Russia’s northeast, young males, morphofunctional indicators, physical capacity, adaptation
Aim. The aim of this study is to examine students of the North-East State University to identify regional features of their morphophysiological development and assess their physical fitness. Materials and Methods. We examined young male students (n = 456) of the North-East State University permanently residing in the conditions of the North-East of Russia to study the parameters of their physical development, cardiovascular system and physical fitness. Results. It was established that from 17 to 21 there is a significant increase in chest circumference and body mass against the increase in body robustness. The absence of significant dynamics in body length from 17 to 21 reveals the end of growth and is a regional feature of the physical development of young males from the Magadan region. Older groups are characterized by increased tension in the cardiovascular system which is accompanied by significant dynamics in systolic and diastolic blood pressure against high values of heart rate, exceeding the same parameter for young males from other regions of the country. We revealed age dynamics in the parameters of physical fitness using push-ups, sit-ups, skipping and shuttle run test against constant values for long jump and pull-ups, which prove the disharmony of students’ physical development. Conclusion. In general, the data obtained indicate the formation of the regional features of morphophysiological development, which is a necessary adaptation strategy aimed at optimization of all body systems in response to the impact of the North extremes.References
1. Aver’yanova I.V., Maksimov A.L. [Reconstruction of Hemodynamics and Morphofunctional Indices During 10 Years in Young Men of Magadan Region]. Ekologiya cheloveka [The Ecology of Man], 2016, no. 8, pp. 8–14. (in Russ.)
2. Aver’yanova I.V., Maksimov A.L. [Age Dynamics of the Basic Somatometric Indicators in Young Men-Students of the Natives of Magadan]. Morfologiya [Morphology], 2016, no. 2, pp. 62–67. (in Russ.)
3. Anisimova E.N., Sharaykina E.P., Vyatskin I.E. [Characteristics of the Physical Status of Draftees in Krasnoyarsk]. Sibirskoye meditsinskoye obozreniye [Siberian Medical Review], 2003, vol. 26–27, no. 2–3, pp. 74–76. (in Russ.)
4. Arinchin N.I., Gorbatsevich A.I., Konontsev V.I. [Express-Method of Integral Assessment and Classification of Blood Circulation in Norm and Pathology]. Doklad AN BSSR [Report of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR], 1978, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 569–570. (in Russ.)
5. Borovikov V.P. Statistica. Iskusstvo analiza dannykh na komp’yutere: dlya professionalov [Statistica. The Art of Data Analysis on a Computer]. St. Petersburg, Peter Publ., 2003. 688 p.
6. Buduk-ool L.K., Ayzman R.I. [Comparative Dynamics of the Cardiorespiratory System of Students in the South Ural region]. Rossiyskiy mediko-biologicheskiy vestnik imeni I.P. Pavlova [Russian Medical and Biological Bulletin Named After I.P. Pavlova], 2008, no. 4, pp. 28–33. (in Russ.)
7. Gudkov A.B., Popova O.N., Lukmanova N.B. [Ecological and Physiological Characteristics of Climatic Factors of the North. Review of Literature]. Ekologiya cheloveka [Ecology of Man], 2012, no. 1, pp. 12–17. (in Russ.)
8. Davidovich I.M., Zharskiy S.L., Afonaskov O.V. [Prehypertension in Young Men]. Zdravookhraneniye Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Healthcare of the Russian Federation], 2009, no. 1, p. 32.
9. Kazakova T.V., Alekseyeva E.A. [Integral Aspects in the Study of the Human Constitution in the Juvenile Stage of Postnatal Ontogenesis]. Morfologiya [Morphology], 2009, vol. 136, no. 4, pp. 67–71. (in Russ.)
10. Kozina G.Yu. [The Ratio of Student Youth to the Factors of a Healthy Lifestyle]. Vestnik mezhdunarodnoy akademii nauk (elektronnyy resurs) [Bulletin of the International Academy of Sciences], 2011, no. 2, pp. 141–142. (in Russ.)
