Health, special medical group, adaptation, leading adaptation systems, functional state, cardiovascular disorders, physical education
Aim. The article deals with the assessment of changes in the adaptation abilities of female students with cardiovascular disorders engaged in physical education lessons in a special medical group. Materials and methods. 128 female students participated in the study. All students were engaged in physical education lessons in a special medical group (SMG). The experimental group consisted of 76 students with cardiovascular disorders. The control group included 48 apparently healthy students practicing physical education in the general group. We assessed adaptation abilities with the help of salivary cortisol, maximum oxygen consumption, adaptation potential of the circulatory system, and individual minute. Results. We revealed a tendency towards health deterioration and pathology acquisition during the study at university. We established the groups of the most frequent disorders, including the disorders of the cardiovascular system, which predominantly occur in girls. As a result of the study, we revealed that female students with cardiovascular disorders were to a greater extent subjected to external stress factors and demonstrated a significant increase (P &< 0.01) in cortisol (189 ± 5.21) in comparison to apparently healthy students (159.64 ± 8.21). Conclusions. All the groups examined demonstrated deterioration of the leading adaptation systems during the study at University. The most pronounced changes were registered in maximum oxygen consumption and adaptation potential of the circulatory system in female students with cardiovascular disorders.References
1. Agadzhanyan N.А., Bayevskiy R.M., Berseneva A.P. Problemy adaptatsii i ucheniye o zdorov’ye [Adaptation Problems and the Doctrine of Health]. Moscow, RUDN Publ., 2006. 284 p.
2. Bayevskiy R.M., Berseneva A.I., Paleyev N.R. [Assessment of the Adaptive Potential of the Circulatory System in Mass Preventive Examinations]. Ekspress-informatsiya VNIIMI [Express Information from the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Medical and Medical Information], 1987. 19 p. (in Russ.)
3. Blagosklonnaya Ya.V., Shlyakhto E.V., BabenkoA.Yu. Endokrinologiya: Uchebnik dlya meditsinskikh vuzov [Endocrinology. A Textbook for Medical Universities]. St. Petersburg, Spec Lit Publ., 2004. 398 p.
4. Glebov V.V. [The State of Motor Activity of Students in the Conditions of Training in the Capital's High School]. Sportivnyy psikholog [Sporting Psychologist], 2012, no. 3, p. 85. (in Russ.)
5. Guminskiy A.A., Leont’yeva N.N., Marinova K.V. Rukovodstvo k laboratornym zanyatiyam po obshchey fiziologii [Guide to Laboratory Exercises in General Physiology]. Moscow, Enlightenment Publ., 1990, pp. 216–221. (in Russ.)
6. Dedov I.I., Mel’nichenko G.A., Fadeyev V.V. Endokrinologiya [Endocrinology]. Moscow, Medicine Publ., 2000. 632 p.
7. Dzhandarova T.I., Milashechkina E.A. [Physical Development of Female Students Assigned to a Special Medical Group with Deviations in the Activity of the Cardiovascular System]. Nauchnyy zhurnal Severo-Kavkazskogo federal’nogo universiteta: Nauka. Innovatsii. Tekhnologii [Scientific journal of the North-Caucasian Federal University. Science. Innovation. Technologies], 2014, no. 1. pp. 82–83. (in Russ.)
8. Zhuravleva I.V. Zdorov’ye studentov: sotsiologicheskiy analiz [Students' Health. Sociological Analysis]. Institute of sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 2012. 252 p.
9. Gorbyleva K.V., Abdukadyrov Z.R. [Internet Addiction and Parameters of Psychophysiological Status in Students]. Materialy XVII Vserossiyskogo simpoziuma “Ekologo fiziologicheskiye problemy adaptatsii” [Materials of the XVII All-Russian Symposium Ecological and Physiological Problems of Adaptation], 2017, pp. 54–55. (in Russ.)
10. Moiseeva N.I., Sysuev V.N. Vremennaya sreda i biologicheskiye ritmy [Time Environment and Biological Rhythms]. Leningrad, Science Publ., 1981. 127 p.
