Physical fitness, morphofunctional state, correction, nutritional status.
Aim. To study effects of regional factors and strenuous educational process on cardiorespiratory and vegetative characteristics in students from different countries at aerobic motor activity. Materials and Methods. The study sample included 90 students (aged 17–18) divided into basic, preparatory, and special health groups. Each group consisted of 15 male and 15 female representatives of all nationalities involved in the study. Physical and functional fitness as well as nutritional status of students were assessed. Results. The obtained results of assessment of morphofunctional state and physical development of foreign students allowed us to distinguish morphological criteria of fitness for different sports, general physical fitness, and long-term adaptation to training loads. The study made it possible to estimate the influence of nutritional status on morphofunctional characteristics and to assess the reactions of cardiopulmonary systems to functional tests. Conclusion. Among all groups under investigation, the most biologically reliable are Nigerian and Tajik girls, while Indian female students are most imbalanced. Stability of morphofunctional state and physical fitness indicators predisposes to successful performance in mass sports and mental loads; however, weight-length indicators in Tajik and Nigerian female students were higher than in “domestic” students.References
1. Avtandilov G.G. Meditsinskaya morfometriya [Medical Morphometry]. Moscow, Medicine Publ., 1990. 379 p.
2. Agadzhanyan N.A., Baevskiy R.M. Problema adaptatsii i uchenie o zdorov'e [The Problem of Adaptation and the Doctrine of Health]. Moscow, 2006. 284 p.
3. Arshavskiy I.A. Fiziologicheskie mekhanizmy i zakonomernosti individual'nogo razvitiya: monografiya [Physiological Mechanisms and Patterns of Individual Development. Monograph]. Moscow, Medicine Publ., 1982. 270 p.
4. Bal'sevich V.K. Ontokineziologiya cheloveka: monografiya [Ontokinesiology of Man. Monograph]. Moscow, Theory and Practice of Physical Culture Publ., 2000. 275 p.
5. Belotserkovskiy Z.B., Lyubina B.G. Serdechnaya deyatel'nost' i funktsional'naya podgotovlennost' u sportsmenov (norma i atipichnye izmeneniya v normal'nykh i izmenennykh usloviyakh adaptatsii k fizicheskim nagruzkam) [Cardiac Activity and Functional Readiness of Athletes (Norm and Atypical Changes in Normal and Altered Conditions of Adaptation to Physical Loads)]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2012. 548 p.
6. Bompa T. Podgotovka yunykh chempionov [Preparation of Young Champions], Transl. from Engl.: T. Bompa. Moscow, Astrel Publ., 2003. 259 p.
7. Gaynullin R.A., Motorin V.B. [Efficiency of the Effect of Corrective-Recovery Technologies on the Musculoskeletal System, Integrative Activity of the Cardiopulmonary System and Metabolic State]. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii “Innovatsii v sporte, turizme i obrazovanii” [Materials of the International Conference Innovations in Sport, Tourism and Education], 2016, pp. 275–279 (in Russ.).
8. Gayton A.K., Kholl Dzh.E. Meditsinskaya fiziologiya [Medical Physiology], Transl. from Engl.: V.I. Kobrina. Moscow, Logosfera Publ., 2008. 1296 p.
9. Gol'berg N.D., Dundukovskaya R.R. Pitanie yunykh sportsmenov [Nutrition of Young Athletes]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2007. 240 p.
10. Isaev A.P., Erlikh V.V., Ezhov V.B. Lokal'no-regional'naya myshechnaya vynoslivost' v sisteme podgotovki i adaptatsii begunov i lyzhnikov-gonshchikov v usloviyakh ravniny i srednegor'ya: monografiya [Local-Regional Muscular Endurance in the System of Preparation and Adaptation of Runners and Skiers-Racers in the Conditions of the Plain and Middle Reaches. Monograph]. Chelyabinsk, South Ural St. Univ. Publ., 2014. 286 p.
11. Isaev A.P., Kubitskiy S.I., Misharov A.Z. Psikhofiziologicheskiy potentsial i fizicheskoe sostoyanie cheloveka v sovremennykh obrazovatel'nykh uchrezhdeniyakh: monografiya [Psychophysiological Potential and Physical Condition of a Person in Modern Educational Institutions. Monograph]. Chelyabinsk, 1998. 100 p.
