Sensorineural hearing loss, adaptive sports, cardiovascular system
Aim. The article deals with studying the dynamics of morphofunctional and physical qualities in persons engaged in adaptive sports and characterized by the pathology of the cardiovascular system associated with hearing disorders. Materials and methods. 43 persons aged 19–24 participated in the study. All participants possessed sensorineural hearing loss (SHL) Type I and II and visited sports and recreation centers and preventive healthcare establishments. Results. We revealed the most significant improvement of the cardiovascular and respiratory system in participants with SHL engaged in swimming and playing sports. We observed less pronounced changes in persons involved in strength sports. College and University students, attending physical education lessons in special medical groups, did not demonstrate any significant changes. Conclusion. The results obtained can be used for choosing physical activity suitable for patients with SHL Type I and II to decrease the risk of cardiovascular system pathologies and improve its reserve parameters.References
1. Bayunchikova D.S., Pal’chik A.B. [The Nature of the Psychomotor Development of Children with Hearing Impairment]. Spetsial’noye obrazovaniye [Special Education], 2017, no. 2, pp. 14–26. (in Russ.)
2. Belova O.A. [Morphofunctional Status of Adolescents with and Without Pathology of the Auditory Sensory System]. Voprosy shkol’noy i universitetskoy meditsiny i zdorov’ya [Questions of School and University Medicine and Health], 2014, no. 3, 34 p. (in Russ.)
3. Cheban I.B. [The Impact of Adaptive Sports on the Social Adaptation of Persons with Disabilities]. Materialy V mezhregional’noy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem “Innovatsionnyye tekhnologii v sporte i fizicheskom vospitanii” [Proceedings of the V Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation Innovative Technologies in Sport and Physical Education], 2016, pp. 351–355. (in Russ.)
4. Strelkova Ya.A. et al. [The Impact of a Healthy Lifestyle of Students of the Faculty of Physical Education of the Belgorod State University on the State of Health and Adaptation to Educational Activities]. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii “Mediko-biologicheskiye problemy fizicheskoy kul’tury i sporta v sovremennykh usloviyakh” [Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Medical and Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sport in Modern Conditions], 2003, pp. 129–132. (in Russ.)
5. Evseyev S.P., Evseyeva O.E., Vishnyakova Yu.Yu. et al. [Definition and Assessment of the Endurance of Persons with Disabilities]. Adaptivnaya fizicheskaya kul’tura [Adaptive Physical Culture], 2016, no. 1 (65), pp. 25–27. (in Russ.)
6. Polunina O.S., Aksenov A.I. [The Role of Matrix Proteins in the Development of Cardiovascular Pathology and Myocardial Remodeling]. Astrakhanskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal [Astrakhan Medical Journal], 2016, no. 2, pp. 42–57. (in Russ.)
7. Rosstat. Russian Statistical Yearbook, 2016. 725 p.
8. Rumyantseva E.R., Ovchinnikov A.V., Tokmakova N.Yu. [Education of Coordination Abilities of Hockey Players with Hearing Impairment in Groups of Initial Specialization]. Izvestiya Tul’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Fizicheskaya kul’tura. Sport [Proceedings of the Tula State University. Physical Education. Sport], 2017, no. 4, pp. 187–192. (in Russ.)
9. Yankevich I.E., Zinchuk N.A., Dorontsev A.V. [Psychophysiological Adaptation to the Sports Activity of Hearing Impaired Football Players]. Astrakhanskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal [Astrakhan Medical Journal], 2013, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 326–329. (in Russ.)
10. Kozlov R.A., Andreeva O.V., Kotlyar N.N., Goltsov A.S. Sport as a Factor of Physical Rehabilitation and Social Adaptation of Hearing-Impaired People. Global Scince and Innovation, 2015, pp. 304–308.
11. Senthil Vadivu A., Sampath R., Paramasivan V.K., Mohan M., Kameswaran M. Cochlear Implantation and Cardiac Associations. International Journal of Pediatric Otorinolaryngology, 2013, no. 77 (8), pp. 1303–1307.
12. Thompson W.R., Vanlandewijck Y.C. Science and the Paralympic Movement. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2013, no. 3, pp. 37–41.
13. Webborn N., Van de Vliet P. Paralympic Medicine. Lancet, 2012, vol. 380, no. 9836, pp. 65–71. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60831-9
2. Belova O.A. [Morphofunctional Status of Adolescents with and Without Pathology of the Auditory Sensory System]. Voprosy shkol’noy i universitetskoy meditsiny i zdorov’ya [Questions of School and University Medicine and Health], 2014, no. 3, 34 p. (in Russ.)
3. Cheban I.B. [The Impact of Adaptive Sports on the Social Adaptation of Persons with Disabilities]. Materialy V mezhregional’noy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem “Innovatsionnyye tekhnologii v sporte i fizicheskom vospitanii” [Proceedings of the V Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation Innovative Technologies in Sport and Physical Education], 2016, pp. 351–355. (in Russ.)
