Students, special medical group, static and dynamic exercises, functional state
Aim. The aim of this study is to improve the respiratory system and physical fitness in students from special medical groups (SMG) by means of static and dynamic experimental exercises introduced into PE lessons. Materials and methods. The pedagogical experiment was conducted from October 2017 to January 2018 on the premises of the Kirov State University, Kirov. This experiment involved students aged 18–21 belonging to a special medical group (cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, excess weight). During the study we used the following methods: 1. theoretical analysis and literature review; 2. pedagogical testing; 3. summative and formative pedagogical experiments; 4. methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The analysis of mean group values in the control (CG) and experimental (EG) groups throughout the experiment revealed that there are significant positive changes in the functional state of the respiratory system in students from the experimental group in comparison with the control group (p &< 0.05). There is a decrease in the number of students with excess weight in the experimental group. Conclusion. The results obtained allow us to confirm that implementation of static and dynamic experimental exercises during PE lessons contributes to improving the functional state of the respiratory system in students from special medical groups.References
1. Adushkina E.A. [Peculiarities of Occupations of Students of Special Medical Groups in the System of Physical Education of the University on the Example of the Kostanay Branch of the FSBEI HPE ChelSU]. Sovremennyye nauchnyye issledovaniya i innovatsii [Modern Scientific Research and Innovations], 2014, no. 2. Available at: (accessed: 19.11.2016).
2. Aristakesyan V.O., Mandrikov V.B., Mitsulina M.P. [Dynamics of Physical Readiness of Students with Combined Disorders of Musculoskeletal Functions]. Uchenyye zapiski universiteta imeni P.F. Lesgafta [Scientific Notes of the University Named after P.F. Lesgaft], 2015, no. 1 (119), pp. 21–25. (in Russ.)
3. Belykh E.V., Matveyeva T.V., Samarina Ya.V. [The Substantiation of an Estimation of Improving Influence of Employment by Aqua Aerobics on Students of Special Medical Group]. Izvestiya Tul’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Fizicheskaya kul’tura. Sport [Izvestiya of the Tula State University. Physical Culture. Sport], 2013, no. 3, pp. 3–8. (in Russ.)
4. Boloban V., Litvinenko Yu., Nizhnikovski T. [System Stabilography. Methodology and Methods for Measuring, Analyzing and Evaluating the Steadodynamic Stability of the Athlete's Body and the Body System]. Nauka v olimpiyskom sporte [Science in the Olympic Sport], 2012, no. 1, pp. 27–35. (in Russ.)
5. Verkhoshanskiy Yu.V. Osnovy spetsial’noy fizicheskoy podgotovki sportsmenov [Fundamentals of Special Physical Training of Athletes]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2014. 352 p.
6. Vinogradov I.G., Tokareva A.V. [Dynamics of the Distribution of First-Year Students by Training Groups for Physical Training on the Basis of Medical Indications]. Sovremennyye nauchnyye issledovaniya i innovatsii [Modern Scientific Research and Innovations], 2015, no. 9, ch. 2, pp. 32–49. (in Russ.)
7. Gorovoy V.A. [Approaches and Principles of Organization of Physical Recreation of Students]. Vestnik MGPU imeni I.P. Shemyakina [Herald of the Moscow State Pedagogical University Named after I.P. Shemyakin], 2017, pp. 72–77. (in Russ.)
8. Evseyev S.P. Teoriya i organizatsiya adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kul’tury. V 2 tomakh. Т. 2: Soderzhaniye i metodiki adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kul’tury i kharakteristika eye osnovnykh vidov [Theory and Organization of Adaptive Physical Culture. In 2 vol. Vol. 2: The Content and Techniques of Adaptive Physical Culture and the Characteristics of Its Main Species]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2007, pp. 26–42.
9. Evseyeva O.E., Evseyev S.P. Tekhnologii fizkul’turno-sportivnoy deyatel’nosti v adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kul’ture [Technologies of Physical Culture and Sports in Adaptive Physical Culture]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2013. 388 p.