12. Landa B.Kh. Metodika kompleksnoy otsenki fizicheskogo razvitiya i fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti: uchebnoe posobie [The Method of Complex Assessment of Physical Development and Physical Readiness. Textbook]. 3nd ed. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2006. 208 p.
13. Medvedev M.A., Agadzhanyan N.A. Adaptatsionnye kharakteristiki i rezervy zdorov'ya cheloveka [Adaptation Characteristics and Reserves of Human Health]. Tomsk, UFO-press Publ., 2005. 284 p.
14. Moiseeva N.I., Sysuev V.M. Vremennaya sreda i biologicheskie ritmy [Temporary Environment and Biological Rhythms]. Leningrad, Science Publ., 1981. 128 p.
15. Tkhorevskiy V.I., Tkachenko B.I. [Motor Functions and Physiological Health]. Fiziologicheskie osnovy zdorov'ya cheloveka [Physiological Bases of Human Health], 2001, pp. 13–32. (in Russ.)
16. Uskov G.V. [Organization of Motor Activity and Development of Integrated Measures for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Among the Population]. Meditsina, fizicheskaya kul'tura i zdorov'e.Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Medicine, Physical Culture and Health. Materials of the Scientific-Practical Conference], 2002, pp. 30–32. (in Russ.)
17. Fomin N.A. Adaptatsiya: obshchebiologicheskie i psikhofiziologicheskie osnovy: monografiya [Adaptation. General Biological and Psychophysiological Basis. Monograph]. Moscow, Theory and Practice of Physical Culture Publ., 2003. 383 p.
18. Khoruzhev A.G. Testovyy kontrol' v sisteme otsenki fizicheskoy i funktsional'noy podgotovlennosti, rabotosposobnosti i «dvigatel'nogo vozrasta» lits starshe 17 let: uchebnoe posobie [Test Control in the System of Assessing Physical and Functional Preparedness, Working Capacity and Motor Age of Persons Over 17 Years. Textbook]. Chelyabinsk, 2014. 59 p.
19. Shevtsov A.V. [Modern Approaches to the Treatment of Musculo-Tonic Disorders of Vertebrogenic Etiology]. Meditsina, fizicheskaya kul'tura i zdorov'e. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Medicine, Physical Culture and Health. Materials of the Scientific-Practical Conference], 2002, pp. 105–107. (in Russ.)
20. Bouchard C., Sarzynski M.A. Genomic Predictors the Maximal O2 un Take Response to Stand-Undies Exercise Training Programs. Appl. Physiol., 2011, vol. 110, pp. 1160–1170. DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00973.2010
21. Brouder C.E., Burrhus X.A. The Effects of Either High Intensity Resistance on Endurance Training on Resting Metabolic Rate. American Journal of Clinical Neutrinos., 1992, vol. 5, pp. 802–810.
22. Collhofer A., Gering P. Importance of Core Muscle Strength for Lower Time Stabilization. 6 International Congress of Science and Skiing 2013 st. Christophe a Ariberg., Austria. 11 p.
23. Gainullin R.A., Isaev A.P., Zalyapin V.I., Korablyova Y.B. [Statistical Analysis of Variability of Morphometric Indicators and Physical Preparedness of Students]. Physical education of students [Physical education of students], 2017, vol. 21 (5), pp. 205–212. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2017.0502
24. Gorelov A.A., Kondakov V.L. Intellectual Activity, Physical Working Capacity, Motion Activity and Health of the Student Youth. Monograph. Belgorod: Poly-Terra, 2011. 101 p.
