Ключевые слова:
Единоборства, тренировочные воздействия, равновесие, баланс тела, тесты, устойчивость, молодые атлеты
Цель. Поиск эффективных методик развития координационных способностей и сохранения баланса тела молодых и начинающих борцов самбо. Материал и методы. Участники исследований – 28 молодых борцов самбо (11–12 лет). Весовые категории атлетов: 46 и 50 кг. Длительность исследований – 1 год. В методику тренировок борцов экспериментальной группы были включены комплексы упражнений, способствующих развитию координационных способностей и сохранению баланса тела юных борцов. Время выполнения данных упражнений (не менее 20 минут на каждом занятии). Для оценки способности сохранения баланса тела в статических и динамических условиях применялись тесты: Аист, сохранение баланса на неустойчивой поверхности (Доска), двигательный тест с кувырками, выполнение некоторых приемов борьбы (бросок подхватом под одну ногу). Статистический анализ результатов проводился с помощью Mann–Whitney U-test. Результаты. В результатах тестов Аист и Доска не было выявлено значимого преимущества борцов какой-либо группы. В тестах с динамическим воздействием (кувырки, броски) выявлено достоверное (Р < 0,01) различие в результатах в пользу самбистов экспериментальной группы. Заключение. Исследования показывают, что целенаправленные тренировочные воздействия способны оказать значительное влияние на развитие способности сохранения динамического баланса тела молодых борцов самбо. Для достижения положительных результатов необходимы ежедневные тренировочные сессии длительностью не менее 20 минут.Литература
1. Горская, И.Ю. Оценка координационной подготовленности в спорте / И.Ю. Горская // Теория и практика физ. культуры. – 2010. – № 7. – С. 34–37.
2. Завьялов, Д.А. Акробатическая подготовка в тренировочном процессе борцов самбо / Д.А. Завьялов, А.Н. Заремба // Сибир. пед. журнал. – 2012. – № 1. – С. 246–252.
3. Особенности постуральной устойчивости у борцов начальной спортивной подготовки разных стилей / Р.Ю. Николаев, А.А. Мельников, С.Ю. Матавкин, Ю.А. Маслова // Журнал мед.-биол. исследований. – 2016. – № 3. – С. 37–44.
4. Осипов, А.Ю. Формирование технических действий начинающих самбистов / А.Ю. Осипов, В.М. Гуралев, В.М. Дворкин // Вестник КГПУ им. В.П. Астафьева. – 2012. – № 2, Т. 20. – С. 111–116.
5. Филин, С.А. Методика двигательно-координационной подготовки юных самбистов на этапе начальной спортивной специализации / С.А. Филин // Вестник спортивной науки. – 2013. – № 1. – С. 64–66.
6. Analysis of martial arts athletes’ goniometric indicators / L. Podrigalo, A. Volodchenko, O. Rovnaya, et al. // Physical education of students. – 2017. – № 21 (4). – P. 182–188. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2017.0406
7. Anthropometrical profile and bio-motor abilities of young elite wrestlers / A. Rahmat, D. Arsalan, M. Bahman, et al. // Physical education of students. – 2016. – № 20 (6). – P. 63–69. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2016.0608
8. Assessment of the impact of regular judo practice on body posture, balance, and lower limbs mechanical output in six-year-old boys / R. Walaszek, S. Sterkowicz, W. Chwala, et al. // Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. – 2017. – № 57 (12). – P. 1579–1589. DOI: 10.23736/S0022-4707.16.06602-0
9. Coordination training of sportsmen, specializing in sport kinds of gymnastic / I. Tereshchenko, A. Otsupok, S. Krupenya, et al. // Physical Education of Students. – 2015. – № 19 (3). – P. 52–65. – DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2015.0307
10. Correlation of different factors of balance and the quality of realization of movement techniques in aikido / S. Milosavljevic, D. Matavulj, N. Trunic, et al. // Archives of Budo. – 2016. – № 12. – P. 77–84.