11. Maksimov A.L., Sukhanova I.V., Vdovenko S.I. [Features of the Functional State in Young Men of the City of Magadan, Depending on the Type of Constitution]. Ekologiya cheloveka [Ecology of Man], 2012, no. 12, pp. 25–30. (in Russ.)
12. Mal’tseva I.G. Metodika testirovaniya i otsenki urovnya obshchey fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti studentov vuzov: uchebno-metod. posobiye [Methodology for Testing and Assessing the Level of General Physical Readiness of University Students]. Orel, MABIV Publ., 2014. 40 p.
13. Mishkova T.A. [Bioimpedance Analysis of the Body Composition of Young Men and Girls in Connection with the Constitutional Affiliatio]. Vestnik antropologii [Bulletin of Anthropology], 2008, no. 16, pp. 137–143. (in Russ.)
14. Nikolayev V.G., Sharaykina E.P. [The Constitutional Approach to Assessing Human Health]. Novosti sportivnoy i meditsinskoy antropologii [News of Sports and Medical Anthropology], 1990, iss. 3, pp. 80–81. (in Russ.)
15. Pushkina V.N., Gribanov A.V. [Seasonal Changes in the Relationship Between Cardiorespiratory Parameters in Young Men in the Circumpolar Region]. Ekologiya cheloveka [Ecology of Man], 2012, no. 9, pp. 26–31. (in Russ.)
16. Son’kin V.D. [The Problem of Assessing Physical Performance]. Vestnik sportivnoy nauki [Herald of Sports Science], 2010, no. 2, pp. 37–42. (in Russ.)
17. Sukhanova I.V., Maksimov A.L. [Modern Trends in Physical Development and the State of the Cardiovascular System in Young Men of Magadan]. Gigiyena i sanitariya [Hygiene and Sanitation], 2015, vol. 94, no. 3, pp. 83–86. (in Russ.)
18. Syupova M.S., Khalikova S.S. [The Health of Students as a Factor in Preserving the Labor Potential of the Region]. Uchenyye zametki TOGU [Scientific Notes of the TOHU], 2013, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 204–209. (in Russ.)
19. Shchedrina A.G. Ontogenez i teoriya zdorov’ya: metodologicheskiye aspekty [Ontogeny and the Theory of Health. Methodological Aspects]. Novosibirsk, SO RAMN Publ., 2003. 164 p.
20. Yur’yev V.V., Simakhodskiy A.S., Voronovich N.N., Khomich M.M. Rost i razvitiye rebenka [Growth and Development of the Child]. St. Petersburg, Peter Publ., 2003. 272 p.
21. Kromeyer-Hauschild К., Zellner К., Jaeger U., Hoyer H. Int J. Obes. Relat. Metab. Disord, 1999, vol. 23, pp. 1143–1150.
22. Robergs R.A., Roberts S.O. Exercise Physiology. Exercise, Performance, and Clinical Application. St. Louis: Mosby – Year Book, 1997. 228 p.
23. The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure: the JNC 7 Report-Correction. JAMA, 2003, vol. 290, pp. 192–197.
2. Aver’yanova I.V., Maksimov A.L. [Age Dynamics of the Basic Somatometric Indicators in Young Men-Students of the Natives of Magadan]. Morfologiya [Morphology], 2016, no. 2, pp. 62–67. (in Russ.)
3. Anisimova E.N., Sharaykina E.P., Vyatskin I.E. [Characteristics of the Physical Status of Draftees in Krasnoyarsk]. Sibirskoye meditsinskoye obozreniye [Siberian Medical Review], 2003, vol. 26–27, no. 2–3, pp. 74–76. (in Russ.)
4. Arinchin N.I., Gorbatsevich A.I., Konontsev V.I. [Express-Method of Integral Assessment and Classification of Blood Circulation in Norm and Pathology]. Doklad AN BSSR [Report of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR], 1978, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 569–570. (in Russ.)
5. Borovikov V.P. Statistica. Iskusstvo analiza dannykh na komp’yutere: dlya professionalov [Statistica. The Art of Data Analysis on a Computer]. St. Petersburg, Peter Publ., 2003. 688 p.
