Tourists, rafting, psychoemotional condition, fatigue
Aim. To study psychoemotional condition of tourists during their rafting on the Ay River. Materials and Methods. We analyzed psychophysiological condition of subjects during their 3-day rafting on the Ay River in the periods of physical load and rest. We used Wessman and Ricks' method and HADS scale to analyze psychoemotional condition of tourists during their whitewater rafting tour. We took blood pressure and measured heart rate in tourists at different stages of the tour. Results. During the tour, positive changes in blood pressure and heart rate as well as psychoemotional condition of tourists were observed. Conclusion. To improve the health-promoting effects of tourism it is necessary to study and justify the recommendable range of physical and psychoemotional loads based on the analysis of changes in psychophysiological functional and levels of fatigue.References
1. Akudovich Yu.V. [Definition and Development of Physical Conditions of the Tourist. Progressive Technological Processes and Methods of Service in Tourism and Excursions]. Byulleten' nauchnotekhnicheskoy informatsii [Bulletin of Scientific and Technical Information], 2012, pp. 28–34. (in Russ.)
2. Andyukov A.V. [The Role of Tourism in the Physical Education System]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2003, no. 6, pp. 25–27. (in Russ.)
3. Belyakova I.V., Pavlov E.A. [Diagnosis of Athlete's Readiness for Competitive Activities in Sports Tourism]. Materialy Vserossiyskiy konferentsii Puti razvitiya i sovershenstvovaniya detskogo yunosheskogo, molodezhnogo i sportivno-ozdorovitel'nogo turizma [Materials of the All–Russian Conference Ways of Development and Improvement of Children's Youth, Youth and Sports and Health Tourism], 2010, pp. 37–40. (in Russ.)
4. Golovanov V.P. [Pedagogical Potential of Children's and Youth Tourism]. Teoriya i praktika dopolnitel'nogo obrazovaniya [Theory and Practice of Additional Education], 2010, no. 9, pp. 8–10. (in Russ.)
5. Karelin A. Bol'shaya entsiklopediya psikhologicheskikh testov [A Large Encyclopedia of Psychological Tests]. Moscow, Eksmo Publ., 2007. 416 p.
6. Konstantinov Yu.S. [Children's and Youth Tourism, its Mission and Pedagogical Essence. Children and Youth Tourism and Local History of Russia]. Nauchno-metodicheskiy zhurnal [Scientific and Methodical Journal], 2014, no. 3 (78), pp. 6–13. (in Russ.)
7. Kostrub A.A., Nikishin L.F. Turizm i zdorov'e [Tourism and Health]. Kiev, Health Publ., 2012. 278 p.
8. Mandrikov V.B., Aristakesyan V.O., Mitsulina M.P. Innovatsionnye podkhody v profilaktike i korrektsii narusheniy oporno-dvigatel'nogo apparata [Innovative Approaches in the Prevention and Correction of Musculoskeletal Disorders]. Volgograd, VolgGMU Publ., 2014. 400 p.
9. Marshak M.E. Regulyatsiya dykhaniya u cheloveka. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR [Regulation of Respiration in Humans. Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR]. Moscow, Medgiz Publ., 1961. 266 p.
10. Sirotinin N.N. Sravnitel'naya fiziologiya akklimatizatsii k vysokogornomu klimatu [Comparative Physiology of Acclimatization to Alpine Climate]. Kiev, Health Publ., 2013. 306 p.
11. Feschieva M., Minkov P. [Married, Healthy, Tourism. Tourism is an Important Means for the Promotion of Physical Fitness, Healthy and Communicative Life on the Person]. Nauchno-prakticheska konferentsiya [Scientific and Practical Conference], 1984, pp. 24–31. (in Russ.)
12. Richard D., Birrer R. Exercise Stress Testing II J. Farm. Pract., 1988, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 425–435.
13. Hoppeler H., Keller U., Conley K., Linstedt S. Endurance Training in Humans: Aerobic Capacity and Structure of Skeletal Muskls. J. Appl. Phisiol., 1985, vol. 59, no. 22, pp. 320 327.
14. Hughes J. Physiological Effects of Habitual Aerobic Exercise: a Critical Review. Prevent. Med., 1984, vol. 13, pp. 66–78. DOI: 10.1016/0091-7435(84)90041-0
2. Andyukov A.V. [The Role of Tourism in the Physical Education System]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2003, no. 6, pp. 25–27. (in Russ.)