25. Levi L. Society Stress and Health – A Comprehensive Approach. Society, Stress and Health, 1995, p. 1.
26. Loginov S.I., Solodinov R.O. Influence of Genorthrosis on Kinematics Indicators of the Knee. Bulletin of Siberian Medicine, 2016, vol. 15 (3), pp. 70–78. DOI: 10.20538/1682-0363-2016-3-70-78
27. Matthews P.B.C. The Human Stretch Reflex and the Motor Cortex. Trends in Neuroscience, 1994, no. 14, pp. 87–91.
28. McEwen B.S. Stress, Adaptation and Disease. Allostasis and Allostatic Load. Ann N.Y. Acad Sci., 1998, vol. 840, pp. 33–44. DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1998.tb09546.x
29. Pollock M.C., Schmidt D.H. Heart Disease and Rehabilitation. K.: Olimpiyskaya literature, 2000. 407 p.
30. Sharkey B. Physiology of Fitness. 3rd ed. Champaign, Human Kinetic, 1990. 431 p.
31. Shors T.J. Stress and Memory. Learning and Memory Macmillan. New York, 2006, pp. 641–643.
2. Agadzhanyan N.A., Baevskiy R.M. Problema adaptatsii i uchenie o zdorov'e [The Problem of Adaptation and the Doctrine of Health]. Moscow, 2006. 284 p.
3. Arshavskiy I.A. Fiziologicheskie mekhanizmy i zakonomernosti individual'nogo razvitiya: monografiya [Physiological Mechanisms and Patterns of Individual Development. Monograph]. Moscow, Medicine Publ., 1982. 270 p.
4. Bal'sevich V.K. Ontokineziologiya cheloveka: monografiya [Ontokinesiology of Man. Monograph]. Moscow, Theory and Practice of Physical Culture Publ., 2000. 275 p.
5. Belotserkovskiy Z.B., Lyubina B.G. Serdechnaya deyatel'nost' i funktsional'naya podgotovlennost' u sportsmenov (norma i atipichnye izmeneniya v normal'nykh i izmenennykh usloviyakh adaptatsii k fizicheskim nagruzkam) [Cardiac Activity and Functional Readiness of Athletes (Norm and Atypical Changes in Normal and Altered Conditions of Adaptation to Physical Loads)]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2012. 548 p.
6. Bompa T. Podgotovka yunykh chempionov [Preparation of Young Champions], Transl. from Engl.: T. Bompa. Moscow, Astrel Publ., 2003. 259 p.
7. Gaynullin R.A., Motorin V.B. [Efficiency of the Effect of Corrective-Recovery Technologies on the Musculoskeletal System, Integrative Activity of the Cardiopulmonary System and Metabolic State]. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii “Innovatsii v sporte, turizme i obrazovanii” [Materials of the International Conference Innovations in Sport, Tourism and Education], 2016, pp. 275–279 (in Russ.).
8. Gayton A.K., Kholl Dzh.E. Meditsinskaya fiziologiya [Medical Physiology], Transl. from Engl.: V.I. Kobrina. Moscow, Logosfera Publ., 2008. 1296 p.
9. Gol'berg N.D., Dundukovskaya R.R. Pitanie yunykh sportsmenov [Nutrition of Young Athletes]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2007. 240 p.
10. Isaev A.P., Erlikh V.V., Ezhov V.B. Lokal'no-regional'naya myshechnaya vynoslivost' v sisteme podgotovki i adaptatsii begunov i lyzhnikov-gonshchikov v usloviyakh ravniny i srednegor'ya: monografiya [Local-Regional Muscular Endurance in the System of Preparation and Adaptation of Runners and Skiers-Racers in the Conditions of the Plain and Middle Reaches. Monograph]. Chelyabinsk, South Ural St. Univ. Publ., 2014. 286 p.
11. Isaev A.P., Kubitskiy S.I., Misharov A.Z. Psikhofiziologicheskiy potentsial i fizicheskoe sostoyanie cheloveka v sovremennykh obrazovatel'nykh uchrezhdeniyakh: monografiya [Psychophysiological Potential and Physical Condition of a Person in Modern Educational Institutions. Monograph]. Chelyabinsk, 1998. 100 p.
12. Landa B.Kh. Metodika kompleksnoy otsenki fizicheskogo razvitiya i fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti: uchebnoe posobie [The Method of Complex Assessment of Physical Development and Physical Readiness. Textbook]. 3nd ed. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2006. 208 p.
13. Medvedev M.A., Agadzhanyan N.A. Adaptatsionnye kharakteristiki i rezervy zdorov'ya cheloveka [Adaptation Characteristics and Reserves of Human Health]. Tomsk, UFO-press Publ., 2005. 284 p.