10. Zheleznyak Yu.D., Petrov P.K. Osnovy nauchno-metodicheskoy deyatel’nosti v fizicheskoy kul’ture i sporte: uchebnoye posobiye [Fundamentals of Scientific and Methodological Activities in Physical Culture and Sports]. Moscow, Academy Publ., 2013, pp. 146–149.
11. Landa B.Kh. Metodika kompleksnoy otsenki fizicheskogo razvitiya i fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti: uchebnoye posobiye [A Method for the Integrated Assessment of Physical Development and Physical Readiness]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2011. 348 p.
12. Lyakh V.I. Testy v fizicheskom vospitanii shkol’nikov: posobiye dlya uchitelya [Tests in the Physical Education of Schoolchildren]. Moscow, ACT Publ., 2013, pp. 56–58.
13. Mandrikov V.B., Mitsulina M.P. Metody otsenki fizicheskogo i funktsional’nogo sostoyaniya studentov spetsial’nogo uchebnogo otdeleniya: uchebno-metodicheskoye posobiye [Methods for Assessing the Physical and Functional State of Students of a Special Educational Department]. Volgograd, VolGU Publ., 2012. 48 p.
14. Revenko E.M., Zelova T.F., Krivoshchekova O.N. Otsenka fizicheskogo razvitiya i funktsional’noy podgotovlennosti cheloveka: metodicheskiye ukazaniya k vypolneniyu kontrol’noy raboty [Evaluation of Physical Development and Functional Readiness of a Person]. Omsk, SibADI Publ., 2015. 21 p.
15. Rezen’kova O.V., Shatalova I.E., Lukina L.B. Fizicheskaya kul’tura studentov spetsial’nykh meditsinskikh grupp: uchebnoye posobiye [Physical Culture of Students of Special Medical Groups]. 2nd ed. Kirov, MCNIP Publ., 2013. 192 p.
16. Ryzhkina L.A. Ozdorovitel’nyye tekhnologii v podgotovke studentov spetsial’noy meditsinskoy gruppy v vuze: uchebnoye posobiye [Improving Technologies in the Preparation of Students of a Special Medical Group in a University]. Ul’yanovsk, ULGT Publ., 2012. 103 p.
17. Seluyanov V.N., Sarsaniya S.K. [Principles of Building Strength Training]. Yubileynyy sbornik trudov uchenykh RGAFK, posvyashchennyy 80-letiyu akademii [Jubilee Collection of Works of Scientists RGAFK, Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of the Academy], 1998, vol. 2, pp. 39–49. (in Russ.)
18. Ashmarin B.A. Teoriya i metodika pedagogicheskikh issledovaniy v fizicheskom vospitanii (posobiye dlya studentov, aspirantov i prepod. in-tov fiz. kul’tury) [Theory and Methodology of Pedagogical Research in Physical Education]. Moscow, Physical Culture and Sport Publ., 1978. 223 p.
19. Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov V.S. Teoriya i metodika fizicheskogo vospitaniya i sporta: uchebnoye posobiye dlya vuzov [Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports]. Moscow, Akademy Publ., 2012. 480 p.
20. Shapkova L.B. Chastnyye metodiki adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kul’tury: uchebnoye posobiye [Private Methods of Adaptive Physical Culture]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2003. 464 p.
21. Booth M.L., Okely O.D., Chey T., Bauman A. The Reliability and Validity of the Physical Activity Guestions in the WHO Heolth Behaviour in Schoolchildren (HBSC) Surveg: a Population Study. Br. J. Sports. Med, 2001, pp. 263–267. DOI: 10.1136/bjsm.35.4.263
22. Moscovchenco O.N., Shubin D.A., Zakharova L.W. Social and Pedagogical Rehabilitation of Female Students with Disabilities. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2012, no. 5, pp. 1069–1082.
23. Cava G.L. The Role of Sport in Therapy. The Journal of Sports Medicine & Physical Fitness, 2006, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 57–60.
