training process, alactic training, weightlifting, effective technologies
Aim of research was to provide theoretical and experimental justification of efficiency of alactic training modeling conditions and structure of competitive activity. Materials and Methods. To assess the experimental program efficiency we conducted educational experiment which took 7 months. Experimental and control groups included 10 highly-skilled athletes (Masters of Sport of International Class and Merited Masters of Sport) aged 20–27. The participants were winners and medalists of Asian and World Championships and the Asian and Olympic Games. The experimental group was training according to specially designed experimental program. Conditioning specifics and pharmacologic program were the same for both groups. Results. The results of the experiment showed that the greatest effect of mainly alactic training was observed in barbell clean. This could be associated with long-term adaptation of the participants due to increased power of alactic mechanisms of energy supply and accumulation of myofibril mass (mostly in fast muscle fibers), which influenced the growth of observed strength of muscles at a high rate of their contraction. Conclusion. The obtained information may be used for training process management and correction of training load depending on the individual performance in clean and jerk.References
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27. Parnes N., Blevins M.I., Carey P., Friedman D.J. Atypical Pectoralis Major Muscle Wasting in a Recreational Weight Lifter. Orthopedics, 2016, vol. 39, iss. 4, pp. 756–759. DOI: 10.3928/01477447-20160526-09
28. Sivokhin I., Fyodorov A., Tapsir M., Radmann A., Hedenborg S., Tsolakidis E. Dependence of Sports Result in Jerk of the Bar from the Level of Physical Readiness of Sportsmen and Biomechanical Parameters of Movement. 20th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science: Book of Abstracts, 2015.
29. Hakkinen K., Komi P.V., Tesch P. Effect of Combined Concentric and Eccentrik Strength Training and Detraining on Force-Time, Muscle Fibre, and Metabolic Characteristic of Leg Excensor Muscles. Scandinavian Journal of Sports Sciences, 1981, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 50–58.
30. Hakkinen K., Kauhanen H., Kuoppala T.K. Neural, Muscular and Hormonal Adaptations, Changes in Muscle Strength and Weightlifting Results with Respect to Variations in Training During One Year Follow-Up Period of Finnish Elite Weigtlifters. World Weightlifting, Scientific Supplement, 1987, no. 3, pp. 420–428.
31. Komi P.V., Hakkinen K. Strength and Power. Proceedings of the Weightlifting Symposium, 1989, pp. 159–175.
32. Rahmati S.M.A., Mallakzadeh M. Prediction of Weightlifter's Motor Behavior to Evaluate Snatch Weightlifting Techniques Based on a New Method of Investigation of Consumed Energy. Human Movement Science, 2014, vol. 38, pp. 58–73. DOI: 10.1016/j.humov.2014.08.008
33. Ammar A., Chtourou H., Trabelsi K., Padulo J., Turki M., El Abed K., Hoekelmann A., Hakim A. Temporal Specificity of Training: Intra-Day Effects on Biochemical Responses and Olympic-Weightlifting Performances. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2015, vol. 33, iss. 4, pp. 358–368. DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2014.944559
34. Milanese Ch., Cavedon V., Corte St., Agostini T. The Effects of Two Different Correction Strategies on the Snatch Technique in Weightlifting. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2016, vol. 24, pp. 1–8. DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2016.1172727
2. Andryushchishin I.F. Kompleksnaya sistema psikhologo-pedagogicheskoy podgotovki sportsmenov [A Comprehensive System of Psycho-Pedagogical Training of Athletes]. Almaty, 2012. 332 p.
3. Sivokhin I.P., Biktasheva G.Sh., Skotnikov V.F., Mustafin S.K. [Biomechanical Criteria of Efficiency Technology Push Rod From the Chest Weightlifting Qualifications]. Olimp [Olympus], 2015, no. 2 (3), pp. 56–58. (in Russ.)
4. Viru A.A. Gormonal'nye mekhanizmy adaptatsii k trenirovke [Hormonal Mechanisms of Adaptation to Training]. Leningrad, Science Publ., 1981. 155 p.
