power Manifestation. Journal Activities in Physical Education and Sport, 2014, vol. 2, pp. 191–193.
7. Beletsky V. Dvunogaya hodyba: modelynaye zadach i dinamiki i upravleniya [Two-Legged Walking: Model Tasks of Dynamics and Control]. Moscow, Nauca Publ., 1984. 288 p.
8. Bracic М., Supej M., Peharec S., Bacic P., Coh M. (2010) An Investigation of the Influence of Bilateral Deficit on the Counter-Movement Jump Performance in Elite Sprinters. Journal Kinesiology, 2010,vol. 1, pp. 73–81.
9. Churchill S., Salo A., Trewartha G. The Effect of the Bend on the Technique and Performance During Maximal Speed Sprinting. Journal of Sport Sciences, 2011, vol. 2, pp. 471–474.
10. Coh M., Peharec S., Bacic P., Polyclinic P. The Sprint Start Biomechanical Кinematic, Dynamic and Eletromyographic Parameters. Journal New studies in athletics, 2007, vol. 22, pp. 29–38.
11. Dimitrov D. Biomechanical Performance of Running at Maximum Speed. Journal Sport and Science, 2004, vol. 1, pp. 131–140.
12. Dimitrov D. Biomechanical Starts Acceleration Indicators. Journal Athletics and Science, 2004, vol. 1, pp. 3–10.
13. Dimitrov D. [Opportunities for Improvement of the Age Structure and Content of the Training Process in Running with Maximum and Submaximal Intensity]. National Sports Academy [DSc. Thesis]. Sofia, 2002. 280 p.
14. Dimitrov D. Biomehanichni pokazateli na starta i startovoto uskorenie v sprint ovite byaganiya [Biomechanical Startand Sprinter Acceleration Indicatorsin Sprint Run]. Sofia, Krisan-s Publ., 2013. 130 p.
15. Dimitrov D., Stoyanov H. Biomehanichen analiz na sprintovo tobyagane [Biomechanical Sprint Running Analysis]. Sofia, Tip-Top Publ., 2017. 151 p.
16. Dimitrov D., Zhukov I. Cinematic, Dynamic and Energy Performance Criteria for Sprint Running. Journal Coaching Thought, 1988, vol. 5, pp. 46–52.
17. Gadev M. Kinematic Characteristic of the Maximal Speed Factor in Low-Qualified Sprinters. Journal Sport and Science, 1997, vol. 4, pp. 38–42.
18. Gadev M. Kinematic Characteristic of the Maximum Speed Factor in Highly Qualified Sprinters. Journal Sport and Science, 1998, vol. 3, pp. 24–29.
19. Gadev M., NaumovskyA., Milanova S., Ivanova G., Niagin P., Groshev O., Yordanov P. A Quantitative Approach for Studying the Sport Technique in Sprint Running.Metrology and Metrological Assurance. XXIV National Scientific Symposium with International Participation, Sozopol, Bulgaria. 2014, pp. 334–341.
20. Gadev M., Tehnika na Gladkoto Sprintovo Byagane [Technique of Smooth Sprint Running]. Sofia, Bolid Ins Publ., 2015. 176 p.
21. Harland М., Steela J. Biomechanics of the Sprint Start. Journal Sports Medicine, 1997, vol. 23, pp. 11–20.
22. Mero A., Komi P., Gregor J. Biomechanics of Sprint Running. Journal Sport Medicine, 1992, vol. 13, pp. 376–381.
23. Saculin N. Analysis of Sports Techniques. Journal Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 1996, vol. 12, pp. 78–86.
24. Schot P., Knutzen K. A Biomechanical Analysis of Four Sprint Start Positions. Journal Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 1992, vol. 63, pp. 137–147.
25. Slavchev A., Niskiyat Start [The Low Start]. Sofia, NSA Publ., 2006. 76 p.
26. Slawinski J., Dumas R., Cheze L., Ontanon G., Miller C., Mazure-Bunnefoy A. 3D Kinematik of Bunched, Medium and Elongated Sprint Start. Journal Sports Medicine, 2012, vol. 33, pp. 555–560.
27. Stoner L., Ben-Sira D. Sprinting on the Curve. Journal Terauds& G.G. Dale (Eds.), Science in Athletics, 1979, pp. 167–173.
28. Tyupa V. On the Mechanism of Interaction of Sprinters with a Support. Journal Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 1978, vol. 6, pp. 32–39.
29. Zhukov I., Priluckit B., Rapcin L. Criteria for Effective Techniques Sprinter's Run. Journal Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 1983, vol. 9, pp. 15–23.
30. Zhukov I., Shabanov B. The Effectiveness of Using Facilitating Leadership in the Preparation of Sprinters. Journal Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, 1983, vol. 7, pp. 9–15.
Как цитировать
Бачев, В., Гадев, М., Грошев, О., Йорданов, П., & Златев, Б. (2018). АППАРАТНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ И АНАЛИЗ БИОМЕХАНИЧЕСКИХ ПОКАЗАТЕЛЕЙ СТАРТОВОГО УСКОРЕНИЯ В СПРИНТЕРСКОМ БЕГЕ. Человек. Спорт. Медицина, 18(1), 95-102. https://doi.org/10.14529/hsm180108
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