Theories and principles of physical education, sport training methods, tennis, training of tennis players, breathing exercises within training process, breathing exercises in tennis, special training of tennis players.
Aim. To justify using of breathing exercises during training of tennis players for professional tournaments aimed to increase speed endurance and to develop the method for enhancing speed endurance of tennis players via breathing techniques. Materials and Methods. The educational experiment involving 20 professional tennis players included the following stages: justification of using of breathing exercises during training for tournaments in order to increase speed endurance; development of method for improvement of speed endurance in tennis players during the period of training for tournaments; introduction of speed-endurance improving methods based on breathing techniques into the period of training for tournaments. Results. In contrast with common approach, the method for improving speed endurance of tennis players based on breathing exercises during training for tournament includes extended methods of special physical conditioning – breathing exercising on a daily basis. Using the method for improvement of speed endurance based on breathing techniques for three months during the period of training of professional tennis players for tournaments resulted in considerably increased indicators of lung capacity and speed endurance in athletes. The effectiveness of the developed method for enhancement of speed endurance during the period of training for professional tournaments was confirmed by the growth of indicators of speed endurance in tennis players from the control group. Conclusion. As court tests show the applied method for improvement of speed endurance during the period of training for professional tournaments contributes to enhancement of external respiration functions and of anaerobic and aerobic mechanisms, and, eventually, to better speed endurance of tennis players.References
1. Belits-Geyman S.P. V mire bol'shogo tennis [In the World of Tennis]. Moscow, Intergraph Service Publ., 1994. 351 p.
2. Belyaeva E.V. [Problems of Innovation Development in Russia. The Motivational Aspect]. Gumanizatsiya obrazovaniya: NOU VPO “Mezhdunarodnyy innovatsionnyy universitet” [Humanization of Education. International Innovation University], 2014, no. 4, pp. 75–79. (in Russ.)
3. Veykut' A.G., Belyaeva E.V. [Methodological Basis for the Development of the Theory of Management of Innovation Processes in a Sports Organization]. Materialy IV Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoprakticheskoy konferentsii “Nauka i obrazovanie: vektory razvitiya” [Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference Science and Education. Development Vectors], 2016, pp. 77–79. (in Russ.)
4. Volkov N.I. Zakonomernosti biokhimicheskoy adaptatsii v protsesse sportivnoy trenirovki: uchebnoe posobie dlya slushateley Vysshey shkoly trenerov GTsOLIFKa [Patterns of Biochemical Adaptation in the Process of Sports Training. A Manual for Students of the Higher School of Trainers of GTSOLIFK]. Moscow, GTSOLIFK Publ., 1986. 63 p.
5. Zakharevich A.S. Dykhanie, soznanie, zdorov'e cheloveka. Opyt teoreticheskogo i eksperimental'nogo issledovaniya dykhatel'nykh psikhotekhnologiy: monografiya [Breathing, Consciousness, Human Health. Experience of Theoretical and Experimental Research of Respiratory Psychotechnologies. Monograph]. Saint Petersburg, BPA Publ., 2003. 182 p.
6. Zakharevich A.S. [Energy-Sensory Respiratory Psychotechnologies as a Means of Improving, Adaptive and Recreational Activities]. Adaptivnaya fizicheskaya kul'tura [Adaptive Physical Culture], 2003, no. 3(15), pp. 22–24. (in Russ.)
7. Ivanova T.S. Organizatsionno-metodicheskie osnovy podgotovki yunykh tennisistov: uchebnoe posobie [Organizational and Methodological Foundations for the Training of Young Tennis Players. Textbook]. Moscow, Physical Culture Publ., 2012. 128 p.
8. Kolchinskaya A.Z. [Biological Mechanisms for Increasing Aerobic and Anaerobic Performance of Athletes]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and practice of physical culture], 2000, no. 8, pp. 29–31 (in Russ.).
9. Myakinchenko E.B., Seluyanov V.N. Razvitie lokal'noy myshechnoy vynoslivosti v tsiklicheskikh vidakh sporta [Development of Local Muscular Endurance in Cyclic Sports]. Moscow, TVT Division Publ., 2013. 360 p.
10. Platonov V.N. [Theory of Adaptation and the Reserves of Improving the System of Training Athletes]. Vestnik sportivnoy nauki [Herald of Sports Science], 2012, no. 2, pp. 8 14. (in Russ.)
