Competence, competition, judo, model, perfect athlete
Aim. The aim of this article is to improve a long-term preparation system of judokas. Materials and methods. To study the problem of a gradual formation of the competitive competence in wrestlers, we decided to conduct the experiment with the participation of the athletes of different age groups: I (11–12) – 726, II (13–14) – 553, III (15–17) – 637, IV (male group) – 557. The competitive competence of wrestlers was evaluated during competitions of different levels. Results. The results obtained allowed us to propose an innovative way for constructing a model of “ideal wrestler”, which contains 16 individual competencies developed on the basis of the official rules of judo competitions. The sum of individual competencies we identified as a “competitive competence”. Conclusion. We also conducted a stepwise comparison of individual competencies between the age groups (group I with II, II with III, III with IV), which proved their informativeness in assessing competitive activity.References
1. Adol’f V.A. Professional’naya kompetentnost’ sovremennogo uchitelya: monografiya [Professional Competence of the Modern Teacher. Monograph]. Krasnoyarsk, 1998. 310 p.
2. Bikbulatov M.S. Didakticheskiye vozmozhnosti kontrolya osoznannosti usvoyeniya znaniy [Didactic Opportunities to Control the Awareness of Mastering Knowledge]. Moscow, 1981.
3. Burtseva S.V., Zekrin F.Kh., Chedov K.V. [Model Characteristics of Sambo Wrestlers of High Qualification]. Podgotovka edinobortsev: teoriya, metodika i praktika: sbornik materialov IV Vserossiyskaya konferentsiya [Preparation of Martial Artists. Theory, Methodology and Practice. A Collection of Materials IV All-Russian Conference], 2014, pp. 11–14.
4. Gandel’sman A.B., Smirnov K.M. Fiziologicheskiye osnovy metodiki sportivnoy trenirovki [Physiological Basis of the Method of Sports Training]. Moscow, Physical Training and Sports Publ., 1970. 232 p.
5. Demin V.A. [Professional Competence of a Specialist. Concept and Types]. Monitoring obrazovatel’nogo protsessa [Monitoring the Educational Process], 2000, no. 4, p. 35.
6. Dubrovskiy V.I. Sportivnaya fiziologiya: uchebnoe dlya vuzov [Sports Physiology. Textbook for Universities]. Moscow, VLADOS Publ., 2005. 462 p.
7. Nelyubin V.V., Ivanyuzhenkov B.V. [Classification of Methods of Tactical Training as a Factor in the Management of Wrestling]. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Collected Scientific Works], 1999, iss. 26, no. 2, pp. 58–67. (in Russ.)
8. Novikov A.A., Mironov V.D., Gruznykh G.M. [The Main Directions of Scientific Research in Sports Wrestling]. Sportivnaya bor’ba: ezhegodnik [Wrestling. Yearbook], 1977, pp. 56–60. (in Russ.)
9. Ongorbayev S.A., Boyaroglo P.L. Pravila sorevnovaniy Mezhdunarodnoy federatsii dzyudo [Rules of Competitions of the International Judo Federation]. Almaty, Yer-Daulet Publ., 1995. 80 p.
10. Plakhtiyenko V.A. Psikhologicheskiye osnovy povysheniya nadezhnosti sportivnoy deyatel’nosti. Dokt. diss. [Psychological Bases of Increase of Reliability of Sports Activity. Doct. sci. diss.]. Leningrad, 1982. 511 p.
11. Rayskiy I.I. Dzyudo: v pomoshch’ arbitru: uchebnoye posobiye dlya studentov vysshego uchebnogo zavedeniya [Judo. To Help the Arbiter. A Textbook for Students of Higher Education Institutions]. Bishkek, 2011. 120 p.
12. Rayskiy I.I. Organizatsiya i provedeniye sorevnovaniy po dzyudo: uchebnoye posobiye dlya studentov vuzov [Organization and Conduct of Competitions in Judo. A Textbook for University Students]. Bishkek, 2013. 129 p.
13. Rubanov M.N., Koblev Ya.K., Abadze E.A., Chermit K.D. [Management of the Training of Athletes of High Qualification on the Basis of AIPS Contest]. Primeneniye EVM i matematicheskikh metodov v upravlenii podgotovkoy sbornykh komand: materialy Vsesoyuznoy nauchnoy konferentsii [Application of Computers and Mathematical Methods in the Management of the Preparation of National Teams. Materials of the All-Union Scientific Conference], 1983, pp. 141–142. (in Russ.)