11. Novikova A.V. [The State of Health of Young People Studying in Higher Education]. Materialy XVII Vserossiyskogo simpoziuma “Ekologo-fiziologicheskiye problemy adaptatsii” [Materials of the XVII All-Russian Symposium Ecological and Physiological Problems of Adaptation], 2017, pp. 165–166. (in Russ.)
12. Zhukova A.V., Kashka L.R., Abkhairova E.E., Ebubekirova L.Sh. [Characteristis of Sleep Quality and Anxiety Among Medical Students in Different Periods of Educational Activity]. Materialy XVII Vserossiyskogo simpoziuma “Ekologo-fiziologicheskiye problemy adaptatsii” [Materials of the XVII All-Russian Symposium Ecological and Physiological Problems of Adaptation], 2017, pp. 74–75. (in Russ.)
13. Taylor E.W. Central Control of the Cardiovascular and Resoiratory Systems and Their Instructions in Vertebrate. Physiol Rev., 1999, July. 79 (3), pp. 855–916. DOI: 10.1152/physrev.1999.79.3.855
14. Cowles M.K. Effects of Mood and Anxiety Disorders on the Cardiovascular System. Hurst’s the Heart, 13th edition, Chapter 96. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishers, 2010, pp. 2128–2145.
15. Hauspicr R., Lauwersm M., Susannec C. Factors During Growth Period. N.Y., London, 1984, pp. 221–223. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4684-1185-0_15
16. Gernet I.N., Pushkina V.N., Razmakhova S.Y., Milashechkina E.A., Sergeev R.P., Morozov A.G. Somparative Characteristic of Life Quality Among the Students Referred to a Special Medical Group According to Their Health State. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018, no. 05 (04), pp. 2353–2359.
17. Selye H. Stress Without Distress. Philadelphia, USA: Lippincott, 1974. 171 p.
18. Bannai A., Tamakoshi A. The Association Between Long Working Hours and Health: a Systematic Review of Epidemiological Evidence. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 2014, vol. 40, pp. 5–18. DOI: 10.5271/sjweh.3388
19. Baxter J.D., Forshtam P.H. Tissue Effect of Glucocorticoids. Am. J. Med., 1972, p. 53.
2. Bayevskiy R.M., Berseneva A.I., Paleyev N.R. [Assessment of the Adaptive Potential of the Circulatory System in Mass Preventive Examinations]. Ekspress-informatsiya VNIIMI [Express Information from the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Medical and Medical Information], 1987. 19 p. (in Russ.)
3. Blagosklonnaya Ya.V., Shlyakhto E.V., BabenkoA.Yu. Endokrinologiya: Uchebnik dlya meditsinskikh vuzov [Endocrinology. A Textbook for Medical Universities]. St. Petersburg, Spec Lit Publ., 2004. 398 p.
4. Glebov V.V. [The State of Motor Activity of Students in the Conditions of Training in the Capital's High School]. Sportivnyy psikholog [Sporting Psychologist], 2012, no. 3, p. 85. (in Russ.)
5. Guminskiy A.A., Leont’yeva N.N., Marinova K.V. Rukovodstvo k laboratornym zanyatiyam po obshchey fiziologii [Guide to Laboratory Exercises in General Physiology]. Moscow, Enlightenment Publ., 1990, pp. 216–221. (in Russ.)
6. Dedov I.I., Mel’nichenko G.A., Fadeyev V.V. Endokrinologiya [Endocrinology]. Moscow, Medicine Publ., 2000. 632 p.
7. Dzhandarova T.I., Milashechkina E.A. [Physical Development of Female Students Assigned to a Special Medical Group with Deviations in the Activity of the Cardiovascular System]. Nauchnyy zhurnal Severo-Kavkazskogo federal’nogo universiteta: Nauka. Innovatsii. Tekhnologii [Scientific journal of the North-Caucasian Federal University. Science. Innovation. Technologies], 2014, no. 1. pp. 82–83. (in Russ.)
8. Zhuravleva I.V. Zdorov’ye studentov: sotsiologicheskiy analiz [Students' Health. Sociological Analysis]. Institute of sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 2012. 252 p.
9. Gorbyleva K.V., Abdukadyrov Z.R. [Internet Addiction and Parameters of Psychophysiological Status in Students]. Materialy XVII Vserossiyskogo simpoziuma “Ekologo fiziologicheskiye problemy adaptatsii” [Materials of the XVII All-Russian Symposium Ecological and Physiological Problems of Adaptation], 2017, pp. 54–55. (in Russ.)
