Adaptive sport, cerebral palsy, sport swimming, mountain skiing, peripheral blood circulation, rheovasography.
The aim of this article is to reveal features of peripheral hemodynamics in young athletes with infantile cerebral palsy, depending on the nature and conditions of training activity. Research materials and methods. We studied 2 groups of athletes: group 1 was engaged in swimming (8 persons); group 2 was engaged in mountain skiing (7 persons). All athletes have “cerebral palsy” diagnosis. The average age of participants is 13 ± 2. Sports experience of the athletes ranges from 2 to 5 years. We analyzed medical records of the participants and examined their musculoskeletal system (strength and tone of muscles, movement skill) and rheovasography indicators. Results. The musculoskeletal system lesion of young athletes with cerebral palsy is reflected in the functional state of peripheral hemodynamics, causing a decrease of blood flow in forearms, as well as a decrease of maximum and slow blood circulation in the upper and lower limbs. The musculoskeletal system of the young athletes with cerebral paralysis had no significant differences and was characterized by reduced strength, increased muscle tone in the lower limbs and contractures in ankle joints. The features of peripheral hemodynamics in young mountain skiers with cerebral palsy include an increase of vascular tone and elasticity and improvement of basic resistance in the lower limbs. Young swimmers with cerebral paralysis demonstrate an increase in blood flow and basic resistance in the shoulder area and have some difficulties with venous outflow from the lower limbs. Conclusion. 1. Different training conditions of young swimmers and mountain skiers with cerebral palsy cause multidirectional adaptation of blood circulation rates in the upper and lower limbs. 2. Children and young people with cerebral palsy also have features of peripheral circulation caused by the lesion of the musculoskeletal system.References
1. Adaptivnaya fizicheskaya kul’tura v reabilitatsii detey s tserebral’nym paralichom: Uchebnoye posobiye [Adaptive Physical Culture in the Rehabilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy. Textbook]. Moscow, GAOU VO MGPU Publ., 2017. 88 p.
2. Briskin Yu.A., Evseev S.P., Perederiy A.B. Adaptivnyy sport [Adaptive Sports]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2010. 316 p.
3. Drattsev E.Yu., Vikulov A.D., Mel’nikov A.A., Alekhin V.V. [The State of Regional Circulation in High-Qualified Athletes]. Vestnik sportivnoy nauki [Herald of Sports Science], 2008. Available at: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sostoyanie-regionalnogo-krovoobrascheniya-u-sportsmenov-vysokoykvalifikatsii. (accessed 04.11.17). (in Russ.)
4. Kir’yanova M.A., Kalinina I.N. [Functional State of the Сirculatory System of Swimmers Taking Into Account the Nature of Muscular Activity]. Omskiy nauchnyy vestnik [Omsk Scientific Bulletin], 2011, no. 3 (98), pp. 147–150. (in Russ.)
5. Kots Ya.M. Sportivnaya fiziologiya. Uchebnik dlya institutov fizicheskoy kul’tury [Sports Physiology. Textbook for Institutes of Physical Culture]. Available at: http://bmsi.ru/doc/45c866cb-ec96-4e92-bdde-00e40b01a046 (accessed 04.11.17).
6. Kuznetsova N.L., Davydov O.D. [Correction of Regional Circulatory Disorders in Patients with Infantile Paralysis with the Help of Cryogenic Technologies]. Geniy ortopedii [Genius of Orthopedics], 2012, no. 3. Available at: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/v/korrektsiya-narusheniy-regionarnogokrovoobrascheniya-u-bolnyh-detskim-tserebralnym-paralichom-s-pomoschyu-kriogennyh-tehnologiy (accessed 04.11.17). (in Russ.)
7. Lyzhi mechty. Programma effektivnoy reabilitatsii dlya lyudey s DTSP i drugimi ogranichennymi vozmozhnostyami zdorov’ya s pomoshch’yu zanyatiy gornymi lyzhami [Ski Dreams. The Program of Effective Rehabilitation for People with Cerebral Palsy and Other Disabilities with the Help of Mountain Skiing]. Available at: http://dreamski.ru/about/ (accessed 01.03.18).
