Conditioning, sport, nutritional level, Physical Education, pupils.
Aim. The research was conducted with the primary aim of determining the antropometric characteristics as well as motor and functional abilities of three groups of examinees over a twoyear period of organized physical activity engagement. The secondary aims were to examine each group's nutritional status and their connection to the results achieved in the functional ability evaluation. Material and methods. In the total sample which consisted of 147 pupils, one group was engaged in martial arts (karate, wrestling, taekwondo and kick-boxing), the second group in team sports played with a ball (football, handball and basketball), while the third group was physically active only on Physical Education classes. Ten variables were used for the needs of the research, while to process the data, the Student's t-test for dependable samples, the discriminant analysis and the correlation analysis were used. Results. For all the three measurements, the results show the superiority of examinees – athletes compared to non-athletes. Engaging in team sports played with a ball at the age of 11 to 13 has a more positive influence on the analysed variables of the anthropological status than for peers who are non-athletes, but the same was not shown for athletes engaging in martial arts (p &< 0.05). The highest values of nutritional status were measured in non-athletic pupils, while lower values of the body mass index condition the better results of the six-minute run test (p &< 0.01). Conclusion. The obtained data lead to the conclusion that only regular Physical Education classes held two school hours a week cannot secure a long-term significant influence on the development of children and adolescents' kinanthropological characteristics, but it is necessary to encourage children to take part in extracurricular sport activities. Some of the reasons due to which the differences in improvements acquired by the two groups of athletes compared to the group of non-athletes were not significantly higher can be explained by inadequate work conditions and the children's lack of interest for a specific sport activity, as well as by the choice of the coaching staff.References
1. Badric M., Sporis G., Krsticevic T. Razlikeu Motorickim Sposobnostima Ucenika Prema Razini Tjelesne Aktivnostiu Slobodno Vrijeme. Hrvatski Sportskomedicinski Vjesnik, 2015, no. 30, pp. 92–98.
2. Baic M. Razlikeu Razini Izabranih Motorickihi Funkcionalnih Sposobnosti Kod Poljskihi Hrvatskih Hrvaca Klasicnim Nacinom (Master’s Thesis, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb). Zagrebu, Kinezioloski Fakultet Sveucilistau Zagrebu, 2003.
3. Baic M., Maric J., Valentic M. Bazicne i Specificne Hrvacke Vjezbe u Parovima za Razvoj Snage i Fleksibilnosti Trupa. Kondicijski Trening, 2004, no. 2 (2), pp. 34–43.
4. Baron R.A., Byrne D. Social Psychology. Boston, Allyn end Bacon, 2000.
5. Biro F.M., Wien M. Childhood Obesity and Adult Morbidities. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010, no. 91 (5), pp. 1499–1505.
6. Bompa T. Cjelokupan Trening za Mlade Pobjednike. Zagreb. Hrvatski Kosarkaski Savez & Udruga Hrvatskih Kosarkaskih Trenera, 2000.
7. Casonatto J., Araujo Fernandes R., Biagi Batista M., Serpeloni Cyrino E., Coelho-e-Silva M.J., de Arruda M., Vaz Ronque E.R. Association Between Health-Related Physical Fitness and Body Mass Index Status in Children. Journal of Child Health Care, 2016, no. 20 (3), pp. 294–303.
8. Chen L.J., Fox K.R., Haase A., Wang J.M. Obesity, Fitness and Health in Taiwanese Children and Adolescents. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006, no. 60 (12), pp. 1367–1375.
9. Cole T.J., Bellizzi M.C., Flegal K.M., Dietz W.H. Establishing a Standard Definition for Child Overweight and Obesity Worldwide: International Survey. British Medical Journal, 2000, no. 320, pp. 1240–1243. DOI: 10.1136/bmj.320.7244.1240
10. Davis L., Jowett S. Attachment Styles within the Coach-Athlete Dyad: Preliminary Investigation and Assessment Development. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 2013, no. 7 (2), pp. 120–145.
11. De Onis M., Onyango A.W., Borghi E., Siyam A., Nishida C., Siekmann J. Development of a WHO Growth Reference for School-Aged Children and Adolescents.Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2007, no. 85 (9), pp. 660–667.
12. Findak V., Metikos D., Mrakovic M., Neljak B. Primijenjena Kineziologija u Skolstvu – Norme. Zagreb. Hrvatski Pedagosko-Knjizevni Zbor., 1996.
13. Findak V. Metodika Tjelesne i Zdravstvene Kulture: Prirucnik za Nastavnike Tjelesne i Zdravstvene Culture. Zagreb, Skolska Knjiga, 2001.
14. Fransen J., Pion J., Vandendriessche J., Vandorpe B., Vaeyens R., Lenoir M., Philippaerts R.M. Differences in Physical Fitness and Gross Motor Coordination in Boys Aged 6–12 Years Specializing in One Versus Sampling More than One Sport. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2012, no. 30 (4), pp. 379–386.
15. Garcia-Pinillos F., Ruiz-Ariza A., Moreno del Castillo R., Latorre-Roman P.A. Impact of Limited Hamstring Flexibility on Vertical Jump, Kicking Speed, Sprint, and Agility in Young Football Players. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2015, no. 33 (12), pp. 1293–1297.
16. Inchley J. et al. Growing up Unequal: Gender and Socioeconomic Differences in Young People?s Health and Well-Being. Health Behavior in School-Age Children (HBSC) Study: International Report From 2013/2014 Survey. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2016.
17. Jinzhou Y., Fu Y., Zhang R., Li X., Shan G. The Reliability and Sensitivity of Indices Related to Cardiovascular Fitness Evaluation. Kinesiology, 2008, no. 40 (2), pp. 138–145.
18. Jovanovic M., Tadic M., Krakan I., Findak V. Utjecaj Organiziranog Rekreacijskog Bavljenja Nogometom na Eksplozivnu Snagu, Repetitivnu Snagu i Fleksibilnost Skolske Djece od 11. do 12. Godine. Zbornik Radova 20. Ljetne Skole Kineziologa Republike Hrvatske, Porec. 2011, pp. 196–201.
19. Juresa V., Musil V., Majer M., Heimer S. Stanje Pretilosti Djece u Hrvatskoj. Tjelesna Aktivnost i Zdravlje – Uloga Tjelesne Aktivnosti u Prevenciji i Lijecenju Prekomjerne Tezine i Pretilosti, Zagreb, 2011, pp. 16–18.
20. Kopelman P. Health Risks Associated with Overweight and Obesity. Obesity Reviews, 2007, no. 8 (1), pp. 13–17.
21. Krstulovic S., Males B., Zuvela F., Erceg M., Miletic D. Judo, Soccer and Track-and- Field Differential Effects on Some Anthropological Characteristics in Seven-Year-Old Boys. Kinesiology, 2010, no. 42 (1), pp. 56–64.
