Morphofunctional and psychophysiological indicators, physical fitness level, general physical conditioning, volleyball, freestyle wrestling
Aim. To reveal morphofunctional and psychophysiological indicators in Tuvan boys with different levels of motor activity. Materials and Methods. Forty boys with a low level and 115 boys with a high level of motor activity (practicing general physical conditioning (n = 45), freestyle wrestling (n = 35), and volleyball (n = 35)) aged 17?21 were recruited as participants of the study. Anthropometric, physiometric, and functional parameters in the subjects were assessed using standard methods. Psychophysiological indicators including short-term memory span and attention skills were estimated with the help of complex assessment of physical and mental health. Results. Volleyball players and wrestlers had a normal weight, physical fitness above average, and brachyskelia; along with that, volleyball players had a narrow chest while wrestlers had a normal chest width. Volleyball players had high indicators of the functional status of respiratory organs and attention skills. Boys practicing general physical conditioning had a normal weight along with a higher muscle mass, the highest strength indicators, higher functional status of respiratory organs, and fine semantic memory and attention capacity. Conclusion. Motor activity level and sports specialization have a significant effect on morphological, functional, and psychophysiological indicators in boys. General physical conditioning due to non-specific exercises having different levels of loads and difficulty and targeting different groups of muscles harmonize morphofunctional and psychophysiological status in boys.References
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16. Akhmedov R., Demirhan B., Cicioglu I., Canuzakov K., Turkmen M., Gunay M. Injury by Regions Seen in Greco-Roman & Freestyle Wrestling. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise. 2016, vol. 18(3), pp. 99–107.
17. Gaurav V., Singh A. Anthropometric Characteristics of Indian Volleyball Players in Relation to Their Performance Level. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise. 2014, vol. 16(1), pp. 87–89. DOI: 10.15314/TJSE.201416168
18. Gaurav V., Singh M., Singh S. Anthropometric Characteristics, Somatotyping and Body Composition of Volleyball and Basketball Players. Journal of Physical Education and Sports Management. 2010, vol. 1(3), pp. 28–32.
19. Fulton J.E., McGuire M.T., Caspersen C.J., Dietz W.H. Interventions for Weight Loss and Weight Gain Prevention Among Youth. Current Issues. Sports Medicine. 2001, vol. 31(3), pp. 153–165. DOI: 10.2165/00007256-200131030-00002.
20. Cekovic N., Dordevic M., Stefanovic N., Antic V., Zivkovic D. Somatotype Analysis of the First-Year Students of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Nis. XVI Scientific Conference “FIC COMMUNICATION 2013” in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation and I International Scientific Conference. 2013, pp. 369–376.
21. Xie B., Chou C.P., Spruijt-Metz D. Weight Perceptions and Weight-Related Socio-Cultural and Behavioral Factors in Chinese Adolescents. Prev Med. 2006, vol. 42(3), pp. 229–234. DOI: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2005.12.013.
2. Godina E.Z. [Biosocial Influence on the Processes of Growth and Development]. Chelovek, ekologiya, simmetriya [Man, Environment, Symmetry], 1991, pp. 21–22. (in Russ.)
3. Gundegmaa L. [Comparative Analysis of Some Morphological and Functional Characteristics of the Student Youth of Mongolia for the Last 40 Years]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2010, no. 2, pp. 13–18. (in Russ.)
4. Dvorkin L.S. Podgotovka yunogo tyazheloatleta [Training of Young Weightlifter]. Moscow, Soviet sport Publ., 2006. 85 p.
5. Dubrovskiy V.I. Sportivnaya meditsina: uchebnik dlya studentov vuzov, obuchayushchikhsya po pedagogicheskim spetsial'nostyam [Sports Medicine. Textbook for University Students Enrolled in Teaching Professions]. 3nd ed. Moscow, Vlados Publ., 2005. 528 p.
6. Efimova N.V., Myl'nikova I.V. [Features of Psychophysiological Status of Adolescents with Different Intensity Sports]. Fiziologiya cheloveka [Human Physiology], 2015, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 83–91. (in Russ.) DOI: 10.1134/S0362119715010053
7. Ignatenko T.S., Kravchuk L.R. Razvitie vnimaniya v voleybole [Tekst]: metodicheskie ukazaniya [Development of Attention in Volleyball. Methodic Instructions]. Ukhta, USTU Publ., 2012. 19 p.
