Ключевые слова:
Профессиональный спорт, функциональное состояние спортсменов, нагрузочное тестирование, максимальное потребление кислорода, игровые виды спорта.
Цель – оценить функциональную готовность профессиональных спортсменов игровых видов спорта. Материалы и методы. Исследовали 19 профессиональных баскетболистов (возраст – 24,9 ± 5,3 лет, длина тела – 198,36 ± 7,9 см, масса тела – 94,34 ± 13,3 кг) и 14 игроков в мини-футбол (возраст – 25,8 ± 4,6 лет, длина тела – 181 ± 6 см, масса тела – 79,4 ± 7,1 кг). Для оценки функционального состояния применяли велоэргоспирометрию по максимальному протоколу («до отказа») с непрерывно возрастающей нагрузкой (РАМП). Анализировались основные параметры функционального состояния кардиореспираторной и мышечной системы в покое и на протяжении всего теста, максимальные значения, достигнутые в финальной части теста и в течение первых трех минут восстановления. Результаты. Было установлено, что показатели ЧСС непосредственно перед тестированием соответствовали норме для спортсменов (65,7 ± 9,2 уд./мин – у баскетболистов и 69,79 ± 11,47 уд./мин у футболистов). Однако показатели ЧСС отказа в обеих группах были ниже спортивной нормы (171,43 ± 10,36 уд./мин – у футболистов и 167 ± 13,8 уд./мин у баскетболистов). Выявленные достоверные отличия МВЛ у баскетболистов (145,59 ± 35,63 л/мин) и футболистов (129,31 ± 32,39 л/мин) в большей мере связаны с антропометрическими особенностями, а не с уровнем функциональной готовности спортсменов. Достоверно более высокие значения относительной максимальной мощности в нагрузочном тестировании у футболистов (4,59 ± 0,36 Вт/кг) в сравнении с баскетболистами были существенно ниже значений спортивной нормы (5 Вт/кг). Заключение. Контроль функционального состояния и его динамики в игровых видах спорта должен быть неотъемлемой частью организации тренировочного процесса для обеспечения стабильности и соревновательной эффективности на протяжении всего спортивного сезона.Литература
1. ACC / AHA 2002 guideline update for exercise testing: summary article: a report of the American College of Cardiology // American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Journal of American College of Cardiology. – 2006. – Vol. 48. – 1731 p.
2. Ben Abdelkrim, N. Time-motion analysis and physiological data of elite under-19-year-old basketball players during competition / Ben Abdelkrim N., El Fazaa S., El. Ati J. // British Journal of Sports medicine. – 2007. – Vol. 41, № 2. – Р. 69–75.
3. Cormery, B. Rule change incidence on physiologic characteristics of elite basketball players: a 10-year-period investigation / B. Cormery, M. Marcil, M. Bouvard // British Journal of Sports Medicine . – 2008. – Vol. 42, № 1. – Р. 25–30.
4. Coquart, J.B. Prediction of maximal or peak oxygen uptake from ratings of perceived exertion / J.B. Coquart, M. Garcin, G. Parfitt et al. // Sports Med. – 2014. – Vol. 44, № 5. – Р. 563–578.
5. Cunha, G. Effect of biological maturation on maximal oxygen uptake and ventilatory thresholds in soccer players: an allometric approach / G. Cunha, T. Lorenzi, K. Sapata et al. // Journal of sports sciences. – 2011. – Vol. 29. – Р. 1029–1039.
6. Djaoui, L. Monitoring training load and fatigue in soccer players with physiological markers / L. Djaoui, M. Haddad, K. Chamari, A. Dellal // Physiol Behav. – 2017. – Vol. 181. – Р. 86–94. DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2017.09.004. [Epub ahead of print].
7. Foster, C. A new approach to monitoring exercise testing / C. Foster, J.A. Florhaug, J. Franklin et al. // Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. – 2001. – Vol. 15. – Р. 109–115.
8. Gosentas, A. Dependence of intensity of specific basketball exercise from aerobic capacity / A. Gosentas, A. Landor, A. Andziulis // Pap Anthropol. – Vol. 13. – Р. 9–17.