4. Strelkova Ya.A. et al. [The Impact of a Healthy Lifestyle of Students of the Faculty of Physical Education of the Belgorod State University on the State of Health and Adaptation to Educational Activities]. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii “Mediko-biologicheskiye problemy fizicheskoy kul’tury i sporta v sovremennykh usloviyakh” [Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Medical and Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sport in Modern Conditions], 2003, pp. 129–132. (in Russ.)
5. Evseyev S.P., Evseyeva O.E., Vishnyakova Yu.Yu. et al. [Definition and Assessment of the Endurance of Persons with Disabilities]. Adaptivnaya fizicheskaya kul’tura [Adaptive Physical Culture], 2016, no. 1 (65), pp. 25–27. (in Russ.)
6. Polunina O.S., Aksenov A.I. [The Role of Matrix Proteins in the Development of Cardiovascular Pathology and Myocardial Remodeling]. Astrakhanskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal [Astrakhan Medical Journal], 2016, no. 2, pp. 42–57. (in Russ.)
7. Rosstat. Russian Statistical Yearbook, 2016. 725 p.
8. Rumyantseva E.R., Ovchinnikov A.V., Tokmakova N.Yu. [Education of Coordination Abilities of Hockey Players with Hearing Impairment in Groups of Initial Specialization]. Izvestiya Tul’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Fizicheskaya kul’tura. Sport [Proceedings of the Tula State University. Physical Education. Sport], 2017, no. 4, pp. 187–192. (in Russ.)
9. Yankevich I.E., Zinchuk N.A., Dorontsev A.V. [Psychophysiological Adaptation to the Sports Activity of Hearing Impaired Football Players]. Astrakhanskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal [Astrakhan Medical Journal], 2013, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 326–329. (in Russ.)
10. Kozlov R.A., Andreeva O.V., Kotlyar N.N., Goltsov A.S. Sport as a Factor of Physical Rehabilitation and Social Adaptation of Hearing-Impaired People. Global Scince and Innovation, 2015, pp. 304–308.
11. Senthil Vadivu A., Sampath R., Paramasivan V.K., Mohan M., Kameswaran M. Cochlear Implantation and Cardiac Associations. International Journal of Pediatric Otorinolaryngology, 2013, no. 77 (8), pp. 1303–1307.
12. Thompson W.R., Vanlandewijck Y.C. Science and the Paralympic Movement. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2013, no. 3, pp. 37–41.
13. Webborn N., Van de Vliet P. Paralympic Medicine. Lancet, 2012, vol. 380, no. 9836, pp. 65–71. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60831-9
2. Belova O.A. [Morphofunctional Status of Adolescents with and Without Pathology of the Auditory Sensory System]. Voprosy shkol’noy i universitetskoy meditsiny i zdorov’ya [Questions of School and University Medicine and Health], 2014, no. 3, 34 p. (in Russ.)
3. Cheban I.B. [The Impact of Adaptive Sports on the Social Adaptation of Persons with Disabilities]. Materialy V mezhregional’noy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem “Innovatsionnyye tekhnologii v sporte i fizicheskom vospitanii” [Proceedings of the V Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation Innovative Technologies in Sport and Physical Education], 2016, pp. 351–355. (in Russ.)
4. Strelkova Ya.A. et al. [The Impact of a Healthy Lifestyle of Students of the Faculty of Physical Education of the Belgorod State University on the State of Health and Adaptation to Educational Activities]. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii “Mediko-biologicheskiye problemy fizicheskoy kul’tury i sporta v sovremennykh usloviyakh” [Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Medical and Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sport in Modern Conditions], 2003, pp. 129–132. (in Russ.)
5. Evseyev S.P., Evseyeva O.E., Vishnyakova Yu.Yu. et al. [Definition and Assessment of the Endurance of Persons with Disabilities]. Adaptivnaya fizicheskaya kul’tura [Adaptive Physical Culture], 2016, no. 1 (65), pp. 25–27. (in Russ.)
6. Polunina O.S., Aksenov A.I. [The Role of Matrix Proteins in the Development of Cardiovascular Pathology and Myocardial Remodeling]. Astrakhanskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal [Astrakhan Medical Journal], 2016, no. 2, pp. 42–57. (in Russ.)
7. Rosstat. Russian Statistical Yearbook, 2016. 725 p.
8. Rumyantseva E.R., Ovchinnikov A.V., Tokmakova N.Yu. [Education of Coordination Abilities of Hockey Players with Hearing Impairment in Groups of Initial Specialization]. Izvestiya Tul’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Fizicheskaya kul’tura. Sport [Proceedings of the Tula State University. Physical Education. Sport], 2017, no. 4, pp. 187–192. (in Russ.)
