physical education, special needs groups, kinesiotherapy, functional state of the body.
Aim. To study the possibility to correct the functional state in 12-years-old students of the special needs group using the means of kinesiotherapy. Materials and Methods. The study was conducted for 2 months at the premises of Simferopol comprehensive school №12 in two groups of 12 years-old girl students (with cardiovascular pathology), 15 people in each group, in accordance with Recommended Practice for medical and instructional control of physical education lessons for students with special needs issued by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2012). Results. The study revealed the growing level of children’s physical fitness and functional capacity of the body. In particular, the specifics of adaptive reserves of the cardiorespiratory system manifested itself in decrease in cardiac accelearation related to physical load (?HR) by 29.87% (p &< 0.01) and in pulse restoration rate by 52.26 % (p &< 0.001) in experimental group (EG). Dynamics of type of the cardiovascular system response to additional control load after the PE course in EG children was accompanied by significant decrease of systolic blood pressure parameters (?SBP) by 32.4 % (p &< 0.01) and diastolic blood pressure parameters (?DBP) by 39.4 % (p ? 0.01). Lung capacity parameters in the EG increased by 13.6 % (p &< 0.001), and hypoxic resistance increased by 53.0 % (p &< 0.001). Overall estimation of physical fitness in the experimental group students after the PE course corresponded to the average level of physical fitness. Conclusion. The introduction of kinesiotherapy-based program resulted in the improvement of the functional state of the cardiorespiratory and neuromuscular systems, and increased level of physical fitness in the special needs group students.References
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5. Matveev L.P. Uroki fizicheskoy kul'tury. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii. 5–9 klassy [The Lessons of Physical Culture. Guidelines. Grades 5–9]. Moscow, Education Publ., 2014. 96 p.
6. Ovchinnikov A.Yu., Slavskiy A.N., Fetisov I.S. Khronicheskiy tonzillit i sopryazhennye s nim zabolevaniya [Chronic Tonsillitis and Its Associated Diseases]. Available at: http://www.medlinks.ru/article.php?sid=81.
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8. Ripa M.D., Kul'kova I.V. Kinezoterpiya. Kul'tura dvigatel'noy aktivnosti: uchebnoe posobie [Kinezoterpiya. The Culture of Physical Activity. A Tutorial]. Moscow, KNORUS Publ., 2013. 378 p.
9. Mamedov K.R. Fizicheskaya kul'tura 5–9 klassy. Rabochaya programma. Rasshirennoe trekhchasovoe planirovanie dlya spetsial'nykh meditsinskikh grupp s variantami urokov ozdorovitel'nokorrigiruyushchey napravlennosti i obucheniya badmintonu. Resursnoe obespechenie [Physical Education Grades 5–9. Working Programm. Advanced Three-Hour Planning for Special Medical Groups with Options for Recreational Lessons, Correcting Focus and Learning Badminton. Resourcing]. Volgograd, Master Publ., 2014. 159 p.
10. Shmidt I.R. Osnovy prikladnoy kineziologii [Basics of Applied Kinesiology]. Novokuznetsk, Novokuznetsk State. Advanced Medical Institute Publ., 2004. 40 p.
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How to Cite
Georgieva, N., & Bukova, L. (2016). EFFICIENCY OF KINESIOTHERAPY IN CORRECTION OF THE FUNCTIONAL STATE IN SPECIAL NEEDS GROUP STUDENTS. Human. Sport. Medicine, 16(3), 60-66. https://doi.org/10.14529/hsm160307
Rehabilitation and sports medicine
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