Methods of boxing training, simulating the ways of changing direction, movement in the ring, integral coordination indicator
Aim. The article deals with developing the method for teaching young boxers the technique of changing movement direction keeping the fighting stance aimed at the opponent. Materials and methods. We examined 32 boys aged 12–13 in their first year in boxing. We simulated the most effective ways of exercise performance. Experts assessed the technique of sidestep movement from the initial fighting stance using a 5-point scale and calculated the integral coordination indicator (ICI) in accordance with the method of Bulkin, Popova, and Saburova. All participants were divided into the control and experimental groups. The control group continued to follow traditional training methods, the experimental group followed the program developed by the authors. The initial data did not demonstrate significant difference. The second test was performed in 9 months. Results. In boxing, the stance should be maintained during the whole fight. While moving around the ring, legs should not be put together, put in a line or crossed. The first step is to be done with the leg, which is closer to movement direction. During the final test, the results in the experimental and control groups have improved significantly in comparison with initial values. However, the results of boxers from the experimental group were significantly higher than those of boxers from the control group (U = 1.5) (р ? 0.01). The final data for the integral coordination indicator prove that in the experimental group the results have significantly improved in comparison with the initial data. In the control group, the indicators obtained have not significantly changed. There are indicators, which belong to the group of a very good result (25 % in the control group, 75 % in the experimental group). Conclusion. The experimental method for teaching young boxers the technique of moving around the ring taking into account the asymmetry of the stance is significantly more effective in comparison with traditional methods. This method is easy to use, it allows the athlete to quickly change movement direction and preserve an optimal initial position. Consistent steps and substantial bearing area facilitate both punches and defense. This allows the stance to be dynamic.References
1. Atilov A.A. Boks dlya nachinayushchikh [Boxing for Beginners]. 2nd ed. Rostov na Donu, Feniks Publ., 2007, pp. 117–132.
2. Bulkin V.A., Popova E.V., Saburova E.V. [The Test for Assessing the Ballistic Coordination of Motor Activity]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul’tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 1997, no. 3, pp. 44–46. (in Russ.)
3. Gas’kov A.V. Teoriya i metodika sportivnoy trenirovki v edinoborstvakh [Theory and Methods of Sports Training in Martial Arts]. Ulan-Ude, 2007, pp. 67–89.
4. Kolesnik I.S. [Trends and Prospects for the Development of Modern Boxing]. Vestnik UlGPU [Bulletin of UlGPU], 2010, pp. 301–305.
5. Oskolkov V.A. Peredvizheniya po ringu osnova tekhniko-takticheskoy podgotovki v bokse [Movement Around the Ring the Basis of Technical and Tactical Training in Boxing]. Volgograd, Change Publ., 2007, pp. 69–98.
6. Oskolkov V.A., Suleymanov N.L., Solov’yev P.Yu. [Analysis of the Long-Term System of Technical and Tactical Training of Boxers]. Uchenyye zapiski universiteta imeni P.F. Lesgafta [Scholarly Notes University P.F. Lesgaft], 2017, no. 9 (151), pp. 206–211. (in Russ.)
7. Oskolkov V.A. Sportivnyy trenazher dlya obucheniya bokserov [Training Simulator for Training Boxers]. Patent RF, no. 143069, 2014.
8. Pogadayev M.A. Puti sovershenstvovaniya tekhniki manevrirovaniya po ringu yunykh bokserov [Ways to Improve Maneuvering Techniques on the Ring of Young Boxers]. Irkutsk, VSI MVD Russia Publ., 2006, pp. 230–233.
9. Filimonov V.I., Nigmedzyanov R.A. Boks, kikboksing, rukopashnyy boy (podgotovka v kontaktnykh vidakh edinoborstv) [Boxing, Kickboxing, Hand-to-Hand Fighting]. Moscow, INSAN Publ., 2007, pp. 65–96.
10. Filimonov V.I. Sovremennaya sistema podgotovki bokserov [Modern Training System for Boxers]. Moscow, INSAN Publ., 2011, pp. 258–300.
11. Shulika Yu.A. Boks. Teoriya i metodika [Boxing. Theory and Methods]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2009, pp. 43–210.
12. Shchitov V.K. Boks. Osnovy tekhniki boksa [Box. Fundamentals of Boxing Techniques]. Rostov na Donu, Feniks Publ., 2007, pp. 78–124.