22. Luciano A., Piccoli A., Bonetti P., Romano R., Bolognani M., Castellarin A., Zoppi G. BMI Centile as an Indicator of Degree of Obesity in Childhood. La Pediatria Medica e Chirurgica: Medical and Surgical Paediatrics, 2001, no. 23 (3–4), pp. 183–185.
23. Maric J., Baic M., Aracic M., Milanovic D., Jukic I. Kondicijska Priprema Hrvaca. Zbornik Radova Medunarodnog Znanstveno-Strucnog Skupa Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa, Zagreb, 2003, pp. 339–346.
24. Markovic G.,Milanovic D., Jukic I. Teorijske i Metodicke Osnove Kondicijske Pripreme u Taekwondou. Zbornik Radova Medunarodnog Znanstveno-Strucnog Skupa Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa, Zagreb, 2003, pp. 549–556.
25. Markovic G., Badric A. Nogomet – Integralni Kondicijski Trening. Zagreb. Udruga „Tjelesno Vjezbanje i Zdravlje“, 2008.
26. Matkovic B., Knjaz D., Cosic B., Milanovic D., Jukic I. Smjernice Fizicke Pripreme u Kosarci. Zbornik Radova Medunarodnog Znanstveno- Strucnog Skupa Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa, Zagreb, 2003, pp. 390–394.
27. Mikulic P., Jukic, I., Milanovic, D., Gregov C., Salaj S. Metodika Treninga Izdrzljivosti Djece i Mladih Sportasa – Osvrt na Biolosku i Kronolosku Dob. Zbornik Radova 7. Godisnja Medunarodna Konferencija Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa – Trening Izdrzljivosti, Zagreb, 2009, pp. 36–38.
28. Milanovic D. Teorija Treninga – Kineziologija Sporta. Zagreb: Kinezioloski fakultet Sveucilista u Zagrebu, 2013.
29. Misigoj-Durakovic M., Matkovic B., Jukic I., Milanovic D., Simek S. Bioloske i Funkcionalne Osobitosti Djecje i Adolescentne Dobi i Sportski Trening. Zbornik Radova 5. Godisnja Medunarodna Konferencija Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa – Kondicijska Priprema Djece i Mladih, Zagreb, 2007, pp. 39–45.
30. Misigoj-Durakovic M. Kinantropologija, Bioloski Aspekti Tjelesnog Vjezbanja. Kinezioloski Fakultet Sveucilista u Zagrebu, 2008.
31. Misigoj-Durakovic M., Soric M., Durakovic Z., Heimer S. Zdravstvene Koristi Tjelesne Aktivnosti i Vjezbanja Kod Djece i Adolescenata. Tjelesna Aktivnost i Zdravlje – Uloga Tjelesne Aktivnosti u Prevenciji i Lijecenju Prekomjerne Tezine i Pretilosti, Zagreb, 2011, pp. 19–23.
32. Muratovic A., Petkovic J., Bojanic D., Vasiljevic I. Comparative Analysis of Motor and Specific Motor Abilities Between Handball Players and Non-Athletes in the Cadet Age From Montenegro. Acta Kinesiologica, 2015, no. 9 (1), pp. 70–74.
33. Neljak B., Milanovic D., Jukic, I., Milanovic D., Simek S. Organizacijski, Programski i Materijalni Uvjeti za Redovito Tjelesno Vjezbanje Djece i Mladezi. Zbornik Radova 5. Godisnja Medunarodna Konferencija Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa – Kondicijska Priprema Djece i Mladih, Zagreb, 2007, pp. 32–38.
34. Nikolaidis P.T., Ingebrigtsen J. The Relationship Between Body Mass Index and Physical Fitness in Adolescent and Adult Male Team Handball Players. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2015, no. 57 (4), pp. 361–371.
35. Oliveira A., Monteiro A., Jacome C., Afreixo V., Marques A. Effects of Group Sports on Health-Related Physical Fitness of Overweight Youth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports.2016, no. 7.
36. Ortega F.B., Ruiz J.R., Castillo M.J., Sjostrom M. Physical Fitness in Childhood and Adolescence: a Powerful Marker of Health. International Journal of Obesity, 2008, no. 32, pp. 3–11. DOI: 10.1038/sj.ijo.0803774
37. Partavi S. Effects of 7 Weeks of Rope-Jump Training on Cardiovascular Endurance, Speed and Agility in Middle School Student Boys. Sport Science, 2013, no. 6 (2), pp. 40–43.
38. Petric V., Neljak B.Povezanost Indeksa Tjelesne Mase i Funkcionalnih Sposobnosti te Razlike u Istima Izmedu Ucenika Urbanih Naselja i Ruralnih Sredina. Zbornik Radova 18. Ljetne Skole Kineziologa Republike Hrvatske, Porec. 2009, pp. 214–220.
39. Podnar H., Cule M., Safaric Z., Findak V. Dijagnostika Stanja Uhranjenosti Ucenika Osnovnih Skola Grada Zagreba. Zbornik Radova 22. Ljetne Skole Kineziologa Republike Hrvatske, Porec, 2013, pp. 522–527.
40. Prskalo I., Badric M., Kunjesic M. The Percentage of Body Fat in Children and the Level of their Motor Skills. Collegium Antropologicum, 2015, no. 39 (1), pp. 21–28.
41. Rauner A., Mess F., Woll A. The Relationship Between Physical Activity, Physical Fitness and Overweight in Adolescents: a Systematic Review of Studies Published in or After 2000. BMC Pediatrics, 2013, pp. 13–19. DOI: 10.1201/b16340-7
42. Sekulic D., Metikos D., Sveuciliste S. Osnove Transformacijskih Postupaka u Kineziologiji. Fakultet Prirodoslovno-Matematickih Znanosti i Kineziologije, 2007.
43. Sertic H. Osnove Borilackih Sportova. Zagreb. Kinezioloski Fakultet Sveucilista u Zagrebu, 2004.
44. Sertic H., Segedi I., Vidranski T., Jukic I., Milanovic D., Gregov C., Salaj S. Je li Izdrzljivost Kljucna za Bolji Rezultat u Judu, Karateu i Tae Kwon Dou? Zbornik Radova 7. Godisnja Medunarodna Konferencija Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa – Trening Izdrzljivosti, Zagreb, 2009, pp. 411–414.
45. Sertic H., Segedi I., Prskalo I. Dinamika Razvoja Antropoloskih Obiljezja Tijekom Dvogodisnjeg Perioda Kod Kesportasa, Djecaka Koji se Bave Momcadskim Sportovima i Judasa. Napredak, 2010, no. 151 (3–4), pp. 466–481.
