Keywords: complex assessment, highly skilled weightlifters, cardiovascular system, central and neuromuscular systems


Aim. The purpose of the article is to develop a method of comprehensive diagnostics for assessing the functional status of weightlifters. Materials and methods. The study involved 14 highly skilled weightlifters at 2 pre-competitive stages of training. The parameters of cardiovascular (heart rate, blood pressure, Gench test), central nervous (differentiation of large and small muscular efforts, statokinetic stability of the body, the speed of sensorimotor reactions), neuromuscular (muscular response threshold) systems were determined. Power capabilities of athletes were investigated. On the 3rd minute of recovery after load blood sampling for lactate analysis was carried out. Results. The results obtained show that at 1 precompetitive stage of training when special exercises are primarily used athletes demonstrate the initial symptoms of fatigue (cardiovascular system and a number of indicators of the central and neuromuscular systems) along with the high level of development of power qualities and high anaerobic capacity. When re-testing athletes during their preparation for the most important competitions provided by a versatile training program, the functional status of the body systems was considered to be high. Conclusion. A comprehensive study allows assessing the fitness of weightlifters from a systemic perspective. The use of the developed method allowed to prove new approaches to training of highly skilled weightlifters.

Author Biographies

A. Korzhenevsky , Federal Scientific Center of Physical Culture and Sports, Moscow, Russian Federation

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Olympic Cyclic Sports, Federal Scientific Center for Physical Culture and Sports. 105005, Moscow

V. Klendar , Federal Scientific Center of Physical Culture and Sports, Moscow, Russian Federation

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Physical Culture and Social Adaptation of Disabled Children, Federal Scientific Center for Physical Culture and Sports. 105005, Moscow

G. Kurguzov , Federal Scientific Center of Physical Culture and Sports, Moscow, Russian Federation

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Olympic Cyclic Sports, Federal Scientific Center for Physical Culture and Sports. 105005, Moscow

L. Tarasova , Federal Scientific Center of Physical Culture and Sports, Moscow, Russian Federation

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Leading Researcher, Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Sports Training, Restorative and Sports Medicine, Federal Scientific Center for Physical Culture and Sports. 105005, Moscow


References on translit

How to Cite
Korzhenevsky, A., Klendar, V., Kurguzov, G., & Tarasova, L. (2020). THE USE OF COMPREHENSIVE DIAGNOSTICS FOR ASSESSING THE FITNESS OF WEIGHTLIFTERS. Human. Sport. Medicine, 19(S2), 45-50.
Sports training