Цель. Целью исследования было определение мгновенного эффекта от ношения утяжелителей на кинематику прямого удара ногой в тхэквондо. Материалы и методы. В исследовании участвовали 24 элитных тхэквондиста. Спортсменам предстояло выполнить прямой удар ногой в четырех условиях; 1) ношение утяжелителя (WR) весом 3 % от массы тела (3WR), 2) ношение утяжелителя весом 5 % от массы тела (5WR), 3) ношение утяжелителя весом 8 % от массы тела (8WR) и 4) без утяжелителя (0WR). Кинематику движений (скорость стопы, скорость колена и максимальная высота удара ногой) анализировали во время движений как ведущей, так и неведущей ноги.
Камеры, подключенные к системам анализа движения, использовали для записи кинематики ударов ногами. Полученные данные кинематики сравнивали для разных условий выполнения ударов. Результаты. По результатам исследования установили, что только ношение утяжелителей весом 3 % от массы тела не повлияло на скорость колена и максимальную высоту удара ногой. Обнаружено, что скорость стопы значительно меняется под воздействием нагрузки, снижаясь при каждом ее увеличении. Заключение. Установлено, что ношение утяжелителей весом 3 % от массы тела подходит для тренировки тхэквондистов, поскольку при данной нагрузке спортсмены сохраняют свою техническую эффективность, стимулируя при этом адаптацию организма в долгосрочной перспективе. Требуется проведение долгосрочных исследований, чтобы определить влияние длительного ношения утяжелителей на технику прямого удара ногой.
2. Buśko K., Nikolaidis P.T. Biomechanical Characteristics of Taekwondo Athletes: Kicks and Punches vs. Laboratory Tests. Biomedical Human Kinetics, 2018, vol. 10 (1), pp. 81–88. DOI: 10.1515/bhk-2018-0013
3. Carazo-Vargas P., Moncada-Jiménez J. Reducing Training Volume During Tapering Improves Performance in Taekwondo Athletes. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2018, vol. 18 (4), pp. 2221–2229. DOI: 10.7752/jpes.2018.04334
4. Castro-Garrido N., Valderas-Maldonado C., Herrera-Valenzuela T. et al. Effects of Post-Activation Potentiation Exercises on Kicking Frequency, Fatigue Rate and Jump Performance in Taekwondo Athletes: a Case Study. Retos, 2020, vol. 38, pp. 679–683. DOI: 10.47197/retos.v38i38.76755
5. Chang W.-G., Lin K.-Y., Chu M.-Y., Chow T.-H. Differences in Pivot Leg Kinematics and Electromyography Activation in Various Round House Kicking Heights. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2021, vol. 20 (3), pp. 457–465. DOI: 10.52082/jssm.2021.457
6. da Silva A.J., Misuta M.S., Silvatti A.P. et al. Kinematical Analysis of Bandal and Dolyo Taekwondo Kicks of a High Level Female Athlete. ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive, 2011. Available at: https://ojs.ub.uni-konstanz.de/cpa/article/view/4833
7. da Silva Santos J.F., Franchini E. Frequency Speed of Kick Test Performance Comparison Between Female Taekwondo Athletes of Different Competitive Levels. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2018, vol. 32 (10), pp. 2934–2938. DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000002552
8. da Silva Santos J.F., Valenzuela T.H., Franchini E. Can Different Conditioning Activities and Rest Intervals Affect the Acute Performance of Taekwondo Turning Kick? The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2015, vol. 29(6), pp. 1640–1647. DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000000808
9. Dolcetti J.C., Cronin J.B., Macadam P., Feser E.H. Wearable Resistance Training for Speed and Agility. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 2019, vol. 41 (4), pp. 105–111. DOI: 10.1519/ SSC.0000000000000436
10. Estevan I., Álvarez O., Castillo I. Autoeficacia Percibida y Rendimiento Técnico-Táctico en Taekwondistas Universitarios. Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte, 2016, vol. 16 (2), pp. 51–64. Available at: https://revistas.um.es/cpd/article/view/264421
11. Estevan I., Alvarez O., Falco C. et al. Impact Force and Time Analysis Influenced by Execution Distance in a Roundhouse Kick to the Head in Taekwondo. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2011, vol. 25 (10), pp. 2851–2856. DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e318207ef72
12. Ferreira da Silva Santos J., Herrera-Valenzuela T., Franchini E. Establishing Frequency Speed of Kick Test Classificatory Tables in Male and Female Taekwondo Athletes. Kinesiology, 2019, vol. 51 (2), pp. 213–218. DOI: 10.26582/k.51.2.12
13. Gavagan C.J., Sayers M.G. A Biomechanical Analysis of the Roundhouse Kicking Technique of Expert Practitioners: A Comparison Between the Martial Arts Disciplines of Muay Thai, Karate, and Taekwondo. PloS One, 2017, vol. 12 (8), e0182645. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182645
