Ключевые слова:
Студенты, режим физической активности, учебный курс «Здоровый образ жизни»
Цель. Расширение знаний относительно влияния отдельных элементов курса здорового образа жизни, использованных в рамках уроков физической культуры, на изменения в режиме выполнения физических упражнений учениками старшей школы. Материалы и методы. Экспериментальная выборка состояла из учеников общеобразовательной школы (школа с восьмилетним обучением) (n = 23), контрольная группа также включала в себя учеников общеобразовательной школы (школа с четырехлетним обучением) (n = 26). В исследовании приняли участие ученики, средний возраст которых 15,5 ± 0,5 года, из них в экспериментальной группе 17 мальчиков, 6 девочек, в контрольной группе – 16 мальчиков, 10 девочек. Педагогический эксперимент проводился в школе г. Новаки с 28.04.2017 по 27.06.2017. Для получения необходимых данных мы использовали нестандартный анонимный опросник, состоящий из сопроводительного текста, информации о целях исследования, раздела для сбора персональных данных (рост, вес, пол, возраст, проблемы со здоровьем), вопросов относительно здорового образа жизни и объема выполняемой физической нагрузки учениками. Опросники были разосланы и заполнены участниками групп до и после эксперимента. Полученные данные были оценены с использованием критерия хи-квадрат с выраженной корреляцией на уровне 1 и 5 % статистической значимости. Результаты. Применение экспериментальной образовательной программы, состоящей из избранных компонентов, продемонстрировало, что краткосрочный период теоретического обучения доказал свою эффективность, что проявилось в увеличении числа школьников с повышенной частотой физической активности и изменении в количестве движений в выполняемых упражнениях. Как мальчики, так и девочки продемонстрировали статистически значимую разницу между знаниями о важности физической активности и их применением в повседневной жизни (девочки, входные/выходные данные: критерий хи-квадрат = 20,96/16,96 p ? 0,01; мальчики, входные/выходные данные: критерий хиквадрат = 7,88 p ? 0,05/12,71 p ? 0,01). Выводы. Данное исследование продемонстрировало результаты использования избранных компонентов учебного курса здорового образа жизни во время уроков физической культуры, направленных на изменение режима физической активности школьников.Литература
1. Aghyppo A., Tkachow S., Orlenko O. Role of Physical Education on the Formation of a Healthy Lifestyle Outside of School Hours. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, no. 16 (2), pp. 335–339.
2. Antala B. School Physical Education Development during Last Two Decades – from Performance to Health Oriented Physical Education Curriculum. Contemporary Kinesiology, 2012, pp. 42–56.
3. Barnett T.A., et al. School Opportunities and Physical Activity Frequency in nie Year Old Children. International Jurnal of Public Health, 2009, no. 54 (3), pp. 150–157.
4. Bacsne B.E. Sportszervezetek Mukodesi Kereteinek Valtozasa. Kozep-Europai Kozlemenyek VIII., 2015, no. 1 (28), pp. 151–161.
5. Madarasz T., Bacsne B.E. Survey on the Employees’ Fitness Condition and the Employers’ Health Preservation Possibilities in Case of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Sea: Practical Application of Science IV, 2016, no. 2 (11), pp. 205–212.
6. Bendikova E. Lifestyle, Physical and Sports Education and Health Benefits of Physical Activity. European Researcher, 2014, no. 69 (2–2), pp. 343–348.
7. Bendikova E. Curricular Transformation of Education in the Field of Physical and Sport Education in Slovakia. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2016, no. 18 (4), pp. 410–417.
8. Bendikova E., Dobay B. Physical and Sport Education as a Tool for Development of a Positive Attitude Toward Health and Physicalactivity in Adult Hood. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2017, no. 6(1), pp. 14–21.
9. Biddle S.J., Asare M. Physical Activity and Mental Health in Children and Adolescents: A Review of Reviews. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2011, no. 45(11), pp. 886–895.
