Racing skiers, adaptation, hypoxia, anaerobic glycolysis
Aim. The aim of this article is to study the dynamics of hematological and biochemical blood indicators in racing skiers at different stages of preparation depending on their qualifications and establish significant indicators for forecasting athletes’ performance at future competitions. Materials and methods. We examined male racing skiers aged 21–23 having the rank of the Candidate for Master of Sport (n = 14) and Master of Sport (n = 6). The study was conducted using instrumental methods and the methods of mathematical statistics. Results. We established that the following indicators can be considered as statistically significant in the dynamics from the preparation to competitive stages: low density lipoproteins (р = 0.00); erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase enzyme (р = 0.02); blood coagulation time (р = 0,021); skeletal muscle creatine kinase enzyme (р = 0.00); hematocrit (р = 0.035); triglycerides (р = 0.05). Conclusion. Our study demonstrates that under significant dynamics of the established indicators at the preparation stage racing skiers are able to perform within 67.89 RUS-points at distance sports (80th place of 2000 athletes in the database of the Cross-Country Ski Federation of Russia).References
1. Al’fonsova E.V. [Change in Some Indicators of the Homeostasis System in Lactate Acidosis]. Fundamental’nyye issledovaniya [Fundamental Research], 2013, no. 5 – 2, pp. 240–244. (in Russ.)
2. Akhmetov I.I., Khakimullina A.M., Popov D.V., Missina S.S., Vinogradova O.L., Rogozin V.A. [Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Gene Polymorphism and Aerobic Performance]. Fiziologiya cheloveka [Physiology of Man], 2008, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 97–101. (in Russ.)
3. Burshteyn A.E. Biofizika myshechnogo sokrashcheniya [Biophysics of Muscle Contraction]. Moscow, 1966. 120 p.
4. Vikulov A.D., Margazin V.A., Kaunina D.V. [Low-Density Lipoproteins and Physical Performance of Swimmers]. Lechebnaya fizicheskaya kul’tura i sportivnaya meditsina [Therapeutic Physical Training and Sports Medicine], 2014, no. 1 (121), pp. 10–15. (in Russ.)
5. Gerasimov I.G. [Approaches to the Estimation of the Parameters of the Spectrum of the Activity of Hydrogen Ions in Biological Fluids I. Electrochemical Method]. Vestnik novykh meditsinskikh tekhnologiy [Herald of New Medical Technologies], 2006, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 136–138. (in Russ.)
6. Kirgizov I.V., Gorbunov N.S., Baranov K.N., Kuznetsov V.Yu. [Changes in the Acid-Base State of Blood in Children with Chronic Colic Stasis]. Rossiyskiy pediatricheskiy zhurnal [Russian Pediatric Journal], 2007, no. 6, pp. 15–17. (in Russ.)
7. Kotovskaya A.R., Fomina G.A. [Features of Adaptation and Disadaptation of the Cardiovascular System in Space Flight Conditions]. Fiziologiya cheloveka [Physiology of Man], 2010, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 78–86. (in Russ.)
8. Kuznik B.I. Kletochnyye i molekulyarnyye mekhanizmy regulyatsii sistemy gemostaza v norme i patologii [Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Hemostasis Regulation in Norm and Pathology Forge]. Chita, Express Publ., 2010. 826 p.
9. Martynova D.S., Al’metova R.R., Nabatov A.A. [Hematologic Indices of Young Skaters During the Competition Period]. Vserossiyskaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem “Sovremennyye problemy i perspektivy razvitiya sistemy podgotovki sportivnogo rezerva v preddverii XXXI Olimpiyskikh igr v Rio-De-Zhaneyro” [All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference with International Participation Modern Problems and Perspectives of Development of the Sports Reserve Preparation System in the Run-Up to the XXXI Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro], 2015, pp. 77–79. (in Russ.)
10. Novikov V.E., Katunina N.P. [Pharmacology and Biochemistry of Hypoxia]. Obzory po klinicheskoy farmakologii i lekarstvennoy terapii [Reviews of Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Therapy], 2002, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 73–87. (in Russ.)
11. Oparina O.N., Anisimova N.V., Dogurevich O.A. [Evaluation of the Athlete's Blood System Parameters when Adapting to Physical Loads]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul’tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2017, no. 10, pp. 58–60. (in Russ.)