9. Halson, S.L. Does overtraining exist? An analysis of overreaching and overtraining research / S.L. Halson, A.E. Jeukendrup // Sports Med. – 2004. – Vol. 34, № 14. – Р. 967-681.
10. Hoffman, J.R. Physiology of basketball / J.R. Hoffman // D.B. McKeag (ed.) Basketball. – Oxford: Blackwell Science, 2003. – Р. 12–24.
11. Ostojic, S. Profiling in Basketball: Physical and Physiological Characteristics of Elite Players / S. Ostojic, S. Mazic, N. Dikic // Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. – 2006. – Vol. 20. – Р. 336–340.
12. Park, I.S. Basketball training increases striatum volume / I.S. Park, K.J. Lee, J.W. Han et al. // Human Movement Science. – 2011. – Vol. 30, № 1. – Р. 56–62.
13. Saw, A.E. Monitoring the athlete training response: subjective self-reported measures trump commonly used objective measures: a systematic review / A.E. Saw, L.C. Main, P.B. Gastin // Br J Sports Med. – 2016. – Vol. 50, № 5. – Р. 281–91. DOI: 10.1136/bjsports–2015–094758
14. Scherr, J. Associations between Borg's rating of perceived exertion and physiological measures of exercise intensity / J. Scherr, B. Wolfarth, J.W. Christle et al. // Eur J Appl Physiol. – 2013. – Vol. 113, № 1. – Р. 147–155.
15. Smith, D.J. A framework for understanding the training process leading to elite performance / D.J. Smith // Sports Med. – 2003. – Vol. 33, № 15. – Р. 1103–1126.
16. Tavino, L.P. Effects of basketball on aerobic capacity, and body composition of male college players / L.P. Tavino, S.J. Bowers, C.B. Archer // Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. – 1995. – Vol. 9, № 2. – Р. 75–77.
17. Tenenbaum, G. Failure adaptation: an investigation of the stress response process in sport / G. Tenenbaum, C.M. Jones, A. Kitsantas et al. // International Journal of Sport Psychology. – 2003. – Vol. 34, № 1. – Р. 27–62.
18. Thomas, J.R. Research methods in physical activity / J.R. Thomas, J.K. Netson. – Champaign (IL): Human Kinetiks, 2005. – 456 p.
19. Vilikus, Z. Functional Diagnostics / Z. Vilikus. – College of Physical Education and Sport, Palestra, 2012. – Р. 12–15.
20. Ziv, G. Physical Attributes, Physiological Characteristics, On-court Performances and Nutritional Strategies of Female and Male Basketball players / G. Ziv, R. Libor // Sports Medicine. – 2009. – Vol. 39. – Р. 547–568.
2. Ben Abdelkrim, N., El Fazaa, S., El. Ati, J. Time-Motion Analysis and Physiological data of Elite Under-19-Year-Old Basketball Players During Competition. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2007, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 69–75. DOI: 10.1136/bjsm.2006.032318
3. Cormery B., Marcil M., Bouvard M. Rule Change Incidence on Physiologic Characteristics of Elite Basketball Players. A 10-Year-Period Investigation. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2008, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 25–30.DOI: 10.1136/bjsm.2006.033316
4. Coquart J.B., Garcin M., Parfitt G., Tourny-Chollet C., Eston R.G. Prediction of Maximal or Peak Oxygen Uptake from Ratings of Perceived Exertion. Sports Med, 2014, vol. 44, no. 5, pp. 563–578. DOI: 10.1007/s40279-013-0139-5
5. Cunha G., Lorenzi T., Sapata K., Lopes A.L., Gaya A.C., Oliveira A. Effect of Biological Maturation on Maximal Oxygen Uptake and Ventilatory Thresholds in Soccer Players. An Allometric Approach. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2011, vol. 29, pp. 1029–1039. DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2011.570775
6. Djaoui L., Haddad M., Chamari K., Dellal A. Monitoring Training Load and Fatigue in Soccer Players with Physiological Markers. Physiol Behav, 2017, vol. 181, pp. 86–94. DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2017.09.004
7. Foster C., Florhaug J.A., Franklin J., Gottschall L., Hrovatin L.A., Parker S., Doleshal P., Dodge C. A New Approach to Monitoring Exercise Testing. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2001, vol. 15, pp. 109–115.