10. Boreham C., Riddoch Ch. The Physical Activity, Fitness and Health of Children. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2001, no. 19 (12), pp. 915–929.
11. Brodani J. Sport Activity Level and the Life Quality of Adolescents. Acta Universitatis Matthiae Belii, Physical Education and Sport, 2012, no. 4 (1), pp. 33–41.
12. CDC. Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance: United States. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 2011, no. 61 (4), pp. 1–162.
13. Cohen B.E., Panguluri P., Na B., et al. Psychological Risk Factors and the Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease: Findings From the Heart and Soul Study. Psychiatry Res., 2010, no. 175 (1–2), pp. 133–137.
14. Hemmingsson E., Ekelund U. Is the Association Between Physical Activity and Body Mass Index Obezity Dependent? J. Obes., 2007, no. 31(4), pp. 663–668.
15. Ihasz F., Rikk J. Egeszsegfejlesztes. Gyor: Szerzoikiadas. 2010.
16. Da Costa C.E., Hirota V.B., De Marco A. Motivational Goals Orientation in Physical Education Classes of Elementary Education. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2015, no. 15 (2), pp. 167–171.
17. Dobay B. Az Iskolai Sporttanfolyamok Motivacios Hatasa a Felnottkori Rekreacios Sporttevekenysegekre Del-Szlovakiaban. Komarom: Kompress. 2015. 90 p.
18. Fyodorov A., Erlikh V. Health Behave Oral Factors in Modern Adolescents. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, no. 16 (1), pp. 109–112.
19. Havziu B., RamadaniRasimi T. Leisure Time for Secondary School Students. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, 2015, no. 3 (1).
20. Hidvegi P., Biro M., Muller A., Vaczi P. Testnevelesi Program a Munkahelyi Egeszsegfejlesztesben. [Physical Health Promotion Programs in the Workplace]. Acta Academiae Agriensisi Sectio Sport, XLIV(91), 2017, no. 103.
21. Holzweg M., Ho W.K.Y., Antala B., Benn T., Dinold M., D?Amico R.L., Saunders J., Bumm K. Sharing Global Voices: Perceptions of Physical Education and School Sport Worldwide. International Journal of Physical Education, 2013, no. 50 (3), pp. 29–39.
22. Kurkova P., Nemcek D. Attitudes of Students with Disabilities Towards Physical Education Lessons: Reasons for Their Indifference and Preference for Leisure Time Activities. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, no. 16 (1), pp. 222–229.
23. Kurkova P., Scheetz N.A., Stelzer J. Health and Physical Education as an Important Part of School Curricula: A Comparison of Schools for the Deaf in the Czech Republic and the United States. American Annals of the Deaf, 2010, no. 155 (1), pp. 78–87.
24. Labudova J., Nemcek D. Knowledge About Liquid Regime as a Basis to Educational Module in Primary School Pupils. Telesna Vychova a Sport, 2009, no. 19 (1), pp. 10–13.
25. Lubkowska W., Troszczynski J. Proba Weryfikacji Aktywnosci Ruchowej Jako Kryterium Oceny Postawy Ciala Dziewczat i Chlopcow w Wieku 7–15 Lat. ZeszytyNaukowe, 2011, no. 631 (27), pp. 27–40.
26. Lubkowska W., Zdeb T., Mroczek B. Assessment of Physiological Spine Curvature in Girls Who Trained Competitive Swimming Versus Non-Swimming Girls. Family Medicine & Primary Care Review, no. 17 (3), pp. 189–192.
27. Mitova S. Frequency and Prevalence of Postural Disorders and Spinal Deformities in Children of Primary School Age. Research in Kinesiology, 2015, no. 43 (1), pp. 21–24.
28. Move for Health. Programmes and Projects, 2013 (accessed at: www.who.int/moveforhealth/en).
29. Muller A., Konyves E., Varhelyi T., Mondok A. Uj utakon a testnevel?tanarkepzes Egerben – A sportszakos Hallgatok Utazasi Szokasainak, es a Sita Boroza Skin Alati Elemeivel Valo Elegedettsegenek Vizsgalata. Economica, 2008, no. 1, pp. 85–95.
