Aim. The paper aims to propose the conceptual stages of using symbolic (non-material) resources in the development of tourist territories. Materials and methods. The method of questioning is used to identify the mst memorable and repetitive symbolic resources of the territory. Results. A step-by-step concept for the introduction of symbolic resources is presented, which can be of interest for authorities and experts in using symbolic resources for the tourist development of the region: 1) creating a list of objects available for tourists and their further classification as symbolic resources should be represented by the following: cultural and ethnic events; epics, rites, traditions and customs of indigenous peoples. 2) maintaining symbolic resources as they receive the status of the most important factors in tourism development and determine the direction of tourism development in the region. 3) promoting the tourist territory through symbolic resources is an effective mechanism for attracting tourists to the region, which can be used by regional tourist information centers. 4) the strategy, tactics, goals and objectives of tourism development are implemented as concepts, programs and work of regional authorities in cooperation with public structures and the business sector. 5) propulsive influence of symbolic resources on tourism development of the territory should include the following: promising tourist products; positive tourist image, increase in tourist arrivals. 6) image and branding of the tourist territory depends on the study of symbolic resources that are directly related to the “brand” and “image” of the territory. 7) communication between the tourist territory and business communities: symbolic resources of the territory are the prospects for the development of a new regional economy – the so-called economy of impressions. Conclusion. Symbolic resources and their use in the administrative practice of developing tourist territories can become a basis for solving many socio-economic problems of the territory.
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