8. Orlov R.S., Nozdrachev A.D. Normal’naya fiziologiya: uchebnik [Normal Physiology. Textbook]. 2nd ed. 2010. 832 p. Available at: http://vmede.org/sait/?page=31&id=Fiziologija_orlov_2010&menu=Fiziologija_orlov_2010 (accessed 04.11.17).
9. Panova N.A., Varfolomeyeva Z.S. [Assessment of the Effectiveness of Swimming Lessons as a Means of Correcting Motor Disorders of Children with Cerebral Palsy of Secondary School Age]. Sovremennyye tendentsii razvitiya nauki i tekhnologiy [Modern Trends in the Development of Science and Technology], 2016, no. 6–4, pp. 133–136. (in Russ.)
10. Rubtsova N.O., Rubtsov A.A. [Development of Motor Abilities in Young Athletes with Cerebral Palsy During the Initial Stage of Sports Training Based on the Correction of Involuntary Movements]. Natsional’naya assotsiatsiya uchenykh [National Association of Scientists], 2016, no. 17–1 (17), pp. 88–90. (in Russ.)
11. Seluyanov V.N., Rybakov V.A., Shestakov M.P. Kontrol’ i fizicheskaya podgotovka gornolyzhnikov (metodicheskoye posobiye) [Control and Physical Training of Alpine Skiers (Methodical Manual)]. Available at: https://mipt.ru/education/chair/sport/science/skiing/ (accessed 01.03.18).
12. Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki. Zabolevayemost’ naseleniya po osnovnym klassam bolezni [Federal Service of State Statistics. Morbidity of the Population by Main Classes of the Disease]. Available at: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/population/healthcare/# (accessed 01.03.18).
13. Cheban I.B. [Influence of Adaptive Sports on Social Adaptation of Disabled People]. Innovatsionnyye tekhnologii v sporte i fizicheskom vospitanii: Materialy V mezhregional’noy nauchnoprakticheskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem [Innovative Technologies in Sports and Physical Education. Materials of the V Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation]. Moscow, 2016, pp. 351–355. (in Russ.)
14. Ancel P., Livinec F., Larroque B., Marret S., Arnaud C., Pierrat V., Kaminski M. Cerebral Palsy Among Very Preterm Children in Relation to Gestational Age and Neonatal Ultrasound Abnormalities: The EPIPAGE Cohort Study. Pediatrics, vol. 117, no. 3. Available at: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/117/3/828.full.pdf+html?sid=fbab895d-3558-45c5-b75a-57476fa62703 (accessed 22.03.2018).
15. Cerebral Palsy and Sports: Adaptive Sports, Paralympics, and the Special Olympicscerebral Palsy Adaptive Aports. Available at: https://www.cerebralpalsyguidance.com/cerebral-palsy/living/sports/ (accessed 22.03.2018).
16. Kuban K.C.K., Allred E.N., O’Shea M., Paneth N., Pagano M., Leviton A. An Algorithm for Identifying and Classifying Cerebral Palsy in Young Children. The Journal of Pediatrics, vol. 153, no. 4. Available at: http://www.jpeds.com/article/S0022-3476(08)00280-1/fulltext (accessed 22.03.2018).
17. Maglischo E.W. Swimming Fastest. Human Kinetics, 2003. 791 p.
18. Nordic Skiing Biomechanics and Physiology. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259647166_Nordic_skiing_biomechanics_and_physiology (accessed 22.03.2018).
19. Novak I., Hines M., Goldsmith S., Barclay R. Clinical Prognostic Messages from a Systematic Review on Cerebral Palsy. Pediatrics, 2012, vol. 130, no. 5. Available at: http://pediatrics. aappublications.org/ content/130/5/e1285.full.pdf+html?sid=fbab895d-3558-45c5-b75a-57476fa6270 (accessed 22.03.2018).
