Silicon-containing water, soft tissue regeneration, long-term delayed onset muscle soreness, efficiency, functional orientation
Aim. The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of silicon-containing water “ARDVI” on wound healing and long-term delayed onset muscle soreness by means of experiment and on-site observations. Material and Methods. As the source of silicon, we used still natural mineral table water “ARDVI”, produced according to technical specifications 9185-004-37881001-12 and extracted from well No. 988, located in 300 meters to Southeast from the village of Kasargi in the Chelyabinsk region. In order to study the regenerative capacity of the water we formed three groups of white male rats from Wistar line weighing 130–160 g, each group consisted of 10 animals. Results. We gave the characteristic of silicon as an essential nutrient involved in the metabolism of muscle, connective and bone tissues. We studied the chemical composition and physico-chemical parameters of silicon-containing water “ARDVI”. The functional properties of this water were studied in experiments on male rats from Wistar line. Animals for 14 days received through the tube 25 ml of mineral natural water “ARDVI” in addition to their drinking regime. To assess the regenerative properties of this water we inflicted cut wound on the shaved skin of rats from the experimental group and calculated its area during the whole experiment. Based on the study of the dynamics of wound surface area in animals from control and experimental groups, we made a conclusion on the influence of “ARDVI” water on the regeneration of soft tissues. We studied water effect on restoration of the physical activity of athletes-football players and their enzymatic status. We registered the reduction of the syndrome of long-term delayed onset muscle soreness, which indicates the positive impact on the syndrome of long-term delayed onset muscle soreness, confirmed by the indexes of fatigue and muscle tissue damage, as well as by De Ritis ratio. Conclusions. The use of natural mineral water “ARDVI” is important for the correction of the metabolic processes of muscle, connective and bone tissues, as well as for the prevention and complex treatment of possible pathologies connected with physical culture and sports. The water studied may be used as the basis for the development of other specialized sports nutrition products with essential nutrients and natural plant material with unidirectional functional properties.References
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2. Bel'mer S.V., Gasilina T.V. [Microelements and Microelements and Their Significance in Childhood]. Voprosy sovremennoy pediatrii [Issues of Modern Pediatrics], 2008, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 91–96. (in Russ.)
3. Severina E.S. Biokhimiya [Biochemistry]. Moscow, GEOTAR – MED Publ., 2003. 784 p.
4. Vapirov V.V., Feoktistov V.M., Venskovich A.A., Vdpirovd N.V. [On the Behavior of Silicon in Nature and Its Biological Role]. Uchenye zapiski Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. Obshchestvennye i gumanitarnye nauki [Scientific Notes of Petrozavodsk State University. Ser. Social and Human Sciences], 2017, no. 2, pp. 95–102. (in Russ.)
5. Tutel'yana V.A. Vitaminy i mikroelementy v klinicheskoy farmakologii [Vitamins and Microelements in Clinical Pharmacology]. Moscow, Palea Publ., 2001. 506 p.
6. Zherebtsov N.A., Popova T.N., Artyukhov V.G. Biokhimiya [Biochemistry]. Voronezh, Voronezh State University Publ., 2002. 696 p.
7. Kizatova M.Zh., Baybolova L.K., Vitavskaya A.V., Nabieva Zh.S. [The Influence of Jerusalem Artichoke on the Parameters of Silicon in Good Products]. Problemy sovremennoy nauki i obrazovaniya [Problems of Modern Science and Education], 2016, no. 37 (79), pp. 14–19. (in Russ.)
8. Klimova E.V. [Analysis of the Bioavailability of Silicon in Food (Belgium)]. Ekologicheskaya bezopasnost' [Ecological Safety], 2011, no. 2, p. 532. (in Russ.)
9. Klimova E.V. [On the Increased Losses of Macro- and Microelements in Sports and the Expediency of Compensating with Biologically Active Additives]. Pishchevaya i pererabatyvayushchaya promyshlennost' [Food and Processing Industry], 2010, no. 1, p. 197. (in Russ.)
10. Krolevets A.A. [Silicon is an Element of Health and Youth]. Khimiya v shkole [Chemistry in School], 2010, no. 2, pp. 6–9. (in Russ.)
11. Latkov N.Yu., Poznyakovskiy V.M. Voprosy pitaniya v sporte vysshikh dostizheniy: monografiya [Nutrition Issues in the Sport of Higher Achievements. Monograph]. Kemerovo, Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry University Publ., 2016. 213 p.
12. Mayurnikova L.A., Poznyakovskiy V.M., Sukhanov B.V. Ekspertiza spetsializirovannykh pishchevykh produktov. Kachestvo i bezopasnost' [Expertise of Specialized Food Products. Quality and Safety]. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 2016. 448 p.
13. Semenova N.A. Sposob kompleksnogo ozdorovleniya organizma [A Method of Complex Improvement of an Organism]. Patent RF, no. 2214826, 1999.
