Keywords: boxing, boxing tactics, lateral movements, tactical features


Aim. The paper aims to establish the value of lateral movement in boxing to improve the effectiveness of punches. Materials and methods. An expert analysis of video recordings (more than 50 fights of leading modern elite boxers, world champions and mandatory challengers), in particular the moments of collisions, was conducted in order to identify the most effective movements. Results. Lateral movements solve several tactical tasks: moving to a new direction for the punch, using the gain in time while the opponent restores the line of attack, increasing the effectiveness of attacks using punch impulse, as well as short and false movements. Provoking a complex response requires the attacker to use a set of different tactical elements, which make the opponent to react in several directions of attack. The use of preparatory actions such as a latent threat of a collision impulse, a threat of a punch or an impulse to attack, a change in the movement direction, and defense preparations, allows to surprise the opponent for an effective punch. In situations where the opponent constantly applies pressure, defense-preparations can be performed using lateral movements, which allows to take effective starting positions, to take the initiative and punch after changing the direction of attack. Conclusion. The main mechanism for achieving success in lateral movements is pressing and preventing the opponent from switching between the following reactions: when approaching each other while changing the line of attack and when making false movements. Muhammad Ali began to actively use lateral movements. Currently, lateral movements are widely used by G. Rigondeaux, V. Lomachenko, K. Brook and A. Usyk, who uses the advantage in his position for defense and subsequent attacks. Roy Jones used lateral movements most effectively to prepare attacks. Understanding of all the tactical components of lateral movements allows to optimize the training process for both athletes and coaches.

Author Biography

A. Romashov , Russian State University of Justice, Moscow, Russian Federation

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Honored Trainer of Russia, Head of the Department of Physical Culture, Russian State University of Justice. 117418, Moscow


References on translit

How to Cite
Romashov, A. (2021). SOME TACTICS FOR LATERAL MOVEMENT WITH PUNCHING IN BOXERS. Human. Sport. Medicine, 21(2), 114-120.
Sports training