20. Pakula A.T., Van Naarden B.K., Yeargin-Allsopp M. Cerebral Palsy: Classification and Epidemiology. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America, vol. 20, no. 3. Available at: http:// integraronline.com.br/admin/download/20100324235948.pdf (accessed 22.03.2018).
2. Briskin Yu.A., Evseev S.P., Perederiy A.B. Adaptivnyy sport [Adaptive Sports]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2010. 316 p.
3. Drattsev E.Yu., Vikulov A.D., Mel’nikov A.A., Alekhin V.V. [The State of Regional Circulation in High-Qualified Athletes]. Vestnik sportivnoy nauki [Herald of Sports Science], 2008. Available at: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sostoyanie-regionalnogo-krovoobrascheniya-u-sportsmenov-vysokoykvalifikatsii. (accessed 04.11.17). (in Russ.)
4. Kir’yanova M.A., Kalinina I.N. [Functional State of the Сirculatory System of Swimmers Taking Into Account the Nature of Muscular Activity]. Omskiy nauchnyy vestnik [Omsk Scientific Bulletin], 2011, no. 3 (98), pp. 147–150. (in Russ.)
5. Kots Ya.M. Sportivnaya fiziologiya. Uchebnik dlya institutov fizicheskoy kul’tury [Sports Physiology. Textbook for Institutes of Physical Culture]. Available at: http://bmsi.ru/doc/45c866cb-ec96-4e92-bdde-00e40b01a046 (accessed 04.11.17).
6. Kuznetsova N.L., Davydov O.D. [Correction of Regional Circulatory Disorders in Patients with Infantile Paralysis with the Help of Cryogenic Technologies]. Geniy ortopedii [Genius of Orthopedics], 2012, no. 3. Available at: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/v/korrektsiya-narusheniy-regionarnogokrovoobrascheniya-u-bolnyh-detskim-tserebralnym-paralichom-s-pomoschyu-kriogennyh-tehnologiy (accessed 04.11.17). (in Russ.)
7. Lyzhi mechty. Programma effektivnoy reabilitatsii dlya lyudey s DTSP i drugimi ogranichennymi vozmozhnostyami zdorov’ya s pomoshch’yu zanyatiy gornymi lyzhami [Ski Dreams. The Program of Effective Rehabilitation for People with Cerebral Palsy and Other Disabilities with the Help of Mountain Skiing]. Available at: http://dreamski.ru/about/ (accessed 01.03.18).
8. Orlov R.S., Nozdrachev A.D. Normal’naya fiziologiya: uchebnik [Normal Physiology. Textbook]. 2nd ed. 2010. 832 p. Available at: http://vmede.org/sait/?page=31&id=Fiziologija_orlov_2010&menu=Fiziologija_orlov_2010 (accessed 04.11.17).
9. Panova N.A., Varfolomeyeva Z.S. [Assessment of the Effectiveness of Swimming Lessons as a Means of Correcting Motor Disorders of Children with Cerebral Palsy of Secondary School Age]. Sovremennyye tendentsii razvitiya nauki i tekhnologiy [Modern Trends in the Development of Science and Technology], 2016, no. 6–4, pp. 133–136. (in Russ.)
10. Rubtsova N.O., Rubtsov A.A. [Development of Motor Abilities in Young Athletes with Cerebral Palsy During the Initial Stage of Sports Training Based on the Correction of Involuntary Movements]. Natsional’naya assotsiatsiya uchenykh [National Association of Scientists], 2016, no. 17–1 (17), pp. 88–90. (in Russ.)
11. Seluyanov V.N., Rybakov V.A., Shestakov M.P. Kontrol’ i fizicheskaya podgotovka gornolyzhnikov (metodicheskoye posobiye) [Control and Physical Training of Alpine Skiers (Methodical Manual)]. Available at: https://mipt.ru/education/chair/sport/science/skiing/ (accessed 01.03.18).
12. Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki. Zabolevayemost’ naseleniya po osnovnym klassam bolezni [Federal Service of State Statistics. Morbidity of the Population by Main Classes of the Disease]. Available at: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/population/healthcare/# (accessed 01.03.18).
13. Cheban I.B. [Influence of Adaptive Sports on Social Adaptation of Disabled People]. Innovatsionnyye tekhnologii v sporte i fizicheskom vospitanii: Materialy V mezhregional’noy nauchnoprakticheskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem [Innovative Technologies in Sports and Physical Education. Materials of the V Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation]. Moscow, 2016, pp. 351–355. (in Russ.)
14. Ancel P., Livinec F., Larroque B., Marret S., Arnaud C., Pierrat V., Kaminski M. Cerebral Palsy Among Very Preterm Children in Relation to Gestational Age and Neonatal Ultrasound Abnormalities: The EPIPAGE Cohort Study. Pediatrics, vol. 117, no. 3. Available at: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/117/3/828.full.pdf+html?sid=fbab895d-3558-45c5-b75a-57476fa62703 (accessed 22.03.2018).
15. Cerebral Palsy and Sports: Adaptive Sports, Paralympics, and the Special Olympicscerebral Palsy Adaptive Aports. Available at: https://www.cerebralpalsyguidance.com/cerebral-palsy/living/sports/ (accessed 22.03.2018).
16. Kuban K.C.K., Allred E.N., O’Shea M., Paneth N., Pagano M., Leviton A. An Algorithm for Identifying and Classifying Cerebral Palsy in Young Children. The Journal of Pediatrics, vol. 153, no. 4. Available at: http://www.jpeds.com/article/S0022-3476(08)00280-1/fulltext (accessed 22.03.2018).
17. Maglischo E.W. Swimming Fastest. Human Kinetics, 2003. 791 p.
18. Nordic Skiing Biomechanics and Physiology. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259647166_Nordic_skiing_biomechanics_and_physiology (accessed 22.03.2018).
19. Novak I., Hines M., Goldsmith S., Barclay R. Clinical Prognostic Messages from a Systematic Review on Cerebral Palsy. Pediatrics, 2012, vol. 130, no. 5. Available at: http://pediatrics. aappublications.org/ content/130/5/e1285.full.pdf+html?sid=fbab895d-3558-45c5-b75a-57476fa6270 (accessed 22.03.2018).
20. Pakula A.T., Van Naarden B.K., Yeargin-Allsopp M. Cerebral Palsy: Classification and Epidemiology. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America, vol. 20, no. 3. Available at: http:// integraronline.com.br/admin/download/20100324235948.pdf (accessed 22.03.2018).
2. Briskin Yu.A., Evseev S.P., Perederiy A.B. Adaptivnyy sport [Adaptive Sports]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2010. 316 p.
3. Drattsev E.Yu., Vikulov A.D., Mel’nikov A.A., Alekhin V.V. [The State of Regional Circulation in High-Qualified Athletes]. Vestnik sportivnoy nauki [Herald of Sports Science], 2008. Available at: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sostoyanie-regionalnogo-krovoobrascheniya-u-sportsmenov-vysokoykvalifikatsii. (accessed 04.11.17). (in Russ.)
4. Kir’yanova M.A., Kalinina I.N. [Functional State of the Сirculatory System of Swimmers Taking Into Account the Nature of Muscular Activity]. Omskiy nauchnyy vestnik [Omsk Scientific Bulletin], 2011, no. 3 (98), pp. 147–150. (in Russ.)
5. Kots Ya.M. Sportivnaya fiziologiya. Uchebnik dlya institutov fizicheskoy kul’tury [Sports Physiology. Textbook for Institutes of Physical Culture]. Available at: http://bmsi.ru/doc/45c866cb-ec96-4e92-bdde-00e40b01a046 (accessed 04.11.17).