10. Moiseeva N.I., Sysuev V.N. Vremennaya sreda i biologicheskiye ritmy [Time Environment and Biological Rhythms]. Leningrad, Science Publ., 1981. 127 p.
11. Novikova A.V. [The State of Health of Young People Studying in Higher Education]. Materialy XVII Vserossiyskogo simpoziuma “Ekologo-fiziologicheskiye problemy adaptatsii” [Materials of the XVII All-Russian Symposium Ecological and Physiological Problems of Adaptation], 2017, pp. 165–166. (in Russ.)
12. Zhukova A.V., Kashka L.R., Abkhairova E.E., Ebubekirova L.Sh. [Characteristis of Sleep Quality and Anxiety Among Medical Students in Different Periods of Educational Activity]. Materialy XVII Vserossiyskogo simpoziuma “Ekologo-fiziologicheskiye problemy adaptatsii” [Materials of the XVII All-Russian Symposium Ecological and Physiological Problems of Adaptation], 2017, pp. 74–75. (in Russ.)
13. Taylor E.W. Central Control of the Cardiovascular and Resoiratory Systems and Their Instructions in Vertebrate. Physiol Rev., 1999, July. 79 (3), pp. 855–916. DOI: 10.1152/physrev.1999.79.3.855
14. Cowles M.K. Effects of Mood and Anxiety Disorders on the Cardiovascular System. Hurst’s the Heart, 13th edition, Chapter 96. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishers, 2010, pp. 2128–2145.
15. Hauspicr R., Lauwersm M., Susannec C. Factors During Growth Period. N.Y., London, 1984, pp. 221–223. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4684-1185-0_15
16. Gernet I.N., Pushkina V.N., Razmakhova S.Y., Milashechkina E.A., Sergeev R.P., Morozov A.G. Somparative Characteristic of Life Quality Among the Students Referred to a Special Medical Group According to Their Health State. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018, no. 05 (04), pp. 2353–2359.
17. Selye H. Stress Without Distress. Philadelphia, USA: Lippincott, 1974. 171 p.
18. Bannai A., Tamakoshi A. The Association Between Long Working Hours and Health: a Systematic Review of Epidemiological Evidence. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 2014, vol. 40, pp. 5–18. DOI: 10.5271/sjweh.3388
19. Baxter J.D., Forshtam P.H. Tissue Effect of Glucocorticoids. Am. J. Med., 1972, p. 53.
2. Bayevskiy R.M., Berseneva A.I., Paleyev N.R. [Assessment of the Adaptive Potential of the Circulatory System in Mass Preventive Examinations]. Ekspress-informatsiya VNIIMI [Express Information from the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Medical and Medical Information], 1987. 19 p. (in Russ.)
3. Blagosklonnaya Ya.V., Shlyakhto E.V., BabenkoA.Yu. Endokrinologiya: Uchebnik dlya meditsinskikh vuzov [Endocrinology. A Textbook for Medical Universities]. St. Petersburg, Spec Lit Publ., 2004. 398 p.
4. Glebov V.V. [The State of Motor Activity of Students in the Conditions of Training in the Capital's High School]. Sportivnyy psikholog [Sporting Psychologist], 2012, no. 3, p. 85. (in Russ.)
5. Guminskiy A.A., Leont’yeva N.N., Marinova K.V. Rukovodstvo k laboratornym zanyatiyam po obshchey fiziologii [Guide to Laboratory Exercises in General Physiology]. Moscow, Enlightenment Publ., 1990, pp. 216–221. (in Russ.)
6. Dedov I.I., Mel’nichenko G.A., Fadeyev V.V. Endokrinologiya [Endocrinology]. Moscow, Medicine Publ., 2000. 632 p.
7. Dzhandarova T.I., Milashechkina E.A. [Physical Development of Female Students Assigned to a Special Medical Group with Deviations in the Activity of the Cardiovascular System]. Nauchnyy zhurnal Severo-Kavkazskogo federal’nogo universiteta: Nauka. Innovatsii. Tekhnologii [Scientific journal of the North-Caucasian Federal University. Science. Innovation. Technologies], 2014, no. 1. pp. 82–83. (in Russ.)