14. Savolaynen G.S. [Collaborative Coaching in the Additional Professional Education of Teachers. The Idea, Technology, Practice]. Vestnik KGPU imeni V.P. Astaf’yeva [Bulletin of KSPU them V.P. Astaf'eva], 2014, no. 3 (29), pp. 12–22. (in Russ.)
15. Trofimov A.I. Dzyudo: metodicheskoye posobiye po pravilam dzyudo [Judo. Methodical Manual on the Rules of Judo]. Moscow, 2001. 134 p.
16. Shashkina M.B., Shkerina L.V. [Measuring the Competencies of Students on the Basis of Problematic Pedagogical Situations]. Vestnik KGPU imeni V.P. Astaf’yeva [Herald of KSPU them V.P. Astaf'eva], 2012, no. 4 (22), pp. 201–207. (in Russ.)
17. Shkerina L.V., Sen’kina E.V., Savolaynen G.S. [Interdisciplinary Educational Module as an Organizational and Pedagogical Condition for the Formation of the Research Competences of the Future Mathematics Teacher in the University]. Vestnik KGPU imeni V.P. Astaf’yeva [Bulletin of KSPU Named after V.P. Astaf'eva], 2013, no. 4 (26), pp. 76–80. (in Russ.)
18. Shkerina T.A. [Criteria and Levels of the Formation of the Research Competence of Bachelors – Future Teachers – Psychologists]. Vestnik KGPU imeni V.P. Astaf’yeva [Bulletin of KSPU Named after V.P. Astaf'eva], 2011, no. 1, pp. 122–126. (in Russ.)
19. Shustin B.N. [The Problem of Developing Model Characteristics of Competitive Activities of Athletes]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul’tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 1983, no. 11, pp. 25–27. (in Russ.)
2. Bikbulatov M.S. Didakticheskiye vozmozhnosti kontrolya osoznannosti usvoyeniya znaniy [Didactic Opportunities to Control the Awareness of Mastering Knowledge]. Moscow, 1981.
3. Burtseva S.V., Zekrin F.Kh., Chedov K.V. [Model Characteristics of Sambo Wrestlers of High Qualification]. Podgotovka edinobortsev: teoriya, metodika i praktika: sbornik materialov IV Vserossiyskaya konferentsiya [Preparation of Martial Artists. Theory, Methodology and Practice. A Collection of Materials IV All-Russian Conference], 2014, pp. 11–14.
4. Gandel’sman A.B., Smirnov K.M. Fiziologicheskiye osnovy metodiki sportivnoy trenirovki [Physiological Basis of the Method of Sports Training]. Moscow, Physical Training and Sports Publ., 1970. 232 p.
5. Demin V.A. [Professional Competence of a Specialist. Concept and Types]. Monitoring obrazovatel’nogo protsessa [Monitoring the Educational Process], 2000, no. 4, p. 35.
6. Dubrovskiy V.I. Sportivnaya fiziologiya: uchebnoe dlya vuzov [Sports Physiology. Textbook for Universities]. Moscow, VLADOS Publ., 2005. 462 p.
7. Nelyubin V.V., Ivanyuzhenkov B.V. [Classification of Methods of Tactical Training as a Factor in the Management of Wrestling]. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Collected Scientific Works], 1999, iss. 26, no. 2, pp. 58–67. (in Russ.)
8. Novikov A.A., Mironov V.D., Gruznykh G.M. [The Main Directions of Scientific Research in Sports Wrestling]. Sportivnaya bor’ba: ezhegodnik [Wrestling. Yearbook], 1977, pp. 56–60. (in Russ.)
9. Ongorbayev S.A., Boyaroglo P.L. Pravila sorevnovaniy Mezhdunarodnoy federatsii dzyudo [Rules of Competitions of the International Judo Federation]. Almaty, Yer-Daulet Publ., 1995. 80 p.
10. Plakhtiyenko V.A. Psikhologicheskiye osnovy povysheniya nadezhnosti sportivnoy deyatel’nosti. Dokt. diss. [Psychological Bases of Increase of Reliability of Sports Activity. Doct. sci. diss.]. Leningrad, 1982. 511 p.
11. Rayskiy I.I. Dzyudo: v pomoshch’ arbitru: uchebnoye posobiye dlya studentov vysshego uchebnogo zavedeniya [Judo. To Help the Arbiter. A Textbook for Students of Higher Education Institutions]. Bishkek, 2011. 120 p.