46. Stratton G., Canoy D., Boddy L.M., Taylor S.R., Hackett A.F., Buchan I.E. Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Body Mass Index of 9-11-Year-Old English Children: A Serial Cross-Sectional Study from 1998 to 2004. International Journal of Obesity, 2007, no. 31 (7), pp. 1172–1178.
47. Sarabon N., Jukic I., Milanovic D., Simek S. Priprema Mladog Lokomotornog Aparata za Siguran i Ucinkovit Prijelaz u Seniorski Natjecateljski Sport. Zbornik Radova 5. Gdisnja Medunarodna Konferencija Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa - Kondicijska Priprema Djece i Madih, Zagreb, 2007, pp. 56–62.
48. Tomkinson G.R., Leger L.A., Olds T.S., Cazorla G. Secular Trends in the Performance of Children and Adolescents (1980–2000): an Analysis of 55 Studies of the 20 m Shuttle Run Test in 11 Countries. Sports Medicine, 2003, no. 33 (4), pp. 285–300.
49. Trninic V., Papic V., Trninic M. Role of Expert Coaches in Development of Top-Level Athletes' Careers in Individual and Team Sports. Acta Kinesiologica, 2009, no. 3 (1), pp. 99–106.
50. World Health Organization Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for Health, 2010.
2. Baic M. Razlikeu Razini Izabranih Motorickihi Funkcionalnih Sposobnosti Kod Poljskihi Hrvatskih Hrvaca Klasicnim Nacinom (Master’s Thesis, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb). Zagrebu, Kinezioloski Fakultet Sveucilistau Zagrebu, 2003.
3. Baic M., Maric J., Valentic M. Bazicne i Specificne Hrvacke Vjezbe u Parovima za Razvoj Snage i Fleksibilnosti Trupa. Kondicijski Trening, 2004, no. 2 (2), pp. 34–43.
4. Baron R.A., Byrne D. Social Psychology. Boston, Allyn end Bacon, 2000.
5. Biro F.M., Wien M. Childhood Obesity and Adult Morbidities. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010, no. 91 (5), pp. 1499–1505.
6. Bompa T. Cjelokupan Trening za Mlade Pobjednike. Zagreb. Hrvatski Kosarkaski Savez & Udruga Hrvatskih Kosarkaskih Trenera, 2000.
7. Casonatto J., Araujo Fernandes R., Biagi Batista M., Serpeloni Cyrino E., Coelho-e-Silva M.J., de Arruda M., Vaz Ronque E.R. Association Between Health-Related Physical Fitness and Body Mass Index Status in Children. Journal of Child Health Care, 2016, no. 20 (3), pp. 294–303.
8. Chen L.J., Fox K.R., Haase A., Wang J.M. Obesity, Fitness and Health in Taiwanese Children and Adolescents. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006, no. 60 (12), pp. 1367–1375.
9. Cole T.J., Bellizzi M.C., Flegal K.M., Dietz W.H. Establishing a Standard Definition for Child Overweight and Obesity Worldwide: International Survey. British Medical Journal, 2000, no. 320, pp. 1240–1243. DOI: 10.1136/bmj.320.7244.1240
10. Davis L., Jowett S. Attachment Styles within the Coach-Athlete Dyad: Preliminary Investigation and Assessment Development. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 2013, no. 7 (2), pp. 120–145.
11. De Onis M., Onyango A.W., Borghi E., Siyam A., Nishida C., Siekmann J. Development of a WHO Growth Reference for School-Aged Children and Adolescents.Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2007, no. 85 (9), pp. 660–667.
12. Findak V., Metikos D., Mrakovic M., Neljak B. Primijenjena Kineziologija u Skolstvu – Norme. Zagreb. Hrvatski Pedagosko-Knjizevni Zbor., 1996.
13. Findak V. Metodika Tjelesne i Zdravstvene Kulture: Prirucnik za Nastavnike Tjelesne i Zdravstvene Culture. Zagreb, Skolska Knjiga, 2001.
14. Fransen J., Pion J., Vandendriessche J., Vandorpe B., Vaeyens R., Lenoir M., Philippaerts R.M. Differences in Physical Fitness and Gross Motor Coordination in Boys Aged 6–12 Years Specializing in One Versus Sampling More than One Sport. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2012, no. 30 (4), pp. 379–386.
15. Garcia-Pinillos F., Ruiz-Ariza A., Moreno del Castillo R., Latorre-Roman P.A. Impact of Limited Hamstring Flexibility on Vertical Jump, Kicking Speed, Sprint, and Agility in Young Football Players. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2015, no. 33 (12), pp. 1293–1297.
16. Inchley J. et al. Growing up Unequal: Gender and Socioeconomic Differences in Young People?s Health and Well-Being. Health Behavior in School-Age Children (HBSC) Study: International Report From 2013/2014 Survey. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2016.
17. Jinzhou Y., Fu Y., Zhang R., Li X., Shan G. The Reliability and Sensitivity of Indices Related to Cardiovascular Fitness Evaluation. Kinesiology, 2008, no. 40 (2), pp. 138–145.
18. Jovanovic M., Tadic M., Krakan I., Findak V. Utjecaj Organiziranog Rekreacijskog Bavljenja Nogometom na Eksplozivnu Snagu, Repetitivnu Snagu i Fleksibilnost Skolske Djece od 11. do 12. Godine. Zbornik Radova 20. Ljetne Skole Kineziologa Republike Hrvatske, Porec. 2011, pp. 196–201.
19. Juresa V., Musil V., Majer M., Heimer S. Stanje Pretilosti Djece u Hrvatskoj. Tjelesna Aktivnost i Zdravlje – Uloga Tjelesne Aktivnosti u Prevenciji i Lijecenju Prekomjerne Tezine i Pretilosti, Zagreb, 2011, pp. 16–18.
20. Kopelman P. Health Risks Associated with Overweight and Obesity. Obesity Reviews, 2007, no. 8 (1), pp. 13–17.
21. Krstulovic S., Males B., Zuvela F., Erceg M., Miletic D. Judo, Soccer and Track-and- Field Differential Effects on Some Anthropological Characteristics in Seven-Year-Old Boys. Kinesiology, 2010, no. 42 (1), pp. 56–64.
22. Luciano A., Piccoli A., Bonetti P., Romano R., Bolognani M., Castellarin A., Zoppi G. BMI Centile as an Indicator of Degree of Obesity in Childhood. La Pediatria Medica e Chirurgica: Medical and Surgical Paediatrics, 2001, no. 23 (3–4), pp. 183–185.
23. Maric J., Baic M., Aracic M., Milanovic D., Jukic I. Kondicijska Priprema Hrvaca. Zbornik Radova Medunarodnog Znanstveno-Strucnog Skupa Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa, Zagreb, 2003, pp. 339–346.