24. Karvonen M.G. Physical Activity and Health. Finnish Sports Exercise Medicine, 2005, vol. 2, pp. 4–9.
25. Simon S.R., Peters A.S., Christiansen C.L., Fletcher R.H. The Effect of Medical Student Teaching on Patient Satisfaction in a Managed Care Setting. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2008, vol. 15 (7), pp. 57–61.
2. Aristakesyan V.O., Mandrikov V.B., Mitsulina M.P. [Dynamics of Physical Readiness of Students with Combined Disorders of Musculoskeletal Functions]. Uchenyye zapiski universiteta imeni P.F. Lesgafta [Scientific Notes of the University Named after P.F. Lesgaft], 2015, no. 1 (119), pp. 21–25. (in Russ.)
3. Belykh E.V., Matveyeva T.V., Samarina Ya.V. [The Substantiation of an Estimation of Improving Influence of Employment by Aqua Aerobics on Students of Special Medical Group]. Izvestiya Tul’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Fizicheskaya kul’tura. Sport [Izvestiya of the Tula State University. Physical Culture. Sport], 2013, no. 3, pp. 3–8. (in Russ.)
4. Boloban V., Litvinenko Yu., Nizhnikovski T. [System Stabilography. Methodology and Methods for Measuring, Analyzing and Evaluating the Steadodynamic Stability of the Athlete's Body and the Body System]. Nauka v olimpiyskom sporte [Science in the Olympic Sport], 2012, no. 1, pp. 27–35. (in Russ.)
5. Verkhoshanskiy Yu.V. Osnovy spetsial’noy fizicheskoy podgotovki sportsmenov [Fundamentals of Special Physical Training of Athletes]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2014. 352 p.
6. Vinogradov I.G., Tokareva A.V. [Dynamics of the Distribution of First-Year Students by Training Groups for Physical Training on the Basis of Medical Indications]. Sovremennyye nauchnyye issledovaniya i innovatsii [Modern Scientific Research and Innovations], 2015, no. 9, ch. 2, pp. 32–49. (in Russ.)
7. Gorovoy V.A. [Approaches and Principles of Organization of Physical Recreation of Students]. Vestnik MGPU imeni I.P. Shemyakina [Herald of the Moscow State Pedagogical University Named after I.P. Shemyakin], 2017, pp. 72–77. (in Russ.)
8. Evseyev S.P. Teoriya i organizatsiya adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kul’tury. V 2 tomakh. Т. 2: Soderzhaniye i metodiki adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kul’tury i kharakteristika eye osnovnykh vidov [Theory and Organization of Adaptive Physical Culture. In 2 vol. Vol. 2: The Content and Techniques of Adaptive Physical Culture and the Characteristics of Its Main Species]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2007, pp. 26–42.
9. Evseyeva O.E., Evseyev S.P. Tekhnologii fizkul’turno-sportivnoy deyatel’nosti v adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kul’ture [Technologies of Physical Culture and Sports in Adaptive Physical Culture]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2013. 388 p.
10. Zheleznyak Yu.D., Petrov P.K. Osnovy nauchno-metodicheskoy deyatel’nosti v fizicheskoy kul’ture i sporte: uchebnoye posobiye [Fundamentals of Scientific and Methodological Activities in Physical Culture and Sports]. Moscow, Academy Publ., 2013, pp. 146–149.
11. Landa B.Kh. Metodika kompleksnoy otsenki fizicheskogo razvitiya i fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti: uchebnoye posobiye [A Method for the Integrated Assessment of Physical Development and Physical Readiness]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2011. 348 p.
12. Lyakh V.I. Testy v fizicheskom vospitanii shkol’nikov: posobiye dlya uchitelya [Tests in the Physical Education of Schoolchildren]. Moscow, ACT Publ., 2013, pp. 56–58.
13. Mandrikov V.B., Mitsulina M.P. Metody otsenki fizicheskogo i funktsional’nogo sostoyaniya studentov spetsial’nogo uchebnogo otdeleniya: uchebno-metodicheskoye posobiye [Methods for Assessing the Physical and Functional State of Students of a Special Educational Department]. Volgograd, VolGU Publ., 2012. 48 p.