14. Gillis A. A Killing Art: The Untold History of Tae Kwon Do, Updated and Revised. ECW Press, 2016.
15. Guerriero A., Varalda C., Piacentini M.F. The Role of Velocity Based Training in the Strength Periodization for Modern Athletes. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 2018, vol. 3 (4), p. 55. DOI: 10.3390/jfmk3040055
16. Haff G.G., Triplett N.T. Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning. 4th Edition. Human Kinetics, 2015.
17. Kazemi M., De Ciantis M.G., Rahman A. A Profile of the Youth Olympic Taekwondo Athlete. The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 2013, vol. 57 (4), p. 293. Availa-ble at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3845466/
18. Kim Y.-K., Kim Y.-H. Unilateral Performance Comparison for Taekwondo Kicks Between Dominant Leg and Non-Dominant Leg. Korean Journal of Sport Biomechanics, 2010, vol. 20 (2), pp. 183–189. DOI: 10.5103/KJSB.2010.20.2.183
19. Lenetsky S., Harris N., Brughelli M. Assessment and Contributors of Punching Forces in Combat Sports Athletes: Implications for Strength and Conditioning. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 2013, vol. 35 (2), pp. 1–7. DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0b013e31828b6c12
20. Macadam P., Cronin J.B., Simperingham K.D. The Effects of Wearable Resistance Training on Metabolic, Kinematic and Kinetic Variables During Walking, Running, Sprint Running and Jumping: A Systematic Review. Sports Medicine, 2017, vol. 47 (5), pp. 887–906. DOI: 10.1007/s40279-016-0622-x
21. Macadam P., Simperingham K.D., Cronin J.B. Forearm Wearable Resistance Effects on Sprint Kinematics and Kinetics. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 2019, vol. 22 (3), pp. 348–352. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsams.2018.08.012
22. McGuigan M.R., Wright G.A., Fleck S.J. Strength Training for Athletes: Does it Really Help Sports Performance? International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2012, vol. 7 (1), pp. 2–5. DOI: 10.1123/ijspp.7.1.2
23. Moir G.L., Brimmer S.M., Snyder B.W. et al. Mechanical Limitations to Sprinting and Biomechanical Solutions: a Constraints-Led Framework for the Incorporation of Resistance Training to Develop Sprinting Speed. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 2018, vol. 40 (1), pp. 47–67. DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000358
24. Moreira P.V.S., Falco C., Menegaldo L.L. et al. Are Isokinetic Leg Torques and Kick Velocity Reliable Predictors of Competitive Level in Taekwondo Athletes? PloS One, 2021, vol. 16 (6), e0235582. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0235582
25. Nadzalan A.M., Janep M., Jahizi A.A.A. et al. The Influence of Wearable Resistance Loading on Taekwondo Axe Kick Kinematics Among Elite Taekwondo Athletes. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 2021, vol. 9 (5), pp. 893–898. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2021.090509
26. O’Sullivan D., Chung C., Lee K. et al. Measurement and Comparison of Taekwondo and Yongmudo Turning Kick Impact Force for Two Target Heights. Journal of Sports Science & Med-icine, 2009, vol. 8 (CSSI3), p. 13. Available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24474880/
27. Pak İ.E., Cuğ M., Volpe S.L., Beaven C.M. The Effect of Carbohydrate and Caffeine Mouth Rinsing on Kicking Performance in Competitive Taekwondo Athletes During Ramadan. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2020, vol. 38 (7), pp. 795–800. DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2020.1735033
28. Saraiva A.R., Reis V.M., Costa P.B. et al. Chronic Effects of Different Resistance Training Exercise Orders on Flexibility in Elite Judo Athletes. Journal of Human Kinetics, 2014, vol. 40 (1), pp. 129–137. DOI: 10.2478/hukin-2014-0015
29. Singh D.K. Effect of Resistance Training and Plyometric Training on Explosive Strength in Adolescent Male Taekwondo Players. International Journal of Behavioral Social and Movement Sciences, 2012, vol. 1 (2), pp. 49–56.
30. Topal V., Ramazanoglu N., Yilmaz S. et al. The Effect of Resistance Training with Elastic Bands on Strike Force at Taekwondo. American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 2011, vol. 1, pp. 140–144.
