Цель. Цель данного исследования – изучить динамику развития силовых и скоростно-силовых качеств в зимнем макроцикле подготовки к бегу на 800 м для мужчин. Материалы и методы. 4 бегуна на средние дистанции участвовали в исследовании. На протяжении семи мезоциклов зимней подготовки авторами проводилась оценка семи показателей, характеризующих силовое и скоростно-силовое развитие. Результаты. Общая сила достигает своего максимального объема в первом и втором мезоциклах. Авторы предприняли попытку достигнуть баланса между развитием силы и выносливости. Использование специальных беговых и прыжковых упражнений во втором и шестом мезоциклах продемонстрировало формирующий эффект в отношении специальной беговой подготовки. Развитие силовой выносливости происходит в первых трех мезоциклах. Заключение. Силовые и скоростно-силовые тренировки бегунов на 800 метров имеют важное значение для достижения высоких спортивных результатов. Эффективность тренировки в значительной степени зависит от структурного распределения силовой подготовки между различными мезоциклами.
2. Bachvarov M. Running of 100 and 200 m. S., Medicina & Fizkultura, 1976.
3. Bonov P., Bonova I., Shalamanova D. Methodology of the Contemporary Training for Middle- and Long Distance Running. Sofia, 2013. NSA Press.
4. Bonova I., Shalamanova D. Development of the Running Economy in 13–19-Year Old Middle Distance Runners by Means of a Specific Training Program in the Preparation Period. Leka Atletika & Nauka, 2017, pp. 33–37.
5. Dimitrov D. Possibilities for Improve-ment of the Age Structure and Contents of the Training Process in Running with Maximum and Submaximum Intensities. D. Sc. thesis, 2002, National Sports Academy, Sofia.
6. Gadev M., Milenski M. Classification of Strength- and Speed-Strength Tools for Development of the Maximum Speed in the Sprint. Sport i Nauka, 1997, no. 5–6, pp. 38–40.
7. Gadev M. Study on the Relationships Between the Special Endurance and the Speed and Speed-Strength Moving Abilities in the Football for Children and Juniors. Sport i Nauka, 2013, no. 5, pp. 36–41.
8. Hoff J., Helgerud J., Wislof U. Endurance Training Into the Next Millennium: Muscular Strength Training on Aerobic Endurance Performance. American Journal of Medicine in Sports, 2002, no. 4, pp. 58–67.
9. Karabiberov Y., Lazarov G. A Test for Evaluation of the Strength Endurance and Predicting the Sport Result in 800 m. Vaprosi na Fizicheskata Kultura, 1988, no. 6, pp. 16–18.
10. Karabiberov Y., Bachvarov M. Correlation Structure of the Speed-and-Strength Preparation of the Middle Distance Runners. Vaprosi na Fizicheskata Kultura, 1987, no. 55, pp. 9–13.
11. Kuznetsov V.V. Peculiarities in the Expression of Relationship Between the Parameters of Strength and Speed in Cyclic Locomotions. Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul’tury, 1985, no. 8.
12. Lazarov I. Research the Effects of Specific Running Preparedness on Sports Result in Athletes Running on 800m and 1500 m meters. Leka Atletika & Nauka, 2016, pp. 57–61.
13. Levchenko A. Special Strength Preparation of the Sprinters. Legkaya Atletika, 1982, no. 4.
14. Ofner M., Wonisch M., Frei M., Tschakert G., Domej W., Kropfl J., Hofmann P. Influence of Acute Normobaric Hypoxia on Physiological Variables and Lactate Turn Point Determination in Trained Men. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2014, vol. 13, pp. 774–781.
15. Peev P., Gadev M., Hristov O., Petrova B., Mihaylov I. Relationship Between the Indicators Characterizing the Anaerobic Power and Variations of Jumps in Vertical Plane in 14-Year Old Footballers. Leka Atletika & Nauka, 2017, no. 1 (17), pp. 25–32.
16. Spurrs R.W., Murphy A.J., Watsford M.L. The Effect of Plyometric Training on Distance Running Performance. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2003, vol. 89, no. 1, pp. 1–7. DOI: 10.1007/s00421-002-0741-y
17. Stoyanov H. Methods for Preparation and Training Models in 200 and 400m. Sofia, 2013. NSA Press.
18. Stoyanov H. Theoretical and Methodologic Aspects in the Development of the Special Running Qualities in 200 and 400 m. Sofia, 2016, Tip-Top Press, 111 p.
