Keywords: adaptation, students, antioxidant system, selenium, selenium-deficient area


Aim. The article deals with studying the effect of a complex selenium-containing compound and physio disease-preventing means on the enhancement of biochemical indicators in freshmen living in a selenium-deficient area. Materials and methods. We conducted 12 longitudinal studies with the students of the first and second year studying at Chuvash Universities (n = 180). Selenium concentration in blood serum was established with the help of fluorometry performed according to Golubkina’s interpretation (Fluorat-02-2M). The activity of lipid peroxidation (c.u.) and antioxidant system (c.u.) was studied using induced chemiluminescence (Biochemiluminometer БХЛ-06). Results. The use of Selenes+ together with a disease-preventing photochrome session is accompanied by antioxidant, metabolic, and hemopoietic effects manifested in the increase of antioxidant activity and selenium concentration by 31.1 and 62.5 %, respectively, and the decrease of lipid peroxidation by 4.1–19.7 % compared to control values. The use of Selenes+ together with exercises contributes to less pronounced stress in the cardiovascular system both during the study and exam periods. Conclusion. Therefore, selenium correction of body adaptation with respect to a biogeochemical specifics of a region normalizes the balance between prooxidant and antioxidant elements of the antioxidant protection system and provides an accelerated shift from short-term to long-term adaptation.

Author Biography

A. Nikulina , I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University, Cheboksary, Russian Federation

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Medical Biology with a course in Microbiology and Virology, Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanova. 428015, Cheboksary


References on translit

How to Cite
Nikulina, A. (2019). ENHANCEMENT OF FRESHMEN’S ADAPTATION TO HIGH SCHOOL. Human. Sport. Medicine, 19(S1), 68-76. https://doi.org/10.14529/hsm19s109