14. Moiseeva N.I., Sysuev V.M. Vremennaya sreda i biologicheskie ritmy [Temporary Environment and Biological Rhythms]. Leningrad, Science Publ., 1981. 128 p.
15. Tkhorevskiy V.I., Tkachenko B.I. [Motor Functions and Physiological Health]. Fiziologicheskie osnovy zdorov'ya cheloveka [Physiological Bases of Human Health], 2001, pp. 13–32. (in Russ.)
16. Uskov G.V. [Organization of Motor Activity and Development of Integrated Measures for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Among the Population]. Meditsina, fizicheskaya kul'tura i zdorov'e.Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Medicine, Physical Culture and Health. Materials of the Scientific-Practical Conference], 2002, pp. 30–32. (in Russ.)
17. Fomin N.A. Adaptatsiya: obshchebiologicheskie i psikhofiziologicheskie osnovy: monografiya [Adaptation. General Biological and Psychophysiological Basis. Monograph]. Moscow, Theory and Practice of Physical Culture Publ., 2003. 383 p.
18. Khoruzhev A.G. Testovyy kontrol' v sisteme otsenki fizicheskoy i funktsional'noy podgotovlennosti, rabotosposobnosti i «dvigatel'nogo vozrasta» lits starshe 17 let: uchebnoe posobie [Test Control in the System of Assessing Physical and Functional Preparedness, Working Capacity and Motor Age of Persons Over 17 Years. Textbook]. Chelyabinsk, 2014. 59 p.
19. Shevtsov A.V. [Modern Approaches to the Treatment of Musculo-Tonic Disorders of Vertebrogenic Etiology]. Meditsina, fizicheskaya kul'tura i zdorov'e. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Medicine, Physical Culture and Health. Materials of the Scientific-Practical Conference], 2002, pp. 105–107. (in Russ.)
20. Bouchard C., Sarzynski M.A. Genomic Predictors the Maximal O2 un Take Response to Stand-Undies Exercise Training Programs. Appl. Physiol., 2011, vol. 110, pp. 1160–1170. DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00973.2010
21. Brouder C.E., Burrhus X.A. The Effects of Either High Intensity Resistance on Endurance Training on Resting Metabolic Rate. American Journal of Clinical Neutrinos., 1992, vol. 5, pp. 802–810.
22. Collhofer A., Gering P. Importance of Core Muscle Strength for Lower Time Stabilization. 6 International Congress of Science and Skiing 2013 st. Christophe a Ariberg., Austria. 11 p.
23. Gainullin R.A., Isaev A.P., Zalyapin V.I., Korablyova Y.B. [Statistical Analysis of Variability of Morphometric Indicators and Physical Preparedness of Students]. Physical education of students [Physical education of students], 2017, vol. 21 (5), pp. 205–212. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2017.0502
24. Gorelov A.A., Kondakov V.L. Intellectual Activity, Physical Working Capacity, Motion Activity and Health of the Student Youth. Monograph. Belgorod: Poly-Terra, 2011. 101 p.
25. Levi L. Society Stress and Health – A Comprehensive Approach. Society, Stress and Health, 1995, p. 1.
26. Loginov S.I., Solodinov R.O. Influence of Genorthrosis on Kinematics Indicators of the Knee. Bulletin of Siberian Medicine, 2016, vol. 15 (3), pp. 70–78. DOI: 10.20538/1682-0363-2016-3-70-78
27. Matthews P.B.C. The Human Stretch Reflex and the Motor Cortex. Trends in Neuroscience, 1994, no. 14, pp. 87–91.
28. McEwen B.S. Stress, Adaptation and Disease. Allostasis and Allostatic Load. Ann N.Y. Acad Sci., 1998, vol. 840, pp. 33–44. DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1998.tb09546.x
29. Pollock M.C., Schmidt D.H. Heart Disease and Rehabilitation. K.: Olimpiyskaya literature, 2000. 407 p.
30. Sharkey B. Physiology of Fitness. 3rd ed. Champaign, Human Kinetic, 1990. 431 p.
31. Shors T.J. Stress and Memory. Learning and Memory Macmillan. New York, 2006, pp. 641–643.
2. Agadzhanyan N.A., Baevskiy R.M. Problema adaptatsii i uchenie o zdorov'e [The Problem of Adaptation and the Doctrine of Health]. Moscow, 2006. 284 p.
