Aim – to improve the diagnosis of tactical interaction of volleyball players. Opinion of many high performance sports coaches and the results of competitive activity studies justify the urgency of the problem stated above. 80% of all the mistakes done by volleyball players during the game are the interaction mistakes. Research methods: analysis of the special scientific and methodical literature, observation, method of interaction mistake recording, and statistical analysis. Results. Based on the results of theoretical analysis of tactical interactions the method of interaction mistake recording was developed which makes it possible to determine the reasons of volleyball players’ action coordination failure during the game and to find out who is responsible for it. Conclusion. It has been established than for all types of mistakes low-skilled volleyball players show significantly higher levels of interaction failures than high-skilled players.References
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How to Cite
Andruschishin, I., Presnyakov, I., Denisenko, Y., & Geraskin, A. (2016). IMPROVEMENT OF IN-GAME INTERACTION DIAGNOSIS IN VOLLEYBALL. Human. Sport. Medicine, 16(1), 63-67.
Sports training
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