24. Markovic G.,Milanovic D., Jukic I. Teorijske i Metodicke Osnove Kondicijske Pripreme u Taekwondou. Zbornik Radova Medunarodnog Znanstveno-Strucnog Skupa Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa, Zagreb, 2003, pp. 549–556.
25. Markovic G., Badric A. Nogomet – Integralni Kondicijski Trening. Zagreb. Udruga „Tjelesno Vjezbanje i Zdravlje“, 2008.
26. Matkovic B., Knjaz D., Cosic B., Milanovic D., Jukic I. Smjernice Fizicke Pripreme u Kosarci. Zbornik Radova Medunarodnog Znanstveno- Strucnog Skupa Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa, Zagreb, 2003, pp. 390–394.
27. Mikulic P., Jukic, I., Milanovic, D., Gregov C., Salaj S. Metodika Treninga Izdrzljivosti Djece i Mladih Sportasa – Osvrt na Biolosku i Kronolosku Dob. Zbornik Radova 7. Godisnja Medunarodna Konferencija Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa – Trening Izdrzljivosti, Zagreb, 2009, pp. 36–38.
28. Milanovic D. Teorija Treninga – Kineziologija Sporta. Zagreb: Kinezioloski fakultet Sveucilista u Zagrebu, 2013.
29. Misigoj-Durakovic M., Matkovic B., Jukic I., Milanovic D., Simek S. Bioloske i Funkcionalne Osobitosti Djecje i Adolescentne Dobi i Sportski Trening. Zbornik Radova 5. Godisnja Medunarodna Konferencija Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa – Kondicijska Priprema Djece i Mladih, Zagreb, 2007, pp. 39–45.
30. Misigoj-Durakovic M. Kinantropologija, Bioloski Aspekti Tjelesnog Vjezbanja. Kinezioloski Fakultet Sveucilista u Zagrebu, 2008.
31. Misigoj-Durakovic M., Soric M., Durakovic Z., Heimer S. Zdravstvene Koristi Tjelesne Aktivnosti i Vjezbanja Kod Djece i Adolescenata. Tjelesna Aktivnost i Zdravlje – Uloga Tjelesne Aktivnosti u Prevenciji i Lijecenju Prekomjerne Tezine i Pretilosti, Zagreb, 2011, pp. 19–23.
32. Muratovic A., Petkovic J., Bojanic D., Vasiljevic I. Comparative Analysis of Motor and Specific Motor Abilities Between Handball Players and Non-Athletes in the Cadet Age From Montenegro. Acta Kinesiologica, 2015, no. 9 (1), pp. 70–74.
33. Neljak B., Milanovic D., Jukic, I., Milanovic D., Simek S. Organizacijski, Programski i Materijalni Uvjeti za Redovito Tjelesno Vjezbanje Djece i Mladezi. Zbornik Radova 5. Godisnja Medunarodna Konferencija Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa – Kondicijska Priprema Djece i Mladih, Zagreb, 2007, pp. 32–38.
34. Nikolaidis P.T., Ingebrigtsen J. The Relationship Between Body Mass Index and Physical Fitness in Adolescent and Adult Male Team Handball Players. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2015, no. 57 (4), pp. 361–371.
35. Oliveira A., Monteiro A., Jacome C., Afreixo V., Marques A. Effects of Group Sports on Health-Related Physical Fitness of Overweight Youth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports.2016, no. 7.
36. Ortega F.B., Ruiz J.R., Castillo M.J., Sjostrom M. Physical Fitness in Childhood and Adolescence: a Powerful Marker of Health. International Journal of Obesity, 2008, no. 32, pp. 3–11. DOI: 10.1038/sj.ijo.0803774
37. Partavi S. Effects of 7 Weeks of Rope-Jump Training on Cardiovascular Endurance, Speed and Agility in Middle School Student Boys. Sport Science, 2013, no. 6 (2), pp. 40–43.
38. Petric V., Neljak B.Povezanost Indeksa Tjelesne Mase i Funkcionalnih Sposobnosti te Razlike u Istima Izmedu Ucenika Urbanih Naselja i Ruralnih Sredina. Zbornik Radova 18. Ljetne Skole Kineziologa Republike Hrvatske, Porec. 2009, pp. 214–220.
39. Podnar H., Cule M., Safaric Z., Findak V. Dijagnostika Stanja Uhranjenosti Ucenika Osnovnih Skola Grada Zagreba. Zbornik Radova 22. Ljetne Skole Kineziologa Republike Hrvatske, Porec, 2013, pp. 522–527.
40. Prskalo I., Badric M., Kunjesic M. The Percentage of Body Fat in Children and the Level of their Motor Skills. Collegium Antropologicum, 2015, no. 39 (1), pp. 21–28.
41. Rauner A., Mess F., Woll A. The Relationship Between Physical Activity, Physical Fitness and Overweight in Adolescents: a Systematic Review of Studies Published in or After 2000. BMC Pediatrics, 2013, pp. 13–19. DOI: 10.1201/b16340-7
42. Sekulic D., Metikos D., Sveuciliste S. Osnove Transformacijskih Postupaka u Kineziologiji. Fakultet Prirodoslovno-Matematickih Znanosti i Kineziologije, 2007.
43. Sertic H. Osnove Borilackih Sportova. Zagreb. Kinezioloski Fakultet Sveucilista u Zagrebu, 2004.
44. Sertic H., Segedi I., Vidranski T., Jukic I., Milanovic D., Gregov C., Salaj S. Je li Izdrzljivost Kljucna za Bolji Rezultat u Judu, Karateu i Tae Kwon Dou? Zbornik Radova 7. Godisnja Medunarodna Konferencija Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa – Trening Izdrzljivosti, Zagreb, 2009, pp. 411–414.
45. Sertic H., Segedi I., Prskalo I. Dinamika Razvoja Antropoloskih Obiljezja Tijekom Dvogodisnjeg Perioda Kod Kesportasa, Djecaka Koji se Bave Momcadskim Sportovima i Judasa. Napredak, 2010, no. 151 (3–4), pp. 466–481.
46. Stratton G., Canoy D., Boddy L.M., Taylor S.R., Hackett A.F., Buchan I.E. Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Body Mass Index of 9-11-Year-Old English Children: A Serial Cross-Sectional Study from 1998 to 2004. International Journal of Obesity, 2007, no. 31 (7), pp. 1172–1178.
47. Sarabon N., Jukic I., Milanovic D., Simek S. Priprema Mladog Lokomotornog Aparata za Siguran i Ucinkovit Prijelaz u Seniorski Natjecateljski Sport. Zbornik Radova 5. Gdisnja Medunarodna Konferencija Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa - Kondicijska Priprema Djece i Madih, Zagreb, 2007, pp. 56–62.
