students, psychophysical self-regulation, mental health, human ecology, appropriate behavior, educational process, relaxation
Aim. To justify the effectiveness of the course of “Psychophysiology of Safety” with psychophysical relaxation exercises in the normalization of the psychophysical status in university students. Materials and Methods. The paper presents the data of the research involving social work female students. The research methods included electroencephalography, electrocardiography, survey, and recording of neurodynamic parameters. Results. The influence of psychophysical relaxation exercises on the functional state of the heart and central nervous system (CNS) is analyzed. The positive impact of relaxation on the heart and CNS functions and on the psychoemotional state. Conclusion. The maintenance of harmonious human ecology and improvement of quality of life require the introduction of relaxation technologies into the students’ educational process in order to prevent psychophysical disorders and inappropriate behavior.References
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2. Maksutova G.I., Popova T.V. [Psychophysical Exercises in Wellness Programs for University Students]. Teoriya i praktikafizicheskoykul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2013, no. 1, pp. 30–31. (in Russ.)
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4. Popova T.V., Kourova O.G. Psikhofiziologiya bezopasnosti (Kak izmenit' sebya) [Security Psychophysiology (How to Change Yourself)]. Chelyabinsk, South Ural St. Univ. Publ., 2009. 78 p.
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9. Chubik M.P. Ekologiya cheloveka. Uchebnoe posobie [Human Ecology. Tutorial]. Tomsk, TPU Publ., 2006. 147 p.
10. Bundzen P., Korotkov K., Unestahl L.-E. Psycho-Dinamic and Bio-Energetic Results of Integrated Mental Training. K. Korotkov (Ed.) Measuring Energy Fields: Current Research. Fair Lawn, USA, Backbone Publishing Co., 2004, pp. 12–23.
11. Szabo A., Hopkinson K.L. Negative Psychological Effects of Watching the News in the Television: Relaxation or Another Intervention May Be Needed to Buffer Them! Int. J. Behav. Med., 2007, vol. 14, рр. 57–62. DOI: 10.1007/BF03004169
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