12. Rybina I.L., Kuznetsova Z.M. [Use of the Activity of Creatine Phosphokinase in Assessing the Urgent and Long-Term Adaptation of the Athletes' Organism to Training Loads]. Pedagogikopsikhologicheskiye i mediko-biologicheskiye problemy fizicheskoy kul’tury i sporta [Pedagogical-Psychological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports], 2015, no. 3 (36), pp. 150–158. (in Russ.)
13. Rybina I.L. [Features of Metabolic Changes in the Adaptation of the Athlete's Body to Cyclic Sports for Training Loads in Conditions of Mid-Level Training]. Pedagogiko-psikhologicheskiye i medikobiologicheskiye problemy fizicheskoy kul’tury i sporta [Pedagogical-Psychological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports], 2016, no. 1 (38), pp. 231–237. (in Russ.)
14. Fatkullina L.D., Molochkina E.M., Zorina O.M., Podchufarova D.E., Gavrilova S.I., Fedorova Ya.B., Klyushnik T.P., Burlakova E.B. [Parameters of Membrane Structure and Activity of Erythrocyte Acetylcholinesterase in Patients with Soft Cognitive Decline Syndrome]. Nevrologii i psikhiatrii [Neurology and Psychiatry], 2013, no. 6, pp. 62–67. (in Russ.)
15. Bakhareva A.S., Isaev A.P., Erlikh V.V., Aminov A.S. Effective Long Term Adaptation and Metabolic State Regulation of Ski-Racers. Pedagogics Psychology of Fhysical Training and Sports, 2016, vol. 20 (3), pp. 4–10. DOI: 10.15561/18189172.2016.0301
16. Goldspink G. Mechanical Signals, IGF-I Gene Splicing, and Muscle Adaptation. Physiology (Bethesda), 2005, vol. 20, p. 232.
17. Isaev A.P., Erlikh V.V., Romanov Y.N., Bakhareva A.S. Adaptation of Athletes to Middle-Altitude Conditions Via the Intensive Development of Local-Regional Muscular Endurance and Strength Motor Capability, Stretching, and Relaxation. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 1219–1229.
18. Wagganer J.D., Robison Ch.E., Ackerman T.A., Davis P.G. Effects of Exercise Accumulation on Plasma Lipids and Lipoproteins. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 2015, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 441–447. DOI: 10.1139/apnm-2014-0321
19. Mann Steven, Beedie Christopher, Jimenez Alfonso. Differential Effects of Aerobic Exercise, Resistance Training and Combined Exercise Modalities on Cholesterol and the Lipid Profile: Review, Synthesis and Recommendations. Sports Medicine, 2014, vol. 44, pp. 211–221. DOI: 10.1007/s40279-013-0110-5
20. Nakagawa Y., Hattori M. Intramyocellular Lipids of Muscle Type in Athletes of Different Sport Disciplines. Open Access J Sports Med., 2017, no. 8, pp. 161–166. DOI: 10.2147/OAJSM.S139801
21. Sperlich B., Zinner C., Wegrzyk J., Hauser A., Holmberg H.-C. The Impact of Hyperoxia on Human Performance and Recovery. Sports Medicine, 2017, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 429-438. DOI: 10.1007/s40279-016-0590-1
2. Akhmetov I.I., Khakimullina A.M., Popov D.V., Missina S.S., Vinogradova O.L., Rogozin V.A. [Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Gene Polymorphism and Aerobic Performance]. Fiziologiya cheloveka [Physiology of Man], 2008, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 97–101. (in Russ.)
3. Burshteyn A.E. Biofizika myshechnogo sokrashcheniya [Biophysics of Muscle Contraction]. Moscow, 1966. 120 p.
4. Vikulov A.D., Margazin V.A., Kaunina D.V. [Low-Density Lipoproteins and Physical Performance of Swimmers]. Lechebnaya fizicheskaya kul’tura i sportivnaya meditsina [Therapeutic Physical Training and Sports Medicine], 2014, no. 1 (121), pp. 10–15. (in Russ.)
5. Gerasimov I.G. [Approaches to the Estimation of the Parameters of the Spectrum of the Activity of Hydrogen Ions in Biological Fluids I. Electrochemical Method]. Vestnik novykh meditsinskikh tekhnologiy [Herald of New Medical Technologies], 2006, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 136–138. (in Russ.)
6. Kirgizov I.V., Gorbunov N.S., Baranov K.N., Kuznetsov V.Yu. [Changes in the Acid-Base State of Blood in Children with Chronic Colic Stasis]. Rossiyskiy pediatricheskiy zhurnal [Russian Pediatric Journal], 2007, no. 6, pp. 15–17. (in Russ.)
