Athletes, recovery, biologically active substances
Aim. The article deals with studying the effect of drone larvae homogenate and a homogenized whey product on the recovery of professional track and field athletes. Materials and methods. 58 professional male athletes participated in the study. We examined microcirculation using LAKK-M laser analyzer of capillary blood flow. We assessed the state of the regulatory mechanisms of cardiovascular activity using VARICARD 2.51 hardware-software complex. The morphological blood picture was evaluated using laboratory method. Results. After the course of treatment, microcirculation intensity increased by 38–40% (p &< 0.05), tissue oxygen consumption increased by 13.9–17 % (p &< 0.05), the activity of regulatory mechanisms improved by 29–41 % (p &< 0.05). In the blood system, the quantity of erythrocytes and hemoglobin increased by 7.3 and 8.8 % respectively. We registered a decrease in the ergotropic influence of central regulatory mechanisms on the heart. This resulted in the increase of the trophotropic effect of the autonomous system. Tension index decreased by 16–60 % (p &< 0.05). Conclusion. The comprehensive application of biologically active substances improves body recovery and expands the functional potential of the cardiovascular system in athletes.References
1. Bokeriya O.L., Ispiryan A.Yu. [Sudden Cardiac Death in Athletes]. Annaly aritmologii [Annals of Arrhythmology], 2013, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 31–39. (in Russ.)
2. Bykov A.T., Litvin F.B., Baranov V.V. [Evaluation of the Effect of Fermented Lactic Serum on the Morphofunctional Status and Performance of Athletes During Intense Physical Exertion]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition Issues], 2016, vol. 85, no. 3, pp. 118–126. (in Russ.)
3. Gavrilova E.A. Sport, stress, variabel'nost [Sport, Stress, Variability]. Moscow, Sport Publ., 2015. 168 p.
4. Gavrilova N.B., Shchetinin M.P., Chernopol'skaya N.L. [Scientific and Experimental Substantiation of the Formulation of a Specialized Product for the Nutrition of Athletes, Enriched with Probiotic Microorganisms]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition Issues], 2017, vol. 86, no. 5, pp. 22–28. (in Russ.)
5. Goloshchapova S.S., Litvin F.B., Prokhoda I.A., Morozova E.P. [Influence of the Preparation Bilar on the Vegetative Regulation of the Heart Rhythm of Young Athletes]. Vestnik Bryanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Bulletin of the Bryansk State University], 2013, no. 4, pp. 124–130. (in Russ.)
6. Kim V.N., Krivulina G.B., Shevelev V.M. [Correction of Endothelium-Dependent Disorders of Microcirculation, Blood Biochemical Parameters, Level of Efficiency, Vegetative and Psychoemotional Status of Young and Young Athletes Using Apiphyte Products]. Byulleten' sibirskoj mediciny [Bulletin of Siberian Medicine], 2013, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 30–37. (in Russ.)
7. Kogan O.S., Galiullina S.D. [Sport of the Highest Achievements in the Context of the Pathology of the Cardiovascular System in Highly Skilled Athletes]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoj kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2018, no. 2, pp. 59–61. (in Russ.)
8. Naumov A.O., Smirnova I.N., Shahova S.S. [Natural Adaptogens Based on Bee Products in the Correction of Fatigue in the Recovery Period of the Annual Training Cycle in Athletes of Winter Coordinated Sports]. Sportivnaya medicina: nauka i praktika [Sports Medicine. Science and Practice], 2017, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 79–85. (in Russ.)
9. Novikov V.S., Karkishchenko V.N., Shustov E.B. Funkcional'noe pitanie cheloveka priehkstremal'nyh vozdejstviyah [Functional Nutrition of a Person under Extreme Conditions]. St. Petersburg, Polytechnic Print Publ., 2017. 346 p.
10. Karkishchenko N.N., Ujba V.V. Ocherki sportivnoj farmakologii. T. 2. Vektory farmakoprotekcii [Sketches of Sports Pharmacology. Vol. 2. Pharmacoprotection Vectors]. St. Petersburg, Icing Publ., 2014. 448 p.