11. Skorodumova A.P. Tennis. Uchebnik dlya vuzov fizicheskoy kul'tury [Tennis. Textbook for High Schools of Physical Culture]. Moscow, Physical Culture Publ., 2012. 279 p.
12. Damon W., Hart D. The Development of Self-Understanding From Infancy Through Adolescence. Child Development. New York, 1982, pp. 831–857.
13. Nevill M.E., Bogdanis G.C., Boobis L.H., Maughan R.J., Shirreffs S.M. Muscle Metabolism and Performance During Sprinting. Biochemistry of Exercise IX. Human Kinetics Publ. 1996, pp. 243–259.
14. Fish R.A. The Anatomy and Psychology of Tennis. London: Maylana press LTD, 1968. 393 p.
15. Strandberg В., Jones R. Tennis. The Swedish way. Cooperation with the Swedish Tennis Association. New York, 2015, pp. 53–55.
16. Weinberg R.S. Effective Goal-Setting for Tennis Players and Coaches. ITF CSSR, 2013, no. 30, pp. 3–4.
2. Belyaeva E.V. [Problems of Innovation Development in Russia. The Motivational Aspect]. Gumanizatsiya obrazovaniya: NOU VPO “Mezhdunarodnyy innovatsionnyy universitet” [Humanization of Education. International Innovation University], 2014, no. 4, pp. 75–79. (in Russ.)
3. Veykut' A.G., Belyaeva E.V. [Methodological Basis for the Development of the Theory of Management of Innovation Processes in a Sports Organization]. Materialy IV Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoprakticheskoy konferentsii “Nauka i obrazovanie: vektory razvitiya” [Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference Science and Education. Development Vectors], 2016, pp. 77–79. (in Russ.)
4. Volkov N.I. Zakonomernosti biokhimicheskoy adaptatsii v protsesse sportivnoy trenirovki: uchebnoe posobie dlya slushateley Vysshey shkoly trenerov GTsOLIFKa [Patterns of Biochemical Adaptation in the Process of Sports Training. A Manual for Students of the Higher School of Trainers of GTSOLIFK]. Moscow, GTSOLIFK Publ., 1986. 63 p.
5. Zakharevich A.S. Dykhanie, soznanie, zdorov'e cheloveka. Opyt teoreticheskogo i eksperimental'nogo issledovaniya dykhatel'nykh psikhotekhnologiy: monografiya [Breathing, Consciousness, Human Health. Experience of Theoretical and Experimental Research of Respiratory Psychotechnologies. Monograph]. Saint Petersburg, BPA Publ., 2003. 182 p.
6. Zakharevich A.S. [Energy-Sensory Respiratory Psychotechnologies as a Means of Improving, Adaptive and Recreational Activities]. Adaptivnaya fizicheskaya kul'tura [Adaptive Physical Culture], 2003, no. 3(15), pp. 22–24. (in Russ.)
7. Ivanova T.S. Organizatsionno-metodicheskie osnovy podgotovki yunykh tennisistov: uchebnoe posobie [Organizational and Methodological Foundations for the Training of Young Tennis Players. Textbook]. Moscow, Physical Culture Publ., 2012. 128 p.
8. Kolchinskaya A.Z. [Biological Mechanisms for Increasing Aerobic and Anaerobic Performance of Athletes]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and practice of physical culture], 2000, no. 8, pp. 29–31 (in Russ.).
9. Myakinchenko E.B., Seluyanov V.N. Razvitie lokal'noy myshechnoy vynoslivosti v tsiklicheskikh vidakh sporta [Development of Local Muscular Endurance in Cyclic Sports]. Moscow, TVT Division Publ., 2013. 360 p.
10. Platonov V.N. [Theory of Adaptation and the Reserves of Improving the System of Training Athletes]. Vestnik sportivnoy nauki [Herald of Sports Science], 2012, no. 2, pp. 8 14. (in Russ.)
11. Skorodumova A.P. Tennis. Uchebnik dlya vuzov fizicheskoy kul'tury [Tennis. Textbook for High Schools of Physical Culture]. Moscow, Physical Culture Publ., 2012. 279 p.
12. Damon W., Hart D. The Development of Self-Understanding From Infancy Through Adolescence. Child Development. New York, 1982, pp. 831–857.
13. Nevill M.E., Bogdanis G.C., Boobis L.H., Maughan R.J., Shirreffs S.M. Muscle Metabolism and Performance During Sprinting. Biochemistry of Exercise IX. Human Kinetics Publ. 1996, pp. 243–259.