3. Belyakova I.V., Pavlov E.A. [Diagnosis of Athlete's Readiness for Competitive Activities in Sports Tourism]. Materialy Vserossiyskiy konferentsii Puti razvitiya i sovershenstvovaniya detskogo yunosheskogo, molodezhnogo i sportivno-ozdorovitel'nogo turizma [Materials of the All–Russian Conference Ways of Development and Improvement of Children's Youth, Youth and Sports and Health Tourism], 2010, pp. 37–40. (in Russ.)
4. Golovanov V.P. [Pedagogical Potential of Children's and Youth Tourism]. Teoriya i praktika dopolnitel'nogo obrazovaniya [Theory and Practice of Additional Education], 2010, no. 9, pp. 8–10. (in Russ.)
5. Karelin A. Bol'shaya entsiklopediya psikhologicheskikh testov [A Large Encyclopedia of Psychological Tests]. Moscow, Eksmo Publ., 2007. 416 p.
6. Konstantinov Yu.S. [Children's and Youth Tourism, its Mission and Pedagogical Essence. Children and Youth Tourism and Local History of Russia]. Nauchno-metodicheskiy zhurnal [Scientific and Methodical Journal], 2014, no. 3 (78), pp. 6–13. (in Russ.)
7. Kostrub A.A., Nikishin L.F. Turizm i zdorov'e [Tourism and Health]. Kiev, Health Publ., 2012. 278 p.
8. Mandrikov V.B., Aristakesyan V.O., Mitsulina M.P. Innovatsionnye podkhody v profilaktike i korrektsii narusheniy oporno-dvigatel'nogo apparata [Innovative Approaches in the Prevention and Correction of Musculoskeletal Disorders]. Volgograd, VolgGMU Publ., 2014. 400 p.
9. Marshak M.E. Regulyatsiya dykhaniya u cheloveka. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR [Regulation of Respiration in Humans. Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR]. Moscow, Medgiz Publ., 1961. 266 p.
10. Sirotinin N.N. Sravnitel'naya fiziologiya akklimatizatsii k vysokogornomu klimatu [Comparative Physiology of Acclimatization to Alpine Climate]. Kiev, Health Publ., 2013. 306 p.
11. Feschieva M., Minkov P. [Married, Healthy, Tourism. Tourism is an Important Means for the Promotion of Physical Fitness, Healthy and Communicative Life on the Person]. Nauchno-prakticheska konferentsiya [Scientific and Practical Conference], 1984, pp. 24–31. (in Russ.)
12. Richard D., Birrer R. Exercise Stress Testing II J. Farm. Pract., 1988, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 425–435.
13. Hoppeler H., Keller U., Conley K., Linstedt S. Endurance Training in Humans: Aerobic Capacity and Structure of Skeletal Muskls. J. Appl. Phisiol., 1985, vol. 59, no. 22, pp. 320 327.
14. Hughes J. Physiological Effects of Habitual Aerobic Exercise: a Critical Review. Prevent. Med., 1984, vol. 13, pp. 66–78. DOI: 10.1016/0091-7435(84)90041-0
2. Andyukov A.V. [The Role of Tourism in the Physical Education System]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2003, no. 6, pp. 25–27. (in Russ.)
3. Belyakova I.V., Pavlov E.A. [Diagnosis of Athlete's Readiness for Competitive Activities in Sports Tourism]. Materialy Vserossiyskiy konferentsii Puti razvitiya i sovershenstvovaniya detskogo yunosheskogo, molodezhnogo i sportivno-ozdorovitel'nogo turizma [Materials of the All–Russian Conference Ways of Development and Improvement of Children's Youth, Youth and Sports and Health Tourism], 2010, pp. 37–40. (in Russ.)
4. Golovanov V.P. [Pedagogical Potential of Children's and Youth Tourism]. Teoriya i praktika dopolnitel'nogo obrazovaniya [Theory and Practice of Additional Education], 2010, no. 9, pp. 8–10. (in Russ.)
5. Karelin A. Bol'shaya entsiklopediya psikhologicheskikh testov [A Large Encyclopedia of Psychological Tests]. Moscow, Eksmo Publ., 2007. 416 p.
6. Konstantinov Yu.S. [Children's and Youth Tourism, its Mission and Pedagogical Essence. Children and Youth Tourism and Local History of Russia]. Nauchno-metodicheskiy zhurnal [Scientific and Methodical Journal], 2014, no. 3 (78), pp. 6–13. (in Russ.)
7. Kostrub A.A., Nikishin L.F. Turizm i zdorov'e [Tourism and Health]. Kiev, Health Publ., 2012. 278 p.
8. Mandrikov V.B., Aristakesyan V.O., Mitsulina M.P. Innovatsionnye podkhody v profilaktike i korrektsii narusheniy oporno-dvigatel'nogo apparata [Innovative Approaches in the Prevention and Correction of Musculoskeletal Disorders]. Volgograd, VolgGMU Publ., 2014. 400 p.