7. Kotovskaya A.R., Fomina G.A. [Features of Adaptation and Disadaptation of the Cardiovascular System in Space Flight Conditions]. Fiziologiya cheloveka [Physiology of Man], 2010, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 78–86. (in Russ.)
8. Kuznik B.I. Kletochnyye i molekulyarnyye mekhanizmy regulyatsii sistemy gemostaza v norme i patologii [Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Hemostasis Regulation in Norm and Pathology Forge]. Chita, Express Publ., 2010. 826 p.
9. Martynova D.S., Al’metova R.R., Nabatov A.A. [Hematologic Indices of Young Skaters During the Competition Period]. Vserossiyskaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem “Sovremennyye problemy i perspektivy razvitiya sistemy podgotovki sportivnogo rezerva v preddverii XXXI Olimpiyskikh igr v Rio-De-Zhaneyro” [All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference with International Participation Modern Problems and Perspectives of Development of the Sports Reserve Preparation System in the Run-Up to the XXXI Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro], 2015, pp. 77–79. (in Russ.)
10. Novikov V.E., Katunina N.P. [Pharmacology and Biochemistry of Hypoxia]. Obzory po klinicheskoy farmakologii i lekarstvennoy terapii [Reviews of Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Therapy], 2002, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 73–87. (in Russ.)
11. Oparina O.N., Anisimova N.V., Dogurevich O.A. [Evaluation of the Athlete's Blood System Parameters when Adapting to Physical Loads]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul’tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2017, no. 10, pp. 58–60. (in Russ.)
12. Rybina I.L., Kuznetsova Z.M. [Use of the Activity of Creatine Phosphokinase in Assessing the Urgent and Long-Term Adaptation of the Athletes' Organism to Training Loads]. Pedagogikopsikhologicheskiye i mediko-biologicheskiye problemy fizicheskoy kul’tury i sporta [Pedagogical-Psychological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports], 2015, no. 3 (36), pp. 150–158. (in Russ.)
13. Rybina I.L. [Features of Metabolic Changes in the Adaptation of the Athlete's Body to Cyclic Sports for Training Loads in Conditions of Mid-Level Training]. Pedagogiko-psikhologicheskiye i medikobiologicheskiye problemy fizicheskoy kul’tury i sporta [Pedagogical-Psychological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports], 2016, no. 1 (38), pp. 231–237. (in Russ.)
14. Fatkullina L.D., Molochkina E.M., Zorina O.M., Podchufarova D.E., Gavrilova S.I., Fedorova Ya.B., Klyushnik T.P., Burlakova E.B. [Parameters of Membrane Structure and Activity of Erythrocyte Acetylcholinesterase in Patients with Soft Cognitive Decline Syndrome]. Nevrologii i psikhiatrii [Neurology and Psychiatry], 2013, no. 6, pp. 62–67. (in Russ.)
15. Bakhareva A.S., Isaev A.P., Erlikh V.V., Aminov A.S. Effective Long Term Adaptation and Metabolic State Regulation of Ski-Racers. Pedagogics Psychology of Fhysical Training and Sports, 2016, vol. 20 (3), pp. 4–10. DOI: 10.15561/18189172.2016.0301
16. Goldspink G. Mechanical Signals, IGF-I Gene Splicing, and Muscle Adaptation. Physiology (Bethesda), 2005, vol. 20, p. 232.
17. Isaev A.P., Erlikh V.V., Romanov Y.N., Bakhareva A.S. Adaptation of Athletes to Middle-Altitude Conditions Via the Intensive Development of Local-Regional Muscular Endurance and Strength Motor Capability, Stretching, and Relaxation. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 1219–1229.
18. Wagganer J.D., Robison Ch.E., Ackerman T.A., Davis P.G. Effects of Exercise Accumulation on Plasma Lipids and Lipoproteins. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 2015, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 441–447. DOI: 10.1139/apnm-2014-0321
19. Mann Steven, Beedie Christopher, Jimenez Alfonso. Differential Effects of Aerobic Exercise, Resistance Training and Combined Exercise Modalities on Cholesterol and the Lipid Profile: Review, Synthesis and Recommendations. Sports Medicine, 2014, vol. 44, pp. 211–221. DOI: 10.1007/s40279-013-0110-5
20. Nakagawa Y., Hattori M. Intramyocellular Lipids of Muscle Type in Athletes of Different Sport Disciplines. Open Access J Sports Med., 2017, no. 8, pp. 161–166. DOI: 10.2147/OAJSM.S139801
21. Sperlich B., Zinner C., Wegrzyk J., Hauser A., Holmberg H.-C. The Impact of Hyperoxia on Human Performance and Recovery. Sports Medicine, 2017, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 429-438. DOI: 10.1007/s40279-016-0590-1
2. Akhmetov I.I., Khakimullina A.M., Popov D.V., Missina S.S., Vinogradova O.L., Rogozin V.A. [Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Gene Polymorphism and Aerobic Performance]. Fiziologiya cheloveka [Physiology of Man], 2008, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 97–101. (in Russ.)