14. Revenko E.M., Zelova T.F., Krivoshchekova O.N. Otsenka fizicheskogo razvitiya i funktsional’noy podgotovlennosti cheloveka: metodicheskiye ukazaniya k vypolneniyu kontrol’noy raboty [Evaluation of Physical Development and Functional Readiness of a Person]. Omsk, SibADI Publ., 2015. 21 p.
15. Rezen’kova O.V., Shatalova I.E., Lukina L.B. Fizicheskaya kul’tura studentov spetsial’nykh meditsinskikh grupp: uchebnoye posobiye [Physical Culture of Students of Special Medical Groups]. 2nd ed. Kirov, MCNIP Publ., 2013. 192 p.
16. Ryzhkina L.A. Ozdorovitel’nyye tekhnologii v podgotovke studentov spetsial’noy meditsinskoy gruppy v vuze: uchebnoye posobiye [Improving Technologies in the Preparation of Students of a Special Medical Group in a University]. Ul’yanovsk, ULGT Publ., 2012. 103 p.
17. Seluyanov V.N., Sarsaniya S.K. [Principles of Building Strength Training]. Yubileynyy sbornik trudov uchenykh RGAFK, posvyashchennyy 80-letiyu akademii [Jubilee Collection of Works of Scientists RGAFK, Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of the Academy], 1998, vol. 2, pp. 39–49. (in Russ.)
18. Ashmarin B.A. Teoriya i metodika pedagogicheskikh issledovaniy v fizicheskom vospitanii (posobiye dlya studentov, aspirantov i prepod. in-tov fiz. kul’tury) [Theory and Methodology of Pedagogical Research in Physical Education]. Moscow, Physical Culture and Sport Publ., 1978. 223 p.
19. Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov V.S. Teoriya i metodika fizicheskogo vospitaniya i sporta: uchebnoye posobiye dlya vuzov [Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports]. Moscow, Akademy Publ., 2012. 480 p.
20. Shapkova L.B. Chastnyye metodiki adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kul’tury: uchebnoye posobiye [Private Methods of Adaptive Physical Culture]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2003. 464 p.
21. Booth M.L., Okely O.D., Chey T., Bauman A. The Reliability and Validity of the Physical Activity Guestions in the WHO Heolth Behaviour in Schoolchildren (HBSC) Surveg: a Population Study. Br. J. Sports. Med, 2001, pp. 263–267. DOI: 10.1136/bjsm.35.4.263
22. Moscovchenco O.N., Shubin D.A., Zakharova L.W. Social and Pedagogical Rehabilitation of Female Students with Disabilities. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2012, no. 5, pp. 1069–1082.
23. Cava G.L. The Role of Sport in Therapy. The Journal of Sports Medicine & Physical Fitness, 2006, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 57–60.
24. Karvonen M.G. Physical Activity and Health. Finnish Sports Exercise Medicine, 2005, vol. 2, pp. 4–9.
25. Simon S.R., Peters A.S., Christiansen C.L., Fletcher R.H. The Effect of Medical Student Teaching on Patient Satisfaction in a Managed Care Setting. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2008, vol. 15 (7), pp. 57–61.
2. Aristakesyan V.O., Mandrikov V.B., Mitsulina M.P. [Dynamics of Physical Readiness of Students with Combined Disorders of Musculoskeletal Functions]. Uchenyye zapiski universiteta imeni P.F. Lesgafta [Scientific Notes of the University Named after P.F. Lesgaft], 2015, no. 1 (119), pp. 21–25. (in Russ.)
3. Belykh E.V., Matveyeva T.V., Samarina Ya.V. [The Substantiation of an Estimation of Improving Influence of Employment by Aqua Aerobics on Students of Special Medical Group]. Izvestiya Tul’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Fizicheskaya kul’tura. Sport [Izvestiya of the Tula State University. Physical Culture. Sport], 2013, no. 3, pp. 3–8. (in Russ.)