6. Buduk-ool L.K., Ayzman R.I. [Comparative Dynamics of the Cardiorespiratory System of Students in the South Ural region]. Rossiyskiy mediko-biologicheskiy vestnik imeni I.P. Pavlova [Russian Medical and Biological Bulletin Named After I.P. Pavlova], 2008, no. 4, pp. 28–33. (in Russ.)
7. Gudkov A.B., Popova O.N., Lukmanova N.B. [Ecological and Physiological Characteristics of Climatic Factors of the North. Review of Literature]. Ekologiya cheloveka [Ecology of Man], 2012, no. 1, pp. 12–17. (in Russ.)
8. Davidovich I.M., Zharskiy S.L., Afonaskov O.V. [Prehypertension in Young Men]. Zdravookhraneniye Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Healthcare of the Russian Federation], 2009, no. 1, p. 32.
9. Kazakova T.V., Alekseyeva E.A. [Integral Aspects in the Study of the Human Constitution in the Juvenile Stage of Postnatal Ontogenesis]. Morfologiya [Morphology], 2009, vol. 136, no. 4, pp. 67–71. (in Russ.)
10. Kozina G.Yu. [The Ratio of Student Youth to the Factors of a Healthy Lifestyle]. Vestnik mezhdunarodnoy akademii nauk (elektronnyy resurs) [Bulletin of the International Academy of Sciences], 2011, no. 2, pp. 141–142. (in Russ.)
11. Maksimov A.L., Sukhanova I.V., Vdovenko S.I. [Features of the Functional State in Young Men of the City of Magadan, Depending on the Type of Constitution]. Ekologiya cheloveka [Ecology of Man], 2012, no. 12, pp. 25–30. (in Russ.)
12. Mal’tseva I.G. Metodika testirovaniya i otsenki urovnya obshchey fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti studentov vuzov: uchebno-metod. posobiye [Methodology for Testing and Assessing the Level of General Physical Readiness of University Students]. Orel, MABIV Publ., 2014. 40 p.
13. Mishkova T.A. [Bioimpedance Analysis of the Body Composition of Young Men and Girls in Connection with the Constitutional Affiliatio]. Vestnik antropologii [Bulletin of Anthropology], 2008, no. 16, pp. 137–143. (in Russ.)
14. Nikolayev V.G., Sharaykina E.P. [The Constitutional Approach to Assessing Human Health]. Novosti sportivnoy i meditsinskoy antropologii [News of Sports and Medical Anthropology], 1990, iss. 3, pp. 80–81. (in Russ.)
15. Pushkina V.N., Gribanov A.V. [Seasonal Changes in the Relationship Between Cardiorespiratory Parameters in Young Men in the Circumpolar Region]. Ekologiya cheloveka [Ecology of Man], 2012, no. 9, pp. 26–31. (in Russ.)
16. Son’kin V.D. [The Problem of Assessing Physical Performance]. Vestnik sportivnoy nauki [Herald of Sports Science], 2010, no. 2, pp. 37–42. (in Russ.)
17. Sukhanova I.V., Maksimov A.L. [Modern Trends in Physical Development and the State of the Cardiovascular System in Young Men of Magadan]. Gigiyena i sanitariya [Hygiene and Sanitation], 2015, vol. 94, no. 3, pp. 83–86. (in Russ.)
18. Syupova M.S., Khalikova S.S. [The Health of Students as a Factor in Preserving the Labor Potential of the Region]. Uchenyye zametki TOGU [Scientific Notes of the TOHU], 2013, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 204–209. (in Russ.)
19. Shchedrina A.G. Ontogenez i teoriya zdorov’ya: metodologicheskiye aspekty [Ontogeny and the Theory of Health. Methodological Aspects]. Novosibirsk, SO RAMN Publ., 2003. 164 p.
20. Yur’yev V.V., Simakhodskiy A.S., Voronovich N.N., Khomich M.M. Rost i razvitiye rebenka [Growth and Development of the Child]. St. Petersburg, Peter Publ., 2003. 272 p.