8. Gosentas A., Landor A., Andziulis A. Dependence of Intensity of Specific Basketball Exercise from Aerobic Capacity. Pap Anthropol, 2004, vol. 13, pp. 9–17.
9. Halson S.L., Jeukendrup A.E. Does Overtraining Exist? An Analysis of Overreaching and Overtraining Research. Sports Med, 2004, vol. 34, no. 14, pp. 967–981. DOI: 10.2165/00007256-200434140-00003
10. Hoffman J.R. Physiology of Basketball. McKeag D.B. (ed.) Basketball. Oxford, Blackwell Science, 2003, pp. 12–24.
11. Ostojic S., Mazic S., Dikic N. Profiling in Basketball. Physical and Physiological Characteristics of Elite Players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2006, vol. 20, pp. 336–340. DOI: 10.1519/R-15944.1
12. Park I.S., Lee K.J., Han J.W. et al. Basketball Training Increases Striatum Volume. Human Movement Science, 2011, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 56–62. DOI: 10.1016/j.humov.2010.09.001
13. Saw A.E., Main L.C., Gastin P.B. Monitoring the Athlete Training Response. Subjective Self-Reported Measures Trump Commonly Used Objective Measures. A Systematic Review. Br J Sports Med, 2016, vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 281–91. DOI: 10.1136/bjsports–2015–094758
14. Scherr J., Wolfarth B., Christle J.W., Pressler A., Wagenpfeil S., Halle M. Associations Between Borg's Rating of Perceived Exertion and Physiological Measures of Exercise Intensity. Eur J Appl Physiol, 2013, vol. 113, no. 1, pp. 147–155. DOI: 10.1007/s00421-012-2421-x
15. Smith D.J. A Framework for Understanding the Training Process Leading to Elite Performance. Sports Med, 2003, vol. 33, no. 15, pp. 1103–1126. DOI: 10.2165/00007256-200333150-00003
16. Tavino L.P., Bowers S.J., Archer C.B. Effects of Basketball on Aerobic Capacity, and Body Composition of MaleCollege Players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 1995, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 75–77.
17. Tenenbaum G., Jones C.M., Kitsantas A. et al. Failure Adaptation. An Investigation of the Stress Response Process in Sport. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 2003, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 27–62.
18. Thomas J.R., Netson J.K. Research Methods in Physical Activity. 5th ed. Champaign (IL): Human Kinetiks, 2005. 456 p.
19. Vilikus Z. Functional Diagnostics. College of Physical Education and Sport, Palestra, 2012, pp. 12–15.
20. Ziv G., Libor R. Physical Attributes, Physiological Characteristics, On-Court Performances and Nutritional Strategies of Female and Male Basketball Players. Sports Medicine, 2009, vol. 39, pp. 547–568. DOI: 10.2165/00007256-200939070-00003
2. Ben Abdelkrim, N. Time-motion analysis and physiological data of elite under-19-year-old basketball players during competition / Ben Abdelkrim N., El Fazaa S., El. Ati J. // British Journal of Sports medicine. – 2007. – Vol. 41, № 2. – Р. 69–75.
3. Cormery, B. Rule change incidence on physiologic characteristics of elite basketball players: a 10-year-period investigation / B. Cormery, M. Marcil, M. Bouvard // British Journal of Sports Medicine . – 2008. – Vol. 42, № 1. – Р. 25–30.
4. Coquart, J.B. Prediction of maximal or peak oxygen uptake from ratings of perceived exertion / J.B. Coquart, M. Garcin, G. Parfitt et al. // Sports Med. – 2014. – Vol. 44, № 5. – Р. 563–578.
5. Cunha, G. Effect of biological maturation on maximal oxygen uptake and ventilatory thresholds in soccer players: an allometric approach / G. Cunha, T. Lorenzi, K. Sapata et al. // Journal of sports sciences. – 2011. – Vol. 29. – Р. 1029–1039.