30. Novotna B., Slovakova M. The Current Problem of School Children – Lack of Physical Activity. European Researcher, 2016, no. 16 (4), pp. 231–238.
31. Petersen S., Brulin C., Bergstrom E. Recurrent Pain Symptoms in Young Schoolchildren are Often Multiple. Pain, 2006, no. 121 (1), pp. 145–150.
32. Rozim R., Marko M. Motivacne Aktivity vo Vyucovani Telesnej Vychovy u Studentov Strednych Skol v Zilinskom Regione. [Motivation Activities in Teaching Physical Education for Students of Secondary Schools in the Zilinsky Region]. Pohyb a Kvalitazivota. Nitra: Equilibria, s.r.o., 2015, pp. 96–105.
33. Silva P. et al. Physical Activity in High School During ‘Free-Time’ Periods. European Physical Education Review, 2014, no. 21 (2), pp. 135–148.
34. Soares J., Antunnes H., Van Den Tillaar R. A Comparison Between Boys and Girl About the Motives for the Participation in School Sport. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2013, no. 13 (3), pp. 303–307.
35. Szokol I. Education al Evaluation in Contemporary Schools. Szeged: Belvedere Meridionale, 2016. 159 p.
36. Uvinha R.R., Velardi M. Physical Education in Brazil: Trends and Practical Intervention. Chin, M.K.; Edginton, C.R. (Eds.). Physical Education and Health: Global Perspectives and Best Practice. Urbana, IL: Sagamore, 2014, no. 1, pp. 69–80.
37. Zukowska H., Szark M. Sprawnosc Fizyczna Jako Przejaw Zdrowia Pozytywnego. [Physical Fitness as a Manifestation of Positive Health]. Health Aspects of Physical Activity, 2010, pp. 613–624.
38. Szark-Eckardt M., Pasek M.M. Attitudes to Various areas of Physical Culture in View of Indoor and Outdoor Physical Education Lessons. Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 2017, no. 7 (2), pp. 276–285.
2. Antala B. School Physical Education Development during Last Two Decades – from Performance to Health Oriented Physical Education Curriculum. Contemporary Kinesiology, 2012, pp. 42–56.
3. Barnett T.A., et al. School Opportunities and Physical Activity Frequency in nie Year Old Children. International Jurnal of Public Health, 2009, no. 54 (3), pp. 150–157.
4. Bacsne B.E. Sportszervezetek Mukodesi Kereteinek Valtozasa. Kozep-Europai Kozlemenyek VIII., 2015, no. 1 (28), pp. 151–161.
5. Madarasz T., Bacsne B.E. Survey on the Employees’ Fitness Condition and the Employers’ Health Preservation Possibilities in Case of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Sea: Practical Application of Science IV, 2016, no. 2 (11), pp. 205–212.
6. Bendikova E. Lifestyle, Physical and Sports Education and Health Benefits of Physical Activity. European Researcher, 2014, no. 69 (2–2), pp. 343–348.
7. Bendikova E. Curricular Transformation of Education in the Field of Physical and Sport Education in Slovakia. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2016, no. 18 (4), pp. 410–417.
8. Bendikova E., Dobay B. Physical and Sport Education as a Tool for Development of a Positive Attitude Toward Health and Physicalactivity in Adult Hood. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2017, no. 6(1), pp. 14–21.
9. Biddle S.J., Asare M. Physical Activity and Mental Health in Children and Adolescents: A Review of Reviews. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2011, no. 45(11), pp. 886–895.
10. Boreham C., Riddoch Ch. The Physical Activity, Fitness and Health of Children. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2001, no. 19 (12), pp. 915–929.
11. Brodani J. Sport Activity Level and the Life Quality of Adolescents. Acta Universitatis Matthiae Belii, Physical Education and Sport, 2012, no. 4 (1), pp. 33–41.