11. Correlation of factorial weights of separate motor coordination structure indicators, which characterize motor function level of different age groups’ schoolchildren / O. Baginska // Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports. – 2017. – № 3. – P. 100–104. DOI: 10.15561/18189172.2017.0301
12. Development of the ability to maintain body balance in young athletes 12–13 years practicing judo / A. Osipov, M. Kudryavtsev, S. Iermakov, et al. // Archives of Budo. Science of Martial Arts and Extreme Sports. – 2018. – № 14.
13. Influence of maximal anaerobic performance on body posture stability in elite senior and junior male judo athletes / L. Mala, T. Maly, F. Zahalka // Archives of Budo. – 2016. – № 12. – P. 117–124.
14. Methodic of girl students’ professionally significant coordination qualities’ perfection at physical education classes / A. Kolumbet // Physical Education of Students. – 2016. – № 4. – P. 35–43. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2016.0404
15. Original methods and tools used for studies on the body balance disturbation tolerance skills of the Polish judo athletes from 1976 to 2016 / J. Maslinski, P. Piepiora, W. Cieslinski, et al. // Archives of Budo. – 2017. – № 13. – P. 285–296.
16. Perfection of coordination with the help of jump exercises on trampoline / V. Boloban, I. Tereshchenko, A. Otsupok, et al. // Physical Education of Students. – 2016. – № 20 (6). – P. 4–17. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2016.0601
17. Relationship between training-induced changes in the star excursion balance test and the Y balance test in young male athletes / V. Mohammadi, R. Hilfiker, A. Jafarnezhadgero, et al. // Annals of Applied Sport Science. – 2017. – № 5 (3). – P. 31–38. DOI: 10.29252/acadpub.aassjournal.5.3.31
18. Semchenko, A. Assessment of the functional capacity of the heart in hurdlers within the system of training-competitive conditioning / A. Semchenko, A. Nenasheva // Minerva Ortopedica e Traumatologica. – 2018. – 69 (3 Suppl 1). – Р. 7–10.
2. Zav’yalov D.A., Zaremba A.N. [Acrobatic Training in the Training Process of Sambo Fighters]. Sibirskiy pedagogicheskiy zhurnal [Siberian Pedagogical Journal], 2012, no. 1, pp. 246–252. (in Russ.)
3. Nikolayev R.Yu., Mel’nikov A.A., Matavkin S.Yu., Maslova Yu.A. [Features of Postural Stability in the Fighters of the Initial Sports Training of Different Styles]. Zhurnal mediko-biologicheskikh issledovaniy [Journal of Biomedical Research], 2016, no. 3, pp. 37–44. (in Russ.)
4. Osipov A.Yu., Guralev V.M., Dvorkin V.M. [Formation of Technical Actions of Novice Sambists]. Vestnik KGPU imeni V.P. Astaf’yeva [Bulletin of the KSPU Named After V.P. Astafieva], 2012, no. 2, vol. 20, pp. 111–116. (in Russ.)
5. Filin S.A. [The Technique of Motor Coordination Training of Young Sambo Wrestlers at the Stage of Initial Sports Specialization]. Vestnik sportivnoy nauki [Bulletin of Sports Science], 2013, no. 1, pp. 64–66. (in Russ.)
6. Podrigalo L., Volodchenko A., Rovnaya O. et al. Analysis of Martial Arts Athletes’ Goniometric Indicators. Physical Education of Students, 2017, no. 21(4), pp. 182–188. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2017.0406
7. Rahmat A., Arsalan D., Bahman M. et al. Anthropometrical Profile and Bio-Motor Abilities of Young Elite Wrestlers. Physical Education of Students, 2016, no. 20 (6), pp. 63–69. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2016.0608
8. Walaszek R., Sterkowicz S., Chwala W. et al. Assessment of the Impact of Regular Judo Practice on Body Posture, Balance, and Lower Limbs Mechanical Output in Six-Year-Old Boys. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 2017, no. 57 (12), pp. 1579–1589. DOI: 10.23736/S0022-4707.16.06602-0
9. Tereshchenko I., Otsupok A., Krupenya S. et al. Coordination Training of Sportsmen, Specializing in Sport Kinds of Gymnastic. Physical Education of Students, 2015, no. 19 (3), pp. 52–65. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2015.0307
10. Milosavljevic S., Matavulj D., Trunic N. et al. Correlation of Different Factors of Balance and the Quality of Realization of Movement Techniques in Aikido. Archives of Budo, 2016, no. 12, pp. 77–84.
