Aim. To study how experimental autoimmune liver injury in mother influences morphofunctional features of monocyte development in the bone marrow of progeny. Materials and methods. The subjects of study were female Wistar rats with experimental liver injury and their progeny on days 30 and 60 of postnatal development divided into two groups: control and experimental. Chronic autoimmune liver injury was modeled using BCG vaccine via subcutaneous immunization with periodic intraperitoneal administration of liver antigen each three days. Results. The study showed that absolute cell count at all stages of development in the experimental group of animals decreased in comparison with the control group. Besides, the decrease was observed in PAS positive cell number, acid phosphatase activity and level of alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase in monocyte series of the bone marrow and in peripheral blood monocytes of the groups of animals under observation. Conclusion. Mothers with experimental autoimmune hepatobiliary disorder give birth to progeny with disturbance expressed in functional immaturity of monocytes.References
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16. Sizonenko M.L., Bryukhin G. V. [Effect of Chronic Liver Disease in the Mother's Endocrine Function of Male Gonads Offspring]. Problemy reproduktsii [Problems of Reproduction], 2008, no. 2, pp. 45—47. (in Russ.)
17. Solyannikova D.R., Bryukhin G. V. [Feature Parafollicular Thyroid Cells the Offspring of Female Rats with Experimental Chronic Liver Disease in Different Periods of Postnatal Ontogenesis]. Morfologiya [Morphology], 2013, vol. 143, no. 2, pp. 47—50. (in Russ.)
18. Vinogradova O.E., Kozinets G.I., Chernyak N.B. Stroenie i funktsii leykotsitov. Granulotsity. Rukovodstvo po gematologii [Structure and Function of Leukocyte. Granulocytes. Guide to Hematology]. Moscow, Medicine Publ., 1985. 288 p.
19. Fedosov A.A., Barysheva S. V. [The Nature of Population Changes of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes in Experimental Lesions of the Hepatobiliary System of Different Etiology]. Aktual'nye problemy patofiziologii [Actual Problems of Pathophysiology], 2001, pp. 55—57. (in Russ.)
20. Frimel' G. Immunologicheskie melody [Immunological Methods], Translated from the German. Moscow, Medicine Publ., 1987. 472 p.
21. Frolova O.E. [Morphofunctional Characteristic of Monocytes. The Value of the Study Nucleolar Apparatus (Review)]. Klinicheskaya laboratornaya diagnostika [Clinical Laboratory], 1998, no. 10 pp. 3—8. (in Russ.)
22. Kheyfets L.B. Abalakina V A. [Separation of the Formed Elements of Human Blood by Density Gradient Ficoll-Verografin]. Laboratornoe [Laboratory Work], 1973, no. 10, pp. 579-581 (in Russ.)
23. Chercdccv A.N. [Quantitative and Functional Evaluation of T and B Immune Systems in Humans]. ()bshchie voprosy pa[o/ogii. nauki i [ekhniki [General Questions Pathology. The Results of Science and Technology], 1976, vol. 4, pp. 124—16(). (in Russ.)
24. Shekhtman M.M. Rukovodslvo po eklragenila/'noy palo/ogii u beremennykh [Guide Ektragcnitalnoy Pathology in Pregnant]. Moscow, Triada-X Publ., 2()11. 896 p.
2. Bernet F.M. Kletochnaya immunologiya [Cellular Immunology]. Moscow, World Publ., 1971. 720 p.
3. Bryukhin G.V. , Grachev A.Yu. [Immolizatsionnogo Effect of Stress on the Bactericidal Activity of Mononuclear Phagocytes in the Offspring of Animals with Chronic Cholestatic Liver Disease of Various Etiologies]. Rossiyskiy vesinik perinatologii i pediatrii [Russian Gazette Perinatology and Pediatrics], 1994, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 35—40. (in Russ.)
4. Bryukhin G. V. [Comparative Analysis of the Subpopulation Composition of Thymocytes and T Lymphocytes in Peripheral Blood of the Offspring of Female Rats with Experimental Chronic Liver Disease of Various Origins]. Immunologiya [Immunology], 2004, no. 2, pp. 83—86. (in Russ.)
5. Bryukhin G. V. , Sizonenko M.L. [The Role of Experimental Liver Injury the Mother in the Development of Physiological Immaturity Offspring]. Byulleten' eksperimental'noy biologii i meditsiny [Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine], 2012, vol. 154, no. I l, pp. 544—547. (in Russ.)
6. Vtorushina E.V., Bryukhin G. V. [Characteristics of Endocrine Ovarian Function Offspring of
Female Rats with Experimental Chronic Liver Disease of Various Etiologies]. Problemy reproduktsii [Problems of Reproduction], 2008, no. l, pp. 6—9. (in Russ.)
7. Korzhevskiy D.E., Gilyarov A.V. Osnovy gistologicheskoy tekhniki [Basics of Histologic Techniques]. Moscow, SpetsLit Publ., 2010. 94 p.