21. Kromeyer-Hauschild К., Zellner К., Jaeger U., Hoyer H. Int J. Obes. Relat. Metab. Disord, 1999, vol. 23, pp. 1143–1150.
22. Robergs R.A., Roberts S.O. Exercise Physiology. Exercise, Performance, and Clinical Application. St. Louis: Mosby – Year Book, 1997. 228 p.
23. The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure: the JNC 7 Report-Correction. JAMA, 2003, vol. 290, pp. 192–197.
2. Aver’yanova I.V., Maksimov A.L. [Age Dynamics of the Basic Somatometric Indicators in Young Men-Students of the Natives of Magadan]. Morfologiya [Morphology], 2016, no. 2, pp. 62–67. (in Russ.)
3. Anisimova E.N., Sharaykina E.P., Vyatskin I.E. [Characteristics of the Physical Status of Draftees in Krasnoyarsk]. Sibirskoye meditsinskoye obozreniye [Siberian Medical Review], 2003, vol. 26–27, no. 2–3, pp. 74–76. (in Russ.)
4. Arinchin N.I., Gorbatsevich A.I., Konontsev V.I. [Express-Method of Integral Assessment and Classification of Blood Circulation in Norm and Pathology]. Doklad AN BSSR [Report of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR], 1978, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 569–570. (in Russ.)
5. Borovikov V.P. Statistica. Iskusstvo analiza dannykh na komp’yutere: dlya professionalov [Statistica. The Art of Data Analysis on a Computer]. St. Petersburg, Peter Publ., 2003. 688 p.
6. Buduk-ool L.K., Ayzman R.I. [Comparative Dynamics of the Cardiorespiratory System of Students in the South Ural region]. Rossiyskiy mediko-biologicheskiy vestnik imeni I.P. Pavlova [Russian Medical and Biological Bulletin Named After I.P. Pavlova], 2008, no. 4, pp. 28–33. (in Russ.)
7. Gudkov A.B., Popova O.N., Lukmanova N.B. [Ecological and Physiological Characteristics of Climatic Factors of the North. Review of Literature]. Ekologiya cheloveka [Ecology of Man], 2012, no. 1, pp. 12–17. (in Russ.)
8. Davidovich I.M., Zharskiy S.L., Afonaskov O.V. [Prehypertension in Young Men]. Zdravookhraneniye Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Healthcare of the Russian Federation], 2009, no. 1, p. 32.
9. Kazakova T.V., Alekseyeva E.A. [Integral Aspects in the Study of the Human Constitution in the Juvenile Stage of Postnatal Ontogenesis]. Morfologiya [Morphology], 2009, vol. 136, no. 4, pp. 67–71. (in Russ.)
10. Kozina G.Yu. [The Ratio of Student Youth to the Factors of a Healthy Lifestyle]. Vestnik mezhdunarodnoy akademii nauk (elektronnyy resurs) [Bulletin of the International Academy of Sciences], 2011, no. 2, pp. 141–142. (in Russ.)
11. Maksimov A.L., Sukhanova I.V., Vdovenko S.I. [Features of the Functional State in Young Men of the City of Magadan, Depending on the Type of Constitution]. Ekologiya cheloveka [Ecology of Man], 2012, no. 12, pp. 25–30. (in Russ.)
12. Mal’tseva I.G. Metodika testirovaniya i otsenki urovnya obshchey fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti studentov vuzov: uchebno-metod. posobiye [Methodology for Testing and Assessing the Level of General Physical Readiness of University Students]. Orel, MABIV Publ., 2014. 40 p.
13. Mishkova T.A. [Bioimpedance Analysis of the Body Composition of Young Men and Girls in Connection with the Constitutional Affiliatio]. Vestnik antropologii [Bulletin of Anthropology], 2008, no. 16, pp. 137–143. (in Russ.)