6. Kuznetsova N.L., Davydov O.D. [Correction of Regional Circulatory Disorders in Patients with Infantile Paralysis with the Help of Cryogenic Technologies]. Geniy ortopedii [Genius of Orthopedics], 2012, no. 3. Available at: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/v/korrektsiya-narusheniy-regionarnogokrovoobrascheniya-u-bolnyh-detskim-tserebralnym-paralichom-s-pomoschyu-kriogennyh-tehnologiy (accessed 04.11.17). (in Russ.)
7. Lyzhi mechty. Programma effektivnoy reabilitatsii dlya lyudey s DTSP i drugimi ogranichennymi vozmozhnostyami zdorov’ya s pomoshch’yu zanyatiy gornymi lyzhami [Ski Dreams. The Program of Effective Rehabilitation for People with Cerebral Palsy and Other Disabilities with the Help of Mountain Skiing]. Available at: http://dreamski.ru/about/ (accessed 01.03.18).
8. Orlov R.S., Nozdrachev A.D. Normal’naya fiziologiya: uchebnik [Normal Physiology. Textbook]. 2nd ed. 2010. 832 p. Available at: http://vmede.org/sait/?page=31&id=Fiziologija_orlov_2010&menu=Fiziologija_orlov_2010 (accessed 04.11.17).
9. Panova N.A., Varfolomeyeva Z.S. [Assessment of the Effectiveness of Swimming Lessons as a Means of Correcting Motor Disorders of Children with Cerebral Palsy of Secondary School Age]. Sovremennyye tendentsii razvitiya nauki i tekhnologiy [Modern Trends in the Development of Science and Technology], 2016, no. 6–4, pp. 133–136. (in Russ.)
10. Rubtsova N.O., Rubtsov A.A. [Development of Motor Abilities in Young Athletes with Cerebral Palsy During the Initial Stage of Sports Training Based on the Correction of Involuntary Movements]. Natsional’naya assotsiatsiya uchenykh [National Association of Scientists], 2016, no. 17–1 (17), pp. 88–90. (in Russ.)
11. Seluyanov V.N., Rybakov V.A., Shestakov M.P. Kontrol’ i fizicheskaya podgotovka gornolyzhnikov (metodicheskoye posobiye) [Control and Physical Training of Alpine Skiers (Methodical Manual)]. Available at: https://mipt.ru/education/chair/sport/science/skiing/ (accessed 01.03.18).
12. Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki. Zabolevayemost’ naseleniya po osnovnym klassam bolezni [Federal Service of State Statistics. Morbidity of the Population by Main Classes of the Disease]. Available at: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/population/healthcare/# (accessed 01.03.18).
13. Cheban I.B. [Influence of Adaptive Sports on Social Adaptation of Disabled People]. Innovatsionnyye tekhnologii v sporte i fizicheskom vospitanii: Materialy V mezhregional’noy nauchnoprakticheskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem [Innovative Technologies in Sports and Physical Education. Materials of the V Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation]. Moscow, 2016, pp. 351–355. (in Russ.)
14. Ancel P., Livinec F., Larroque B., Marret S., Arnaud C., Pierrat V., Kaminski M. Cerebral Palsy Among Very Preterm Children in Relation to Gestational Age and Neonatal Ultrasound Abnormalities: The EPIPAGE Cohort Study. Pediatrics, vol. 117, no. 3. Available at: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/117/3/828.full.pdf+html?sid=fbab895d-3558-45c5-b75a-57476fa62703 (accessed 22.03.2018).
15. Cerebral Palsy and Sports: Adaptive Sports, Paralympics, and the Special Olympicscerebral Palsy Adaptive Aports. Available at: https://www.cerebralpalsyguidance.com/cerebral-palsy/living/sports/ (accessed 22.03.2018).
16. Kuban K.C.K., Allred E.N., O’Shea M., Paneth N., Pagano M., Leviton A. An Algorithm for Identifying and Classifying Cerebral Palsy in Young Children. The Journal of Pediatrics, vol. 153, no. 4. Available at: http://www.jpeds.com/article/S0022-3476(08)00280-1/fulltext (accessed 22.03.2018).