12. Rayskiy I.I. Organizatsiya i provedeniye sorevnovaniy po dzyudo: uchebnoye posobiye dlya studentov vuzov [Organization and Conduct of Competitions in Judo. A Textbook for University Students]. Bishkek, 2013. 129 p.
13. Rubanov M.N., Koblev Ya.K., Abadze E.A., Chermit K.D. [Management of the Training of Athletes of High Qualification on the Basis of AIPS Contest]. Primeneniye EVM i matematicheskikh metodov v upravlenii podgotovkoy sbornykh komand: materialy Vsesoyuznoy nauchnoy konferentsii [Application of Computers and Mathematical Methods in the Management of the Preparation of National Teams. Materials of the All-Union Scientific Conference], 1983, pp. 141–142. (in Russ.)
14. Savolaynen G.S. [Collaborative Coaching in the Additional Professional Education of Teachers. The Idea, Technology, Practice]. Vestnik KGPU imeni V.P. Astaf’yeva [Bulletin of KSPU them V.P. Astaf'eva], 2014, no. 3 (29), pp. 12–22. (in Russ.)
15. Trofimov A.I. Dzyudo: metodicheskoye posobiye po pravilam dzyudo [Judo. Methodical Manual on the Rules of Judo]. Moscow, 2001. 134 p.
16. Shashkina M.B., Shkerina L.V. [Measuring the Competencies of Students on the Basis of Problematic Pedagogical Situations]. Vestnik KGPU imeni V.P. Astaf’yeva [Herald of KSPU them V.P. Astaf'eva], 2012, no. 4 (22), pp. 201–207. (in Russ.)
17. Shkerina L.V., Sen’kina E.V., Savolaynen G.S. [Interdisciplinary Educational Module as an Organizational and Pedagogical Condition for the Formation of the Research Competences of the Future Mathematics Teacher in the University]. Vestnik KGPU imeni V.P. Astaf’yeva [Bulletin of KSPU Named after V.P. Astaf'eva], 2013, no. 4 (26), pp. 76–80. (in Russ.)
18. Shkerina T.A. [Criteria and Levels of the Formation of the Research Competence of Bachelors – Future Teachers – Psychologists]. Vestnik KGPU imeni V.P. Astaf’yeva [Bulletin of KSPU Named after V.P. Astaf'eva], 2011, no. 1, pp. 122–126. (in Russ.)
19. Shustin B.N. [The Problem of Developing Model Characteristics of Competitive Activities of Athletes]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul’tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 1983, no. 11, pp. 25–27. (in Russ.)
2. Bikbulatov M.S. Didakticheskiye vozmozhnosti kontrolya osoznannosti usvoyeniya znaniy [Didactic Opportunities to Control the Awareness of Mastering Knowledge]. Moscow, 1981.
3. Burtseva S.V., Zekrin F.Kh., Chedov K.V. [Model Characteristics of Sambo Wrestlers of High Qualification]. Podgotovka edinobortsev: teoriya, metodika i praktika: sbornik materialov IV Vserossiyskaya konferentsiya [Preparation of Martial Artists. Theory, Methodology and Practice. A Collection of Materials IV All-Russian Conference], 2014, pp. 11–14.
4. Gandel’sman A.B., Smirnov K.M. Fiziologicheskiye osnovy metodiki sportivnoy trenirovki [Physiological Basis of the Method of Sports Training]. Moscow, Physical Training and Sports Publ., 1970. 232 p.
5. Demin V.A. [Professional Competence of a Specialist. Concept and Types]. Monitoring obrazovatel’nogo protsessa [Monitoring the Educational Process], 2000, no. 4, p. 35.
6. Dubrovskiy V.I. Sportivnaya fiziologiya: uchebnoe dlya vuzov [Sports Physiology. Textbook for Universities]. Moscow, VLADOS Publ., 2005. 462 p.
7. Nelyubin V.V., Ivanyuzhenkov B.V. [Classification of Methods of Tactical Training as a Factor in the Management of Wrestling]. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Collected Scientific Works], 1999, iss. 26, no. 2, pp. 58–67. (in Russ.)
8. Novikov A.A., Mironov V.D., Gruznykh G.M. [The Main Directions of Scientific Research in Sports Wrestling]. Sportivnaya bor’ba: ezhegodnik [Wrestling. Yearbook], 1977, pp. 56–60. (in Russ.)
