Aim. The article deals with studying the functional status of the cardiovascular system and the features of its regulation in athletes of different qualifications from acyclic sports. Materials and methods. Male athletes of different qualifications aged 18–22 years and involved in acyclic sports participated in the study. A complex noninvasive bioimpedance study of HRV and hemodynamics was conducted with the Centaur (Microlux) system. The study of morphofunctional indicators of the myocardium was performed with echocardiography. Results. In athletes with
the rank of Master of Sports adaptation to physical training is implemented through the increase in stroke volume, end-diastolic volume, end-systolic volume, the humoral metabolic activity of heart rate regulation, and myocardial thickening. In the athletes of the 1st and 2nd ranks, there is a predominance of sympathetic activity in heart rate regulation and the chronotropic mechanism in response to physical load, which proves their less perfect adaptation. Conclusion. Based on the results obtained in the transition period of training the features of myocardial hemodynamic and vegetative homeostasis were revealed. Namely, the increase in qualifications and sports performance enhancement are determined by both morphofunctional changes in the heart, and
the improvement of heart rate regulation mechanisms and cardiac contractile function.
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