3. Burshteyn A.E. Biofizika myshechnogo sokrashcheniya [Biophysics of Muscle Contraction]. Moscow, 1966. 120 p.
4. Vikulov A.D., Margazin V.A., Kaunina D.V. [Low-Density Lipoproteins and Physical Performance of Swimmers]. Lechebnaya fizicheskaya kul’tura i sportivnaya meditsina [Therapeutic Physical Training and Sports Medicine], 2014, no. 1 (121), pp. 10–15. (in Russ.)
5. Gerasimov I.G. [Approaches to the Estimation of the Parameters of the Spectrum of the Activity of Hydrogen Ions in Biological Fluids I. Electrochemical Method]. Vestnik novykh meditsinskikh tekhnologiy [Herald of New Medical Technologies], 2006, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 136–138. (in Russ.)
6. Kirgizov I.V., Gorbunov N.S., Baranov K.N., Kuznetsov V.Yu. [Changes in the Acid-Base State of Blood in Children with Chronic Colic Stasis]. Rossiyskiy pediatricheskiy zhurnal [Russian Pediatric Journal], 2007, no. 6, pp. 15–17. (in Russ.)
7. Kotovskaya A.R., Fomina G.A. [Features of Adaptation and Disadaptation of the Cardiovascular System in Space Flight Conditions]. Fiziologiya cheloveka [Physiology of Man], 2010, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 78–86. (in Russ.)
8. Kuznik B.I. Kletochnyye i molekulyarnyye mekhanizmy regulyatsii sistemy gemostaza v norme i patologii [Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Hemostasis Regulation in Norm and Pathology Forge]. Chita, Express Publ., 2010. 826 p.
9. Martynova D.S., Al’metova R.R., Nabatov A.A. [Hematologic Indices of Young Skaters During the Competition Period]. Vserossiyskaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem “Sovremennyye problemy i perspektivy razvitiya sistemy podgotovki sportivnogo rezerva v preddverii XXXI Olimpiyskikh igr v Rio-De-Zhaneyro” [All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference with International Participation Modern Problems and Perspectives of Development of the Sports Reserve Preparation System in the Run-Up to the XXXI Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro], 2015, pp. 77–79. (in Russ.)
10. Novikov V.E., Katunina N.P. [Pharmacology and Biochemistry of Hypoxia]. Obzory po klinicheskoy farmakologii i lekarstvennoy terapii [Reviews of Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Therapy], 2002, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 73–87. (in Russ.)
11. Oparina O.N., Anisimova N.V., Dogurevich O.A. [Evaluation of the Athlete's Blood System Parameters when Adapting to Physical Loads]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul’tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2017, no. 10, pp. 58–60. (in Russ.)
12. Rybina I.L., Kuznetsova Z.M. [Use of the Activity of Creatine Phosphokinase in Assessing the Urgent and Long-Term Adaptation of the Athletes' Organism to Training Loads]. Pedagogikopsikhologicheskiye i mediko-biologicheskiye problemy fizicheskoy kul’tury i sporta [Pedagogical-Psychological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports], 2015, no. 3 (36), pp. 150–158. (in Russ.)
13. Rybina I.L. [Features of Metabolic Changes in the Adaptation of the Athlete's Body to Cyclic Sports for Training Loads in Conditions of Mid-Level Training]. Pedagogiko-psikhologicheskiye i medikobiologicheskiye problemy fizicheskoy kul’tury i sporta [Pedagogical-Psychological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports], 2016, no. 1 (38), pp. 231–237. (in Russ.)
14. Fatkullina L.D., Molochkina E.M., Zorina O.M., Podchufarova D.E., Gavrilova S.I., Fedorova Ya.B., Klyushnik T.P., Burlakova E.B. [Parameters of Membrane Structure and Activity of Erythrocyte Acetylcholinesterase in Patients with Soft Cognitive Decline Syndrome]. Nevrologii i psikhiatrii [Neurology and Psychiatry], 2013, no. 6, pp. 62–67. (in Russ.)