6. Djaoui, L. Monitoring training load and fatigue in soccer players with physiological markers / L. Djaoui, M. Haddad, K. Chamari, A. Dellal // Physiol Behav. – 2017. – Vol. 181. – Р. 86–94. DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2017.09.004. [Epub ahead of print].
7. Foster, C. A new approach to monitoring exercise testing / C. Foster, J.A. Florhaug, J. Franklin et al. // Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. – 2001. – Vol. 15. – Р. 109–115.
8. Gosentas, A. Dependence of intensity of specific basketball exercise from aerobic capacity / A. Gosentas, A. Landor, A. Andziulis // Pap Anthropol. – Vol. 13. – Р. 9–17.
9. Halson, S.L. Does overtraining exist? An analysis of overreaching and overtraining research / S.L. Halson, A.E. Jeukendrup // Sports Med. – 2004. – Vol. 34, № 14. – Р. 967-681.
10. Hoffman, J.R. Physiology of basketball / J.R. Hoffman // D.B. McKeag (ed.) Basketball. – Oxford: Blackwell Science, 2003. – Р. 12–24.
11. Ostojic, S. Profiling in Basketball: Physical and Physiological Characteristics of Elite Players / S. Ostojic, S. Mazic, N. Dikic // Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. – 2006. – Vol. 20. – Р. 336–340.
12. Park, I.S. Basketball training increases striatum volume / I.S. Park, K.J. Lee, J.W. Han et al. // Human Movement Science. – 2011. – Vol. 30, № 1. – Р. 56–62.
13. Saw, A.E. Monitoring the athlete training response: subjective self-reported measures trump commonly used objective measures: a systematic review / A.E. Saw, L.C. Main, P.B. Gastin // Br J Sports Med. – 2016. – Vol. 50, № 5. – Р. 281–91. DOI: 10.1136/bjsports–2015–094758
14. Scherr, J. Associations between Borg's rating of perceived exertion and physiological measures of exercise intensity / J. Scherr, B. Wolfarth, J.W. Christle et al. // Eur J Appl Physiol. – 2013. – Vol. 113, № 1. – Р. 147–155.
15. Smith, D.J. A framework for understanding the training process leading to elite performance / D.J. Smith // Sports Med. – 2003. – Vol. 33, № 15. – Р. 1103–1126.
16. Tavino, L.P. Effects of basketball on aerobic capacity, and body composition of male college players / L.P. Tavino, S.J. Bowers, C.B. Archer // Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. – 1995. – Vol. 9, № 2. – Р. 75–77.
17. Tenenbaum, G. Failure adaptation: an investigation of the stress response process in sport / G. Tenenbaum, C.M. Jones, A. Kitsantas et al. // International Journal of Sport Psychology. – 2003. – Vol. 34, № 1. – Р. 27–62.
18. Thomas, J.R. Research methods in physical activity / J.R. Thomas, J.K. Netson. – Champaign (IL): Human Kinetiks, 2005. – 456 p.
19. Vilikus, Z. Functional Diagnostics / Z. Vilikus. – College of Physical Education and Sport, Palestra, 2012. – Р. 12–15.
20. Ziv, G. Physical Attributes, Physiological Characteristics, On-court Performances and Nutritional Strategies of Female and Male Basketball players / G. Ziv, R. Libor // Sports Medicine. – 2009. – Vol. 39. – Р. 547–568.
