Aim. The purpose of the article is to provide a clinical and physiological assessment of adaptive variability of the psychophysiological status in schoolchildren and to obtain prognostic markers for forming success during health enhancement and sports activities. Materials and methods. 187 male schoolchildren of the first and second health group from secondary educational institutions in Tyumen participated in the study. A set of clinical and physiological methods was used. Habitual physical activity (HPA) was measured on a daily basis using Huawei Band 2 Pro (China) fitness tracker provided with accelerometer and gyroscope. The band is available for both Android (version 4.4 or later) and iOS 8.0 or later, which allows registering data at any time period. The type of partial body constitution was established according to a three-component scheme and a HPA level (low HPA – FTC-1, medium HPA – FTC-2, high HPA – FTC-3).
Results. Based on the concept of typological variability of physiological individuality, a systemic relationship between the indicators of anxiety, aggressiveness and depression was established in primary schoolchildren with different levels of habitual physical activity (low – LHPA, medium – MHPA, high – HHPA) and of different functional types (FTC-1, FTC-2, FTC-3). Compared with other groups, primary schoolchildren with LHPA – FTC-1 showed an increase in general anxiety and a total indicator of depression, a decrease in mood, a negative assessment of their own inefficiency, and the lowest indicator of aggressiveness with an auto-aggressive orientation. In children with HHPA, there was a decrease in the general level of depression and mood, a negative assessment of generally accepted rules, aggressive behavior, a negative assessment of their own inefficiency combined with an increased level of aggressiveness of a heteroaggressive orientation. Conclusion. Clinical and physiological characteristics of three physiological norm variants (functional constitutional types, children with low (FTC-1), medium (FTC-2) and high (FTC-3) habitual physical activity) determined the selection of psychophysiological markers of stress reactivity in primary schoolchildren, which provides an objective basis for prognostic assessment and targeted success formation in sports and health enhancement activities, as well as the creation of effective monitoring of transition states and preventive forms for correcting dysregulation.
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