31. Wasik J., Czarny W., Malolepszy E., Drozdek-Malolepsza T. Kinematics of Taekwon-Do front Kick. Archives of Budo Science of Martial Arts and Extreme Sports, 2015, vol. 11, pp. 23–28.
32. Wąsik J., Góra T. Impact of Target Selection on Front Kick Kinematics in Taekwondo – Pilot Study. Physical Activity Review, 2016, vol. 4, pp. 57–61. DOI: 10.16926/par.2016.04.07
1. Amaro N., Morouço P., Marques M. et al. A Systematic Review on Dry-Land Strength and Conditioning Training on Swimming Performance. Science & Sports, 2019, vol. 34 (1), pp. 1–14. DOI: 10.1016/j.scispo.2018.07.0032. Buśko K., Nikolaidis P.T. Biomechanical Characteristics of Taekwondo Athletes: Kicks and Punches vs. Laboratory Tests. Biomedical Human Kinetics, 2018, vol. 10 (1), pp. 81–88. DOI: 10.1515/bhk-2018-0013
3. Carazo-Vargas P., Moncada-Jiménez J. Reducing Training Volume During Tapering Improves Performance in Taekwondo Athletes. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2018, vol. 18 (4), pp. 2221–2229. DOI: 10.7752/jpes.2018.04334
4. Castro-Garrido N., Valderas-Maldonado C., Herrera-Valenzuela T. et al. Effects of Post-Activation Potentiation Exercises on Kicking Frequency, Fatigue Rate and Jump Performance in Taekwondo Athletes: a Case Study. Retos, 2020, vol. 38, pp. 679–683. DOI: 10.47197/retos.v38i38.76755
5. Chang W.-G., Lin K.-Y., Chu M.-Y., Chow T.-H. Differences in Pivot Leg Kinematics and Electromyography Activation in Various Round House Kicking Heights. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2021, vol. 20 (3), pp. 457–465. DOI: 10.52082/jssm.2021.457
6. da Silva A.J., Misuta M.S., Silvatti A.P. et al. Kinematical Analysis of Bandal and Dolyo Taekwondo Kicks of a High Level Female Athlete. ISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive, 2011. Available at: https://ojs.ub.uni-konstanz.de/cpa/article/view/4833
7. da Silva Santos J.F., Franchini E. Frequency Speed of Kick Test Performance Comparison Between Female Taekwondo Athletes of Different Competitive Levels. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2018, vol. 32 (10), pp. 2934–2938. DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000002552
8. da Silva Santos J.F., Valenzuela T.H., Franchini E. Can Different Conditioning Activities and Rest Intervals Affect the Acute Performance of Taekwondo Turning Kick? The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2015, vol. 29(6), pp. 1640–1647. DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000000808
9. Dolcetti J.C., Cronin J.B., Macadam P., Feser E.H. Wearable Resistance Training for Speed and Agility. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 2019, vol. 41 (4), pp. 105–111. DOI: 10.1519/ SSC.0000000000000436
10. Estevan I., Álvarez O., Castillo I. Autoeficacia Percibida y Rendimiento Técnico-Táctico en Taekwondistas Universitarios. Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte, 2016, vol. 16 (2), pp. 51–64. Available at: https://revistas.um.es/cpd/article/view/264421
11. Estevan I., Alvarez O., Falco C. et al. Impact Force and Time Analysis Influenced by Execution Distance in a Roundhouse Kick to the Head in Taekwondo. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2011, vol. 25 (10), pp. 2851–2856. DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e318207ef72
12. Ferreira da Silva Santos J., Herrera-Valenzuela T., Franchini E. Establishing Frequency Speed of Kick Test Classificatory Tables in Male and Female Taekwondo Athletes. Kinesiology, 2019, vol. 51 (2), pp. 213–218. DOI: 10.26582/k.51.2.12
13. Gavagan C.J., Sayers M.G. A Biomechanical Analysis of the Roundhouse Kicking Technique of Expert Practitioners: A Comparison Between the Martial Arts Disciplines of Muay Thai, Karate, and Taekwondo. PloS One, 2017, vol. 12 (8), e0182645. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182645
14. Gillis A. A Killing Art: The Untold History of Tae Kwon Do, Updated and Revised. ECW Press, 2016.
15. Guerriero A., Varalda C., Piacentini M.F. The Role of Velocity Based Training in the Strength Periodization for Modern Athletes. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, 2018, vol. 3 (4), p. 55. DOI: 10.3390/jfmk3040055
16. Haff G.G., Triplett N.T. Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning. 4th Edition. Human Kinetics, 2015.