13. Blewett B. Boxing Leads the Way. The Ring, 1986, vol. 64, no. 12, pp. 12–17.
14. Bompa Т.О. Periogizacao Tloria e Metodologia do Treinamento. – Sao Paulo Editora Ltd., 2002, pp. 234?250.
15. Hutchins M. Boxing Territory. Ternopil: Educational Book-Bogdan, 2012, pp. 45–49.
16. Israilov S.X., Khalmuhamedov R., Tajibayev S. Improving Sports and Pedagogical Skills of Boxers, Electronic Multimedia Textbook. Tashkent, 2015, pp. 156–189.
17. Karimov M.A., Halmukhamedov R.D., Shamsematov I.Yu., Tajibayev S. Improvement of Sports and Pedagogical Skills of Boxers. Teaching Book. Tashkent, 2011, pp. 232–256.
18. Halmukhamedov R.D. Boxing. Educational Manual. Tashkent, 2008, pp. 177–222.
19. Khalmuhamedov R., Tajibayev S., Rajabov G.G. In Martial Arts (Boxing). Textbook. Tashkent, 2015, pp. 121–138.
20. Tennant A.G., Nasir A., Sybil D. Complexity Analysis in the Sport of Boxing. Journal of Complex Networks, 2017, vol. 5, iss. 6, pp. 953–963.
2. Bulkin V.A., Popova E.V., Saburova E.V. [The Test for Assessing the Ballistic Coordination of Motor Activity]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul’tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 1997, no. 3, pp. 44–46. (in Russ.)
3. Gas’kov A.V. Teoriya i metodika sportivnoy trenirovki v edinoborstvakh [Theory and Methods of Sports Training in Martial Arts]. Ulan-Ude, 2007, pp. 67–89.
4. Kolesnik I.S. [Trends and Prospects for the Development of Modern Boxing]. Vestnik UlGPU [Bulletin of UlGPU], 2010, pp. 301–305.
5. Oskolkov V.A. Peredvizheniya po ringu osnova tekhniko-takticheskoy podgotovki v bokse [Movement Around the Ring the Basis of Technical and Tactical Training in Boxing]. Volgograd, Change Publ., 2007, pp. 69–98.
6. Oskolkov V.A., Suleymanov N.L., Solov’yev P.Yu. [Analysis of the Long-Term System of Technical and Tactical Training of Boxers]. Uchenyye zapiski universiteta imeni P.F. Lesgafta [Scholarly Notes University P.F. Lesgaft], 2017, no. 9 (151), pp. 206–211. (in Russ.)
7. Oskolkov V.A. Sportivnyy trenazher dlya obucheniya bokserov [Training Simulator for Training Boxers]. Patent RF, no. 143069, 2014.
8. Pogadayev M.A. Puti sovershenstvovaniya tekhniki manevrirovaniya po ringu yunykh bokserov [Ways to Improve Maneuvering Techniques on the Ring of Young Boxers]. Irkutsk, VSI MVD Russia Publ., 2006, pp. 230–233.
9. Filimonov V.I., Nigmedzyanov R.A. Boks, kikboksing, rukopashnyy boy (podgotovka v kontaktnykh vidakh edinoborstv) [Boxing, Kickboxing, Hand-to-Hand Fighting]. Moscow, INSAN Publ., 2007, pp. 65–96.
10. Filimonov V.I. Sovremennaya sistema podgotovki bokserov [Modern Training System for Boxers]. Moscow, INSAN Publ., 2011, pp. 258–300.
11. Shulika Yu.A. Boks. Teoriya i metodika [Boxing. Theory and Methods]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2009, pp. 43–210.
12. Shchitov V.K. Boks. Osnovy tekhniki boksa [Box. Fundamentals of Boxing Techniques]. Rostov na Donu, Feniks Publ., 2007, pp. 78–124.
13. Blewett B. Boxing Leads the Way. The Ring, 1986, vol. 64, no. 12, pp. 12–17.
14. Bompa Т.О. Periogizacao Tloria e Metodologia do Treinamento. – Sao Paulo Editora Ltd., 2002, pp. 234?250.
15. Hutchins M. Boxing Territory. Ternopil: Educational Book-Bogdan, 2012, pp. 45–49.
16. Israilov S.X., Khalmuhamedov R., Tajibayev S. Improving Sports and Pedagogical Skills of Boxers, Electronic Multimedia Textbook. Tashkent, 2015, pp. 156–189.