14. Fish R.A. The Anatomy and Psychology of Tennis. London: Maylana press LTD, 1968. 393 p.
15. Strandberg В., Jones R. Tennis. The Swedish way. Cooperation with the Swedish Tennis Association. New York, 2015, pp. 53–55.
16. Weinberg R.S. Effective Goal-Setting for Tennis Players and Coaches. ITF CSSR, 2013, no. 30, pp. 3–4.
2. Belyaeva E.V. [Problems of Innovation Development in Russia. The Motivational Aspect]. Gumanizatsiya obrazovaniya: NOU VPO “Mezhdunarodnyy innovatsionnyy universitet” [Humanization of Education. International Innovation University], 2014, no. 4, pp. 75–79. (in Russ.)
3. Veykut' A.G., Belyaeva E.V. [Methodological Basis for the Development of the Theory of Management of Innovation Processes in a Sports Organization]. Materialy IV Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoprakticheskoy konferentsii “Nauka i obrazovanie: vektory razvitiya” [Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference Science and Education. Development Vectors], 2016, pp. 77–79. (in Russ.)
4. Volkov N.I. Zakonomernosti biokhimicheskoy adaptatsii v protsesse sportivnoy trenirovki: uchebnoe posobie dlya slushateley Vysshey shkoly trenerov GTsOLIFKa [Patterns of Biochemical Adaptation in the Process of Sports Training. A Manual for Students of the Higher School of Trainers of GTSOLIFK]. Moscow, GTSOLIFK Publ., 1986. 63 p.
5. Zakharevich A.S. Dykhanie, soznanie, zdorov'e cheloveka. Opyt teoreticheskogo i eksperimental'nogo issledovaniya dykhatel'nykh psikhotekhnologiy: monografiya [Breathing, Consciousness, Human Health. Experience of Theoretical and Experimental Research of Respiratory Psychotechnologies. Monograph]. Saint Petersburg, BPA Publ., 2003. 182 p.
6. Zakharevich A.S. [Energy-Sensory Respiratory Psychotechnologies as a Means of Improving, Adaptive and Recreational Activities]. Adaptivnaya fizicheskaya kul'tura [Adaptive Physical Culture], 2003, no. 3(15), pp. 22–24. (in Russ.)
7. Ivanova T.S. Organizatsionno-metodicheskie osnovy podgotovki yunykh tennisistov: uchebnoe posobie [Organizational and Methodological Foundations for the Training of Young Tennis Players. Textbook]. Moscow, Physical Culture Publ., 2012. 128 p.
8. Kolchinskaya A.Z. [Biological Mechanisms for Increasing Aerobic and Anaerobic Performance of Athletes]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and practice of physical culture], 2000, no. 8, pp. 29–31 (in Russ.).
9. Myakinchenko E.B., Seluyanov V.N. Razvitie lokal'noy myshechnoy vynoslivosti v tsiklicheskikh vidakh sporta [Development of Local Muscular Endurance in Cyclic Sports]. Moscow, TVT Division Publ., 2013. 360 p.
10. Platonov V.N. [Theory of Adaptation and the Reserves of Improving the System of Training Athletes]. Vestnik sportivnoy nauki [Herald of Sports Science], 2012, no. 2, pp. 8 14. (in Russ.)
11. Skorodumova A.P. Tennis. Uchebnik dlya vuzov fizicheskoy kul'tury [Tennis. Textbook for High Schools of Physical Culture]. Moscow, Physical Culture Publ., 2012. 279 p.
12. Damon W., Hart D. The Development of Self-Understanding From Infancy Through Adolescence. Child Development. New York, 1982, pp. 831–857.
13. Nevill M.E., Bogdanis G.C., Boobis L.H., Maughan R.J., Shirreffs S.M. Muscle Metabolism and Performance During Sprinting. Biochemistry of Exercise IX. Human Kinetics Publ. 1996, pp. 243–259.
14. Fish R.A. The Anatomy and Psychology of Tennis. London: Maylana press LTD, 1968. 393 p.
15. Strandberg В., Jones R. Tennis. The Swedish way. Cooperation with the Swedish Tennis Association. New York, 2015, pp. 53–55.