15. Bakhareva A.S., Isaev A.P., Erlikh V.V., Aminov A.S. Effective Long Term Adaptation and Metabolic State Regulation of Ski-Racers. Pedagogics Psychology of Fhysical Training and Sports, 2016, vol. 20 (3), pp. 4–10. DOI: 10.15561/18189172.2016.0301
16. Goldspink G. Mechanical Signals, IGF-I Gene Splicing, and Muscle Adaptation. Physiology (Bethesda), 2005, vol. 20, p. 232.
17. Isaev A.P., Erlikh V.V., Romanov Y.N., Bakhareva A.S. Adaptation of Athletes to Middle-Altitude Conditions Via the Intensive Development of Local-Regional Muscular Endurance and Strength Motor Capability, Stretching, and Relaxation. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 1219–1229.
18. Wagganer J.D., Robison Ch.E., Ackerman T.A., Davis P.G. Effects of Exercise Accumulation on Plasma Lipids and Lipoproteins. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 2015, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 441–447. DOI: 10.1139/apnm-2014-0321
19. Mann Steven, Beedie Christopher, Jimenez Alfonso. Differential Effects of Aerobic Exercise, Resistance Training and Combined Exercise Modalities on Cholesterol and the Lipid Profile: Review, Synthesis and Recommendations. Sports Medicine, 2014, vol. 44, pp. 211–221. DOI: 10.1007/s40279-013-0110-5
20. Nakagawa Y., Hattori M. Intramyocellular Lipids of Muscle Type in Athletes of Different Sport Disciplines. Open Access J Sports Med., 2017, no. 8, pp. 161–166. DOI: 10.2147/OAJSM.S139801
21. Sperlich B., Zinner C., Wegrzyk J., Hauser A., Holmberg H.-C. The Impact of Hyperoxia on Human Performance and Recovery. Sports Medicine, 2017, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 429-438. DOI: 10.1007/s40279-016-0590-1
References on translit
1. Al’fonsova E.V. [Change in Some Indicators of the Homeostasis System in Lactate Acidosis]. Fundamental’nyye issledovaniya [Fundamental Research], 2013, no. 5 – 2, pp. 240–244. (in Russ.)2. Akhmetov I.I., Khakimullina A.M., Popov D.V., Missina S.S., Vinogradova O.L., Rogozin V.A. [Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Gene Polymorphism and Aerobic Performance]. Fiziologiya cheloveka [Physiology of Man], 2008, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 97–101. (in Russ.)
3. Burshteyn A.E. Biofizika myshechnogo sokrashcheniya [Biophysics of Muscle Contraction]. Moscow, 1966. 120 p.
4. Vikulov A.D., Margazin V.A., Kaunina D.V. [Low-Density Lipoproteins and Physical Performance of Swimmers]. Lechebnaya fizicheskaya kul’tura i sportivnaya meditsina [Therapeutic Physical Training and Sports Medicine], 2014, no. 1 (121), pp. 10–15. (in Russ.)
5. Gerasimov I.G. [Approaches to the Estimation of the Parameters of the Spectrum of the Activity of Hydrogen Ions in Biological Fluids I. Electrochemical Method]. Vestnik novykh meditsinskikh tekhnologiy [Herald of New Medical Technologies], 2006, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 136–138. (in Russ.)
6. Kirgizov I.V., Gorbunov N.S., Baranov K.N., Kuznetsov V.Yu. [Changes in the Acid-Base State of Blood in Children with Chronic Colic Stasis]. Rossiyskiy pediatricheskiy zhurnal [Russian Pediatric Journal], 2007, no. 6, pp. 15–17. (in Russ.)
7. Kotovskaya A.R., Fomina G.A. [Features of Adaptation and Disadaptation of the Cardiovascular System in Space Flight Conditions]. Fiziologiya cheloveka [Physiology of Man], 2010, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 78–86. (in Russ.)
8. Kuznik B.I. Kletochnyye i molekulyarnyye mekhanizmy regulyatsii sistemy gemostaza v norme i patologii [Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Hemostasis Regulation in Norm and Pathology Forge]. Chita, Express Publ., 2010. 826 p.