17. Karimov M.A., Halmukhamedov R.D., Shamsematov I.Yu., Tajibayev S. Improvement of Sports and Pedagogical Skills of Boxers. Teaching Book. Tashkent, 2011, pp. 232–256.
18. Halmukhamedov R.D. Boxing. Educational Manual. Tashkent, 2008, pp. 177–222.
19. Khalmuhamedov R., Tajibayev S., Rajabov G.G. In Martial Arts (Boxing). Textbook. Tashkent, 2015, pp. 121–138.
20. Tennant A.G., Nasir A., Sybil D. Complexity Analysis in the Sport of Boxing. Journal of Complex Networks, 2017, vol. 5, iss. 6, pp. 953–963.
2. Bulkin V.A., Popova E.V., Saburova E.V. [The Test for Assessing the Ballistic Coordination of Motor Activity]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul’tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 1997, no. 3, pp. 44–46. (in Russ.)
3. Gas’kov A.V. Teoriya i metodika sportivnoy trenirovki v edinoborstvakh [Theory and Methods of Sports Training in Martial Arts]. Ulan-Ude, 2007, pp. 67–89.
4. Kolesnik I.S. [Trends and Prospects for the Development of Modern Boxing]. Vestnik UlGPU [Bulletin of UlGPU], 2010, pp. 301–305.
5. Oskolkov V.A. Peredvizheniya po ringu osnova tekhniko-takticheskoy podgotovki v bokse [Movement Around the Ring the Basis of Technical and Tactical Training in Boxing]. Volgograd, Change Publ., 2007, pp. 69–98.
6. Oskolkov V.A., Suleymanov N.L., Solov’yev P.Yu. [Analysis of the Long-Term System of Technical and Tactical Training of Boxers]. Uchenyye zapiski universiteta imeni P.F. Lesgafta [Scholarly Notes University P.F. Lesgaft], 2017, no. 9 (151), pp. 206–211. (in Russ.)
7. Oskolkov V.A. Sportivnyy trenazher dlya obucheniya bokserov [Training Simulator for Training Boxers]. Patent RF, no. 143069, 2014.
8. Pogadayev M.A. Puti sovershenstvovaniya tekhniki manevrirovaniya po ringu yunykh bokserov [Ways to Improve Maneuvering Techniques on the Ring of Young Boxers]. Irkutsk, VSI MVD Russia Publ., 2006, pp. 230–233.
9. Filimonov V.I., Nigmedzyanov R.A. Boks, kikboksing, rukopashnyy boy (podgotovka v kontaktnykh vidakh edinoborstv) [Boxing, Kickboxing, Hand-to-Hand Fighting]. Moscow, INSAN Publ., 2007, pp. 65–96.
10. Filimonov V.I. Sovremennaya sistema podgotovki bokserov [Modern Training System for Boxers]. Moscow, INSAN Publ., 2011, pp. 258–300.
11. Shulika Yu.A. Boks. Teoriya i metodika [Boxing. Theory and Methods]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2009, pp. 43–210.
12. Shchitov V.K. Boks. Osnovy tekhniki boksa [Box. Fundamentals of Boxing Techniques]. Rostov na Donu, Feniks Publ., 2007, pp. 78–124.
13. Blewett B. Boxing Leads the Way. The Ring, 1986, vol. 64, no. 12, pp. 12–17.
14. Bompa Т.О. Periogizacao Tloria e Metodologia do Treinamento. – Sao Paulo Editora Ltd., 2002, pp. 234?250.
15. Hutchins M. Boxing Territory. Ternopil: Educational Book-Bogdan, 2012, pp. 45–49.
16. Israilov S.X., Khalmuhamedov R., Tajibayev S. Improving Sports and Pedagogical Skills of Boxers, Electronic Multimedia Textbook. Tashkent, 2015, pp. 156–189.
17. Karimov M.A., Halmukhamedov R.D., Shamsematov I.Yu., Tajibayev S. Improvement of Sports and Pedagogical Skills of Boxers. Teaching Book. Tashkent, 2011, pp. 232–256.