11. Baginska O. Correlation of Factorial Weights of Separate Motor Coordination Structure Indicators, which Characterize Motor Function Level of Different Age Groups’ Schoolchildren. Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports, 2017, no. 3, pp. 100–104. DOI: 10.15561/18189172.2017.0301
12. Osipov A., Kudryavtsev M., Iermakov S. et al. Development of the Ability to Maintain Body Balance in Young Athletes 12–13 Years Practicing Judo. Archives of Budo. Science of Martial Arts and Extreme Sports, 2018, no. 14.
13. Mala L., Maly T., Zahalka F. Influence of Maximal Anaerobic Performance on Body Posture Stability in Elite Senior and Junior Male Judo Athletes. Archives of Budo, 2016, no. 12, pp. 117–124.
14. Kolumbet A. Methodic of Girl Students’ Professionally Significant Coordination Qualities’ Perfection at Physical Education Classes. Physical Education of Students, 2016, no. 4, pp. 35–43. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2016.0404
15. Maslinski J., Piepiora P., Cieslinski W. et al. Original Methods and Tools Used for Studies on the Body Balance Disturbation Tolerance Skills of the Polish Judo Athletes From 1976 to 2016. Archives of Budo, 2017, no. 13, pp. 285–296.
16. Boloban V., Tereshchenko I., Otsupok A. et al. Perfection of Coordination with the Help of Jump Exercises on Trampoline. Physical Education of Students, 2016, no. 20(6), pp. 4–17. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2016.0601
17. Mohammadi V., Hilfiker R., Jafarnezhadgero A. et al. Relationship Between Training-Induced Changes in the Star Excursion Balance Test and the Y Balance Test in Young Male Athletes. Annals of Applied Sport Science, 2017, no. 5(3), pp. 31–38. DOI: 10.29252/acadpub.aassjournal.5.3.31
18. Semchenko A., Nenasheva A. Assessment of the Functional Capacity of the Heart in Hurdlers within the System of Training-Competitive Conditioning. Minerva Ortopedica e Traumatologica, 2018, no. 69 (3 Suppl. 1), pp. 7–10.
2. Завьялов, Д.А. Акробатическая подготовка в тренировочном процессе борцов самбо / Д.А. Завьялов, А.Н. Заремба // Сибир. пед. журнал. – 2012. – № 1. – С. 246–252.
3. Особенности постуральной устойчивости у борцов начальной спортивной подготовки разных стилей / Р.Ю. Николаев, А.А. Мельников, С.Ю. Матавкин, Ю.А. Маслова // Журнал мед.-биол. исследований. – 2016. – № 3. – С. 37–44.
4. Осипов, А.Ю. Формирование технических действий начинающих самбистов / А.Ю. Осипов, В.М. Гуралев, В.М. Дворкин // Вестник КГПУ им. В.П. Астафьева. – 2012. – № 2, Т. 20. – С. 111–116.
5. Филин, С.А. Методика двигательно-координационной подготовки юных самбистов на этапе начальной спортивной специализации / С.А. Филин // Вестник спортивной науки. – 2013. – № 1. – С. 64–66.