5. Vorob'ev A.N. Tyazheloatleticheskiy sport. Ocherki po fiziologii i sportivnoy trenirovke [Weightlifting Sport. Essays on the Physiology and Sports Training]. Moscow, Physical Education and Sports, 1977. 255 p.
6. Gurfinkel' V.S., Levik Yu.S. Skeletnaya myshtsa: struktura i funktsiya [Skeletal Muscle. Structure and Function]. Moscow, Science Publ., 1985. 141 p.
7. Ivanov I.I., Korovkin B.F., Pinaev G.P. Biokhimiya myshts [Biochemistry of Muscle]. Moscow, Medicine Publ., 1977. 343 p.
8. Sivokhin I.P., Ageev O.V., Orekhov L.I., Khlystov M.S., Ni A.G. [The Change in the Lactate Training Load in Microcycle Training Weightlifting]. Teoriya i metodika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and a Technique of Physical Training], 2012, no. 2 (29), pp. 68–73. (in Russ.)
9. Korzhenevskiy A.N. [Complex Diagnostics Readiness of Highly Skilled Weightlifters]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2012, no. 12, pp. 26–32. (in Russ.)
10. Kotsa Ya.M. Fiziologiya myshechnoy deyatel'nosti [Physiology of Muscle Activity]. Moscow, Physical Education and Sports Publ., 1982. 444 p.
11. Medvedev A.S. Sistema mnogoletney trenirovki v tyazheloy atletike [The System of Long-Term Training in Weightlifting]. Moscow, Physical Education and Sports Publ., 1986. 272 p.
12. Meerson F.Z., Pshenichnikova M.G. Adaptatsiya k stressornym situatsiyam i fizicheskim nagruzkam [Adaptation to the Stress Situations and Physical Loads]. Moscow, Medicine Publ., 1988. 253 p.
13. Pavlov S.E. [Fundamentals of the Theory of Adaptation and Sports Training]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 1999, no. 1, pp. 12–17. (in Russ.)
14. Panin L.E. Biokhimicheskie mekhanizmy stressa [Biochemical Mechanisms of Stress]. Novosibirsk, Science Publ., 1981. 233 p.
15. Peter Ya. ChSS, laktat i trenirovki na vynoslivost' [HR, Lactate and Endurance Training], translation from English. Murmansk, Tuloma Publ., 2006. 160 p.
16. Prilepin A.S. [Number of Lifts the Weight of 90% in Training, Weightlifting Fuses 16–18]. Tyazhelaya atletika [Weightlifting], 1976, pp. 8–11. (in Russ.)
17. Turkileri E., Sivokhin I.P., Ni A.G., Don L.N. Programma mnogoletney podgotovki tyazheloatletov [Multi-Year Training Program for Weightlifters]. Kostanay, KGPI Publ., 2005. 56 p.
18. Seluyanov V.N. [The Scientific and Methodological Basis for the Development of Innovative Sports Technology Teaching]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2003, no. 5, pp. 9–12. (in Russ.)
19. Seluyanov V.N. Podgotovka beguna na srednie distantsii [Preparing Runner Middle Distance]. Moscow, SportAkademPress Publ., 2001. 103 p.
20. Sivokhin I.P., Skotnikov V.F., Prikladov Ya.V. [Analysis of Biomechanical Factors Efficiency Technology Boom Lift in the Chest when Performing Classic Push]. Nauka i sport: sovremennye tendentsii [Science and Sports. Current Trends], 2015, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 110–114. (in Russ.)
21. Sivokhin I.P. [Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Training Process in a Year Cycle of Preparation of Weight-Lifters of the RK National Team]. Teoriya i metodika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and a Technique of Physical Training], 2009, no. 1, pp. 155–164. (in Russ.)
22. Sivokhin I.P., Fedorov A.I., Komarov O.V. [Lactate Indicators in Weightlifting Qualifications on the Training Load in Preparation Microcycle]. Voprosy funktsional'noy podgotovki v sporte vysshikh dostizheniy [Questions of Functional Training in the Sphere of Sports], 2014, vol. 2, pp. 139–146. (in Russ.)