9. Martynova D.S., Al’metova R.R., Nabatov A.A. [Hematologic Indices of Young Skaters During the Competition Period]. Vserossiyskaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem “Sovremennyye problemy i perspektivy razvitiya sistemy podgotovki sportivnogo rezerva v preddverii XXXI Olimpiyskikh igr v Rio-De-Zhaneyro” [All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference with International Participation Modern Problems and Perspectives of Development of the Sports Reserve Preparation System in the Run-Up to the XXXI Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro], 2015, pp. 77–79. (in Russ.)
10. Novikov V.E., Katunina N.P. [Pharmacology and Biochemistry of Hypoxia]. Obzory po klinicheskoy farmakologii i lekarstvennoy terapii [Reviews of Clinical Pharmacology and Drug Therapy], 2002, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 73–87. (in Russ.)
11. Oparina O.N., Anisimova N.V., Dogurevich O.A. [Evaluation of the Athlete's Blood System Parameters when Adapting to Physical Loads]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul’tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2017, no. 10, pp. 58–60. (in Russ.)
12. Rybina I.L., Kuznetsova Z.M. [Use of the Activity of Creatine Phosphokinase in Assessing the Urgent and Long-Term Adaptation of the Athletes' Organism to Training Loads]. Pedagogikopsikhologicheskiye i mediko-biologicheskiye problemy fizicheskoy kul’tury i sporta [Pedagogical-Psychological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports], 2015, no. 3 (36), pp. 150–158. (in Russ.)
13. Rybina I.L. [Features of Metabolic Changes in the Adaptation of the Athlete's Body to Cyclic Sports for Training Loads in Conditions of Mid-Level Training]. Pedagogiko-psikhologicheskiye i medikobiologicheskiye problemy fizicheskoy kul’tury i sporta [Pedagogical-Psychological and Medico-Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sports], 2016, no. 1 (38), pp. 231–237. (in Russ.)
14. Fatkullina L.D., Molochkina E.M., Zorina O.M., Podchufarova D.E., Gavrilova S.I., Fedorova Ya.B., Klyushnik T.P., Burlakova E.B. [Parameters of Membrane Structure and Activity of Erythrocyte Acetylcholinesterase in Patients with Soft Cognitive Decline Syndrome]. Nevrologii i psikhiatrii [Neurology and Psychiatry], 2013, no. 6, pp. 62–67. (in Russ.)
15. Bakhareva A.S., Isaev A.P., Erlikh V.V., Aminov A.S. Effective Long Term Adaptation and Metabolic State Regulation of Ski-Racers. Pedagogics Psychology of Fhysical Training and Sports, 2016, vol. 20 (3), pp. 4–10. DOI: 10.15561/18189172.2016.0301
16. Goldspink G. Mechanical Signals, IGF-I Gene Splicing, and Muscle Adaptation. Physiology (Bethesda), 2005, vol. 20, p. 232.
17. Isaev A.P., Erlikh V.V., Romanov Y.N., Bakhareva A.S. Adaptation of Athletes to Middle-Altitude Conditions Via the Intensive Development of Local-Regional Muscular Endurance and Strength Motor Capability, Stretching, and Relaxation. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 2016, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 1219–1229.
18. Wagganer J.D., Robison Ch.E., Ackerman T.A., Davis P.G. Effects of Exercise Accumulation on Plasma Lipids and Lipoproteins. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 2015, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 441–447. DOI: 10.1139/apnm-2014-0321
19. Mann Steven, Beedie Christopher, Jimenez Alfonso. Differential Effects of Aerobic Exercise, Resistance Training and Combined Exercise Modalities on Cholesterol and the Lipid Profile: Review, Synthesis and Recommendations. Sports Medicine, 2014, vol. 44, pp. 211–221. DOI: 10.1007/s40279-013-0110-5
20. Nakagawa Y., Hattori M. Intramyocellular Lipids of Muscle Type in Athletes of Different Sport Disciplines. Open Access J Sports Med., 2017, no. 8, pp. 161–166. DOI: 10.2147/OAJSM.S139801
21. Sperlich B., Zinner C., Wegrzyk J., Hauser A., Holmberg H.-C. The Impact of Hyperoxia on Human Performance and Recovery. Sports Medicine, 2017, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 429-438. DOI: 10.1007/s40279-016-0590-1
How to Cite
Bakhareva, A., Zalyapin, V., Kharitonova, E., & Budanov, G. (2018). SIGNIFICANCE OF BIOCHEMICAL AND HEMATOLOGICAL INDICATORS OF RACING SKIERS DURING ADAPTATION TO TRAINING LOADS. Human. Sport. Medicine, 18(3), 30-36.
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