14. Petchenko V.I., Smagulova A.K., Aytbaev A.A. [A Study of Quality Assessment and the Development of Technology for a Functional Product on a Meat Basis]. Vestnik Almatinskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta [Bulletin of Almaty Technological University], 2016, no. 4, pp. 17–25. (in Russ.)
15. Poznyakovskiy V.M., Chugunova O.V., Tamova M.Yu. Pishchevye ingredienty i biologicheski aktivnye dobavki [Food Ingredients and Biologically Active Additives]. Moscow, INFRA-M Publ., 2017. 143 p.
16. Skal'nyy A.V., Ordzhonikidze Z.G., Katulin A.N. Pitanie v sporte: makro- i mikroelementy [Nutrition in Sports. Macro and Microelements]. Moscow, City Publ., 2015. 144 p.
17. Smolyanskiy B.L., Shibaeva L.S. Pitanie sportsmenov [Nutrition Athletes]. Moscow, Health Publ., 2012, p. 6.
18. Cheang K.A. Khor. Bioceramic Powders and Coatings by Thermal Spray Techniques. Proceedings of ITSC, Kobe. 1995, pp. 181–186.
2. Bel'mer S.V., Gasilina T.V. [Microelements and Microelements and Their Significance in Childhood]. Voprosy sovremennoy pediatrii [Issues of Modern Pediatrics], 2008, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 91–96. (in Russ.)
3. Severina E.S. Biokhimiya [Biochemistry]. Moscow, GEOTAR – MED Publ., 2003. 784 p.
4. Vapirov V.V., Feoktistov V.M., Venskovich A.A., Vdpirovd N.V. [On the Behavior of Silicon in Nature and Its Biological Role]. Uchenye zapiski Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. Obshchestvennye i gumanitarnye nauki [Scientific Notes of Petrozavodsk State University. Ser. Social and Human Sciences], 2017, no. 2, pp. 95–102. (in Russ.)
5. Tutel'yana V.A. Vitaminy i mikroelementy v klinicheskoy farmakologii [Vitamins and Microelements in Clinical Pharmacology]. Moscow, Palea Publ., 2001. 506 p.
6. Zherebtsov N.A., Popova T.N., Artyukhov V.G. Biokhimiya [Biochemistry]. Voronezh, Voronezh State University Publ., 2002. 696 p.
7. Kizatova M.Zh., Baybolova L.K., Vitavskaya A.V., Nabieva Zh.S. [The Influence of Jerusalem Artichoke on the Parameters of Silicon in Good Products]. Problemy sovremennoy nauki i obrazovaniya [Problems of Modern Science and Education], 2016, no. 37 (79), pp. 14–19. (in Russ.)
8. Klimova E.V. [Analysis of the Bioavailability of Silicon in Food (Belgium)]. Ekologicheskaya bezopasnost' [Ecological Safety], 2011, no. 2, p. 532. (in Russ.)
9. Klimova E.V. [On the Increased Losses of Macro- and Microelements in Sports and the Expediency of Compensating with Biologically Active Additives]. Pishchevaya i pererabatyvayushchaya promyshlennost' [Food and Processing Industry], 2010, no. 1, p. 197. (in Russ.)
10. Krolevets A.A. [Silicon is an Element of Health and Youth]. Khimiya v shkole [Chemistry in School], 2010, no. 2, pp. 6–9. (in Russ.)
11. Latkov N.Yu., Poznyakovskiy V.M. Voprosy pitaniya v sporte vysshikh dostizheniy: monografiya [Nutrition Issues in the Sport of Higher Achievements. Monograph]. Kemerovo, Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry University Publ., 2016. 213 p.
12. Mayurnikova L.A., Poznyakovskiy V.M., Sukhanov B.V. Ekspertiza spetsializirovannykh pishchevykh produktov. Kachestvo i bezopasnost' [Expertise of Specialized Food Products. Quality and Safety]. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 2016. 448 p.
13. Semenova N.A. Sposob kompleksnogo ozdorovleniya organizma [A Method of Complex Improvement of an Organism]. Patent RF, no. 2214826, 1999.
14. Petchenko V.I., Smagulova A.K., Aytbaev A.A. [A Study of Quality Assessment and the Development of Technology for a Functional Product on a Meat Basis]. Vestnik Almatinskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta [Bulletin of Almaty Technological University], 2016, no. 4, pp. 17–25. (in Russ.)
15. Poznyakovskiy V.M., Chugunova O.V., Tamova M.Yu. Pishchevye ingredienty i biologicheski aktivnye dobavki [Food Ingredients and Biologically Active Additives]. Moscow, INFRA-M Publ., 2017. 143 p.