12. CDC. Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance: United States. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 2011, no. 61 (4), pp. 1–162.
13. Cohen B.E., Panguluri P., Na B., et al. Psychological Risk Factors and the Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease: Findings From the Heart and Soul Study. Psychiatry Res., 2010, no. 175 (1–2), pp. 133–137.
14. Hemmingsson E., Ekelund U. Is the Association Between Physical Activity and Body Mass Index Obezity Dependent? J. Obes., 2007, no. 31(4), pp. 663–668.
15. Ihasz F., Rikk J. Egeszsegfejlesztes. Gyor: Szerzoikiadas. 2010.
16. Da Costa C.E., Hirota V.B., De Marco A. Motivational Goals Orientation in Physical Education Classes of Elementary Education. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2015, no. 15 (2), pp. 167–171.
17. Dobay B. Az Iskolai Sporttanfolyamok Motivacios Hatasa a Felnottkori Rekreacios Sporttevekenysegekre Del-Szlovakiaban. Komarom: Kompress. 2015. 90 p.
18. Fyodorov A., Erlikh V. Health Behave Oral Factors in Modern Adolescents. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, no. 16 (1), pp. 109–112.
19. Havziu B., RamadaniRasimi T. Leisure Time for Secondary School Students. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, 2015, no. 3 (1).
20. Hidvegi P., Biro M., Muller A., Vaczi P. Testnevelesi Program a Munkahelyi Egeszsegfejlesztesben. [Physical Health Promotion Programs in the Workplace]. Acta Academiae Agriensisi Sectio Sport, XLIV(91), 2017, no. 103.
21. Holzweg M., Ho W.K.Y., Antala B., Benn T., Dinold M., D?Amico R.L., Saunders J., Bumm K. Sharing Global Voices: Perceptions of Physical Education and School Sport Worldwide. International Journal of Physical Education, 2013, no. 50 (3), pp. 29–39.
22. Kurkova P., Nemcek D. Attitudes of Students with Disabilities Towards Physical Education Lessons: Reasons for Their Indifference and Preference for Leisure Time Activities. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, no. 16 (1), pp. 222–229.
23. Kurkova P., Scheetz N.A., Stelzer J. Health and Physical Education as an Important Part of School Curricula: A Comparison of Schools for the Deaf in the Czech Republic and the United States. American Annals of the Deaf, 2010, no. 155 (1), pp. 78–87.
24. Labudova J., Nemcek D. Knowledge About Liquid Regime as a Basis to Educational Module in Primary School Pupils. Telesna Vychova a Sport, 2009, no. 19 (1), pp. 10–13.
25. Lubkowska W., Troszczynski J. Proba Weryfikacji Aktywnosci Ruchowej Jako Kryterium Oceny Postawy Ciala Dziewczat i Chlopcow w Wieku 7–15 Lat. ZeszytyNaukowe, 2011, no. 631 (27), pp. 27–40.
26. Lubkowska W., Zdeb T., Mroczek B. Assessment of Physiological Spine Curvature in Girls Who Trained Competitive Swimming Versus Non-Swimming Girls. Family Medicine & Primary Care Review, no. 17 (3), pp. 189–192.
27. Mitova S. Frequency and Prevalence of Postural Disorders and Spinal Deformities in Children of Primary School Age. Research in Kinesiology, 2015, no. 43 (1), pp. 21–24.
28. Move for Health. Programmes and Projects, 2013 (accessed at: www.who.int/moveforhealth/en).
29. Muller A., Konyves E., Varhelyi T., Mondok A. Uj utakon a testnevel?tanarkepzes Egerben – A sportszakos Hallgatok Utazasi Szokasainak, es a Sita Boroza Skin Alati Elemeivel Valo Elegedettsegenek Vizsgalata. Economica, 2008, no. 1, pp. 85–95.
30. Novotna B., Slovakova M. The Current Problem of School Children – Lack of Physical Activity. European Researcher, 2016, no. 16 (4), pp. 231–238.