8. Zhuravleva I.V. Zdorov’ye studentov: sotsiologicheskiy analiz [Students' Health. Sociological Analysis]. Institute of sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 2012. 252 p.
9. Gorbyleva K.V., Abdukadyrov Z.R. [Internet Addiction and Parameters of Psychophysiological Status in Students]. Materialy XVII Vserossiyskogo simpoziuma “Ekologo fiziologicheskiye problemy adaptatsii” [Materials of the XVII All-Russian Symposium Ecological and Physiological Problems of Adaptation], 2017, pp. 54–55. (in Russ.)
10. Moiseeva N.I., Sysuev V.N. Vremennaya sreda i biologicheskiye ritmy [Time Environment and Biological Rhythms]. Leningrad, Science Publ., 1981. 127 p.
11. Novikova A.V. [The State of Health of Young People Studying in Higher Education]. Materialy XVII Vserossiyskogo simpoziuma “Ekologo-fiziologicheskiye problemy adaptatsii” [Materials of the XVII All-Russian Symposium Ecological and Physiological Problems of Adaptation], 2017, pp. 165–166. (in Russ.)
12. Zhukova A.V., Kashka L.R., Abkhairova E.E., Ebubekirova L.Sh. [Characteristis of Sleep Quality and Anxiety Among Medical Students in Different Periods of Educational Activity]. Materialy XVII Vserossiyskogo simpoziuma “Ekologo-fiziologicheskiye problemy adaptatsii” [Materials of the XVII All-Russian Symposium Ecological and Physiological Problems of Adaptation], 2017, pp. 74–75. (in Russ.)
13. Taylor E.W. Central Control of the Cardiovascular and Resoiratory Systems and Their Instructions in Vertebrate. Physiol Rev., 1999, July. 79 (3), pp. 855–916. DOI: 10.1152/physrev.1999.79.3.855
14. Cowles M.K. Effects of Mood and Anxiety Disorders on the Cardiovascular System. Hurst’s the Heart, 13th edition, Chapter 96. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishers, 2010, pp. 2128–2145.
15. Hauspicr R., Lauwersm M., Susannec C. Factors During Growth Period. N.Y., London, 1984, pp. 221–223. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4684-1185-0_15
16. Gernet I.N., Pushkina V.N., Razmakhova S.Y., Milashechkina E.A., Sergeev R.P., Morozov A.G. Somparative Characteristic of Life Quality Among the Students Referred to a Special Medical Group According to Their Health State. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018, no. 05 (04), pp. 2353–2359.
17. Selye H. Stress Without Distress. Philadelphia, USA: Lippincott, 1974. 171 p.
18. Bannai A., Tamakoshi A. The Association Between Long Working Hours and Health: a Systematic Review of Epidemiological Evidence. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 2014, vol. 40, pp. 5–18. DOI: 10.5271/sjweh.3388
19. Baxter J.D., Forshtam P.H. Tissue Effect of Glucocorticoids. Am. J. Med., 1972, p. 53.
References on translit
1. Agadzhanyan N.А., Bayevskiy R.M., Berseneva A.P. Problemy adaptatsii i ucheniye o zdorov’ye [Adaptation Problems and the Doctrine of Health]. Moscow, RUDN Publ., 2006. 284 p.2. Bayevskiy R.M., Berseneva A.I., Paleyev N.R. [Assessment of the Adaptive Potential of the Circulatory System in Mass Preventive Examinations]. Ekspress-informatsiya VNIIMI [Express Information from the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Medical and Medical Information], 1987. 19 p. (in Russ.)
3. Blagosklonnaya Ya.V., Shlyakhto E.V., BabenkoA.Yu. Endokrinologiya: Uchebnik dlya meditsinskikh vuzov [Endocrinology. A Textbook for Medical Universities]. St. Petersburg, Spec Lit Publ., 2004. 398 p.
4. Glebov V.V. [The State of Motor Activity of Students in the Conditions of Training in the Capital's High School]. Sportivnyy psikholog [Sporting Psychologist], 2012, no. 3, p. 85. (in Russ.)