9. Ongorbayev S.A., Boyaroglo P.L. Pravila sorevnovaniy Mezhdunarodnoy federatsii dzyudo [Rules of Competitions of the International Judo Federation]. Almaty, Yer-Daulet Publ., 1995. 80 p.
10. Plakhtiyenko V.A. Psikhologicheskiye osnovy povysheniya nadezhnosti sportivnoy deyatel’nosti. Dokt. diss. [Psychological Bases of Increase of Reliability of Sports Activity. Doct. sci. diss.]. Leningrad, 1982. 511 p.
11. Rayskiy I.I. Dzyudo: v pomoshch’ arbitru: uchebnoye posobiye dlya studentov vysshego uchebnogo zavedeniya [Judo. To Help the Arbiter. A Textbook for Students of Higher Education Institutions]. Bishkek, 2011. 120 p.
12. Rayskiy I.I. Organizatsiya i provedeniye sorevnovaniy po dzyudo: uchebnoye posobiye dlya studentov vuzov [Organization and Conduct of Competitions in Judo. A Textbook for University Students]. Bishkek, 2013. 129 p.
13. Rubanov M.N., Koblev Ya.K., Abadze E.A., Chermit K.D. [Management of the Training of Athletes of High Qualification on the Basis of AIPS Contest]. Primeneniye EVM i matematicheskikh metodov v upravlenii podgotovkoy sbornykh komand: materialy Vsesoyuznoy nauchnoy konferentsii [Application of Computers and Mathematical Methods in the Management of the Preparation of National Teams. Materials of the All-Union Scientific Conference], 1983, pp. 141–142. (in Russ.)
14. Savolaynen G.S. [Collaborative Coaching in the Additional Professional Education of Teachers. The Idea, Technology, Practice]. Vestnik KGPU imeni V.P. Astaf’yeva [Bulletin of KSPU them V.P. Astaf'eva], 2014, no. 3 (29), pp. 12–22. (in Russ.)
15. Trofimov A.I. Dzyudo: metodicheskoye posobiye po pravilam dzyudo [Judo. Methodical Manual on the Rules of Judo]. Moscow, 2001. 134 p.
16. Shashkina M.B., Shkerina L.V. [Measuring the Competencies of Students on the Basis of Problematic Pedagogical Situations]. Vestnik KGPU imeni V.P. Astaf’yeva [Herald of KSPU them V.P. Astaf'eva], 2012, no. 4 (22), pp. 201–207. (in Russ.)
17. Shkerina L.V., Sen’kina E.V., Savolaynen G.S. [Interdisciplinary Educational Module as an Organizational and Pedagogical Condition for the Formation of the Research Competences of the Future Mathematics Teacher in the University]. Vestnik KGPU imeni V.P. Astaf’yeva [Bulletin of KSPU Named after V.P. Astaf'eva], 2013, no. 4 (26), pp. 76–80. (in Russ.)
18. Shkerina T.A. [Criteria and Levels of the Formation of the Research Competence of Bachelors – Future Teachers – Psychologists]. Vestnik KGPU imeni V.P. Astaf’yeva [Bulletin of KSPU Named after V.P. Astaf'eva], 2011, no. 1, pp. 122–126. (in Russ.)
19. Shustin B.N. [The Problem of Developing Model Characteristics of Competitive Activities of Athletes]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul’tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 1983, no. 11, pp. 25–27. (in Russ.)
References on translit
1. Adol’f V.A. Professional’naya kompetentnost’ sovremennogo uchitelya: monografiya [Professional Competence of the Modern Teacher. Monograph]. Krasnoyarsk, 1998. 310 p.2. Bikbulatov M.S. Didakticheskiye vozmozhnosti kontrolya osoznannosti usvoyeniya znaniy [Didactic Opportunities to Control the Awareness of Mastering Knowledge]. Moscow, 1981.
3. Burtseva S.V., Zekrin F.Kh., Chedov K.V. [Model Characteristics of Sambo Wrestlers of High Qualification]. Podgotovka edinobortsev: teoriya, metodika i praktika: sbornik materialov IV Vserossiyskaya konferentsiya [Preparation of Martial Artists. Theory, Methodology and Practice. A Collection of Materials IV All-Russian Conference], 2014, pp. 11–14.
4. Gandel’sman A.B., Smirnov K.M. Fiziologicheskiye osnovy metodiki sportivnoy trenirovki [Physiological Basis of the Method of Sports Training]. Moscow, Physical Training and Sports Publ., 1970. 232 p.