48. Tomkinson G.R., Leger L.A., Olds T.S., Cazorla G. Secular Trends in the Performance of Children and Adolescents (1980–2000): an Analysis of 55 Studies of the 20 m Shuttle Run Test in 11 Countries. Sports Medicine, 2003, no. 33 (4), pp. 285–300.
49. Trninic V., Papic V., Trninic M. Role of Expert Coaches in Development of Top-Level Athletes' Careers in Individual and Team Sports. Acta Kinesiologica, 2009, no. 3 (1), pp. 99–106.
50. World Health Organization Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for Health, 2010.
2. Baic M. Razlikeu Razini Izabranih Motorickihi Funkcionalnih Sposobnosti Kod Poljskihi Hrvatskih Hrvaca Klasicnim Nacinom (Master’s Thesis, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb). Zagrebu, Kinezioloski Fakultet Sveucilistau Zagrebu, 2003.
3. Baic M., Maric J., Valentic M. Bazicne i Specificne Hrvacke Vjezbe u Parovima za Razvoj Snage i Fleksibilnosti Trupa. Kondicijski Trening, 2004, no. 2 (2), pp. 34–43.
4. Baron R.A., Byrne D. Social Psychology. Boston, Allyn end Bacon, 2000.
5. Biro F.M., Wien M. Childhood Obesity and Adult Morbidities. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010, no. 91 (5), pp. 1499–1505.
6. Bompa T. Cjelokupan Trening za Mlade Pobjednike. Zagreb. Hrvatski Kosarkaski Savez & Udruga Hrvatskih Kosarkaskih Trenera, 2000.
7. Casonatto J., Araujo Fernandes R., Biagi Batista M., Serpeloni Cyrino E., Coelho-e-Silva M.J., de Arruda M., Vaz Ronque E.R. Association Between Health-Related Physical Fitness and Body Mass Index Status in Children. Journal of Child Health Care, 2016, no. 20 (3), pp. 294–303.
8. Chen L.J., Fox K.R., Haase A., Wang J.M. Obesity, Fitness and Health in Taiwanese Children and Adolescents. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006, no. 60 (12), pp. 1367–1375.
9. Cole T.J., Bellizzi M.C., Flegal K.M., Dietz W.H. Establishing a Standard Definition for Child Overweight and Obesity Worldwide: International Survey. British Medical Journal, 2000, no. 320, pp. 1240–1243. DOI: 10.1136/bmj.320.7244.1240
10. Davis L., Jowett S. Attachment Styles within the Coach-Athlete Dyad: Preliminary Investigation and Assessment Development. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 2013, no. 7 (2), pp. 120–145.
11. De Onis M., Onyango A.W., Borghi E., Siyam A., Nishida C., Siekmann J. Development of a WHO Growth Reference for School-Aged Children and Adolescents.Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2007, no. 85 (9), pp. 660–667.
12. Findak V., Metikos D., Mrakovic M., Neljak B. Primijenjena Kineziologija u Skolstvu – Norme. Zagreb. Hrvatski Pedagosko-Knjizevni Zbor., 1996.
13. Findak V. Metodika Tjelesne i Zdravstvene Kulture: Prirucnik za Nastavnike Tjelesne i Zdravstvene Culture. Zagreb, Skolska Knjiga, 2001.
14. Fransen J., Pion J., Vandendriessche J., Vandorpe B., Vaeyens R., Lenoir M., Philippaerts R.M. Differences in Physical Fitness and Gross Motor Coordination in Boys Aged 6–12 Years Specializing in One Versus Sampling More than One Sport. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2012, no. 30 (4), pp. 379–386.
15. Garcia-Pinillos F., Ruiz-Ariza A., Moreno del Castillo R., Latorre-Roman P.A. Impact of Limited Hamstring Flexibility on Vertical Jump, Kicking Speed, Sprint, and Agility in Young Football Players. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2015, no. 33 (12), pp. 1293–1297.
16. Inchley J. et al. Growing up Unequal: Gender and Socioeconomic Differences in Young People?s Health and Well-Being. Health Behavior in School-Age Children (HBSC) Study: International Report From 2013/2014 Survey. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2016.
17. Jinzhou Y., Fu Y., Zhang R., Li X., Shan G. The Reliability and Sensitivity of Indices Related to Cardiovascular Fitness Evaluation. Kinesiology, 2008, no. 40 (2), pp. 138–145.
18. Jovanovic M., Tadic M., Krakan I., Findak V. Utjecaj Organiziranog Rekreacijskog Bavljenja Nogometom na Eksplozivnu Snagu, Repetitivnu Snagu i Fleksibilnost Skolske Djece od 11. do 12. Godine. Zbornik Radova 20. Ljetne Skole Kineziologa Republike Hrvatske, Porec. 2011, pp. 196–201.
19. Juresa V., Musil V., Majer M., Heimer S. Stanje Pretilosti Djece u Hrvatskoj. Tjelesna Aktivnost i Zdravlje – Uloga Tjelesne Aktivnosti u Prevenciji i Lijecenju Prekomjerne Tezine i Pretilosti, Zagreb, 2011, pp. 16–18.
20. Kopelman P. Health Risks Associated with Overweight and Obesity. Obesity Reviews, 2007, no. 8 (1), pp. 13–17.
21. Krstulovic S., Males B., Zuvela F., Erceg M., Miletic D. Judo, Soccer and Track-and- Field Differential Effects on Some Anthropological Characteristics in Seven-Year-Old Boys. Kinesiology, 2010, no. 42 (1), pp. 56–64.
22. Luciano A., Piccoli A., Bonetti P., Romano R., Bolognani M., Castellarin A., Zoppi G. BMI Centile as an Indicator of Degree of Obesity in Childhood. La Pediatria Medica e Chirurgica: Medical and Surgical Paediatrics, 2001, no. 23 (3–4), pp. 183–185.
23. Maric J., Baic M., Aracic M., Milanovic D., Jukic I. Kondicijska Priprema Hrvaca. Zbornik Radova Medunarodnog Znanstveno-Strucnog Skupa Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa, Zagreb, 2003, pp. 339–346.
24. Markovic G.,Milanovic D., Jukic I. Teorijske i Metodicke Osnove Kondicijske Pripreme u Taekwondou. Zbornik Radova Medunarodnog Znanstveno-Strucnog Skupa Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa, Zagreb, 2003, pp. 549–556.
25. Markovic G., Badric A. Nogomet – Integralni Kondicijski Trening. Zagreb. Udruga „Tjelesno Vjezbanje i Zdravlje“, 2008.
26. Matkovic B., Knjaz D., Cosic B., Milanovic D., Jukic I. Smjernice Fizicke Pripreme u Kosarci. Zbornik Radova Medunarodnog Znanstveno- Strucnog Skupa Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa, Zagreb, 2003, pp. 390–394.