6. Analysis of martial arts athletes’ goniometric indicators / L. Podrigalo, A. Volodchenko, O. Rovnaya, et al. // Physical education of students. – 2017. – № 21 (4). – P. 182–188. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2017.0406
7. Anthropometrical profile and bio-motor abilities of young elite wrestlers / A. Rahmat, D. Arsalan, M. Bahman, et al. // Physical education of students. – 2016. – № 20 (6). – P. 63–69. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2016.0608
8. Assessment of the impact of regular judo practice on body posture, balance, and lower limbs mechanical output in six-year-old boys / R. Walaszek, S. Sterkowicz, W. Chwala, et al. // Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. – 2017. – № 57 (12). – P. 1579–1589. DOI: 10.23736/S0022-4707.16.06602-0
9. Coordination training of sportsmen, specializing in sport kinds of gymnastic / I. Tereshchenko, A. Otsupok, S. Krupenya, et al. // Physical Education of Students. – 2015. – № 19 (3). – P. 52–65. – DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2015.0307
10. Correlation of different factors of balance and the quality of realization of movement techniques in aikido / S. Milosavljevic, D. Matavulj, N. Trunic, et al. // Archives of Budo. – 2016. – № 12. – P. 77–84.
11. Correlation of factorial weights of separate motor coordination structure indicators, which characterize motor function level of different age groups’ schoolchildren / O. Baginska // Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports. – 2017. – № 3. – P. 100–104. DOI: 10.15561/18189172.2017.0301
12. Development of the ability to maintain body balance in young athletes 12–13 years practicing judo / A. Osipov, M. Kudryavtsev, S. Iermakov, et al. // Archives of Budo. Science of Martial Arts and Extreme Sports. – 2018. – № 14.
13. Influence of maximal anaerobic performance on body posture stability in elite senior and junior male judo athletes / L. Mala, T. Maly, F. Zahalka // Archives of Budo. – 2016. – № 12. – P. 117–124.
14. Methodic of girl students’ professionally significant coordination qualities’ perfection at physical education classes / A. Kolumbet // Physical Education of Students. – 2016. – № 4. – P. 35–43. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2016.0404
15. Original methods and tools used for studies on the body balance disturbation tolerance skills of the Polish judo athletes from 1976 to 2016 / J. Maslinski, P. Piepiora, W. Cieslinski, et al. // Archives of Budo. – 2017. – № 13. – P. 285–296.
16. Perfection of coordination with the help of jump exercises on trampoline / V. Boloban, I. Tereshchenko, A. Otsupok, et al. // Physical Education of Students. – 2016. – № 20 (6). – P. 4–17. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2016.0601
17. Relationship between training-induced changes in the star excursion balance test and the Y balance test in young male athletes / V. Mohammadi, R. Hilfiker, A. Jafarnezhadgero, et al. // Annals of Applied Sport Science. – 2017. – № 5 (3). – P. 31–38. DOI: 10.29252/acadpub.aassjournal.5.3.31
18. Semchenko, A. Assessment of the functional capacity of the heart in hurdlers within the system of training-competitive conditioning / A. Semchenko, A. Nenasheva // Minerva Ortopedica e Traumatologica. – 2018. – 69 (3 Suppl 1). – Р. 7–10.
1. Gorskaya I.Yu. [Assessment of Coordination Preparedness in Sports]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul’tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2010, no. 7, pp. 34–37. (in Russ.)2. Zav’yalov D.A., Zaremba A.N. [Acrobatic Training in the Training Process of Sambo Fighters]. Sibirskiy pedagogicheskiy zhurnal [Siberian Pedagogical Journal], 2012, no. 1, pp. 246–252. (in Russ.)
3. Nikolayev R.Yu., Mel’nikov A.A., Matavkin S.Yu., Maslova Yu.A. [Features of Postural Stability in the Fighters of the Initial Sports Training of Different Styles]. Zhurnal mediko-biologicheskikh issledovaniy [Journal of Biomedical Research], 2016, no. 3, pp. 37–44. (in Russ.)
4. Osipov A.Yu., Guralev V.M., Dvorkin V.M. [Formation of Technical Actions of Novice Sambists]. Vestnik KGPU imeni V.P. Astaf’yeva [Bulletin of the KSPU Named After V.P. Astafieva], 2012, no. 2, vol. 20, pp. 111–116. (in Russ.)
5. Filin S.A. [The Technique of Motor Coordination Training of Young Sambo Wrestlers at the Stage of Initial Sports Specialization]. Vestnik sportivnoy nauki [Bulletin of Sports Science], 2013, no. 1, pp. 64–66. (in Russ.)