9. Yankevich I.E., Zinchuk N.A., Dorontsev A.V. [Psychophysiological Adaptation to the Sports Activity of Hearing Impaired Football Players]. Astrakhanskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal [Astrakhan Medical Journal], 2013, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 326–329. (in Russ.)
10. Kozlov R.A., Andreeva O.V., Kotlyar N.N., Goltsov A.S. Sport as a Factor of Physical Rehabilitation and Social Adaptation of Hearing-Impaired People. Global Scince and Innovation, 2015, pp. 304–308.
11. Senthil Vadivu A., Sampath R., Paramasivan V.K., Mohan M., Kameswaran M. Cochlear Implantation and Cardiac Associations. International Journal of Pediatric Otorinolaryngology, 2013, no. 77 (8), pp. 1303–1307.
12. Thompson W.R., Vanlandewijck Y.C. Science and the Paralympic Movement. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2013, no. 3, pp. 37–41.
13. Webborn N., Van de Vliet P. Paralympic Medicine. Lancet, 2012, vol. 380, no. 9836, pp. 65–71. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60831-9
References on translit
1. Bayunchikova D.S., Pal’chik A.B. [The Nature of the Psychomotor Development of Children with Hearing Impairment]. Spetsial’noye obrazovaniye [Special Education], 2017, no. 2, pp. 14–26. (in Russ.)2. Belova O.A. [Morphofunctional Status of Adolescents with and Without Pathology of the Auditory Sensory System]. Voprosy shkol’noy i universitetskoy meditsiny i zdorov’ya [Questions of School and University Medicine and Health], 2014, no. 3, 34 p. (in Russ.)
3. Cheban I.B. [The Impact of Adaptive Sports on the Social Adaptation of Persons with Disabilities]. Materialy V mezhregional’noy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem “Innovatsionnyye tekhnologii v sporte i fizicheskom vospitanii” [Proceedings of the V Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation Innovative Technologies in Sport and Physical Education], 2016, pp. 351–355. (in Russ.)
4. Strelkova Ya.A. et al. [The Impact of a Healthy Lifestyle of Students of the Faculty of Physical Education of the Belgorod State University on the State of Health and Adaptation to Educational Activities]. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii “Mediko-biologicheskiye problemy fizicheskoy kul’tury i sporta v sovremennykh usloviyakh” [Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Medical and Biological Problems of Physical Culture and Sport in Modern Conditions], 2003, pp. 129–132. (in Russ.)
5. Evseyev S.P., Evseyeva O.E., Vishnyakova Yu.Yu. et al. [Definition and Assessment of the Endurance of Persons with Disabilities]. Adaptivnaya fizicheskaya kul’tura [Adaptive Physical Culture], 2016, no. 1 (65), pp. 25–27. (in Russ.)
6. Polunina O.S., Aksenov A.I. [The Role of Matrix Proteins in the Development of Cardiovascular Pathology and Myocardial Remodeling]. Astrakhanskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal [Astrakhan Medical Journal], 2016, no. 2, pp. 42–57. (in Russ.)
7. Rosstat. Russian Statistical Yearbook, 2016. 725 p.
8. Rumyantseva E.R., Ovchinnikov A.V., Tokmakova N.Yu. [Education of Coordination Abilities of Hockey Players with Hearing Impairment in Groups of Initial Specialization]. Izvestiya Tul’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Fizicheskaya kul’tura. Sport [Proceedings of the Tula State University. Physical Education. Sport], 2017, no. 4, pp. 187–192. (in Russ.)
9. Yankevich I.E., Zinchuk N.A., Dorontsev A.V. [Psychophysiological Adaptation to the Sports Activity of Hearing Impaired Football Players]. Astrakhanskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal [Astrakhan Medical Journal], 2013, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 326–329. (in Russ.)
10. Kozlov R.A., Andreeva O.V., Kotlyar N.N., Goltsov A.S. Sport as a Factor of Physical Rehabilitation and Social Adaptation of Hearing-Impaired People. Global Scince and Innovation, 2015, pp. 304–308.
11. Senthil Vadivu A., Sampath R., Paramasivan V.K., Mohan M., Kameswaran M. Cochlear Implantation and Cardiac Associations. International Journal of Pediatric Otorinolaryngology, 2013, no. 77 (8), pp. 1303–1307.
12. Thompson W.R., Vanlandewijck Y.C. Science and the Paralympic Movement. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2013, no. 3, pp. 37–41.
13. Webborn N., Van de Vliet P. Paralympic Medicine. Lancet, 2012, vol. 380, no. 9836, pp. 65–71. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60831-9
How to Cite
Chichkova, M., Svetlichkina, A., & Dorontsev, A. (2018). EFFECT OF ADAPTIVE SPORTS ON RESERVE PARAMETERS OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM IN PATIENTS WITH SENSORINEURAL HEARING LOSS TYPE I AND II. Human. Sport. Medicine, 18(4), 117-122. https://doi.org/10.14529/hsm180417
Rehabilitation and sports medicine
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