19. Verhoshanskiy Yu. A New Training System in the Cyclic Sports. Sport & Nauka, 1994, no. 4.
20. Verhoshanskiy Yu. Physiological Basis of the Methodological Principles in Endurance Running. Moscow, Sovetskiy Sport Publ., 2017. 80 p.
21. Zatsiorsky V.M. The Physical Qualities of the Sportsman. M., Fizkultura i Sport, 1966. 200 p.
1. Antonov N. The Special Strength Training for Sprinters. Trenyorska Misal, 1984, no. 4.2. Bachvarov M. Running of 100 and 200 m. S., Medicina & Fizkultura, 1976.
3. Bonov P., Bonova I., Shalamanova D. Methodology of the Contemporary Training for Middle- and Long Distance Running. Sofia, 2013. NSA Press.
4. Bonova I., Shalamanova D. Development of the Running Economy in 13–19-Year Old Middle Distance Runners by Means of a Specific Training Program in the Preparation Period. Leka Atletika & Nauka, 2017, pp. 33–37.
5. Dimitrov D. Possibilities for Improve-ment of the Age Structure and Contents of the Training Process in Running with Maximum and Submaximum Intensities. D. Sc. thesis, 2002, National Sports Academy, Sofia.
6. Gadev M., Milenski M. Classification of Strength- and Speed-Strength Tools for Development of the Maximum Speed in the Sprint. Sport i Nauka, 1997, no. 5–6, pp. 38–40.
7. Gadev M. Study on the Relationships Between the Special Endurance and the Speed and Speed-Strength Moving Abilities in the Football for Children and Juniors. Sport i Nauka, 2013, no. 5, pp. 36–41.
8. Hoff J., Helgerud J., Wislof U. Endurance Training Into the Next Millennium: Muscular Strength Training on Aerobic Endurance Performance. American Journal of Medicine in Sports, 2002, no. 4, pp. 58–67.
9. Karabiberov Y., Lazarov G. A Test for Evaluation of the Strength Endurance and Predicting the Sport Result in 800 m. Vaprosi na Fizicheskata Kultura, 1988, no. 6, pp. 16–18.
10. Karabiberov Y., Bachvarov M. Correlation Structure of the Speed-and-Strength Preparation of the Middle Distance Runners. Vaprosi na Fizicheskata Kultura, 1987, no. 55, pp. 9–13.
11. Kuznetsov V.V. Peculiarities in the Expression of Relationship Between the Parameters of Strength and Speed in Cyclic Locomotions. Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kul’tury, 1985, no. 8.
12. Lazarov I. Research the Effects of Specific Running Preparedness on Sports Result in Athletes Running on 800m and 1500 m meters. Leka Atletika & Nauka, 2016, pp. 57–61.
13. Levchenko A. Special Strength Preparation of the Sprinters. Legkaya Atletika, 1982, no. 4.
14. Ofner M., Wonisch M., Frei M., Tschakert G., Domej W., Kropfl J., Hofmann P. Influence of Acute Normobaric Hypoxia on Physiological Variables and Lactate Turn Point Determination in Trained Men. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2014, vol. 13, pp. 774–781.
15. Peev P., Gadev M., Hristov O., Petrova B., Mihaylov I. Relationship Between the Indicators Characterizing the Anaerobic Power and Variations of Jumps in Vertical Plane in 14-Year Old Footballers. Leka Atletika & Nauka, 2017, no. 1 (17), pp. 25–32.
16. Spurrs R.W., Murphy A.J., Watsford M.L. The Effect of Plyometric Training on Distance Running Performance. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2003, vol. 89, no. 1, pp. 1–7. DOI: 10.1007/s00421-002-0741-y
17. Stoyanov H. Methods for Preparation and Training Models in 200 and 400m. Sofia, 2013. NSA Press.
18. Stoyanov H. Theoretical and Methodologic Aspects in the Development of the Special Running Qualities in 200 and 400 m. Sofia, 2016, Tip-Top Press, 111 p.
19. Verhoshanskiy Yu. A New Training System in the Cyclic Sports. Sport & Nauka, 1994, no. 4.
20. Verhoshanskiy Yu. Physiological Basis of the Methodological Principles in Endurance Running. Moscow, Sovetskiy Sport Publ., 2017. 80 p.
21. Zatsiorsky V.M. The Physical Qualities of the Sportsman. M., Fizkultura i Sport, 1966. 200 p.
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