16. Skal'nyy A.V., Ordzhonikidze Z.G., Katulin A.N. Pitanie v sporte: makro- i mikroelementy [Nutrition in Sports. Macro and Microelements]. Moscow, City Publ., 2015. 144 p.
17. Smolyanskiy B.L., Shibaeva L.S. Pitanie sportsmenov [Nutrition Athletes]. Moscow, Health Publ., 2012, p. 6.
18. Cheang K.A. Khor. Bioceramic Powders and Coatings by Thermal Spray Techniques. Proceedings of ITSC, Kobe. 1995, pp. 181–186.
2. Bel'mer S.V., Gasilina T.V. [Microelements and Microelements and Their Significance in Childhood]. Voprosy sovremennoy pediatrii [Issues of Modern Pediatrics], 2008, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 91–96. (in Russ.)
3. Severina E.S. Biokhimiya [Biochemistry]. Moscow, GEOTAR – MED Publ., 2003. 784 p.
4. Vapirov V.V., Feoktistov V.M., Venskovich A.A., Vdpirovd N.V. [On the Behavior of Silicon in Nature and Its Biological Role]. Uchenye zapiski Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. Obshchestvennye i gumanitarnye nauki [Scientific Notes of Petrozavodsk State University. Ser. Social and Human Sciences], 2017, no. 2, pp. 95–102. (in Russ.)
5. Tutel'yana V.A. Vitaminy i mikroelementy v klinicheskoy farmakologii [Vitamins and Microelements in Clinical Pharmacology]. Moscow, Palea Publ., 2001. 506 p.
6. Zherebtsov N.A., Popova T.N., Artyukhov V.G. Biokhimiya [Biochemistry]. Voronezh, Voronezh State University Publ., 2002. 696 p.
7. Kizatova M.Zh., Baybolova L.K., Vitavskaya A.V., Nabieva Zh.S. [The Influence of Jerusalem Artichoke on the Parameters of Silicon in Good Products]. Problemy sovremennoy nauki i obrazovaniya [Problems of Modern Science and Education], 2016, no. 37 (79), pp. 14–19. (in Russ.)
8. Klimova E.V. [Analysis of the Bioavailability of Silicon in Food (Belgium)]. Ekologicheskaya bezopasnost' [Ecological Safety], 2011, no. 2, p. 532. (in Russ.)
9. Klimova E.V. [On the Increased Losses of Macro- and Microelements in Sports and the Expediency of Compensating with Biologically Active Additives]. Pishchevaya i pererabatyvayushchaya promyshlennost' [Food and Processing Industry], 2010, no. 1, p. 197. (in Russ.)
10. Krolevets A.A. [Silicon is an Element of Health and Youth]. Khimiya v shkole [Chemistry in School], 2010, no. 2, pp. 6–9. (in Russ.)
11. Latkov N.Yu., Poznyakovskiy V.M. Voprosy pitaniya v sporte vysshikh dostizheniy: monografiya [Nutrition Issues in the Sport of Higher Achievements. Monograph]. Kemerovo, Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry University Publ., 2016. 213 p.
12. Mayurnikova L.A., Poznyakovskiy V.M., Sukhanov B.V. Ekspertiza spetsializirovannykh pishchevykh produktov. Kachestvo i bezopasnost' [Expertise of Specialized Food Products. Quality and Safety]. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 2016. 448 p.
13. Semenova N.A. Sposob kompleksnogo ozdorovleniya organizma [A Method of Complex Improvement of an Organism]. Patent RF, no. 2214826, 1999.
14. Petchenko V.I., Smagulova A.K., Aytbaev A.A. [A Study of Quality Assessment and the Development of Technology for a Functional Product on a Meat Basis]. Vestnik Almatinskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta [Bulletin of Almaty Technological University], 2016, no. 4, pp. 17–25. (in Russ.)
15. Poznyakovskiy V.M., Chugunova O.V., Tamova M.Yu. Pishchevye ingredienty i biologicheski aktivnye dobavki [Food Ingredients and Biologically Active Additives]. Moscow, INFRA-M Publ., 2017. 143 p.
16. Skal'nyy A.V., Ordzhonikidze Z.G., Katulin A.N. Pitanie v sporte: makro- i mikroelementy [Nutrition in Sports. Macro and Microelements]. Moscow, City Publ., 2015. 144 p.
17. Smolyanskiy B.L., Shibaeva L.S. Pitanie sportsmenov [Nutrition Athletes]. Moscow, Health Publ., 2012, p. 6.
18. Cheang K.A. Khor. Bioceramic Powders and Coatings by Thermal Spray Techniques. Proceedings of ITSC, Kobe. 1995, pp. 181–186.