1. ACC / AHA 2002 Guideline Update for Exercise Testing. Summary Article. A Report of the American College of Cardiology. American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Journal of American College of Cardiology, 2006, vol. 48, 1731 p.2. Ben Abdelkrim, N., El Fazaa, S., El. Ati, J. Time-Motion Analysis and Physiological data of Elite Under-19-Year-Old Basketball Players During Competition. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2007, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 69–75. DOI: 10.1136/bjsm.2006.032318
3. Cormery B., Marcil M., Bouvard M. Rule Change Incidence on Physiologic Characteristics of Elite Basketball Players. A 10-Year-Period Investigation. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2008, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 25–30.DOI: 10.1136/bjsm.2006.033316
4. Coquart J.B., Garcin M., Parfitt G., Tourny-Chollet C., Eston R.G. Prediction of Maximal or Peak Oxygen Uptake from Ratings of Perceived Exertion. Sports Med, 2014, vol. 44, no. 5, pp. 563–578. DOI: 10.1007/s40279-013-0139-5
5. Cunha G., Lorenzi T., Sapata K., Lopes A.L., Gaya A.C., Oliveira A. Effect of Biological Maturation on Maximal Oxygen Uptake and Ventilatory Thresholds in Soccer Players. An Allometric Approach. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2011, vol. 29, pp. 1029–1039. DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2011.570775
6. Djaoui L., Haddad M., Chamari K., Dellal A. Monitoring Training Load and Fatigue in Soccer Players with Physiological Markers. Physiol Behav, 2017, vol. 181, pp. 86–94. DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2017.09.004
7. Foster C., Florhaug J.A., Franklin J., Gottschall L., Hrovatin L.A., Parker S., Doleshal P., Dodge C. A New Approach to Monitoring Exercise Testing. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2001, vol. 15, pp. 109–115.
8. Gosentas A., Landor A., Andziulis A. Dependence of Intensity of Specific Basketball Exercise from Aerobic Capacity. Pap Anthropol, 2004, vol. 13, pp. 9–17.
9. Halson S.L., Jeukendrup A.E. Does Overtraining Exist? An Analysis of Overreaching and Overtraining Research. Sports Med, 2004, vol. 34, no. 14, pp. 967–981. DOI: 10.2165/00007256-200434140-00003
10. Hoffman J.R. Physiology of Basketball. McKeag D.B. (ed.) Basketball. Oxford, Blackwell Science, 2003, pp. 12–24.
11. Ostojic S., Mazic S., Dikic N. Profiling in Basketball. Physical and Physiological Characteristics of Elite Players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2006, vol. 20, pp. 336–340. DOI: 10.1519/R-15944.1
12. Park I.S., Lee K.J., Han J.W. et al. Basketball Training Increases Striatum Volume. Human Movement Science, 2011, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 56–62. DOI: 10.1016/j.humov.2010.09.001
13. Saw A.E., Main L.C., Gastin P.B. Monitoring the Athlete Training Response. Subjective Self-Reported Measures Trump Commonly Used Objective Measures. A Systematic Review. Br J Sports Med, 2016, vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 281–91. DOI: 10.1136/bjsports–2015–094758
14. Scherr J., Wolfarth B., Christle J.W., Pressler A., Wagenpfeil S., Halle M. Associations Between Borg's Rating of Perceived Exertion and Physiological Measures of Exercise Intensity. Eur J Appl Physiol, 2013, vol. 113, no. 1, pp. 147–155. DOI: 10.1007/s00421-012-2421-x
15. Smith D.J. A Framework for Understanding the Training Process Leading to Elite Performance. Sports Med, 2003, vol. 33, no. 15, pp. 1103–1126. DOI: 10.2165/00007256-200333150-00003
16. Tavino L.P., Bowers S.J., Archer C.B. Effects of Basketball on Aerobic Capacity, and Body Composition of MaleCollege Players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 1995, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 75–77.
17. Tenenbaum G., Jones C.M., Kitsantas A. et al. Failure Adaptation. An Investigation of the Stress Response Process in Sport. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 2003, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 27–62.
18. Thomas J.R., Netson J.K. Research Methods in Physical Activity. 5th ed. Champaign (IL): Human Kinetiks, 2005. 456 p.
19. Vilikus Z. Functional Diagnostics. College of Physical Education and Sport, Palestra, 2012, pp. 12–15.
20. Ziv G., Libor R. Physical Attributes, Physiological Characteristics, On-Court Performances and Nutritional Strategies of Female and Male Basketball Players. Sports Medicine, 2009, vol. 39, pp. 547–568. DOI: 10.2165/00007256-200939070-00003
Как цитировать
Мехдиева, К., & Захарова, А. (2017). ФУНКЦИОНАЛЬНАЯ ГОТОВНОСТЬ СПОРТСМЕНОВ ВЫСОКОЙ КВАЛИФИКАЦИИ В ИГРОВЫХ ВИДАХ СПОРТА. Человек. Спорт. Медицина, 17(4), 5-13. https://doi.org/10.14529/hsm170401
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