Keywords: running, training, stages of movement enhancement, structural phase biomechanical analysis of movements


Aim. The article aims to achieve the accuracy of space-time characteristics of a running step in 11–12-year-old schoolchildren. Materials and methods. The article provides a comparative analysis of the results of training and improving the running step in the control and experimental groups. For an objective instrumental assessment of the second stage of training, a structural phase biomechanical analysis of movements based on data from high-speed digital video recording with a frequency of 240 frames per second was used. Changes in the technique of the running step in schoolchildren were analyzed in the take-off phase (when the supporting leg pushed away from the surface of the treadmill), in the float phase and in the amortization phase. Methods of parametric and nonparametric statistics were used. Results. In schoolchildren from the experi­mental group, a statistically significant positive increase in the coefficients of the relationship of the angular characteristics of the running step with the model indicators of the American sprinter Ryan Bailey was achieved, which objectively reflects a significant increase in 30 meter running speed. Conclusion. Taking into account the natural rules of nervous system mechanisms made it possible to objectively increase the efficiency of running technique in the experimental group.

Author Biographies

R. Gimazov , Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut KHMAO-Yughra, Russian Federation

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Surgut State Pedagogical University. 628417, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, Surgut

G. Bulatova , Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut KHMAO-Yughra, Russian Federation

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Surgut State Pedagogical University. 628417, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, Surgut


References on translit

How to Cite
Gimazov, R., & Bulatova, G. (2020). FORMING IDEAL 30 METER RUNNING TECHNIQUE IN 12-YEAR-OLD SCHOOLCHILDREN. Human. Sport. Medicine, 20(2), 108-115.
Sports training