31. Petersen S., Brulin C., Bergstrom E. Recurrent Pain Symptoms in Young Schoolchildren are Often Multiple. Pain, 2006, no. 121 (1), pp. 145–150.
32. Rozim R., Marko M. Motivacne Aktivity vo Vyucovani Telesnej Vychovy u Studentov Strednych Skol v Zilinskom Regione. [Motivation Activities in Teaching Physical Education for Students of Secondary Schools in the Zilinsky Region]. Pohyb a Kvalitazivota. Nitra: Equilibria, s.r.o., 2015, pp. 96–105.
33. Silva P. et al. Physical Activity in High School During ‘Free-Time’ Periods. European Physical Education Review, 2014, no. 21 (2), pp. 135–148.
34. Soares J., Antunnes H., Van Den Tillaar R. A Comparison Between Boys and Girl About the Motives for the Participation in School Sport. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2013, no. 13 (3), pp. 303–307.
35. Szokol I. Education al Evaluation in Contemporary Schools. Szeged: Belvedere Meridionale, 2016. 159 p.
36. Uvinha R.R., Velardi M. Physical Education in Brazil: Trends and Practical Intervention. Chin, M.K.; Edginton, C.R. (Eds.). Physical Education and Health: Global Perspectives and Best Practice. Urbana, IL: Sagamore, 2014, no. 1, pp. 69–80.
37. Zukowska H., Szark M. Sprawnosc Fizyczna Jako Przejaw Zdrowia Pozytywnego. [Physical Fitness as a Manifestation of Positive Health]. Health Aspects of Physical Activity, 2010, pp. 613–624.
38. Szark-Eckardt M., Pasek M.M. Attitudes to Various areas of Physical Culture in View of Indoor and Outdoor Physical Education Lessons. Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 2017, no. 7 (2), pp. 276–285.
2. Antala B. School Physical Education Development during Last Two Decades – from Performance to Health Oriented Physical Education Curriculum. Contemporary Kinesiology, 2012, pp. 42–56.
3. Barnett T.A., et al. School Opportunities and Physical Activity Frequency in nie Year Old Children. International Jurnal of Public Health, 2009, no. 54 (3), pp. 150–157.
4. Bacsne B.E. Sportszervezetek Mukodesi Kereteinek Valtozasa. Kozep-Europai Kozlemenyek VIII., 2015, no. 1 (28), pp. 151–161.
5. Madarasz T., Bacsne B.E. Survey on the Employees’ Fitness Condition and the Employers’ Health Preservation Possibilities in Case of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Sea: Practical Application of Science IV, 2016, no. 2 (11), pp. 205–212.
6. Bendikova E. Lifestyle, Physical and Sports Education and Health Benefits of Physical Activity. European Researcher, 2014, no. 69 (2–2), pp. 343–348.
7. Bendikova E. Curricular Transformation of Education in the Field of Physical and Sport Education in Slovakia. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2016, no. 18 (4), pp. 410–417.
8. Bendikova E., Dobay B. Physical and Sport Education as a Tool for Development of a Positive Attitude Toward Health and Physicalactivity in Adult Hood. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2017, no. 6(1), pp. 14–21.
9. Biddle S.J., Asare M. Physical Activity and Mental Health in Children and Adolescents: A Review of Reviews. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2011, no. 45(11), pp. 886–895.
10. Boreham C., Riddoch Ch. The Physical Activity, Fitness and Health of Children. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2001, no. 19 (12), pp. 915–929.
11. Brodani J. Sport Activity Level and the Life Quality of Adolescents. Acta Universitatis Matthiae Belii, Physical Education and Sport, 2012, no. 4 (1), pp. 33–41.
12. CDC. Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance: United States. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 2011, no. 61 (4), pp. 1–162.
13. Cohen B.E., Panguluri P., Na B., et al. Psychological Risk Factors and the Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease: Findings From the Heart and Soul Study. Psychiatry Res., 2010, no. 175 (1–2), pp. 133–137.