4. Boloban V., Litvinenko Yu., Nizhnikovski T. [System Stabilography. Methodology and Methods for Measuring, Analyzing and Evaluating the Steadodynamic Stability of the Athlete's Body and the Body System]. Nauka v olimpiyskom sporte [Science in the Olympic Sport], 2012, no. 1, pp. 27–35. (in Russ.)
5. Verkhoshanskiy Yu.V. Osnovy spetsial’noy fizicheskoy podgotovki sportsmenov [Fundamentals of Special Physical Training of Athletes]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2014. 352 p.
6. Vinogradov I.G., Tokareva A.V. [Dynamics of the Distribution of First-Year Students by Training Groups for Physical Training on the Basis of Medical Indications]. Sovremennyye nauchnyye issledovaniya i innovatsii [Modern Scientific Research and Innovations], 2015, no. 9, ch. 2, pp. 32–49. (in Russ.)
7. Gorovoy V.A. [Approaches and Principles of Organization of Physical Recreation of Students]. Vestnik MGPU imeni I.P. Shemyakina [Herald of the Moscow State Pedagogical University Named after I.P. Shemyakin], 2017, pp. 72–77. (in Russ.)
8. Evseyev S.P. Teoriya i organizatsiya adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kul’tury. V 2 tomakh. Т. 2: Soderzhaniye i metodiki adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kul’tury i kharakteristika eye osnovnykh vidov [Theory and Organization of Adaptive Physical Culture. In 2 vol. Vol. 2: The Content and Techniques of Adaptive Physical Culture and the Characteristics of Its Main Species]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2007, pp. 26–42.
9. Evseyeva O.E., Evseyev S.P. Tekhnologii fizkul’turno-sportivnoy deyatel’nosti v adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kul’ture [Technologies of Physical Culture and Sports in Adaptive Physical Culture]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2013. 388 p.
10. Zheleznyak Yu.D., Petrov P.K. Osnovy nauchno-metodicheskoy deyatel’nosti v fizicheskoy kul’ture i sporte: uchebnoye posobiye [Fundamentals of Scientific and Methodological Activities in Physical Culture and Sports]. Moscow, Academy Publ., 2013, pp. 146–149.
11. Landa B.Kh. Metodika kompleksnoy otsenki fizicheskogo razvitiya i fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti: uchebnoye posobiye [A Method for the Integrated Assessment of Physical Development and Physical Readiness]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2011. 348 p.
12. Lyakh V.I. Testy v fizicheskom vospitanii shkol’nikov: posobiye dlya uchitelya [Tests in the Physical Education of Schoolchildren]. Moscow, ACT Publ., 2013, pp. 56–58.
13. Mandrikov V.B., Mitsulina M.P. Metody otsenki fizicheskogo i funktsional’nogo sostoyaniya studentov spetsial’nogo uchebnogo otdeleniya: uchebno-metodicheskoye posobiye [Methods for Assessing the Physical and Functional State of Students of a Special Educational Department]. Volgograd, VolGU Publ., 2012. 48 p.
14. Revenko E.M., Zelova T.F., Krivoshchekova O.N. Otsenka fizicheskogo razvitiya i funktsional’noy podgotovlennosti cheloveka: metodicheskiye ukazaniya k vypolneniyu kontrol’noy raboty [Evaluation of Physical Development and Functional Readiness of a Person]. Omsk, SibADI Publ., 2015. 21 p.
15. Rezen’kova O.V., Shatalova I.E., Lukina L.B. Fizicheskaya kul’tura studentov spetsial’nykh meditsinskikh grupp: uchebnoye posobiye [Physical Culture of Students of Special Medical Groups]. 2nd ed. Kirov, MCNIP Publ., 2013. 192 p.
16. Ryzhkina L.A. Ozdorovitel’nyye tekhnologii v podgotovke studentov spetsial’noy meditsinskoy gruppy v vuze: uchebnoye posobiye [Improving Technologies in the Preparation of Students of a Special Medical Group in a University]. Ul’yanovsk, ULGT Publ., 2012. 103 p.