27. Mikulic P., Jukic, I., Milanovic, D., Gregov C., Salaj S. Metodika Treninga Izdrzljivosti Djece i Mladih Sportasa – Osvrt na Biolosku i Kronolosku Dob. Zbornik Radova 7. Godisnja Medunarodna Konferencija Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa – Trening Izdrzljivosti, Zagreb, 2009, pp. 36–38.
28. Milanovic D. Teorija Treninga – Kineziologija Sporta. Zagreb: Kinezioloski fakultet Sveucilista u Zagrebu, 2013.
29. Misigoj-Durakovic M., Matkovic B., Jukic I., Milanovic D., Simek S. Bioloske i Funkcionalne Osobitosti Djecje i Adolescentne Dobi i Sportski Trening. Zbornik Radova 5. Godisnja Medunarodna Konferencija Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa – Kondicijska Priprema Djece i Mladih, Zagreb, 2007, pp. 39–45.
30. Misigoj-Durakovic M. Kinantropologija, Bioloski Aspekti Tjelesnog Vjezbanja. Kinezioloski Fakultet Sveucilista u Zagrebu, 2008.
31. Misigoj-Durakovic M., Soric M., Durakovic Z., Heimer S. Zdravstvene Koristi Tjelesne Aktivnosti i Vjezbanja Kod Djece i Adolescenata. Tjelesna Aktivnost i Zdravlje – Uloga Tjelesne Aktivnosti u Prevenciji i Lijecenju Prekomjerne Tezine i Pretilosti, Zagreb, 2011, pp. 19–23.
32. Muratovic A., Petkovic J., Bojanic D., Vasiljevic I. Comparative Analysis of Motor and Specific Motor Abilities Between Handball Players and Non-Athletes in the Cadet Age From Montenegro. Acta Kinesiologica, 2015, no. 9 (1), pp. 70–74.
33. Neljak B., Milanovic D., Jukic, I., Milanovic D., Simek S. Organizacijski, Programski i Materijalni Uvjeti za Redovito Tjelesno Vjezbanje Djece i Mladezi. Zbornik Radova 5. Godisnja Medunarodna Konferencija Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa – Kondicijska Priprema Djece i Mladih, Zagreb, 2007, pp. 32–38.
34. Nikolaidis P.T., Ingebrigtsen J. The Relationship Between Body Mass Index and Physical Fitness in Adolescent and Adult Male Team Handball Players. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2015, no. 57 (4), pp. 361–371.
35. Oliveira A., Monteiro A., Jacome C., Afreixo V., Marques A. Effects of Group Sports on Health-Related Physical Fitness of Overweight Youth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports.2016, no. 7.
36. Ortega F.B., Ruiz J.R., Castillo M.J., Sjostrom M. Physical Fitness in Childhood and Adolescence: a Powerful Marker of Health. International Journal of Obesity, 2008, no. 32, pp. 3–11. DOI: 10.1038/sj.ijo.0803774
37. Partavi S. Effects of 7 Weeks of Rope-Jump Training on Cardiovascular Endurance, Speed and Agility in Middle School Student Boys. Sport Science, 2013, no. 6 (2), pp. 40–43.
38. Petric V., Neljak B.Povezanost Indeksa Tjelesne Mase i Funkcionalnih Sposobnosti te Razlike u Istima Izmedu Ucenika Urbanih Naselja i Ruralnih Sredina. Zbornik Radova 18. Ljetne Skole Kineziologa Republike Hrvatske, Porec. 2009, pp. 214–220.
39. Podnar H., Cule M., Safaric Z., Findak V. Dijagnostika Stanja Uhranjenosti Ucenika Osnovnih Skola Grada Zagreba. Zbornik Radova 22. Ljetne Skole Kineziologa Republike Hrvatske, Porec, 2013, pp. 522–527.
40. Prskalo I., Badric M., Kunjesic M. The Percentage of Body Fat in Children and the Level of their Motor Skills. Collegium Antropologicum, 2015, no. 39 (1), pp. 21–28.
41. Rauner A., Mess F., Woll A. The Relationship Between Physical Activity, Physical Fitness and Overweight in Adolescents: a Systematic Review of Studies Published in or After 2000. BMC Pediatrics, 2013, pp. 13–19. DOI: 10.1201/b16340-7
42. Sekulic D., Metikos D., Sveuciliste S. Osnove Transformacijskih Postupaka u Kineziologiji. Fakultet Prirodoslovno-Matematickih Znanosti i Kineziologije, 2007.
43. Sertic H. Osnove Borilackih Sportova. Zagreb. Kinezioloski Fakultet Sveucilista u Zagrebu, 2004.
44. Sertic H., Segedi I., Vidranski T., Jukic I., Milanovic D., Gregov C., Salaj S. Je li Izdrzljivost Kljucna za Bolji Rezultat u Judu, Karateu i Tae Kwon Dou? Zbornik Radova 7. Godisnja Medunarodna Konferencija Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa – Trening Izdrzljivosti, Zagreb, 2009, pp. 411–414.
45. Sertic H., Segedi I., Prskalo I. Dinamika Razvoja Antropoloskih Obiljezja Tijekom Dvogodisnjeg Perioda Kod Kesportasa, Djecaka Koji se Bave Momcadskim Sportovima i Judasa. Napredak, 2010, no. 151 (3–4), pp. 466–481.
46. Stratton G., Canoy D., Boddy L.M., Taylor S.R., Hackett A.F., Buchan I.E. Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Body Mass Index of 9-11-Year-Old English Children: A Serial Cross-Sectional Study from 1998 to 2004. International Journal of Obesity, 2007, no. 31 (7), pp. 1172–1178.
47. Sarabon N., Jukic I., Milanovic D., Simek S. Priprema Mladog Lokomotornog Aparata za Siguran i Ucinkovit Prijelaz u Seniorski Natjecateljski Sport. Zbornik Radova 5. Gdisnja Medunarodna Konferencija Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa - Kondicijska Priprema Djece i Madih, Zagreb, 2007, pp. 56–62.
48. Tomkinson G.R., Leger L.A., Olds T.S., Cazorla G. Secular Trends in the Performance of Children and Adolescents (1980–2000): an Analysis of 55 Studies of the 20 m Shuttle Run Test in 11 Countries. Sports Medicine, 2003, no. 33 (4), pp. 285–300.
49. Trninic V., Papic V., Trninic M. Role of Expert Coaches in Development of Top-Level Athletes' Careers in Individual and Team Sports. Acta Kinesiologica, 2009, no. 3 (1), pp. 99–106.