16. Weinberg R.S. Effective Goal-Setting for Tennis Players and Coaches. ITF CSSR, 2013, no. 30, pp. 3–4.
References on translit
1. Belits-Geyman S.P. V mire bol'shogo tennis [In the World of Tennis]. Moscow, Intergraph Service Publ., 1994. 351 p.2. Belyaeva E.V. [Problems of Innovation Development in Russia. The Motivational Aspect]. Gumanizatsiya obrazovaniya: NOU VPO “Mezhdunarodnyy innovatsionnyy universitet” [Humanization of Education. International Innovation University], 2014, no. 4, pp. 75–79. (in Russ.)
3. Veykut' A.G., Belyaeva E.V. [Methodological Basis for the Development of the Theory of Management of Innovation Processes in a Sports Organization]. Materialy IV Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoprakticheskoy konferentsii “Nauka i obrazovanie: vektory razvitiya” [Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference Science and Education. Development Vectors], 2016, pp. 77–79. (in Russ.)
4. Volkov N.I. Zakonomernosti biokhimicheskoy adaptatsii v protsesse sportivnoy trenirovki: uchebnoe posobie dlya slushateley Vysshey shkoly trenerov GTsOLIFKa [Patterns of Biochemical Adaptation in the Process of Sports Training. A Manual for Students of the Higher School of Trainers of GTSOLIFK]. Moscow, GTSOLIFK Publ., 1986. 63 p.
5. Zakharevich A.S. Dykhanie, soznanie, zdorov'e cheloveka. Opyt teoreticheskogo i eksperimental'nogo issledovaniya dykhatel'nykh psikhotekhnologiy: monografiya [Breathing, Consciousness, Human Health. Experience of Theoretical and Experimental Research of Respiratory Psychotechnologies. Monograph]. Saint Petersburg, BPA Publ., 2003. 182 p.
6. Zakharevich A.S. [Energy-Sensory Respiratory Psychotechnologies as a Means of Improving, Adaptive and Recreational Activities]. Adaptivnaya fizicheskaya kul'tura [Adaptive Physical Culture], 2003, no. 3(15), pp. 22–24. (in Russ.)
7. Ivanova T.S. Organizatsionno-metodicheskie osnovy podgotovki yunykh tennisistov: uchebnoe posobie [Organizational and Methodological Foundations for the Training of Young Tennis Players. Textbook]. Moscow, Physical Culture Publ., 2012. 128 p.
8. Kolchinskaya A.Z. [Biological Mechanisms for Increasing Aerobic and Anaerobic Performance of Athletes]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and practice of physical culture], 2000, no. 8, pp. 29–31 (in Russ.).
9. Myakinchenko E.B., Seluyanov V.N. Razvitie lokal'noy myshechnoy vynoslivosti v tsiklicheskikh vidakh sporta [Development of Local Muscular Endurance in Cyclic Sports]. Moscow, TVT Division Publ., 2013. 360 p.
10. Platonov V.N. [Theory of Adaptation and the Reserves of Improving the System of Training Athletes]. Vestnik sportivnoy nauki [Herald of Sports Science], 2012, no. 2, pp. 8 14. (in Russ.)
11. Skorodumova A.P. Tennis. Uchebnik dlya vuzov fizicheskoy kul'tury [Tennis. Textbook for High Schools of Physical Culture]. Moscow, Physical Culture Publ., 2012. 279 p.
12. Damon W., Hart D. The Development of Self-Understanding From Infancy Through Adolescence. Child Development. New York, 1982, pp. 831–857.
13. Nevill M.E., Bogdanis G.C., Boobis L.H., Maughan R.J., Shirreffs S.M. Muscle Metabolism and Performance During Sprinting. Biochemistry of Exercise IX. Human Kinetics Publ. 1996, pp. 243–259.
14. Fish R.A. The Anatomy and Psychology of Tennis. London: Maylana press LTD, 1968. 393 p.
15. Strandberg В., Jones R. Tennis. The Swedish way. Cooperation with the Swedish Tennis Association. New York, 2015, pp. 53–55.
16. Weinberg R.S. Effective Goal-Setting for Tennis Players and Coaches. ITF CSSR, 2013, no. 30, pp. 3–4.
How to Cite
Veykut, A. (2017). ON THE PROPRIETARY METHOD OF BREATHING EXERCISES APPLIED IN TRAINING OF PROFESSIONAL TENNIS PLAYERS. Human. Sport. Medicine, 17(3), 61-66. https://doi.org/10.14529/hsm170307
Sports training
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