14. Nikolayev V.G., Sharaykina E.P. [The Constitutional Approach to Assessing Human Health]. Novosti sportivnoy i meditsinskoy antropologii [News of Sports and Medical Anthropology], 1990, iss. 3, pp. 80–81. (in Russ.)
15. Pushkina V.N., Gribanov A.V. [Seasonal Changes in the Relationship Between Cardiorespiratory Parameters in Young Men in the Circumpolar Region]. Ekologiya cheloveka [Ecology of Man], 2012, no. 9, pp. 26–31. (in Russ.)
16. Son’kin V.D. [The Problem of Assessing Physical Performance]. Vestnik sportivnoy nauki [Herald of Sports Science], 2010, no. 2, pp. 37–42. (in Russ.)
17. Sukhanova I.V., Maksimov A.L. [Modern Trends in Physical Development and the State of the Cardiovascular System in Young Men of Magadan]. Gigiyena i sanitariya [Hygiene and Sanitation], 2015, vol. 94, no. 3, pp. 83–86. (in Russ.)
18. Syupova M.S., Khalikova S.S. [The Health of Students as a Factor in Preserving the Labor Potential of the Region]. Uchenyye zametki TOGU [Scientific Notes of the TOHU], 2013, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 204–209. (in Russ.)
19. Shchedrina A.G. Ontogenez i teoriya zdorov’ya: metodologicheskiye aspekty [Ontogeny and the Theory of Health. Methodological Aspects]. Novosibirsk, SO RAMN Publ., 2003. 164 p.
20. Yur’yev V.V., Simakhodskiy A.S., Voronovich N.N., Khomich M.M. Rost i razvitiye rebenka [Growth and Development of the Child]. St. Petersburg, Peter Publ., 2003. 272 p.
21. Kromeyer-Hauschild К., Zellner К., Jaeger U., Hoyer H. Int J. Obes. Relat. Metab. Disord, 1999, vol. 23, pp. 1143–1150.
22. Robergs R.A., Roberts S.O. Exercise Physiology. Exercise, Performance, and Clinical Application. St. Louis: Mosby – Year Book, 1997. 228 p.
23. The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure: the JNC 7 Report-Correction. JAMA, 2003, vol. 290, pp. 192–197.
References on translit
1. Aver’yanova I.V., Maksimov A.L. [Reconstruction of Hemodynamics and Morphofunctional Indices During 10 Years in Young Men of Magadan Region]. Ekologiya cheloveka [The Ecology of Man], 2016, no. 8, pp. 8–14. (in Russ.)2. Aver’yanova I.V., Maksimov A.L. [Age Dynamics of the Basic Somatometric Indicators in Young Men-Students of the Natives of Magadan]. Morfologiya [Morphology], 2016, no. 2, pp. 62–67. (in Russ.)
3. Anisimova E.N., Sharaykina E.P., Vyatskin I.E. [Characteristics of the Physical Status of Draftees in Krasnoyarsk]. Sibirskoye meditsinskoye obozreniye [Siberian Medical Review], 2003, vol. 26–27, no. 2–3, pp. 74–76. (in Russ.)
4. Arinchin N.I., Gorbatsevich A.I., Konontsev V.I. [Express-Method of Integral Assessment and Classification of Blood Circulation in Norm and Pathology]. Doklad AN BSSR [Report of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR], 1978, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 569–570. (in Russ.)
5. Borovikov V.P. Statistica. Iskusstvo analiza dannykh na komp’yutere: dlya professionalov [Statistica. The Art of Data Analysis on a Computer]. St. Petersburg, Peter Publ., 2003. 688 p.
6. Buduk-ool L.K., Ayzman R.I. [Comparative Dynamics of the Cardiorespiratory System of Students in the South Ural region]. Rossiyskiy mediko-biologicheskiy vestnik imeni I.P. Pavlova [Russian Medical and Biological Bulletin Named After I.P. Pavlova], 2008, no. 4, pp. 28–33. (in Russ.)