50. World Health Organization Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for Health, 2010.
References on translit
1. Badric M., Sporis G., Krsticevic T. Razlikeu Motorickim Sposobnostima Ucenika Prema Razini Tjelesne Aktivnostiu Slobodno Vrijeme. Hrvatski Sportskomedicinski Vjesnik, 2015, no. 30, pp. 92–98.2. Baic M. Razlikeu Razini Izabranih Motorickihi Funkcionalnih Sposobnosti Kod Poljskihi Hrvatskih Hrvaca Klasicnim Nacinom (Master’s Thesis, Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb). Zagrebu, Kinezioloski Fakultet Sveucilistau Zagrebu, 2003.
3. Baic M., Maric J., Valentic M. Bazicne i Specificne Hrvacke Vjezbe u Parovima za Razvoj Snage i Fleksibilnosti Trupa. Kondicijski Trening, 2004, no. 2 (2), pp. 34–43.
4. Baron R.A., Byrne D. Social Psychology. Boston, Allyn end Bacon, 2000.
5. Biro F.M., Wien M. Childhood Obesity and Adult Morbidities. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010, no. 91 (5), pp. 1499–1505.
6. Bompa T. Cjelokupan Trening za Mlade Pobjednike. Zagreb. Hrvatski Kosarkaski Savez & Udruga Hrvatskih Kosarkaskih Trenera, 2000.
7. Casonatto J., Araujo Fernandes R., Biagi Batista M., Serpeloni Cyrino E., Coelho-e-Silva M.J., de Arruda M., Vaz Ronque E.R. Association Between Health-Related Physical Fitness and Body Mass Index Status in Children. Journal of Child Health Care, 2016, no. 20 (3), pp. 294–303.
8. Chen L.J., Fox K.R., Haase A., Wang J.M. Obesity, Fitness and Health in Taiwanese Children and Adolescents. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2006, no. 60 (12), pp. 1367–1375.
9. Cole T.J., Bellizzi M.C., Flegal K.M., Dietz W.H. Establishing a Standard Definition for Child Overweight and Obesity Worldwide: International Survey. British Medical Journal, 2000, no. 320, pp. 1240–1243. DOI: 10.1136/bmj.320.7244.1240
10. Davis L., Jowett S. Attachment Styles within the Coach-Athlete Dyad: Preliminary Investigation and Assessment Development. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 2013, no. 7 (2), pp. 120–145.
11. De Onis M., Onyango A.W., Borghi E., Siyam A., Nishida C., Siekmann J. Development of a WHO Growth Reference for School-Aged Children and Adolescents.Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2007, no. 85 (9), pp. 660–667.
12. Findak V., Metikos D., Mrakovic M., Neljak B. Primijenjena Kineziologija u Skolstvu – Norme. Zagreb. Hrvatski Pedagosko-Knjizevni Zbor., 1996.
13. Findak V. Metodika Tjelesne i Zdravstvene Kulture: Prirucnik za Nastavnike Tjelesne i Zdravstvene Culture. Zagreb, Skolska Knjiga, 2001.
14. Fransen J., Pion J., Vandendriessche J., Vandorpe B., Vaeyens R., Lenoir M., Philippaerts R.M. Differences in Physical Fitness and Gross Motor Coordination in Boys Aged 6–12 Years Specializing in One Versus Sampling More than One Sport. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2012, no. 30 (4), pp. 379–386.
15. Garcia-Pinillos F., Ruiz-Ariza A., Moreno del Castillo R., Latorre-Roman P.A. Impact of Limited Hamstring Flexibility on Vertical Jump, Kicking Speed, Sprint, and Agility in Young Football Players. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2015, no. 33 (12), pp. 1293–1297.
16. Inchley J. et al. Growing up Unequal: Gender and Socioeconomic Differences in Young People?s Health and Well-Being. Health Behavior in School-Age Children (HBSC) Study: International Report From 2013/2014 Survey. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2016.
17. Jinzhou Y., Fu Y., Zhang R., Li X., Shan G. The Reliability and Sensitivity of Indices Related to Cardiovascular Fitness Evaluation. Kinesiology, 2008, no. 40 (2), pp. 138–145.
18. Jovanovic M., Tadic M., Krakan I., Findak V. Utjecaj Organiziranog Rekreacijskog Bavljenja Nogometom na Eksplozivnu Snagu, Repetitivnu Snagu i Fleksibilnost Skolske Djece od 11. do 12. Godine. Zbornik Radova 20. Ljetne Skole Kineziologa Republike Hrvatske, Porec. 2011, pp. 196–201.
19. Juresa V., Musil V., Majer M., Heimer S. Stanje Pretilosti Djece u Hrvatskoj. Tjelesna Aktivnost i Zdravlje – Uloga Tjelesne Aktivnosti u Prevenciji i Lijecenju Prekomjerne Tezine i Pretilosti, Zagreb, 2011, pp. 16–18.
20. Kopelman P. Health Risks Associated with Overweight and Obesity. Obesity Reviews, 2007, no. 8 (1), pp. 13–17.
21. Krstulovic S., Males B., Zuvela F., Erceg M., Miletic D. Judo, Soccer and Track-and- Field Differential Effects on Some Anthropological Characteristics in Seven-Year-Old Boys. Kinesiology, 2010, no. 42 (1), pp. 56–64.
22. Luciano A., Piccoli A., Bonetti P., Romano R., Bolognani M., Castellarin A., Zoppi G. BMI Centile as an Indicator of Degree of Obesity in Childhood. La Pediatria Medica e Chirurgica: Medical and Surgical Paediatrics, 2001, no. 23 (3–4), pp. 183–185.
23. Maric J., Baic M., Aracic M., Milanovic D., Jukic I. Kondicijska Priprema Hrvaca. Zbornik Radova Medunarodnog Znanstveno-Strucnog Skupa Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa, Zagreb, 2003, pp. 339–346.
24. Markovic G.,Milanovic D., Jukic I. Teorijske i Metodicke Osnove Kondicijske Pripreme u Taekwondou. Zbornik Radova Medunarodnog Znanstveno-Strucnog Skupa Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa, Zagreb, 2003, pp. 549–556.
25. Markovic G., Badric A. Nogomet – Integralni Kondicijski Trening. Zagreb. Udruga „Tjelesno Vjezbanje i Zdravlje“, 2008.
26. Matkovic B., Knjaz D., Cosic B., Milanovic D., Jukic I. Smjernice Fizicke Pripreme u Kosarci. Zbornik Radova Medunarodnog Znanstveno- Strucnog Skupa Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa, Zagreb, 2003, pp. 390–394.
27. Mikulic P., Jukic, I., Milanovic, D., Gregov C., Salaj S. Metodika Treninga Izdrzljivosti Djece i Mladih Sportasa – Osvrt na Biolosku i Kronolosku Dob. Zbornik Radova 7. Godisnja Medunarodna Konferencija Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa – Trening Izdrzljivosti, Zagreb, 2009, pp. 36–38.