17. Maglischo E.W. Swimming Fastest. Human Kinetics, 2003. 791 p.
18. Nordic Skiing Biomechanics and Physiology. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259647166_Nordic_skiing_biomechanics_and_physiology (accessed 22.03.2018).
19. Novak I., Hines M., Goldsmith S., Barclay R. Clinical Prognostic Messages from a Systematic Review on Cerebral Palsy. Pediatrics, 2012, vol. 130, no. 5. Available at: http://pediatrics. aappublications.org/ content/130/5/e1285.full.pdf+html?sid=fbab895d-3558-45c5-b75a-57476fa6270 (accessed 22.03.2018).
20. Pakula A.T., Van Naarden B.K., Yeargin-Allsopp M. Cerebral Palsy: Classification and Epidemiology. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America, vol. 20, no. 3. Available at: http:// integraronline.com.br/admin/download/20100324235948.pdf (accessed 22.03.2018).
References on translit
1. Adaptivnaya fizicheskaya kul’tura v reabilitatsii detey s tserebral’nym paralichom: Uchebnoye posobiye [Adaptive Physical Culture in the Rehabilitation of Children with Cerebral Palsy. Textbook]. Moscow, GAOU VO MGPU Publ., 2017. 88 p.2. Briskin Yu.A., Evseev S.P., Perederiy A.B. Adaptivnyy sport [Adaptive Sports]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2010. 316 p.
3. Drattsev E.Yu., Vikulov A.D., Mel’nikov A.A., Alekhin V.V. [The State of Regional Circulation in High-Qualified Athletes]. Vestnik sportivnoy nauki [Herald of Sports Science], 2008. Available at: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/sostoyanie-regionalnogo-krovoobrascheniya-u-sportsmenov-vysokoykvalifikatsii. (accessed 04.11.17). (in Russ.)
4. Kir’yanova M.A., Kalinina I.N. [Functional State of the Сirculatory System of Swimmers Taking Into Account the Nature of Muscular Activity]. Omskiy nauchnyy vestnik [Omsk Scientific Bulletin], 2011, no. 3 (98), pp. 147–150. (in Russ.)
5. Kots Ya.M. Sportivnaya fiziologiya. Uchebnik dlya institutov fizicheskoy kul’tury [Sports Physiology. Textbook for Institutes of Physical Culture]. Available at: http://bmsi.ru/doc/45c866cb-ec96-4e92-bdde-00e40b01a046 (accessed 04.11.17).
6. Kuznetsova N.L., Davydov O.D. [Correction of Regional Circulatory Disorders in Patients with Infantile Paralysis with the Help of Cryogenic Technologies]. Geniy ortopedii [Genius of Orthopedics], 2012, no. 3. Available at: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/v/korrektsiya-narusheniy-regionarnogokrovoobrascheniya-u-bolnyh-detskim-tserebralnym-paralichom-s-pomoschyu-kriogennyh-tehnologiy (accessed 04.11.17). (in Russ.)
7. Lyzhi mechty. Programma effektivnoy reabilitatsii dlya lyudey s DTSP i drugimi ogranichennymi vozmozhnostyami zdorov’ya s pomoshch’yu zanyatiy gornymi lyzhami [Ski Dreams. The Program of Effective Rehabilitation for People with Cerebral Palsy and Other Disabilities with the Help of Mountain Skiing]. Available at: http://dreamski.ru/about/ (accessed 01.03.18).
8. Orlov R.S., Nozdrachev A.D. Normal’naya fiziologiya: uchebnik [Normal Physiology. Textbook]. 2nd ed. 2010. 832 p. Available at: http://vmede.org/sait/?page=31&id=Fiziologija_orlov_2010&menu=Fiziologija_orlov_2010 (accessed 04.11.17).
9. Panova N.A., Varfolomeyeva Z.S. [Assessment of the Effectiveness of Swimming Lessons as a Means of Correcting Motor Disorders of Children with Cerebral Palsy of Secondary School Age]. Sovremennyye tendentsii razvitiya nauki i tekhnologiy [Modern Trends in the Development of Science and Technology], 2016, no. 6–4, pp. 133–136. (in Russ.)