11. Prokhoda I.A. [Getting Apidobavok from the Larvae of Bees]. Pchelovodstvo [Beekeeping], 2009, no. 8, pp. 48–49. (in Russ.)
12. Terekhov P.A., Bruk T.M. [The Influence of Low-Intensity Laser Radiation on the Manifestation of Speed-Power Qualities and Indicators of Anaerobic Performance of Athletes]. Lechebnaya fizicheskaya kul'tura i sportivnaya medicina [Medical Physical Culture and Sports Medicine], 2011, no. 9, pp. 33–36. (in Russ.)
13. Chertok V.M., Kocyuba A.E., Bespalova E.P. [Features of the Reaction Vessels of the Microvasculature of Certain Organs to the Effects of Helium-Neon Laser]. Tihookeanskij medicinskij zhurnal [Pacific Medical Journal], 2007, no. 3, pp. 48–52. (in Russ.)
2. Bykov A.T., Litvin F.B., Baranov V.V. [Evaluation of the Effect of Fermented Lactic Serum on the Morphofunctional Status and Performance of Athletes During Intense Physical Exertion]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition Issues], 2016, vol. 85, no. 3, pp. 118–126. (in Russ.)
3. Gavrilova E.A. Sport, stress, variabel'nost [Sport, Stress, Variability]. Moscow, Sport Publ., 2015. 168 p.
4. Gavrilova N.B., Shchetinin M.P., Chernopol'skaya N.L. [Scientific and Experimental Substantiation of the Formulation of a Specialized Product for the Nutrition of Athletes, Enriched with Probiotic Microorganisms]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition Issues], 2017, vol. 86, no. 5, pp. 22–28. (in Russ.)
5. Goloshchapova S.S., Litvin F.B., Prokhoda I.A., Morozova E.P. [Influence of the Preparation Bilar on the Vegetative Regulation of the Heart Rhythm of Young Athletes]. Vestnik Bryanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Bulletin of the Bryansk State University], 2013, no. 4, pp. 124–130. (in Russ.)
6. Kim V.N., Krivulina G.B., Shevelev V.M. [Correction of Endothelium-Dependent Disorders of Microcirculation, Blood Biochemical Parameters, Level of Efficiency, Vegetative and Psychoemotional Status of Young and Young Athletes Using Apiphyte Products]. Byulleten' sibirskoj mediciny [Bulletin of Siberian Medicine], 2013, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 30–37. (in Russ.)
7. Kogan O.S., Galiullina S.D. [Sport of the Highest Achievements in the Context of the Pathology of the Cardiovascular System in Highly Skilled Athletes]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoj kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2018, no. 2, pp. 59–61. (in Russ.)
8. Naumov A.O., Smirnova I.N., Shahova S.S. [Natural Adaptogens Based on Bee Products in the Correction of Fatigue in the Recovery Period of the Annual Training Cycle in Athletes of Winter Coordinated Sports]. Sportivnaya medicina: nauka i praktika [Sports Medicine. Science and Practice], 2017, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 79–85. (in Russ.)
9. Novikov V.S., Karkishchenko V.N., Shustov E.B. Funkcional'noe pitanie cheloveka priehkstremal'nyh vozdejstviyah [Functional Nutrition of a Person under Extreme Conditions]. St. Petersburg, Polytechnic Print Publ., 2017. 346 p.
10. Karkishchenko N.N., Ujba V.V. Ocherki sportivnoj farmakologii. T. 2. Vektory farmakoprotekcii [Sketches of Sports Pharmacology. Vol. 2. Pharmacoprotection Vectors]. St. Petersburg, Icing Publ., 2014. 448 p.
11. Prokhoda I.A. [Getting Apidobavok from the Larvae of Bees]. Pchelovodstvo [Beekeeping], 2009, no. 8, pp. 48–49. (in Russ.)
12. Terekhov P.A., Bruk T.M. [The Influence of Low-Intensity Laser Radiation on the Manifestation of Speed-Power Qualities and Indicators of Anaerobic Performance of Athletes]. Lechebnaya fizicheskaya kul'tura i sportivnaya medicina [Medical Physical Culture and Sports Medicine], 2011, no. 9, pp. 33–36. (in Russ.)