3. Arshavskiy I.A. Fiziologicheskie mekhanizmy i zakonomernosti individual'nogo razvitiya: monografiya [Physiological Mechanisms and Patterns of Individual Development. Monograph]. Moscow, Medicine Publ., 1982. 270 p.
4. Bal'sevich V.K. Ontokineziologiya cheloveka: monografiya [Ontokinesiology of Man. Monograph]. Moscow, Theory and Practice of Physical Culture Publ., 2000. 275 p.
5. Belotserkovskiy Z.B., Lyubina B.G. Serdechnaya deyatel'nost' i funktsional'naya podgotovlennost' u sportsmenov (norma i atipichnye izmeneniya v normal'nykh i izmenennykh usloviyakh adaptatsii k fizicheskim nagruzkam) [Cardiac Activity and Functional Readiness of Athletes (Norm and Atypical Changes in Normal and Altered Conditions of Adaptation to Physical Loads)]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2012. 548 p.
6. Bompa T. Podgotovka yunykh chempionov [Preparation of Young Champions], Transl. from Engl.: T. Bompa. Moscow, Astrel Publ., 2003. 259 p.
7. Gaynullin R.A., Motorin V.B. [Efficiency of the Effect of Corrective-Recovery Technologies on the Musculoskeletal System, Integrative Activity of the Cardiopulmonary System and Metabolic State]. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii “Innovatsii v sporte, turizme i obrazovanii” [Materials of the International Conference Innovations in Sport, Tourism and Education], 2016, pp. 275–279 (in Russ.).
8. Gayton A.K., Kholl Dzh.E. Meditsinskaya fiziologiya [Medical Physiology], Transl. from Engl.: V.I. Kobrina. Moscow, Logosfera Publ., 2008. 1296 p.
9. Gol'berg N.D., Dundukovskaya R.R. Pitanie yunykh sportsmenov [Nutrition of Young Athletes]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2007. 240 p.
10. Isaev A.P., Erlikh V.V., Ezhov V.B. Lokal'no-regional'naya myshechnaya vynoslivost' v sisteme podgotovki i adaptatsii begunov i lyzhnikov-gonshchikov v usloviyakh ravniny i srednegor'ya: monografiya [Local-Regional Muscular Endurance in the System of Preparation and Adaptation of Runners and Skiers-Racers in the Conditions of the Plain and Middle Reaches. Monograph]. Chelyabinsk, South Ural St. Univ. Publ., 2014. 286 p.
11. Isaev A.P., Kubitskiy S.I., Misharov A.Z. Psikhofiziologicheskiy potentsial i fizicheskoe sostoyanie cheloveka v sovremennykh obrazovatel'nykh uchrezhdeniyakh: monografiya [Psychophysiological Potential and Physical Condition of a Person in Modern Educational Institutions. Monograph]. Chelyabinsk, 1998. 100 p.
12. Landa B.Kh. Metodika kompleksnoy otsenki fizicheskogo razvitiya i fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti: uchebnoe posobie [The Method of Complex Assessment of Physical Development and Physical Readiness. Textbook]. 3nd ed. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2006. 208 p.
13. Medvedev M.A., Agadzhanyan N.A. Adaptatsionnye kharakteristiki i rezervy zdorov'ya cheloveka [Adaptation Characteristics and Reserves of Human Health]. Tomsk, UFO-press Publ., 2005. 284 p.
14. Moiseeva N.I., Sysuev V.M. Vremennaya sreda i biologicheskie ritmy [Temporary Environment and Biological Rhythms]. Leningrad, Science Publ., 1981. 128 p.
15. Tkhorevskiy V.I., Tkachenko B.I. [Motor Functions and Physiological Health]. Fiziologicheskie osnovy zdorov'ya cheloveka [Physiological Bases of Human Health], 2001, pp. 13–32. (in Russ.)
16. Uskov G.V. [Organization of Motor Activity and Development of Integrated Measures for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Among the Population]. Meditsina, fizicheskaya kul'tura i zdorov'e.Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Medicine, Physical Culture and Health. Materials of the Scientific-Practical Conference], 2002, pp. 30–32. (in Russ.)