8. Zapadnyuk I.P., Zapadnyuk V.I., Zakhariya E.A., Zapadnyuk B. V. Laboratornye zhivotnye. Razvedenie, soderzhanie, ispol'zovanie v eksperimente [Laboratory Animals. Breeding, Maintenance, Used in the Expefiment]. Kiev, High School PubL 1983. 383 p.
9. Lugovskaya S.A. [Structure and Function of Monocytes and Macrophages (Review)]. Klinicheskaya laboratornaya diagnostika [Clinical Laboratory], 1997, no. 9, pp. 10—16. (in Russ.)
10. Mazurov D.V. , Dambaeva S. V. , Pinegin B.V. [Evaluation of Intracellular Killing of Staphylococcus Phagocytes of Peripheral Blood by Flow Cytometry]. Immunologiya [Immunology], 2000, no. 2, pp. 57-59. (in Russ.)
11. Mayanskiy A.N., Mayanskiy D.N. Ocherki o neytrofile i makrofage [Essays on Neutrophils and Macrophages]. Novosibirsk, Science Siberian Branch Publ., 1989. 341 p.
12. Nikolina O.V., Bryukhin G.V. [Morfofunktcionalnoe Formation of the Thyroid Gland of Female Rats with Chronic Liver Disease in the Early Postnatal Period]. K 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya professora V.G. Eliseeva: sbornik [Collection of the 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Professor V.G. Yeliseyevl, 1999, pp. 134-135. (in Russ.)
13. Izmaylova T.D., Petrichuk S.V., Shishchenko V.M., Pisareva I.V. [From a Healthy Cell to a Healthy Body (Modern Approaches to the Evaluation and Correction of a Number of Power Station Systems of the Body in Health and Disease)]. Lechashchiy vrach [Attending Physician], 2005, no. 4, pp. 66—69. (in Russ.)
14. Romanov B.K. [Drug Regulation of the Activity of Lysosomal Enzymes]. Rossiyskiy medikobiologicheskiy veslnik imeni akademika J.P. Pavlova [Russian Biomedical Gazette Named After Academician J.P. Pavloval, 2003, no. 1—2, pp. 75—82. (in Russ.)
15. Serysheva O.Yu., Bryukhin G.V. [Morphofunctional Characteristic of the Crypt Epithelium of the Duodenum in the Offspring of Female Rats with Experimental Liver]. Morfologiya [Morphology], 2013, vol. 144, no. 4, pp. 36—40. (in Russ.)
16. Sizonenko M.L., Bryukhin G. V. [Effect of Chronic Liver Disease in the Mother's Endocrine Function of Male Gonads Offspring]. Problemy reproduktsii [Problems of Reproduction], 2008, no. 2, pp. 45—47. (in Russ.)
17. Solyannikova D.R., Bryukhin G. V. [Feature Parafollicular Thyroid Cells the Offspring of Female Rats with Experimental Chronic Liver Disease in Different Periods of Postnatal Ontogenesis]. Morfologiya [Morphology], 2013, vol. 143, no. 2, pp. 47—50. (in Russ.)
18. Vinogradova O.E., Kozinets G.I., Chernyak N.B. Stroenie i funktsii leykotsitov. Granulotsity. Rukovodstvo po gematologii [Structure and Function of Leukocyte. Granulocytes. Guide to Hematology]. Moscow, Medicine Publ., 1985. 288 p.
19. Fedosov A.A., Barysheva S. V. [The Nature of Population Changes of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes in Experimental Lesions of the Hepatobiliary System of Different Etiology]. Aktual'nye problemy patofiziologii [Actual Problems of Pathophysiology], 2001, pp. 55—57. (in Russ.)
20. Frimel' G. Immunologicheskie melody [Immunological Methods], Translated from the German. Moscow, Medicine Publ., 1987. 472 p.
21. Frolova O.E. [Morphofunctional Characteristic of Monocytes. The Value of the Study Nucleolar Apparatus (Review)]. Klinicheskaya laboratornaya diagnostika [Clinical Laboratory], 1998, no. 10 pp. 3—8. (in Russ.)
22. Kheyfets L.B. Abalakina V A. [Separation of the Formed Elements of Human Blood by Density Gradient Ficoll-Verografin]. Laboratornoe [Laboratory Work], 1973, no. 10, pp. 579-581 (in Russ.)
23. Chercdccv A.N. [Quantitative and Functional Evaluation of T and B Immune Systems in Humans]. ()bshchie voprosy pa[o/ogii. nauki i [ekhniki [General Questions Pathology. The Results of Science and Technology], 1976, vol. 4, pp. 124—16(). (in Russ.)
24. Shekhtman M.M. Rukovodslvo po eklragenila/'noy palo/ogii u beremennykh [Guide Ektragcnitalnoy Pathology in Pregnant]. Moscow, Triada-X Publ., 2()11. 896 p.
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