Keywords: professional activity, inclusive education, inclusive competencies, physical education teacher, inclusive physical education, adaptive physical education


Aim. The paper aims to reveal difficulties in inclusive physical education and propose changes to the program of adaptive physical education for improving professional practice in inclusive conditions. Materials and methods. 45 teachers of different skills level participated in the study (71% of respondents possess higher education, 29% vocational secondary education). The questionnaire method was used as the main method of the study. A questionnaire was developed aimed at revealing difficulties and work-associated problems in inclusive physical education. The ranking method and statistical data processing were used to evaluate the results obtained. Results. A survey of adaptive physical education teachers demonstrated that 24.1% of respondents experienced significant difficulties; 39.2% of teachers experienced average difficulties; 25.7% of teachers estimated the experienced difficulties as low, and 11% of teachers did not experience any difficulties. The following difficulties were characterized as the most significant: completing a particular task by all participants of an inclusive lesson; developing inclusive training programs for students with health limitations, as well as developing other types of documents for inclusive education (detailed lesson plans, thematic and lesson-by-lesson plans), etc. Conclusion. The problems and disadvantages of professional training in physical education teachers were
established. A questionnaire provided valuable scientific data, which allowed to enlarge the list of professional competencies with the professional competencies of inclusive nature. The use of these competencies will improve the whole system of education in future teachers.

Author Biographies

E. Sheenko , Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunov, Barnaul, Russian Federation

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, Altai State Technical University named after V.I. I.I. Polzunov. 656038, Barnaul

N. Ryzhkova , Barnaul State Teacher’s Training College, Barnaul, Russian Federation

Chairman of the PCC of teachers of physical culture and methods of physical education, methodologist, Barnaul State Pedagogical College. 656010, Barnaul


References on translit

How to Cite
Sheenko, E., & Ryzhkova, N. (2021). ANALYSIS OF PEDAGOGICAL DIFFICULTIES IN INCLUSIVE PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Human. Sport. Medicine, 21(S1), 45-52.
Современные педагогические и психологические технологии в физическом воспитании