18. Halmukhamedov R.D. Boxing. Educational Manual. Tashkent, 2008, pp. 177–222.
19. Khalmuhamedov R., Tajibayev S., Rajabov G.G. In Martial Arts (Boxing). Textbook. Tashkent, 2015, pp. 121–138.
20. Tennant A.G., Nasir A., Sybil D. Complexity Analysis in the Sport of Boxing. Journal of Complex Networks, 2017, vol. 5, iss. 6, pp. 953–963.
References on translit
1. Atilov A.A. Boks dlya nachinayushchikh [Boxing for Beginners]. 2nd ed. Rostov na Donu, Feniks Publ., 2007, pp. 117–132.2. Bulkin V.A., Popova E.V., Saburova E.V. [The Test for Assessing the Ballistic Coordination of Motor Activity]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul’tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 1997, no. 3, pp. 44–46. (in Russ.)
3. Gas’kov A.V. Teoriya i metodika sportivnoy trenirovki v edinoborstvakh [Theory and Methods of Sports Training in Martial Arts]. Ulan-Ude, 2007, pp. 67–89.
4. Kolesnik I.S. [Trends and Prospects for the Development of Modern Boxing]. Vestnik UlGPU [Bulletin of UlGPU], 2010, pp. 301–305.
5. Oskolkov V.A. Peredvizheniya po ringu osnova tekhniko-takticheskoy podgotovki v bokse [Movement Around the Ring the Basis of Technical and Tactical Training in Boxing]. Volgograd, Change Publ., 2007, pp. 69–98.
6. Oskolkov V.A., Suleymanov N.L., Solov’yev P.Yu. [Analysis of the Long-Term System of Technical and Tactical Training of Boxers]. Uchenyye zapiski universiteta imeni P.F. Lesgafta [Scholarly Notes University P.F. Lesgaft], 2017, no. 9 (151), pp. 206–211. (in Russ.)
7. Oskolkov V.A. Sportivnyy trenazher dlya obucheniya bokserov [Training Simulator for Training Boxers]. Patent RF, no. 143069, 2014.
8. Pogadayev M.A. Puti sovershenstvovaniya tekhniki manevrirovaniya po ringu yunykh bokserov [Ways to Improve Maneuvering Techniques on the Ring of Young Boxers]. Irkutsk, VSI MVD Russia Publ., 2006, pp. 230–233.
9. Filimonov V.I., Nigmedzyanov R.A. Boks, kikboksing, rukopashnyy boy (podgotovka v kontaktnykh vidakh edinoborstv) [Boxing, Kickboxing, Hand-to-Hand Fighting]. Moscow, INSAN Publ., 2007, pp. 65–96.
10. Filimonov V.I. Sovremennaya sistema podgotovki bokserov [Modern Training System for Boxers]. Moscow, INSAN Publ., 2011, pp. 258–300.
11. Shulika Yu.A. Boks. Teoriya i metodika [Boxing. Theory and Methods]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2009, pp. 43–210.
12. Shchitov V.K. Boks. Osnovy tekhniki boksa [Box. Fundamentals of Boxing Techniques]. Rostov na Donu, Feniks Publ., 2007, pp. 78–124.
13. Blewett B. Boxing Leads the Way. The Ring, 1986, vol. 64, no. 12, pp. 12–17.
14. Bompa Т.О. Periogizacao Tloria e Metodologia do Treinamento. – Sao Paulo Editora Ltd., 2002, pp. 234?250.
15. Hutchins M. Boxing Territory. Ternopil: Educational Book-Bogdan, 2012, pp. 45–49.
16. Israilov S.X., Khalmuhamedov R., Tajibayev S. Improving Sports and Pedagogical Skills of Boxers, Electronic Multimedia Textbook. Tashkent, 2015, pp. 156–189.
17. Karimov M.A., Halmukhamedov R.D., Shamsematov I.Yu., Tajibayev S. Improvement of Sports and Pedagogical Skills of Boxers. Teaching Book. Tashkent, 2011, pp. 232–256.
18. Halmukhamedov R.D. Boxing. Educational Manual. Tashkent, 2008, pp. 177–222.
19. Khalmuhamedov R., Tajibayev S., Rajabov G.G. In Martial Arts (Boxing). Textbook. Tashkent, 2015, pp. 121–138.
20. Tennant A.G., Nasir A., Sybil D. Complexity Analysis in the Sport of Boxing. Journal of Complex Networks, 2017, vol. 5, iss. 6, pp. 953–963.
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