5. Guminskiy A.A., Leont’yeva N.N., Marinova K.V. Rukovodstvo k laboratornym zanyatiyam po obshchey fiziologii [Guide to Laboratory Exercises in General Physiology]. Moscow, Enlightenment Publ., 1990, pp. 216–221. (in Russ.)
6. Dedov I.I., Mel’nichenko G.A., Fadeyev V.V. Endokrinologiya [Endocrinology]. Moscow, Medicine Publ., 2000. 632 p.
7. Dzhandarova T.I., Milashechkina E.A. [Physical Development of Female Students Assigned to a Special Medical Group with Deviations in the Activity of the Cardiovascular System]. Nauchnyy zhurnal Severo-Kavkazskogo federal’nogo universiteta: Nauka. Innovatsii. Tekhnologii [Scientific journal of the North-Caucasian Federal University. Science. Innovation. Technologies], 2014, no. 1. pp. 82–83. (in Russ.)
8. Zhuravleva I.V. Zdorov’ye studentov: sotsiologicheskiy analiz [Students' Health. Sociological Analysis]. Institute of sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences Publ., 2012. 252 p.
9. Gorbyleva K.V., Abdukadyrov Z.R. [Internet Addiction and Parameters of Psychophysiological Status in Students]. Materialy XVII Vserossiyskogo simpoziuma “Ekologo fiziologicheskiye problemy adaptatsii” [Materials of the XVII All-Russian Symposium Ecological and Physiological Problems of Adaptation], 2017, pp. 54–55. (in Russ.)
10. Moiseeva N.I., Sysuev V.N. Vremennaya sreda i biologicheskiye ritmy [Time Environment and Biological Rhythms]. Leningrad, Science Publ., 1981. 127 p.
11. Novikova A.V. [The State of Health of Young People Studying in Higher Education]. Materialy XVII Vserossiyskogo simpoziuma “Ekologo-fiziologicheskiye problemy adaptatsii” [Materials of the XVII All-Russian Symposium Ecological and Physiological Problems of Adaptation], 2017, pp. 165–166. (in Russ.)
12. Zhukova A.V., Kashka L.R., Abkhairova E.E., Ebubekirova L.Sh. [Characteristis of Sleep Quality and Anxiety Among Medical Students in Different Periods of Educational Activity]. Materialy XVII Vserossiyskogo simpoziuma “Ekologo-fiziologicheskiye problemy adaptatsii” [Materials of the XVII All-Russian Symposium Ecological and Physiological Problems of Adaptation], 2017, pp. 74–75. (in Russ.)
13. Taylor E.W. Central Control of the Cardiovascular and Resoiratory Systems and Their Instructions in Vertebrate. Physiol Rev., 1999, July. 79 (3), pp. 855–916. DOI: 10.1152/physrev.1999.79.3.855
14. Cowles M.K. Effects of Mood and Anxiety Disorders on the Cardiovascular System. Hurst’s the Heart, 13th edition, Chapter 96. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishers, 2010, pp. 2128–2145.
15. Hauspicr R., Lauwersm M., Susannec C. Factors During Growth Period. N.Y., London, 1984, pp. 221–223. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4684-1185-0_15
16. Gernet I.N., Pushkina V.N., Razmakhova S.Y., Milashechkina E.A., Sergeev R.P., Morozov A.G. Somparative Characteristic of Life Quality Among the Students Referred to a Special Medical Group According to Their Health State. Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2018, no. 05 (04), pp. 2353–2359.
17. Selye H. Stress Without Distress. Philadelphia, USA: Lippincott, 1974. 171 p.
18. Bannai A., Tamakoshi A. The Association Between Long Working Hours and Health: a Systematic Review of Epidemiological Evidence. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 2014, vol. 40, pp. 5–18. DOI: 10.5271/sjweh.3388
19. Baxter J.D., Forshtam P.H. Tissue Effect of Glucocorticoids. Am. J. Med., 1972, p. 53.
How to Cite
Milashechkina, E., Dzhandarova, T., & Kunitsina, E. (2018). ADAPTATION ABILITIES IN FEMALE STUDENTS WITH CARDIOVASCULAR DISORDERS. Human. Sport. Medicine, 18(4), 123-129.
Rehabilitation and sports medicine
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