Цель. Настоящая статья посвящена наиболее важным вопросам настольного тенниса, в том числе анализу распределения основных тенденций, авторов и учреждений, связанных с настольным теннисом в Китае, а также оптимизации изучения этого вида спорта. Материалы и методы. Источник данных. Сведения загружены из БД Китайская национальная инфраструктура знаний (CNKI), выбраны 16 ключевых спортивных журналов на 2021 год. Искомая информация извлечена по ключевому словосочетанию «настольный теннис». Документы по настольному теннису, найденные в CNKI, относятся к периоду протяженностью 20 лет (с января 2001 г. по декабрь 2020 г.). Из всей литературы отобраны 677 источников, опубликованных преимущественно в китайских спортивных журналах. Статистический анализ проводили с использованием инструмента Excel и инструмента визуального анализа VOSviewer. Результаты. C использованием рейтинга спортивных журналов получили достоверные данные по объему публикаций, актуальной тематике исследований, авторам и проблемам изучения настольного тенниса в целом. Заключение. Колледжи и университеты являются наиболее важными учреждениями с точки зрения анализа и исследования настольного тенниса, а лидерами среди них выступают Пекинский спортивный университет, Шанхайский университет спорта и так далее. По результатам исследования выявили значительные региональные различия со смещением акцентов в сторону Пекина и Шанхая при практически полном отсутствии данных из центральных и западных регионов.
2. Ding Ying, Hong Chenlu, Wu Fei. Knowledge Graph and Hotspots Trend Analysis of Chinese Table Tennis in Recent 30 Years. Journal of Shandong Sport University, 2021, no. 37 (03), pp. 111–118.
3. Gu Ruochen, Li Rongzhi, Yu Jincheng. Research Progress and Visual Analysis of Table Tennis at Home and Abroad in Recent 30 Years based on CiteSpace. Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology, 2020, no. 28 (12), pp. 1–3.
4. Li Qiumeng. Analysis of knowledge Graph of Scientific Research Status of Table Tennis in China. Sports World (Scholarly), 2015, no. 04, pp. 13–14.
5. Li Zongbin. Bibliometric and Visual Comprehensive Analysis of Tennis Research Literature in Chinese Sports Core Journals in 1992–2017. Chengdu Sport University, 2018.
6. Li Yiming. Visual Econometric Analysis of Table Tennis Scientific Research in Chinese Sports Core Journals Based on Knowledge Graph. Chengdu Sport University, 2018.
7. Wang Tong. Evolution Analysis of Research Hotspots of Table Tennis in China in the New Era – Visual Analysis based on CiteSpace V. Research on Innovation of Ice Snow Sports, 2021, no. 04, pp. 153–154.
8. Liu Wenming, Tang Jianjun. Nash Equilibrium of Sequential Action Game in Table Tennis. Journal of Beijing Sport University, 2015, no. 38 (7), pp. 140–144.
9. Pu Yijiang. Knowledge Graph Analysis of Table Tennis Research in Chinese Sports Core Journals in 2010–2019. Sports Vision, 2020, no. 05, pp. 34–35.
10. Zhai Haisong. Knowledge Graph Analysis of Table Tennis Technical and Tactical Analysis in China. Shanxi University, 2018.
11. Zeng Dashuai. Visual Analysis of Table Tennis Scientific Research Papers in Colleges and Universities in China based on Knowledge Graph. Chengdu Sport University, 2019.
12. Zhong Fei, Li Rongzhi, Zhang Yuanyue. Research Hotspots and Evolution of Table Tennis at Home and Abroad. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2017, no. 41 (05), pp. 82–89.
13. Wang Tong. Evolution Analysis of Research Hotspots of Table Tennis in China in the New Era – Visual Analysis based on CiteSpace V. Research on Innovation of Ice Snow Sports, 2021, no. 04, pp. 153–154.
14. Wang Zhen, Liang Qinchao, Li Lin. Critical Reflection on the Frequent Revision of Rules by the International Table Tennis Federation. Journal of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, 2020, no. 54(10), pp. 88–94.
15. Wang Zihui, Zhang Yingqiu. Research Progress and Hotspots of Table Tennis Journals at Home and Abroad. Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology, 2021, no. 29(04), pp. 193–198.
1. Cao Aibin, Jia Jianxue. Econometric Analysis of Core Journals of Table Tennis Research in China Based on Knowledge Graph. Journal of Jilin Institute of Physical Education, 2017, no. 33 (04), pp. 25–32.2. Ding Ying, Hong Chenlu, Wu Fei. Knowledge Graph and Hotspots Trend Analysis of Chinese Table Tennis in Recent 30 Years. Journal of Shandong Sport University, 2021, no. 37 (03), pp. 111–118.
3. Gu Ruochen, Li Rongzhi, Yu Jincheng. Research Progress and Visual Analysis of Table Tennis at Home and Abroad in Recent 30 Years based on CiteSpace. Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology, 2020, no. 28 (12), pp. 1–3.
4. Li Qiumeng. Analysis of knowledge Graph of Scientific Research Status of Table Tennis in China. Sports World (Scholarly), 2015, no. 04, pp. 13–14.
5. Li Zongbin. Bibliometric and Visual Comprehensive Analysis of Tennis Research Literature in Chinese Sports Core Journals in 1992–2017. Chengdu Sport University, 2018.
6. Li Yiming. Visual Econometric Analysis of Table Tennis Scientific Research in Chinese Sports Core Journals Based on Knowledge Graph. Chengdu Sport University, 2018.
7. Wang Tong. Evolution Analysis of Research Hotspots of Table Tennis in China in the New Era – Visual Analysis based on CiteSpace V. Research on Innovation of Ice Snow Sports, 2021, no. 04, pp. 153–154.
8. Liu Wenming, Tang Jianjun. Nash Equilibrium of Sequential Action Game in Table Tennis. Journal of Beijing Sport University, 2015, no. 38 (7), pp. 140–144.
9. Pu Yijiang. Knowledge Graph Analysis of Table Tennis Research in Chinese Sports Core Journals in 2010–2019. Sports Vision, 2020, no. 05, pp. 34–35.
10. Zhai Haisong. Knowledge Graph Analysis of Table Tennis Technical and Tactical Analysis in China. Shanxi University, 2018.
11. Zeng Dashuai. Visual Analysis of Table Tennis Scientific Research Papers in Colleges and Universities in China based on Knowledge Graph. Chengdu Sport University, 2019.
12. Zhong Fei, Li Rongzhi, Zhang Yuanyue. Research Hotspots and Evolution of Table Tennis at Home and Abroad. Journal of Shanghai University of Sport, 2017, no. 41 (05), pp. 82–89.
13. Wang Tong. Evolution Analysis of Research Hotspots of Table Tennis in China in the New Era – Visual Analysis based on CiteSpace V. Research on Innovation of Ice Snow Sports, 2021, no. 04, pp. 153–154.
14. Wang Zhen, Liang Qinchao, Li Lin. Critical Reflection on the Frequent Revision of Rules by the International Table Tennis Federation. Journal of Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, 2020, no. 54(10), pp. 88–94.
15. Wang Zihui, Zhang Yingqiu. Research Progress and Hotspots of Table Tennis Journals at Home and Abroad. Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology, 2021, no. 29(04), pp. 193–198.
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