Aim. This paper aims to identify models of the competitive activity of the strongest female athletes in modern pentathlon. Materials and methods. Models of the competitive activity of the world's strongest female athletes in modern pentathlon were developed based on the best results at the World Championships, World Cup finals (from 2014 and later), and the Olympic Games (2016, 2020). The following methods were used: theoretical analysis and review of scientific literature; modeling and forecasting; and statistical processing of the obtained data. Results. The analysis of the competitive activity in modern pentathlon has shown that this activity is characterized by the interaction of various components that affect
the result. Two types of group models of the competitive activity in modern pentathlon have been identified. The first type includes female athletes who possess a high level of speed-strength and coordination abilities, as evidenced by their achievements in fencing. The second one consists of female athletes who benefit from the combined activities of modern pentathlon. These athletes show greater endurance compared to the first group. Conclusion. Training activities in pentathlon should be focused on fencing and combined activities, which can provide further performance enhancement due to the upcoming changes in competition rules. Moreover, the characteristics of a particular athlete should be taken into account to rely to a greater extent on her leading motor abilities. This strategy will allow female athletes and coaches to enhance their professional activities to achieve better athletic performance and will provide targeted training.
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