17. Seluyanov V.N., Sarsaniya S.K. [Principles of Building Strength Training]. Yubileynyy sbornik trudov uchenykh RGAFK, posvyashchennyy 80-letiyu akademii [Jubilee Collection of Works of Scientists RGAFK, Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of the Academy], 1998, vol. 2, pp. 39–49. (in Russ.)
18. Ashmarin B.A. Teoriya i metodika pedagogicheskikh issledovaniy v fizicheskom vospitanii (posobiye dlya studentov, aspirantov i prepod. in-tov fiz. kul’tury) [Theory and Methodology of Pedagogical Research in Physical Education]. Moscow, Physical Culture and Sport Publ., 1978. 223 p.
19. Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov V.S. Teoriya i metodika fizicheskogo vospitaniya i sporta: uchebnoye posobiye dlya vuzov [Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports]. Moscow, Akademy Publ., 2012. 480 p.
20. Shapkova L.B. Chastnyye metodiki adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kul’tury: uchebnoye posobiye [Private Methods of Adaptive Physical Culture]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2003. 464 p.
21. Booth M.L., Okely O.D., Chey T., Bauman A. The Reliability and Validity of the Physical Activity Guestions in the WHO Heolth Behaviour in Schoolchildren (HBSC) Surveg: a Population Study. Br. J. Sports. Med, 2001, pp. 263–267. DOI: 10.1136/bjsm.35.4.263
22. Moscovchenco O.N., Shubin D.A., Zakharova L.W. Social and Pedagogical Rehabilitation of Female Students with Disabilities. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences, 2012, no. 5, pp. 1069–1082.
23. Cava G.L. The Role of Sport in Therapy. The Journal of Sports Medicine & Physical Fitness, 2006, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 57–60.
24. Karvonen M.G. Physical Activity and Health. Finnish Sports Exercise Medicine, 2005, vol. 2, pp. 4–9.
25. Simon S.R., Peters A.S., Christiansen C.L., Fletcher R.H. The Effect of Medical Student Teaching on Patient Satisfaction in a Managed Care Setting. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 2008, vol. 15 (7), pp. 57–61.
References on translit
1. Adushkina E.A. [Peculiarities of Occupations of Students of Special Medical Groups in the System of Physical Education of the University on the Example of the Kostanay Branch of the FSBEI HPE ChelSU]. Sovremennyye nauchnyye issledovaniya i innovatsii [Modern Scientific Research and Innovations], 2014, no. 2. Available at: (accessed: 19.11.2016).2. Aristakesyan V.O., Mandrikov V.B., Mitsulina M.P. [Dynamics of Physical Readiness of Students with Combined Disorders of Musculoskeletal Functions]. Uchenyye zapiski universiteta imeni P.F. Lesgafta [Scientific Notes of the University Named after P.F. Lesgaft], 2015, no. 1 (119), pp. 21–25. (in Russ.)
3. Belykh E.V., Matveyeva T.V., Samarina Ya.V. [The Substantiation of an Estimation of Improving Influence of Employment by Aqua Aerobics on Students of Special Medical Group]. Izvestiya Tul’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Fizicheskaya kul’tura. Sport [Izvestiya of the Tula State University. Physical Culture. Sport], 2013, no. 3, pp. 3–8. (in Russ.)
4. Boloban V., Litvinenko Yu., Nizhnikovski T. [System Stabilography. Methodology and Methods for Measuring, Analyzing and Evaluating the Steadodynamic Stability of the Athlete's Body and the Body System]. Nauka v olimpiyskom sporte [Science in the Olympic Sport], 2012, no. 1, pp. 27–35. (in Russ.)
5. Verkhoshanskiy Yu.V. Osnovy spetsial’noy fizicheskoy podgotovki sportsmenov [Fundamentals of Special Physical Training of Athletes]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2014. 352 p.
6. Vinogradov I.G., Tokareva A.V. [Dynamics of the Distribution of First-Year Students by Training Groups for Physical Training on the Basis of Medical Indications]. Sovremennyye nauchnyye issledovaniya i innovatsii [Modern Scientific Research and Innovations], 2015, no. 9, ch. 2, pp. 32–49. (in Russ.)