14. Hemmingsson E., Ekelund U. Is the Association Between Physical Activity and Body Mass Index Obezity Dependent? J. Obes., 2007, no. 31(4), pp. 663–668.
15. Ihasz F., Rikk J. Egeszsegfejlesztes. Gyor: Szerzoikiadas. 2010.
16. Da Costa C.E., Hirota V.B., De Marco A. Motivational Goals Orientation in Physical Education Classes of Elementary Education. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2015, no. 15 (2), pp. 167–171.
17. Dobay B. Az Iskolai Sporttanfolyamok Motivacios Hatasa a Felnottkori Rekreacios Sporttevekenysegekre Del-Szlovakiaban. Komarom: Kompress. 2015. 90 p.
18. Fyodorov A., Erlikh V. Health Behave Oral Factors in Modern Adolescents. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, no. 16 (1), pp. 109–112.
19. Havziu B., RamadaniRasimi T. Leisure Time for Secondary School Students. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, 2015, no. 3 (1).
20. Hidvegi P., Biro M., Muller A., Vaczi P. Testnevelesi Program a Munkahelyi Egeszsegfejlesztesben. [Physical Health Promotion Programs in the Workplace]. Acta Academiae Agriensisi Sectio Sport, XLIV(91), 2017, no. 103.
21. Holzweg M., Ho W.K.Y., Antala B., Benn T., Dinold M., D?Amico R.L., Saunders J., Bumm K. Sharing Global Voices: Perceptions of Physical Education and School Sport Worldwide. International Journal of Physical Education, 2013, no. 50 (3), pp. 29–39.
22. Kurkova P., Nemcek D. Attitudes of Students with Disabilities Towards Physical Education Lessons: Reasons for Their Indifference and Preference for Leisure Time Activities. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, no. 16 (1), pp. 222–229.
23. Kurkova P., Scheetz N.A., Stelzer J. Health and Physical Education as an Important Part of School Curricula: A Comparison of Schools for the Deaf in the Czech Republic and the United States. American Annals of the Deaf, 2010, no. 155 (1), pp. 78–87.
24. Labudova J., Nemcek D. Knowledge About Liquid Regime as a Basis to Educational Module in Primary School Pupils. Telesna Vychova a Sport, 2009, no. 19 (1), pp. 10–13.
25. Lubkowska W., Troszczynski J. Proba Weryfikacji Aktywnosci Ruchowej Jako Kryterium Oceny Postawy Ciala Dziewczat i Chlopcow w Wieku 7–15 Lat. ZeszytyNaukowe, 2011, no. 631 (27), pp. 27–40.
26. Lubkowska W., Zdeb T., Mroczek B. Assessment of Physiological Spine Curvature in Girls Who Trained Competitive Swimming Versus Non-Swimming Girls. Family Medicine & Primary Care Review, no. 17 (3), pp. 189–192.
27. Mitova S. Frequency and Prevalence of Postural Disorders and Spinal Deformities in Children of Primary School Age. Research in Kinesiology, 2015, no. 43 (1), pp. 21–24.
28. Move for Health. Programmes and Projects, 2013 (accessed at: www.who.int/moveforhealth/en).
29. Muller A., Konyves E., Varhelyi T., Mondok A. Uj utakon a testnevel?tanarkepzes Egerben – A sportszakos Hallgatok Utazasi Szokasainak, es a Sita Boroza Skin Alati Elemeivel Valo Elegedettsegenek Vizsgalata. Economica, 2008, no. 1, pp. 85–95.
30. Novotna B., Slovakova M. The Current Problem of School Children – Lack of Physical Activity. European Researcher, 2016, no. 16 (4), pp. 231–238.
31. Petersen S., Brulin C., Bergstrom E. Recurrent Pain Symptoms in Young Schoolchildren are Often Multiple. Pain, 2006, no. 121 (1), pp. 145–150.