23. Talibov A.B., Aksenov V.P. [Complex Control in the Training Process of Weight-Lifters of High Qualification]. Uchenye zapiski universiteta im. P.F. Lesgafta [Scientific Notes University P.F. Lesgafta], 2009, no. 6, pp. 80–83. (in Russ.)
24. Frolov V.I., Levshunov N.P. [Push Technical]. Tyazhelaya atletika: Ezhegodnik [Weightlifting. Yearbook], 1979, pp. 43–45. (in Russ.)
25. Furnadzhiev V., Abadzhiev I. [On the Preparation of the Bulgarian Weightlifters for the Moscow Olympics in 1080]. Tyazhelaya atletika [Weightlifting], 1982, pp. 71–74. (in Russ.)
26. Saka T., Sekir U., Dogan A., Akkurt S., Karakus M., Celebi M.M., Sarli B., Oguzhan A. Arterial Stiffness Differences Between Aerobically and Resistance Trained Turkish Elite Athletes. Anthropologist, 2016, vol. 24, iss. 2, pp. 429–439. DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2016-097120.69
27. Parnes N., Blevins M.I., Carey P., Friedman D.J. Atypical Pectoralis Major Muscle Wasting in a Recreational Weight Lifter. Orthopedics, 2016, vol. 39, iss. 4, pp. 756–759. DOI: 10.3928/01477447-20160526-09
28. Sivokhin I., Fyodorov A., Tapsir M., Radmann A., Hedenborg S., Tsolakidis E. Dependence of Sports Result in Jerk of the Bar from the Level of Physical Readiness of Sportsmen and Biomechanical Parameters of Movement. 20th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science: Book of Abstracts, 2015.
29. Hakkinen K., Komi P.V., Tesch P. Effect of Combined Concentric and Eccentrik Strength Training and Detraining on Force-Time, Muscle Fibre, and Metabolic Characteristic of Leg Excensor Muscles. Scandinavian Journal of Sports Sciences, 1981, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 50–58.
30. Hakkinen K., Kauhanen H., Kuoppala T.K. Neural, Muscular and Hormonal Adaptations, Changes in Muscle Strength and Weightlifting Results with Respect to Variations in Training During One Year Follow-Up Period of Finnish Elite Weigtlifters. World Weightlifting, Scientific Supplement, 1987, no. 3, pp. 420–428.
31. Komi P.V., Hakkinen K. Strength and Power. Proceedings of the Weightlifting Symposium, 1989, pp. 159–175.
32. Rahmati S.M.A., Mallakzadeh M. Prediction of Weightlifter's Motor Behavior to Evaluate Snatch Weightlifting Techniques Based on a New Method of Investigation of Consumed Energy. Human Movement Science, 2014, vol. 38, pp. 58–73. DOI: 10.1016/j.humov.2014.08.008
33. Ammar A., Chtourou H., Trabelsi K., Padulo J., Turki M., El Abed K., Hoekelmann A., Hakim A. Temporal Specificity of Training: Intra-Day Effects on Biochemical Responses and Olympic-Weightlifting Performances. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2015, vol. 33, iss. 4, pp. 358–368. DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2014.944559
34. Milanese Ch., Cavedon V., Corte St., Agostini T. The Effects of Two Different Correction Strategies on the Snatch Technique in Weightlifting. Journal of Sports Sciences, 2016, vol. 24, pp. 1–8. DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2016.1172727
References on translit
How to Cite
Sivokhin, I., Fyodorov, A., Tapsir, M., Ogienko, N., Kalashnikov, A., & Komarov, O. (2016). ALACTIC TRAINING AS EFFICIENCY-IMPROVEMENT FACTOR IN ELITE WEIGHTLIFTERS’ TRAINING. Human. Sport. Medicine, 16(4), 75-86.
Sports training
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