13. Chertok V.M., Kocyuba A.E., Bespalova E.P. [Features of the Reaction Vessels of the Microvasculature of Certain Organs to the Effects of Helium-Neon Laser]. Tihookeanskij medicinskij zhurnal [Pacific Medical Journal], 2007, no. 3, pp. 48–52. (in Russ.)
2. Bykov A.T., Litvin F.B., Baranov V.V. [Evaluation of the Effect of Fermented Lactic Serum on the Morphofunctional Status and Performance of Athletes During Intense Physical Exertion]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition Issues], 2016, vol. 85, no. 3, pp. 118–126. (in Russ.)
3. Gavrilova E.A. Sport, stress, variabel'nost [Sport, Stress, Variability]. Moscow, Sport Publ., 2015. 168 p.
4. Gavrilova N.B., Shchetinin M.P., Chernopol'skaya N.L. [Scientific and Experimental Substantiation of the Formulation of a Specialized Product for the Nutrition of Athletes, Enriched with Probiotic Microorganisms]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition Issues], 2017, vol. 86, no. 5, pp. 22–28. (in Russ.)
5. Goloshchapova S.S., Litvin F.B., Prokhoda I.A., Morozova E.P. [Influence of the Preparation Bilar on the Vegetative Regulation of the Heart Rhythm of Young Athletes]. Vestnik Bryanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Bulletin of the Bryansk State University], 2013, no. 4, pp. 124–130. (in Russ.)
6. Kim V.N., Krivulina G.B., Shevelev V.M. [Correction of Endothelium-Dependent Disorders of Microcirculation, Blood Biochemical Parameters, Level of Efficiency, Vegetative and Psychoemotional Status of Young and Young Athletes Using Apiphyte Products]. Byulleten' sibirskoj mediciny [Bulletin of Siberian Medicine], 2013, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 30–37. (in Russ.)
7. Kogan O.S., Galiullina S.D. [Sport of the Highest Achievements in the Context of the Pathology of the Cardiovascular System in Highly Skilled Athletes]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoj kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2018, no. 2, pp. 59–61. (in Russ.)
8. Naumov A.O., Smirnova I.N., Shahova S.S. [Natural Adaptogens Based on Bee Products in the Correction of Fatigue in the Recovery Period of the Annual Training Cycle in Athletes of Winter Coordinated Sports]. Sportivnaya medicina: nauka i praktika [Sports Medicine. Science and Practice], 2017, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 79–85. (in Russ.)
9. Novikov V.S., Karkishchenko V.N., Shustov E.B. Funkcional'noe pitanie cheloveka priehkstremal'nyh vozdejstviyah [Functional Nutrition of a Person under Extreme Conditions]. St. Petersburg, Polytechnic Print Publ., 2017. 346 p.
10. Karkishchenko N.N., Ujba V.V. Ocherki sportivnoj farmakologii. T. 2. Vektory farmakoprotekcii [Sketches of Sports Pharmacology. Vol. 2. Pharmacoprotection Vectors]. St. Petersburg, Icing Publ., 2014. 448 p.
11. Prokhoda I.A. [Getting Apidobavok from the Larvae of Bees]. Pchelovodstvo [Beekeeping], 2009, no. 8, pp. 48–49. (in Russ.)
12. Terekhov P.A., Bruk T.M. [The Influence of Low-Intensity Laser Radiation on the Manifestation of Speed-Power Qualities and Indicators of Anaerobic Performance of Athletes]. Lechebnaya fizicheskaya kul'tura i sportivnaya medicina [Medical Physical Culture and Sports Medicine], 2011, no. 9, pp. 33–36. (in Russ.)
13. Chertok V.M., Kocyuba A.E., Bespalova E.P. [Features of the Reaction Vessels of the Microvasculature of Certain Organs to the Effects of Helium-Neon Laser]. Tihookeanskij medicinskij zhurnal [Pacific Medical Journal], 2007, no. 3, pp. 48–52. (in Russ.)
