• L. Zainetdinova South Ural State Medical University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
  • L. Telesheva South Ural State Medical University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
  • T. Shamaeva South Ural State Medical University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
  • A. Koryaushkina South Ural State Medical University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation
Keywords: External genital endometriosis, past medical history, clinical features of external genital endometriosis, genital infection.


Aim. To study the anamnesis and clinical features in women with endometriosis. Materials and Methods. 182 women with endometriosis aged 20 to 45 were examined. The diagnosis of endometriosis was established during laparoscopy. The control group comprised 44 women without endometriosis. The classification of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine R-AFS (1996) was used to assess the severity of endometriosis. All women underwent bacteriological examination of cervical mucus. The study of endometrium, peritoneal fluid, endometrioid heterotopia for the presence of pathogens of genital infection was performed using PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method. Results. The most frequent concomitant gynecological pathology in women with endometriosis was chronic inflammatory diseases. In 45 (24.7 %) women with endometriosis, aerobic and anaerobic Gram-variable rods and cocci were detected. Pathogens of genital infection were found in 47 (25.8 %) women with endometriosis in the endometrium, in 5 (2.7 %) in the peritoneal fluid and in 21 (13.3 %) in the foci of endometriosis. The frequency of detection of the causative agents of genital infection in the endometrium was 20 to 29 %, in peritoneal fluid – from 1 to 4 %, and in endometrioid heterotopia – from 11 to 15 %. Conclusion. Women with endometriosis often have chronic inflammatory diseases and genital infections. About 50% of women have concomitant somatic pathology. In the examination of women with endometriosis, genital infection pathogens were detected in light and severe stages of the disease in endocervix, endometrium, peritoneal fluid, endometrioid heterotopia.


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How to Cite
Zainetdinova, L., Telesheva, L., Shamaeva, T., & Koryaushkina, A. (2017). CLINICAL AND DEMOGRAPHIC FEATURES IN WOMEN WITH EXTERNAL GENITAL ENDOMETRIOSIS. Human. Sport. Medicine, 17(2), 52-61.
Clinical and Experimental Medicine