10. Rubtsova N.O., Rubtsov A.A. [Development of Motor Abilities in Young Athletes with Cerebral Palsy During the Initial Stage of Sports Training Based on the Correction of Involuntary Movements]. Natsional’naya assotsiatsiya uchenykh [National Association of Scientists], 2016, no. 17–1 (17), pp. 88–90. (in Russ.)
11. Seluyanov V.N., Rybakov V.A., Shestakov M.P. Kontrol’ i fizicheskaya podgotovka gornolyzhnikov (metodicheskoye posobiye) [Control and Physical Training of Alpine Skiers (Methodical Manual)]. Available at: https://mipt.ru/education/chair/sport/science/skiing/ (accessed 01.03.18).
12. Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki. Zabolevayemost’ naseleniya po osnovnym klassam bolezni [Federal Service of State Statistics. Morbidity of the Population by Main Classes of the Disease]. Available at: http://www.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/population/healthcare/# (accessed 01.03.18).
13. Cheban I.B. [Influence of Adaptive Sports on Social Adaptation of Disabled People]. Innovatsionnyye tekhnologii v sporte i fizicheskom vospitanii: Materialy V mezhregional’noy nauchnoprakticheskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem [Innovative Technologies in Sports and Physical Education. Materials of the V Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation]. Moscow, 2016, pp. 351–355. (in Russ.)
14. Ancel P., Livinec F., Larroque B., Marret S., Arnaud C., Pierrat V., Kaminski M. Cerebral Palsy Among Very Preterm Children in Relation to Gestational Age and Neonatal Ultrasound Abnormalities: The EPIPAGE Cohort Study. Pediatrics, vol. 117, no. 3. Available at: http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/117/3/828.full.pdf+html?sid=fbab895d-3558-45c5-b75a-57476fa62703 (accessed 22.03.2018).
15. Cerebral Palsy and Sports: Adaptive Sports, Paralympics, and the Special Olympicscerebral Palsy Adaptive Aports. Available at: https://www.cerebralpalsyguidance.com/cerebral-palsy/living/sports/ (accessed 22.03.2018).
16. Kuban K.C.K., Allred E.N., O’Shea M., Paneth N., Pagano M., Leviton A. An Algorithm for Identifying and Classifying Cerebral Palsy in Young Children. The Journal of Pediatrics, vol. 153, no. 4. Available at: http://www.jpeds.com/article/S0022-3476(08)00280-1/fulltext (accessed 22.03.2018).
17. Maglischo E.W. Swimming Fastest. Human Kinetics, 2003. 791 p.
18. Nordic Skiing Biomechanics and Physiology. Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/259647166_Nordic_skiing_biomechanics_and_physiology (accessed 22.03.2018).
19. Novak I., Hines M., Goldsmith S., Barclay R. Clinical Prognostic Messages from a Systematic Review on Cerebral Palsy. Pediatrics, 2012, vol. 130, no. 5. Available at: http://pediatrics. aappublications.org/ content/130/5/e1285.full.pdf+html?sid=fbab895d-3558-45c5-b75a-57476fa6270 (accessed 22.03.2018).
20. Pakula A.T., Van Naarden B.K., Yeargin-Allsopp M. Cerebral Palsy: Classification and Epidemiology. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America, vol. 20, no. 3. Available at: http:// integraronline.com.br/admin/download/20100324235948.pdf (accessed 22.03.2018).
How to Cite
Nalobina, A., Stotskaya, E., Talamova, I., & Stotsky, A. (2018). FEATURES OF PERIPHERAL HEMODYNAMICS IN YOUNG ATHLETES WITH INFANTILE CEREBRAL PALSY DEPENDING ON MUSCULAR ACTIVITY. Human. Sport. Medicine, 18(2), 109-118. https://doi.org/10.14529/hsm180210
Rehabilitation and sports medicine
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