32. Rozim R., Marko M. Motivacne Aktivity vo Vyucovani Telesnej Vychovy u Studentov Strednych Skol v Zilinskom Regione. [Motivation Activities in Teaching Physical Education for Students of Secondary Schools in the Zilinsky Region]. Pohyb a Kvalitazivota. Nitra: Equilibria, s.r.o., 2015, pp. 96–105.
33. Silva P. et al. Physical Activity in High School During ‘Free-Time’ Periods. European Physical Education Review, 2014, no. 21 (2), pp. 135–148.
34. Soares J., Antunnes H., Van Den Tillaar R. A Comparison Between Boys and Girl About the Motives for the Participation in School Sport. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2013, no. 13 (3), pp. 303–307.
35. Szokol I. Education al Evaluation in Contemporary Schools. Szeged: Belvedere Meridionale, 2016. 159 p.
36. Uvinha R.R., Velardi M. Physical Education in Brazil: Trends and Practical Intervention. Chin, M.K.; Edginton, C.R. (Eds.). Physical Education and Health: Global Perspectives and Best Practice. Urbana, IL: Sagamore, 2014, no. 1, pp. 69–80.
37. Zukowska H., Szark M. Sprawnosc Fizyczna Jako Przejaw Zdrowia Pozytywnego. [Physical Fitness as a Manifestation of Positive Health]. Health Aspects of Physical Activity, 2010, pp. 613–624.
38. Szark-Eckardt M., Pasek M.M. Attitudes to Various areas of Physical Culture in View of Indoor and Outdoor Physical Education Lessons. Journal of Education, Health and Sport, 2017, no. 7 (2), pp. 276–285.
1. Aghyppo A., Tkachow S., Orlenko O. Role of Physical Education on the Formation of a Healthy Lifestyle Outside of School Hours. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, no. 16 (2), pp. 335–339.2. Antala B. School Physical Education Development during Last Two Decades – from Performance to Health Oriented Physical Education Curriculum. Contemporary Kinesiology, 2012, pp. 42–56.
3. Barnett T.A., et al. School Opportunities and Physical Activity Frequency in nie Year Old Children. International Jurnal of Public Health, 2009, no. 54 (3), pp. 150–157.
4. Bacsne B.E. Sportszervezetek Mukodesi Kereteinek Valtozasa. Kozep-Europai Kozlemenyek VIII., 2015, no. 1 (28), pp. 151–161.
5. Madarasz T., Bacsne B.E. Survey on the Employees’ Fitness Condition and the Employers’ Health Preservation Possibilities in Case of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Sea: Practical Application of Science IV, 2016, no. 2 (11), pp. 205–212.
6. Bendikova E. Lifestyle, Physical and Sports Education and Health Benefits of Physical Activity. European Researcher, 2014, no. 69 (2–2), pp. 343–348.
7. Bendikova E. Curricular Transformation of Education in the Field of Physical and Sport Education in Slovakia. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2016, no. 18 (4), pp. 410–417.
8. Bendikova E., Dobay B. Physical and Sport Education as a Tool for Development of a Positive Attitude Toward Health and Physicalactivity in Adult Hood. European Journal of Contemporary Education, 2017, no. 6(1), pp. 14–21.
9. Biddle S.J., Asare M. Physical Activity and Mental Health in Children and Adolescents: A Review of Reviews. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2011, no. 45(11), pp. 886–895.
10. Boreham C., Riddoch Ch. The Physical Activity, Fitness and Health of Children. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2001, no. 19 (12), pp. 915–929.
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Как цитировать
Бендикова, Е., & Смоленьакова, Н. (2018). ИЗМЕНЕНИЯ В РЕЖИМЕ ФИЗИЧЕСКОЙ АКТИВНОСТИ ПОД ВЛИЯНИЕМ КУРСА ЗДОРОВОГО ОБРАЗА ЖИЗНИ. Человек. Спорт. Медицина, 18(S), 64-72. https://doi.org/10.14529/hsm18s09
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