28. Milanovic D. Teorija Treninga – Kineziologija Sporta. Zagreb: Kinezioloski fakultet Sveucilista u Zagrebu, 2013.
29. Misigoj-Durakovic M., Matkovic B., Jukic I., Milanovic D., Simek S. Bioloske i Funkcionalne Osobitosti Djecje i Adolescentne Dobi i Sportski Trening. Zbornik Radova 5. Godisnja Medunarodna Konferencija Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa – Kondicijska Priprema Djece i Mladih, Zagreb, 2007, pp. 39–45.
30. Misigoj-Durakovic M. Kinantropologija, Bioloski Aspekti Tjelesnog Vjezbanja. Kinezioloski Fakultet Sveucilista u Zagrebu, 2008.
31. Misigoj-Durakovic M., Soric M., Durakovic Z., Heimer S. Zdravstvene Koristi Tjelesne Aktivnosti i Vjezbanja Kod Djece i Adolescenata. Tjelesna Aktivnost i Zdravlje – Uloga Tjelesne Aktivnosti u Prevenciji i Lijecenju Prekomjerne Tezine i Pretilosti, Zagreb, 2011, pp. 19–23.
32. Muratovic A., Petkovic J., Bojanic D., Vasiljevic I. Comparative Analysis of Motor and Specific Motor Abilities Between Handball Players and Non-Athletes in the Cadet Age From Montenegro. Acta Kinesiologica, 2015, no. 9 (1), pp. 70–74.
33. Neljak B., Milanovic D., Jukic, I., Milanovic D., Simek S. Organizacijski, Programski i Materijalni Uvjeti za Redovito Tjelesno Vjezbanje Djece i Mladezi. Zbornik Radova 5. Godisnja Medunarodna Konferencija Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa – Kondicijska Priprema Djece i Mladih, Zagreb, 2007, pp. 32–38.
34. Nikolaidis P.T., Ingebrigtsen J. The Relationship Between Body Mass Index and Physical Fitness in Adolescent and Adult Male Team Handball Players. Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2015, no. 57 (4), pp. 361–371.
35. Oliveira A., Monteiro A., Jacome C., Afreixo V., Marques A. Effects of Group Sports on Health-Related Physical Fitness of Overweight Youth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports.2016, no. 7.
36. Ortega F.B., Ruiz J.R., Castillo M.J., Sjostrom M. Physical Fitness in Childhood and Adolescence: a Powerful Marker of Health. International Journal of Obesity, 2008, no. 32, pp. 3–11. DOI: 10.1038/sj.ijo.0803774
37. Partavi S. Effects of 7 Weeks of Rope-Jump Training on Cardiovascular Endurance, Speed and Agility in Middle School Student Boys. Sport Science, 2013, no. 6 (2), pp. 40–43.
38. Petric V., Neljak B.Povezanost Indeksa Tjelesne Mase i Funkcionalnih Sposobnosti te Razlike u Istima Izmedu Ucenika Urbanih Naselja i Ruralnih Sredina. Zbornik Radova 18. Ljetne Skole Kineziologa Republike Hrvatske, Porec. 2009, pp. 214–220.
39. Podnar H., Cule M., Safaric Z., Findak V. Dijagnostika Stanja Uhranjenosti Ucenika Osnovnih Skola Grada Zagreba. Zbornik Radova 22. Ljetne Skole Kineziologa Republike Hrvatske, Porec, 2013, pp. 522–527.
40. Prskalo I., Badric M., Kunjesic M. The Percentage of Body Fat in Children and the Level of their Motor Skills. Collegium Antropologicum, 2015, no. 39 (1), pp. 21–28.
41. Rauner A., Mess F., Woll A. The Relationship Between Physical Activity, Physical Fitness and Overweight in Adolescents: a Systematic Review of Studies Published in or After 2000. BMC Pediatrics, 2013, pp. 13–19. DOI: 10.1201/b16340-7
42. Sekulic D., Metikos D., Sveuciliste S. Osnove Transformacijskih Postupaka u Kineziologiji. Fakultet Prirodoslovno-Matematickih Znanosti i Kineziologije, 2007.
43. Sertic H. Osnove Borilackih Sportova. Zagreb. Kinezioloski Fakultet Sveucilista u Zagrebu, 2004.
44. Sertic H., Segedi I., Vidranski T., Jukic I., Milanovic D., Gregov C., Salaj S. Je li Izdrzljivost Kljucna za Bolji Rezultat u Judu, Karateu i Tae Kwon Dou? Zbornik Radova 7. Godisnja Medunarodna Konferencija Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa – Trening Izdrzljivosti, Zagreb, 2009, pp. 411–414.
45. Sertic H., Segedi I., Prskalo I. Dinamika Razvoja Antropoloskih Obiljezja Tijekom Dvogodisnjeg Perioda Kod Kesportasa, Djecaka Koji se Bave Momcadskim Sportovima i Judasa. Napredak, 2010, no. 151 (3–4), pp. 466–481.
46. Stratton G., Canoy D., Boddy L.M., Taylor S.R., Hackett A.F., Buchan I.E. Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Body Mass Index of 9-11-Year-Old English Children: A Serial Cross-Sectional Study from 1998 to 2004. International Journal of Obesity, 2007, no. 31 (7), pp. 1172–1178.
47. Sarabon N., Jukic I., Milanovic D., Simek S. Priprema Mladog Lokomotornog Aparata za Siguran i Ucinkovit Prijelaz u Seniorski Natjecateljski Sport. Zbornik Radova 5. Gdisnja Medunarodna Konferencija Kondicijska Priprema Sportasa - Kondicijska Priprema Djece i Madih, Zagreb, 2007, pp. 56–62.
48. Tomkinson G.R., Leger L.A., Olds T.S., Cazorla G. Secular Trends in the Performance of Children and Adolescents (1980–2000): an Analysis of 55 Studies of the 20 m Shuttle Run Test in 11 Countries. Sports Medicine, 2003, no. 33 (4), pp. 285–300.
49. Trninic V., Papic V., Trninic M. Role of Expert Coaches in Development of Top-Level Athletes' Careers in Individual and Team Sports. Acta Kinesiologica, 2009, no. 3 (1), pp. 99–106.
50. World Health Organization Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for Health, 2010.
How to Cite
Benassi, L., Blazevic, I., & Trajkovski, B. (2018). QUANTITATIVE CHANGES IN THE ANTHROPOLOGICAL STATUS OF MIDDLE SCHOOL AGED PUPILS OVER A TWO-YEAR PERIOD. Human. Sport. Medicine, 18(1), 5-19. https://doi.org/10.14529/hsm180101
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