7. Gorovoy V.A. [Approaches and Principles of Organization of Physical Recreation of Students]. Vestnik MGPU imeni I.P. Shemyakina [Herald of the Moscow State Pedagogical University Named after I.P. Shemyakin], 2017, pp. 72–77. (in Russ.)
8. Evseyev S.P. Teoriya i organizatsiya adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kul’tury. V 2 tomakh. Т. 2: Soderzhaniye i metodiki adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kul’tury i kharakteristika eye osnovnykh vidov [Theory and Organization of Adaptive Physical Culture. In 2 vol. Vol. 2: The Content and Techniques of Adaptive Physical Culture and the Characteristics of Its Main Species]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2007, pp. 26–42.
9. Evseyeva O.E., Evseyev S.P. Tekhnologii fizkul’turno-sportivnoy deyatel’nosti v adaptivnoy fizicheskoy kul’ture [Technologies of Physical Culture and Sports in Adaptive Physical Culture]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2013. 388 p.
10. Zheleznyak Yu.D., Petrov P.K. Osnovy nauchno-metodicheskoy deyatel’nosti v fizicheskoy kul’ture i sporte: uchebnoye posobiye [Fundamentals of Scientific and Methodological Activities in Physical Culture and Sports]. Moscow, Academy Publ., 2013, pp. 146–149.
11. Landa B.Kh. Metodika kompleksnoy otsenki fizicheskogo razvitiya i fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti: uchebnoye posobiye [A Method for the Integrated Assessment of Physical Development and Physical Readiness]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2011. 348 p.
12. Lyakh V.I. Testy v fizicheskom vospitanii shkol’nikov: posobiye dlya uchitelya [Tests in the Physical Education of Schoolchildren]. Moscow, ACT Publ., 2013, pp. 56–58.
13. Mandrikov V.B., Mitsulina M.P. Metody otsenki fizicheskogo i funktsional’nogo sostoyaniya studentov spetsial’nogo uchebnogo otdeleniya: uchebno-metodicheskoye posobiye [Methods for Assessing the Physical and Functional State of Students of a Special Educational Department]. Volgograd, VolGU Publ., 2012. 48 p.
14. Revenko E.M., Zelova T.F., Krivoshchekova O.N. Otsenka fizicheskogo razvitiya i funktsional’noy podgotovlennosti cheloveka: metodicheskiye ukazaniya k vypolneniyu kontrol’noy raboty [Evaluation of Physical Development and Functional Readiness of a Person]. Omsk, SibADI Publ., 2015. 21 p.
15. Rezen’kova O.V., Shatalova I.E., Lukina L.B. Fizicheskaya kul’tura studentov spetsial’nykh meditsinskikh grupp: uchebnoye posobiye [Physical Culture of Students of Special Medical Groups]. 2nd ed. Kirov, MCNIP Publ., 2013. 192 p.
16. Ryzhkina L.A. Ozdorovitel’nyye tekhnologii v podgotovke studentov spetsial’noy meditsinskoy gruppy v vuze: uchebnoye posobiye [Improving Technologies in the Preparation of Students of a Special Medical Group in a University]. Ul’yanovsk, ULGT Publ., 2012. 103 p.
17. Seluyanov V.N., Sarsaniya S.K. [Principles of Building Strength Training]. Yubileynyy sbornik trudov uchenykh RGAFK, posvyashchennyy 80-letiyu akademii [Jubilee Collection of Works of Scientists RGAFK, Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of the Academy], 1998, vol. 2, pp. 39–49. (in Russ.)
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How to Cite
Poperekov, V., Buldakova, N., Bandakov, M., Suetina, K., & Ovsyannikova, E. (2018). APPLICATION OF STATIC AND DYNAMIC EXPERIMENTAL EXERCISES DURING PE LESSONS WITH STUDENTS FROM SPECIAL MEDICAL GROUPS. Human. Sport. Medicine, 18(3), 120-134.
Rehabilitation and sports medicine
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