8. Ushakov A.S., Nenasheva A.V., Kleshchenkova N.E., Komel'kov S.A., Shevtsov A.V. [Study of Body Composition of Young Men – Students of the 11th Grade and Students of the 1st Course]. Bulletin of South Ural State University. Ser. Education, Healthcare Service, Physical Education, 2015, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 89–92. (in Russ.) DOI: 10.14529/ozfk150416.
9. Korneeva I.T., Nikolaev D.V. [Bioimpedance Analysis of Body Composition as a Method of Assessing the Functional Status of Young Athletes]. Lechebnaya fizkul'tura i sportivnaya meditsina [Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine], 2012, no. 10 (106), pp. 30–36. (in Russ.)
10. Ayzman R.I., Ayzman N.I., Lebedev A.V., Rubanovich V.B. Metodika kompleksnoy otsenki fizicheskogo i psikhicheskogo zdorov'ya, fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti studentov vysshikh i srednikh professional'nykh uchebnykh zavedeniy [Technique of a Complex Estimation of Physical and Mental
Health, Physical Preparedness of Students of Higher and Secondary Professional Educational Institutions]. Novosibirsk, REEF Novosibirsk Publ., 2009. 100 p.
11. Permyakova S.P., Shchedrin A.S. [Morphofunctional Features of Organism of Youths RS(I) Depending on Place of Residence (Urban-Rural)]. Materialy 63-y nauchno prakticheskoy konferentsii studentov i molodykh uchenykh [Materials of the 63rd Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists], 2002, pp. 84–87. (in Russ.)
12. Potovskaya E.S., Kabachkova A.V. [Health and Physical Fitness of Students]. V mire nauchnykh otkrytiy [In the World of Scientific Discovery], 2010, no. 4 (10), pp. 119–120. (in Russ.)
13. Ayzman R.I., Lebedev A.V., Ayzman N.I., Rubanovich V.B. [Psychophysiological and Personal Characteristics of First–Year Students of the Pedagogical University]. Sibirskiy pedagogicheskiy zhurnal [Siberian Pedagogical Journal], 2013, no. 6, pp. 244–251. (in Russ.)
14. Isaev A.P., Rybakov V.V., Erlikh V.V., Potapov V.N., Polozkova N.F., Ivanov E.V. [Strategy for the Formation of Adaptive Reactions of Athletes. Fundamentals of the Theory of Adaptation and Patterns of its Formation in the Sport of High and Highest Achievements]. Bulletin of South Ural State University. Ser. Education, Healthcare Service, Physical Education, 2012, no. 21 (280), pp. 46?56. (in Russ.)
15. Sukhoverkova G.V. Individual'no-tipologicheskie osobennosti adaptatsii studentov altaytsev v protsesse obucheniya v vuze. Avtoref. kand. dis. [Individual-Typological Peculiarities of Adaptation of Students of the Altai in the Learning Process in the University. Abstract of cand. diss.]. Gorno-Altaysk, 2002. 28 p.
16. Akhmedov R., Demirhan B., Cicioglu I., Canuzakov K., Turkmen M., Gunay M. Injury by Regions Seen in Greco-Roman & Freestyle Wrestling. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise. 2016, vol. 18(3), pp. 99–107.
17. Gaurav V., Singh A. Anthropometric Characteristics of Indian Volleyball Players in Relation to Their Performance Level. Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise. 2014, vol. 16(1), pp. 87–89. DOI: 10.15314/TJSE.201416168
18. Gaurav V., Singh M., Singh S. Anthropometric Characteristics, Somatotyping and Body Composition of Volleyball and Basketball Players. Journal of Physical Education and Sports Management. 2010, vol. 1(3), pp. 28–32.
19. Fulton J.E., McGuire M.T., Caspersen C.J., Dietz W.H. Interventions for Weight Loss and Weight Gain Prevention Among Youth. Current Issues. Sports Medicine. 2001, vol. 31(3), pp. 153–165. DOI: 10.2165/00007256-200131030-00002.
20. Cekovic N., Dordevic M., Stefanovic N., Antic V., Zivkovic D. Somatotype Analysis of the First-Year Students of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education in Nis. XVI Scientific Conference “FIC COMMUNICATION 2013” in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation and I International Scientific Conference. 2013, pp. 369–376.
21. Xie B., Chou C.P., Spruijt-Metz D. Weight Perceptions and Weight-Related Socio-Cultural and Behavioral Factors in Chinese Adolescents. Prev Med. 2006, vol. 42(3), pp. 229–234. DOI: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2005.12.013.
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