17. Kazemi M., De Ciantis M.G., Rahman A. A Profile of the Youth Olympic Taekwondo Athlete. The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association, 2013, vol. 57 (4), p. 293. Availa-ble at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3845466/
18. Kim Y.-K., Kim Y.-H. Unilateral Performance Comparison for Taekwondo Kicks Between Dominant Leg and Non-Dominant Leg. Korean Journal of Sport Biomechanics, 2010, vol. 20 (2), pp. 183–189. DOI: 10.5103/KJSB.2010.20.2.183
19. Lenetsky S., Harris N., Brughelli M. Assessment and Contributors of Punching Forces in Combat Sports Athletes: Implications for Strength and Conditioning. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 2013, vol. 35 (2), pp. 1–7. DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0b013e31828b6c12
20. Macadam P., Cronin J.B., Simperingham K.D. The Effects of Wearable Resistance Training on Metabolic, Kinematic and Kinetic Variables During Walking, Running, Sprint Running and Jumping: A Systematic Review. Sports Medicine, 2017, vol. 47 (5), pp. 887–906. DOI: 10.1007/s40279-016-0622-x
21. Macadam P., Simperingham K.D., Cronin J.B. Forearm Wearable Resistance Effects on Sprint Kinematics and Kinetics. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 2019, vol. 22 (3), pp. 348–352. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsams.2018.08.012
22. McGuigan M.R., Wright G.A., Fleck S.J. Strength Training for Athletes: Does it Really Help Sports Performance? International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2012, vol. 7 (1), pp. 2–5. DOI: 10.1123/ijspp.7.1.2
23. Moir G.L., Brimmer S.M., Snyder B.W. et al. Mechanical Limitations to Sprinting and Biomechanical Solutions: a Constraints-Led Framework for the Incorporation of Resistance Training to Develop Sprinting Speed. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 2018, vol. 40 (1), pp. 47–67. DOI: 10.1519/SSC.0000000000000358
24. Moreira P.V.S., Falco C., Menegaldo L.L. et al. Are Isokinetic Leg Torques and Kick Velocity Reliable Predictors of Competitive Level in Taekwondo Athletes? PloS One, 2021, vol. 16 (6), e0235582. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0235582
25. Nadzalan A.M., Janep M., Jahizi A.A.A. et al. The Influence of Wearable Resistance Loading on Taekwondo Axe Kick Kinematics Among Elite Taekwondo Athletes. International Journal of Human Movement and Sports Sciences, 2021, vol. 9 (5), pp. 893–898. DOI: 10.13189/saj.2021.090509
26. O’Sullivan D., Chung C., Lee K. et al. Measurement and Comparison of Taekwondo and Yongmudo Turning Kick Impact Force for Two Target Heights. Journal of Sports Science & Med-icine, 2009, vol. 8 (CSSI3), p. 13. Available at: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24474880/
27. Pak İ.E., Cuğ M., Volpe S.L., Beaven C.M. The Effect of Carbohydrate and Caffeine Mouth Rinsing on Kicking Performance in Competitive Taekwondo Athletes During Ramadan. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2020, vol. 38 (7), pp. 795–800. DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2020.1735033
28. Saraiva A.R., Reis V.M., Costa P.B. et al. Chronic Effects of Different Resistance Training Exercise Orders on Flexibility in Elite Judo Athletes. Journal of Human Kinetics, 2014, vol. 40 (1), pp. 129–137. DOI: 10.2478/hukin-2014-0015
29. Singh D.K. Effect of Resistance Training and Plyometric Training on Explosive Strength in Adolescent Male Taekwondo Players. International Journal of Behavioral Social and Movement Sciences, 2012, vol. 1 (2), pp. 49–56.
30. Topal V., Ramazanoglu N., Yilmaz S. et al. The Effect of Resistance Training with Elastic Bands on Strike Force at Taekwondo. American International Journal of Contemporary Research, 2011, vol. 1, pp. 140–144.
31. Wasik J., Czarny W., Malolepszy E., Drozdek-Malolepsza T. Kinematics of Taekwon-Do front Kick. Archives of Budo Science of Martial Arts and Extreme Sports, 2015, vol. 11, pp. 23–28.
32. Wąsik J., Góra T. Impact of Target Selection on Front Kick Kinematics in Taekwondo – Pilot Study. Physical Activity Review, 2016, vol. 4, pp. 57–61. DOI: 10.16926/par.2016.04.07
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