17. Fomin N.A. Adaptatsiya: obshchebiologicheskie i psikhofiziologicheskie osnovy: monografiya [Adaptation. General Biological and Psychophysiological Basis. Monograph]. Moscow, Theory and Practice of Physical Culture Publ., 2003. 383 p.
18. Khoruzhev A.G. Testovyy kontrol' v sisteme otsenki fizicheskoy i funktsional'noy podgotovlennosti, rabotosposobnosti i «dvigatel'nogo vozrasta» lits starshe 17 let: uchebnoe posobie [Test Control in the System of Assessing Physical and Functional Preparedness, Working Capacity and Motor Age of Persons Over 17 Years. Textbook]. Chelyabinsk, 2014. 59 p.
19. Shevtsov A.V. [Modern Approaches to the Treatment of Musculo-Tonic Disorders of Vertebrogenic Etiology]. Meditsina, fizicheskaya kul'tura i zdorov'e. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Medicine, Physical Culture and Health. Materials of the Scientific-Practical Conference], 2002, pp. 105–107. (in Russ.)
20. Bouchard C., Sarzynski M.A. Genomic Predictors the Maximal O2 un Take Response to Stand-Undies Exercise Training Programs. Appl. Physiol., 2011, vol. 110, pp. 1160–1170. DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00973.2010
21. Brouder C.E., Burrhus X.A. The Effects of Either High Intensity Resistance on Endurance Training on Resting Metabolic Rate. American Journal of Clinical Neutrinos., 1992, vol. 5, pp. 802–810.
22. Collhofer A., Gering P. Importance of Core Muscle Strength for Lower Time Stabilization. 6 International Congress of Science and Skiing 2013 st. Christophe a Ariberg., Austria. 11 p.
23. Gainullin R.A., Isaev A.P., Zalyapin V.I., Korablyova Y.B. [Statistical Analysis of Variability of Morphometric Indicators and Physical Preparedness of Students]. Physical education of students [Physical education of students], 2017, vol. 21 (5), pp. 205–212. DOI: 10.15561/20755279.2017.0502
24. Gorelov A.A., Kondakov V.L. Intellectual Activity, Physical Working Capacity, Motion Activity and Health of the Student Youth. Monograph. Belgorod: Poly-Terra, 2011. 101 p.
25. Levi L. Society Stress and Health – A Comprehensive Approach. Society, Stress and Health, 1995, p. 1.
26. Loginov S.I., Solodinov R.O. Influence of Genorthrosis on Kinematics Indicators of the Knee. Bulletin of Siberian Medicine, 2016, vol. 15 (3), pp. 70–78. DOI: 10.20538/1682-0363-2016-3-70-78
27. Matthews P.B.C. The Human Stretch Reflex and the Motor Cortex. Trends in Neuroscience, 1994, no. 14, pp. 87–91.
28. McEwen B.S. Stress, Adaptation and Disease. Allostasis and Allostatic Load. Ann N.Y. Acad Sci., 1998, vol. 840, pp. 33–44. DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1998.tb09546.x
29. Pollock M.C., Schmidt D.H. Heart Disease and Rehabilitation. K.: Olimpiyskaya literature, 2000. 407 p.
30. Sharkey B. Physiology of Fitness. 3rd ed. Champaign, Human Kinetic, 1990. 431 p.
31. Shors T.J. Stress and Memory. Learning and Memory Macmillan. New York, 2006, pp. 641–643.
References on translit
1. Avtandilov G.G. Meditsinskaya morfometriya [Medical Morphometry]. Moscow, Medicine Publ., 1990. 379 p.2. Agadzhanyan N.A., Baevskiy R.M. Problema adaptatsii i uchenie o zdorov'e [The Problem of Adaptation and the Doctrine of Health]. Moscow, 2006. 284 p.
3. Arshavskiy I.A. Fiziologicheskie mekhanizmy i zakonomernosti individual'nogo razvitiya: monografiya [Physiological Mechanisms and Patterns of Individual Development. Monograph]. Moscow, Medicine Publ., 1982. 270 p.
4. Bal'sevich V.K. Ontokineziologiya cheloveka: monografiya [Ontokinesiology of Man. Monograph]. Moscow, Theory and Practice of Physical Culture Publ., 2000. 275 p.