6. Podrigalo L., Volodchenko A., Rovnaya O. et al. Analysis of Martial Arts Athletes’ Goniometric Indicators. Physical Education of Students, 2017, no. 21(4), pp. 182–188. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2017.0406
7. Rahmat A., Arsalan D., Bahman M. et al. Anthropometrical Profile and Bio-Motor Abilities of Young Elite Wrestlers. Physical Education of Students, 2016, no. 20 (6), pp. 63–69. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2016.0608
8. Walaszek R., Sterkowicz S., Chwala W. et al. Assessment of the Impact of Regular Judo Practice on Body Posture, Balance, and Lower Limbs Mechanical Output in Six-Year-Old Boys. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 2017, no. 57 (12), pp. 1579–1589. DOI: 10.23736/S0022-4707.16.06602-0
9. Tereshchenko I., Otsupok A., Krupenya S. et al. Coordination Training of Sportsmen, Specializing in Sport Kinds of Gymnastic. Physical Education of Students, 2015, no. 19 (3), pp. 52–65. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2015.0307
10. Milosavljevic S., Matavulj D., Trunic N. et al. Correlation of Different Factors of Balance and the Quality of Realization of Movement Techniques in Aikido. Archives of Budo, 2016, no. 12, pp. 77–84.
11. Baginska O. Correlation of Factorial Weights of Separate Motor Coordination Structure Indicators, which Characterize Motor Function Level of Different Age Groups’ Schoolchildren. Pedagogics, Psychology, Medical-Biological Problems of Physical Training and Sports, 2017, no. 3, pp. 100–104. DOI: 10.15561/18189172.2017.0301
12. Osipov A., Kudryavtsev M., Iermakov S. et al. Development of the Ability to Maintain Body Balance in Young Athletes 12–13 Years Practicing Judo. Archives of Budo. Science of Martial Arts and Extreme Sports, 2018, no. 14.
13. Mala L., Maly T., Zahalka F. Influence of Maximal Anaerobic Performance on Body Posture Stability in Elite Senior and Junior Male Judo Athletes. Archives of Budo, 2016, no. 12, pp. 117–124.
14. Kolumbet A. Methodic of Girl Students’ Professionally Significant Coordination Qualities’ Perfection at Physical Education Classes. Physical Education of Students, 2016, no. 4, pp. 35–43. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2016.0404
15. Maslinski J., Piepiora P., Cieslinski W. et al. Original Methods and Tools Used for Studies on the Body Balance Disturbation Tolerance Skills of the Polish Judo Athletes From 1976 to 2016. Archives of Budo, 2017, no. 13, pp. 285–296.
16. Boloban V., Tereshchenko I., Otsupok A. et al. Perfection of Coordination with the Help of Jump Exercises on Trampoline. Physical Education of Students, 2016, no. 20(6), pp. 4–17. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2016.0601
17. Mohammadi V., Hilfiker R., Jafarnezhadgero A. et al. Relationship Between Training-Induced Changes in the Star Excursion Balance Test and the Y Balance Test in Young Male Athletes. Annals of Applied Sport Science, 2017, no. 5(3), pp. 31–38. DOI: 10.29252/acadpub.aassjournal.5.3.31
18. Semchenko A., Nenasheva A. Assessment of the Functional Capacity of the Heart in Hurdlers within the System of Training-Competitive Conditioning. Minerva Ortopedica e Traumatologica, 2018, no. 69 (3 Suppl. 1), pp. 7–10.
Как цитировать
Осипов, А., Гуралев, В., Кудрявцев, М., Камоза, Т., & Кузьмин, В. (2018). РАЗВИТИЕ СПОСОБНОСТИ СОХРАНЕНИЯ БАЛАНСА ТЕЛА В ДИНАМИЧЕСКИХ УСЛОВИЯХ У НАЧИНАЮЩИХ БОРЦОВ САМБО (11–12 ЛЕТ). Человек. Спорт. Медицина, 18(4), 88-94. https://doi.org/10.14529/hsm180413
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