References on translit
1. Bokeriya O.L., Ispiryan A.Yu. [Sudden Cardiac Death in Athletes]. Annaly aritmologii [Annals of Arrhythmology], 2013, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 31–39. (in Russ.)2. Bykov A.T., Litvin F.B., Baranov V.V. [Evaluation of the Effect of Fermented Lactic Serum on the Morphofunctional Status and Performance of Athletes During Intense Physical Exertion]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition Issues], 2016, vol. 85, no. 3, pp. 118–126. (in Russ.)
3. Gavrilova E.A. Sport, stress, variabel'nost [Sport, Stress, Variability]. Moscow, Sport Publ., 2015. 168 p.
4. Gavrilova N.B., Shchetinin M.P., Chernopol'skaya N.L. [Scientific and Experimental Substantiation of the Formulation of a Specialized Product for the Nutrition of Athletes, Enriched with Probiotic Microorganisms]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition Issues], 2017, vol. 86, no. 5, pp. 22–28. (in Russ.)
5. Goloshchapova S.S., Litvin F.B., Prokhoda I.A., Morozova E.P. [Influence of the Preparation Bilar on the Vegetative Regulation of the Heart Rhythm of Young Athletes]. Vestnik Bryanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Bulletin of the Bryansk State University], 2013, no. 4, pp. 124–130. (in Russ.)
6. Kim V.N., Krivulina G.B., Shevelev V.M. [Correction of Endothelium-Dependent Disorders of Microcirculation, Blood Biochemical Parameters, Level of Efficiency, Vegetative and Psychoemotional Status of Young and Young Athletes Using Apiphyte Products]. Byulleten' sibirskoj mediciny [Bulletin of Siberian Medicine], 2013, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 30–37. (in Russ.)
7. Kogan O.S., Galiullina S.D. [Sport of the Highest Achievements in the Context of the Pathology of the Cardiovascular System in Highly Skilled Athletes]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoj kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2018, no. 2, pp. 59–61. (in Russ.)
8. Naumov A.O., Smirnova I.N., Shahova S.S. [Natural Adaptogens Based on Bee Products in the Correction of Fatigue in the Recovery Period of the Annual Training Cycle in Athletes of Winter Coordinated Sports]. Sportivnaya medicina: nauka i praktika [Sports Medicine. Science and Practice], 2017, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 79–85. (in Russ.)
9. Novikov V.S., Karkishchenko V.N., Shustov E.B. Funkcional'noe pitanie cheloveka priehkstremal'nyh vozdejstviyah [Functional Nutrition of a Person under Extreme Conditions]. St. Petersburg, Polytechnic Print Publ., 2017. 346 p.
10. Karkishchenko N.N., Ujba V.V. Ocherki sportivnoj farmakologii. T. 2. Vektory farmakoprotekcii [Sketches of Sports Pharmacology. Vol. 2. Pharmacoprotection Vectors]. St. Petersburg, Icing Publ., 2014. 448 p.
11. Prokhoda I.A. [Getting Apidobavok from the Larvae of Bees]. Pchelovodstvo [Beekeeping], 2009, no. 8, pp. 48–49. (in Russ.)
12. Terekhov P.A., Bruk T.M. [The Influence of Low-Intensity Laser Radiation on the Manifestation of Speed-Power Qualities and Indicators of Anaerobic Performance of Athletes]. Lechebnaya fizicheskaya kul'tura i sportivnaya medicina [Medical Physical Culture and Sports Medicine], 2011, no. 9, pp. 33–36. (in Russ.)
13. Chertok V.M., Kocyuba A.E., Bespalova E.P. [Features of the Reaction Vessels of the Microvasculature of Certain Organs to the Effects of Helium-Neon Laser]. Tihookeanskij medicinskij zhurnal [Pacific Medical Journal], 2007, no. 3, pp. 48–52. (in Russ.)
How to Cite
Litvin, F., Bruk, T., Terekhov, P., Osipova, N., & Kosoryghina, K. (2018). COMPREHENSIVE APPLICATION OF NATURAL BIOSTIMULATORS IN THE TRAINING OF ELITE ATHLETES. Human. Sport. Medicine, 18(S), 135-139.
Sports nutrition
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