References on translit
1. Bakhareva A.E., Bakhareva E.V., Fokina Z.N., Voronkov M.G. [Primary Results of Treatment of Ulcerative Gingivitis with Silymin Preparation]. V Vserossiyskiy simpozium “Stroenie i reaktsionnaya sposobnost' kremniy organicheskikh soedineniy” [V All-Russian Symposium Structure and Reactivity of Silicon Organic Compounds], 1996, p. 124.2. Bel'mer S.V., Gasilina T.V. [Microelements and Microelements and Their Significance in Childhood]. Voprosy sovremennoy pediatrii [Issues of Modern Pediatrics], 2008, vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 91–96. (in Russ.)
3. Severina E.S. Biokhimiya [Biochemistry]. Moscow, GEOTAR – MED Publ., 2003. 784 p.
4. Vapirov V.V., Feoktistov V.M., Venskovich A.A., Vdpirovd N.V. [On the Behavior of Silicon in Nature and Its Biological Role]. Uchenye zapiski Petrozavodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. Obshchestvennye i gumanitarnye nauki [Scientific Notes of Petrozavodsk State University. Ser. Social and Human Sciences], 2017, no. 2, pp. 95–102. (in Russ.)
5. Tutel'yana V.A. Vitaminy i mikroelementy v klinicheskoy farmakologii [Vitamins and Microelements in Clinical Pharmacology]. Moscow, Palea Publ., 2001. 506 p.
6. Zherebtsov N.A., Popova T.N., Artyukhov V.G. Biokhimiya [Biochemistry]. Voronezh, Voronezh State University Publ., 2002. 696 p.
7. Kizatova M.Zh., Baybolova L.K., Vitavskaya A.V., Nabieva Zh.S. [The Influence of Jerusalem Artichoke on the Parameters of Silicon in Good Products]. Problemy sovremennoy nauki i obrazovaniya [Problems of Modern Science and Education], 2016, no. 37 (79), pp. 14–19. (in Russ.)
8. Klimova E.V. [Analysis of the Bioavailability of Silicon in Food (Belgium)]. Ekologicheskaya bezopasnost' [Ecological Safety], 2011, no. 2, p. 532. (in Russ.)
9. Klimova E.V. [On the Increased Losses of Macro- and Microelements in Sports and the Expediency of Compensating with Biologically Active Additives]. Pishchevaya i pererabatyvayushchaya promyshlennost' [Food and Processing Industry], 2010, no. 1, p. 197. (in Russ.)
10. Krolevets A.A. [Silicon is an Element of Health and Youth]. Khimiya v shkole [Chemistry in School], 2010, no. 2, pp. 6–9. (in Russ.)
11. Latkov N.Yu., Poznyakovskiy V.M. Voprosy pitaniya v sporte vysshikh dostizheniy: monografiya [Nutrition Issues in the Sport of Higher Achievements. Monograph]. Kemerovo, Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry University Publ., 2016. 213 p.
12. Mayurnikova L.A., Poznyakovskiy V.M., Sukhanov B.V. Ekspertiza spetsializirovannykh pishchevykh produktov. Kachestvo i bezopasnost' [Expertise of Specialized Food Products. Quality and Safety]. 2nd ed. St. Petersburg, 2016. 448 p.
13. Semenova N.A. Sposob kompleksnogo ozdorovleniya organizma [A Method of Complex Improvement of an Organism]. Patent RF, no. 2214826, 1999.
14. Petchenko V.I., Smagulova A.K., Aytbaev A.A. [A Study of Quality Assessment and the Development of Technology for a Functional Product on a Meat Basis]. Vestnik Almatinskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta [Bulletin of Almaty Technological University], 2016, no. 4, pp. 17–25. (in Russ.)
15. Poznyakovskiy V.M., Chugunova O.V., Tamova M.Yu. Pishchevye ingredienty i biologicheski aktivnye dobavki [Food Ingredients and Biologically Active Additives]. Moscow, INFRA-M Publ., 2017. 143 p.
16. Skal'nyy A.V., Ordzhonikidze Z.G., Katulin A.N. Pitanie v sporte: makro- i mikroelementy [Nutrition in Sports. Macro and Microelements]. Moscow, City Publ., 2015. 144 p.
17. Smolyanskiy B.L., Shibaeva L.S. Pitanie sportsmenov [Nutrition Athletes]. Moscow, Health Publ., 2012, p. 6.
18. Cheang K.A. Khor. Bioceramic Powders and Coatings by Thermal Spray Techniques. Proceedings of ITSC, Kobe. 1995, pp. 181–186.
How to Cite
Tolmachev, O., Tolmachev, V., Tichonov, S., Tichonova, N., & Poznyakovsky, V. (2017). INFLUENCE OF SILICON-CONTAINING WATER ‘ARDVI’ ON WOUND HEALING AND LONG-TERM DELAYED ONSET MUSCLE SORENESS. Human. Sport. Medicine, 17(S), 73-84.
Sports nutrition
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