5. Demin V.A. [Professional Competence of a Specialist. Concept and Types]. Monitoring obrazovatel’nogo protsessa [Monitoring the Educational Process], 2000, no. 4, p. 35.
6. Dubrovskiy V.I. Sportivnaya fiziologiya: uchebnoe dlya vuzov [Sports Physiology. Textbook for Universities]. Moscow, VLADOS Publ., 2005. 462 p.
7. Nelyubin V.V., Ivanyuzhenkov B.V. [Classification of Methods of Tactical Training as a Factor in the Management of Wrestling]. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Collected Scientific Works], 1999, iss. 26, no. 2, pp. 58–67. (in Russ.)
8. Novikov A.A., Mironov V.D., Gruznykh G.M. [The Main Directions of Scientific Research in Sports Wrestling]. Sportivnaya bor’ba: ezhegodnik [Wrestling. Yearbook], 1977, pp. 56–60. (in Russ.)
9. Ongorbayev S.A., Boyaroglo P.L. Pravila sorevnovaniy Mezhdunarodnoy federatsii dzyudo [Rules of Competitions of the International Judo Federation]. Almaty, Yer-Daulet Publ., 1995. 80 p.
10. Plakhtiyenko V.A. Psikhologicheskiye osnovy povysheniya nadezhnosti sportivnoy deyatel’nosti. Dokt. diss. [Psychological Bases of Increase of Reliability of Sports Activity. Doct. sci. diss.]. Leningrad, 1982. 511 p.
11. Rayskiy I.I. Dzyudo: v pomoshch’ arbitru: uchebnoye posobiye dlya studentov vysshego uchebnogo zavedeniya [Judo. To Help the Arbiter. A Textbook for Students of Higher Education Institutions]. Bishkek, 2011. 120 p.
12. Rayskiy I.I. Organizatsiya i provedeniye sorevnovaniy po dzyudo: uchebnoye posobiye dlya studentov vuzov [Organization and Conduct of Competitions in Judo. A Textbook for University Students]. Bishkek, 2013. 129 p.
13. Rubanov M.N., Koblev Ya.K., Abadze E.A., Chermit K.D. [Management of the Training of Athletes of High Qualification on the Basis of AIPS Contest]. Primeneniye EVM i matematicheskikh metodov v upravlenii podgotovkoy sbornykh komand: materialy Vsesoyuznoy nauchnoy konferentsii [Application of Computers and Mathematical Methods in the Management of the Preparation of National Teams. Materials of the All-Union Scientific Conference], 1983, pp. 141–142. (in Russ.)
14. Savolaynen G.S. [Collaborative Coaching in the Additional Professional Education of Teachers. The Idea, Technology, Practice]. Vestnik KGPU imeni V.P. Astaf’yeva [Bulletin of KSPU them V.P. Astaf'eva], 2014, no. 3 (29), pp. 12–22. (in Russ.)
15. Trofimov A.I. Dzyudo: metodicheskoye posobiye po pravilam dzyudo [Judo. Methodical Manual on the Rules of Judo]. Moscow, 2001. 134 p.
16. Shashkina M.B., Shkerina L.V. [Measuring the Competencies of Students on the Basis of Problematic Pedagogical Situations]. Vestnik KGPU imeni V.P. Astaf’yeva [Herald of KSPU them V.P. Astaf'eva], 2012, no. 4 (22), pp. 201–207. (in Russ.)
17. Shkerina L.V., Sen’kina E.V., Savolaynen G.S. [Interdisciplinary Educational Module as an Organizational and Pedagogical Condition for the Formation of the Research Competences of the Future Mathematics Teacher in the University]. Vestnik KGPU imeni V.P. Astaf’yeva [Bulletin of KSPU Named after V.P. Astaf'eva], 2013, no. 4 (26), pp. 76–80. (in Russ.)
18. Shkerina T.A. [Criteria and Levels of the Formation of the Research Competence of Bachelors – Future Teachers – Psychologists]. Vestnik KGPU imeni V.P. Astaf’yeva [Bulletin of KSPU Named after V.P. Astaf'eva], 2011, no. 1, pp. 122–126. (in Russ.)
19. Shustin B.N. [The Problem of Developing Model Characteristics of Competitive Activities of Athletes]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul’tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 1983, no. 11, pp. 25–27. (in Russ.)
How to Cite
Koptev, O. (2018). COMPETITIVE COMPETENCE STRUCTURE IN JUDO. Human. Sport. Medicine, 18(2), 35-44.
Sports training
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