5. Belotserkovskiy Z.B., Lyubina B.G. Serdechnaya deyatel'nost' i funktsional'naya podgotovlennost' u sportsmenov (norma i atipichnye izmeneniya v normal'nykh i izmenennykh usloviyakh adaptatsii k fizicheskim nagruzkam) [Cardiac Activity and Functional Readiness of Athletes (Norm and Atypical Changes in Normal and Altered Conditions of Adaptation to Physical Loads)]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2012. 548 p.
6. Bompa T. Podgotovka yunykh chempionov [Preparation of Young Champions], Transl. from Engl.: T. Bompa. Moscow, Astrel Publ., 2003. 259 p.
7. Gaynullin R.A., Motorin V.B. [Efficiency of the Effect of Corrective-Recovery Technologies on the Musculoskeletal System, Integrative Activity of the Cardiopulmonary System and Metabolic State]. Materialy mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii “Innovatsii v sporte, turizme i obrazovanii” [Materials of the International Conference Innovations in Sport, Tourism and Education], 2016, pp. 275–279 (in Russ.).
8. Gayton A.K., Kholl Dzh.E. Meditsinskaya fiziologiya [Medical Physiology], Transl. from Engl.: V.I. Kobrina. Moscow, Logosfera Publ., 2008. 1296 p.
9. Gol'berg N.D., Dundukovskaya R.R. Pitanie yunykh sportsmenov [Nutrition of Young Athletes]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2007. 240 p.
10. Isaev A.P., Erlikh V.V., Ezhov V.B. Lokal'no-regional'naya myshechnaya vynoslivost' v sisteme podgotovki i adaptatsii begunov i lyzhnikov-gonshchikov v usloviyakh ravniny i srednegor'ya: monografiya [Local-Regional Muscular Endurance in the System of Preparation and Adaptation of Runners and Skiers-Racers in the Conditions of the Plain and Middle Reaches. Monograph]. Chelyabinsk, South Ural St. Univ. Publ., 2014. 286 p.
11. Isaev A.P., Kubitskiy S.I., Misharov A.Z. Psikhofiziologicheskiy potentsial i fizicheskoe sostoyanie cheloveka v sovremennykh obrazovatel'nykh uchrezhdeniyakh: monografiya [Psychophysiological Potential and Physical Condition of a Person in Modern Educational Institutions. Monograph]. Chelyabinsk, 1998. 100 p.
12. Landa B.Kh. Metodika kompleksnoy otsenki fizicheskogo razvitiya i fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti: uchebnoe posobie [The Method of Complex Assessment of Physical Development and Physical Readiness. Textbook]. 3nd ed. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2006. 208 p.
13. Medvedev M.A., Agadzhanyan N.A. Adaptatsionnye kharakteristiki i rezervy zdorov'ya cheloveka [Adaptation Characteristics and Reserves of Human Health]. Tomsk, UFO-press Publ., 2005. 284 p.
14. Moiseeva N.I., Sysuev V.M. Vremennaya sreda i biologicheskie ritmy [Temporary Environment and Biological Rhythms]. Leningrad, Science Publ., 1981. 128 p.
15. Tkhorevskiy V.I., Tkachenko B.I. [Motor Functions and Physiological Health]. Fiziologicheskie osnovy zdorov'ya cheloveka [Physiological Bases of Human Health], 2001, pp. 13–32. (in Russ.)
16. Uskov G.V. [Organization of Motor Activity and Development of Integrated Measures for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Among the Population]. Meditsina, fizicheskaya kul'tura i zdorov'e.Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Medicine, Physical Culture and Health. Materials of the Scientific-Practical Conference], 2002, pp. 30–32. (in Russ.)
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18. Khoruzhev A.G. Testovyy kontrol' v sisteme otsenki fizicheskoy i funktsional'noy podgotovlennosti, rabotosposobnosti i «dvigatel'nogo vozrasta» lits starshe 17 let: uchebnoe posobie [Test Control in the System of Assessing Physical and Functional Preparedness, Working Capacity and Motor Age of Persons Over 17 Years. Textbook]. Chelyabinsk, 2014. 59 p.
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