7. Gudkov A.B., Popova O.N., Lukmanova N.B. [Ecological and Physiological Characteristics of Climatic Factors of the North. Review of Literature]. Ekologiya cheloveka [Ecology of Man], 2012, no. 1, pp. 12–17. (in Russ.)
8. Davidovich I.M., Zharskiy S.L., Afonaskov O.V. [Prehypertension in Young Men]. Zdravookhraneniye Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Healthcare of the Russian Federation], 2009, no. 1, p. 32.
9. Kazakova T.V., Alekseyeva E.A. [Integral Aspects in the Study of the Human Constitution in the Juvenile Stage of Postnatal Ontogenesis]. Morfologiya [Morphology], 2009, vol. 136, no. 4, pp. 67–71. (in Russ.)
10. Kozina G.Yu. [The Ratio of Student Youth to the Factors of a Healthy Lifestyle]. Vestnik mezhdunarodnoy akademii nauk (elektronnyy resurs) [Bulletin of the International Academy of Sciences], 2011, no. 2, pp. 141–142. (in Russ.)
11. Maksimov A.L., Sukhanova I.V., Vdovenko S.I. [Features of the Functional State in Young Men of the City of Magadan, Depending on the Type of Constitution]. Ekologiya cheloveka [Ecology of Man], 2012, no. 12, pp. 25–30. (in Russ.)
12. Mal’tseva I.G. Metodika testirovaniya i otsenki urovnya obshchey fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti studentov vuzov: uchebno-metod. posobiye [Methodology for Testing and Assessing the Level of General Physical Readiness of University Students]. Orel, MABIV Publ., 2014. 40 p.
13. Mishkova T.A. [Bioimpedance Analysis of the Body Composition of Young Men and Girls in Connection with the Constitutional Affiliatio]. Vestnik antropologii [Bulletin of Anthropology], 2008, no. 16, pp. 137–143. (in Russ.)
14. Nikolayev V.G., Sharaykina E.P. [The Constitutional Approach to Assessing Human Health]. Novosti sportivnoy i meditsinskoy antropologii [News of Sports and Medical Anthropology], 1990, iss. 3, pp. 80–81. (in Russ.)
15. Pushkina V.N., Gribanov A.V. [Seasonal Changes in the Relationship Between Cardiorespiratory Parameters in Young Men in the Circumpolar Region]. Ekologiya cheloveka [Ecology of Man], 2012, no. 9, pp. 26–31. (in Russ.)
16. Son’kin V.D. [The Problem of Assessing Physical Performance]. Vestnik sportivnoy nauki [Herald of Sports Science], 2010, no. 2, pp. 37–42. (in Russ.)
17. Sukhanova I.V., Maksimov A.L. [Modern Trends in Physical Development and the State of the Cardiovascular System in Young Men of Magadan]. Gigiyena i sanitariya [Hygiene and Sanitation], 2015, vol. 94, no. 3, pp. 83–86. (in Russ.)
18. Syupova M.S., Khalikova S.S. [The Health of Students as a Factor in Preserving the Labor Potential of the Region]. Uchenyye zametki TOGU [Scientific Notes of the TOHU], 2013, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 204–209. (in Russ.)
19. Shchedrina A.G. Ontogenez i teoriya zdorov’ya: metodologicheskiye aspekty [Ontogeny and the Theory of Health. Methodological Aspects]. Novosibirsk, SO RAMN Publ., 2003. 164 p.
20. Yur’yev V.V., Simakhodskiy A.S., Voronovich N.N., Khomich M.M. Rost i razvitiye rebenka [Growth and Development of the Child]. St. Petersburg, Peter Publ., 2003. 272 p.
21. Kromeyer-Hauschild К., Zellner К., Jaeger U., Hoyer H. Int J. Obes. Relat. Metab. Disord, 1999, vol. 23, pp. 1143–1150.
22. Robergs R.A., Roberts S.O. Exercise Physiology. Exercise, Performance, and Clinical Application. St. Louis: Mosby – Year Book, 1997. 228 p.
23. The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure: the JNC 7 Report-Correction. JAMA, 2003, vol. 290, pp. 192–197.
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