Aim. The paper aims to measure the effectiveness of tactile contact in the development of physical qualities and learning movements among 5–8-year-old girls engaged in rhythmic gymnastics. Materials and methods. The research methodology included ranking, classification, and expert assessment procedures. Seventy-six coaches and highly skilled gymnasts were surveyed. Data processing was performed with standard software, including Stadia 8.0 and Microsoft Excel. Results. It is recommended that the amount of tactile means be increased by up to 20% by reducing kinetic, takesik, visual, and acoustic means in favor of those tactile. This ratio should be recognized as logical, as it results in significant improvements in physical fitness and movement quality. The effective use of tactile means has been revealed in young female gymnasts at the beginning of their training experience. Conclusion. Tactile means should be recognized as an independent instrument that expands the prospects for pedagogical cooperation between a trainer and a young athlete, contributes to mutually acceptable and trusting relationships, enhances learning and development at the beginning of athletic experience, leads to positive changes in motor abilities, and promotes the acquisition of basic elements in rhythmic gymnastics.
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