9. Marshak M.E. Regulyatsiya dykhaniya u cheloveka. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR [Regulation of Respiration in Humans. Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR]. Moscow, Medgiz Publ., 1961. 266 p.
10. Sirotinin N.N. Sravnitel'naya fiziologiya akklimatizatsii k vysokogornomu klimatu [Comparative Physiology of Acclimatization to Alpine Climate]. Kiev, Health Publ., 2013. 306 p.
11. Feschieva M., Minkov P. [Married, Healthy, Tourism. Tourism is an Important Means for the Promotion of Physical Fitness, Healthy and Communicative Life on the Person]. Nauchno-prakticheska konferentsiya [Scientific and Practical Conference], 1984, pp. 24–31. (in Russ.)
12. Richard D., Birrer R. Exercise Stress Testing II J. Farm. Pract., 1988, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 425–435.
13. Hoppeler H., Keller U., Conley K., Linstedt S. Endurance Training in Humans: Aerobic Capacity and Structure of Skeletal Muskls. J. Appl. Phisiol., 1985, vol. 59, no. 22, pp. 320 327.
14. Hughes J. Physiological Effects of Habitual Aerobic Exercise: a Critical Review. Prevent. Med., 1984, vol. 13, pp. 66–78. DOI: 10.1016/0091-7435(84)90041-0
References on translit
1. Akudovich Yu.V. [Definition and Development of Physical Conditions of the Tourist. Progressive Technological Processes and Methods of Service in Tourism and Excursions]. Byulleten' nauchnotekhnicheskoy informatsii [Bulletin of Scientific and Technical Information], 2012, pp. 28–34. (in Russ.)2. Andyukov A.V. [The Role of Tourism in the Physical Education System]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2003, no. 6, pp. 25–27. (in Russ.)
3. Belyakova I.V., Pavlov E.A. [Diagnosis of Athlete's Readiness for Competitive Activities in Sports Tourism]. Materialy Vserossiyskiy konferentsii Puti razvitiya i sovershenstvovaniya detskogo yunosheskogo, molodezhnogo i sportivno-ozdorovitel'nogo turizma [Materials of the All–Russian Conference Ways of Development and Improvement of Children's Youth, Youth and Sports and Health Tourism], 2010, pp. 37–40. (in Russ.)
4. Golovanov V.P. [Pedagogical Potential of Children's and Youth Tourism]. Teoriya i praktika dopolnitel'nogo obrazovaniya [Theory and Practice of Additional Education], 2010, no. 9, pp. 8–10. (in Russ.)
5. Karelin A. Bol'shaya entsiklopediya psikhologicheskikh testov [A Large Encyclopedia of Psychological Tests]. Moscow, Eksmo Publ., 2007. 416 p.
6. Konstantinov Yu.S. [Children's and Youth Tourism, its Mission and Pedagogical Essence. Children and Youth Tourism and Local History of Russia]. Nauchno-metodicheskiy zhurnal [Scientific and Methodical Journal], 2014, no. 3 (78), pp. 6–13. (in Russ.)
7. Kostrub A.A., Nikishin L.F. Turizm i zdorov'e [Tourism and Health]. Kiev, Health Publ., 2012. 278 p.
8. Mandrikov V.B., Aristakesyan V.O., Mitsulina M.P. Innovatsionnye podkhody v profilaktike i korrektsii narusheniy oporno-dvigatel'nogo apparata [Innovative Approaches in the Prevention and Correction of Musculoskeletal Disorders]. Volgograd, VolgGMU Publ., 2014. 400 p.
9. Marshak M.E. Regulyatsiya dykhaniya u cheloveka. Akademiya meditsinskikh nauk SSSR [Regulation of Respiration in Humans. Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR]. Moscow, Medgiz Publ., 1961. 266 p.
10. Sirotinin N.N. Sravnitel'naya fiziologiya akklimatizatsii k vysokogornomu klimatu [Comparative Physiology of Acclimatization to Alpine Climate]. Kiev, Health Publ., 2013. 306 p.
11. Feschieva M., Minkov P. [Married, Healthy, Tourism. Tourism is an Important Means for the Promotion of Physical Fitness, Healthy and Communicative Life on the Person]. Nauchno-prakticheska konferentsiya [Scientific and Practical Conference], 1984, pp. 24–31. (in Russ.)
12. Richard D., Birrer R. Exercise Stress Testing II J. Farm. Pract., 1988, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 425–435.
13. Hoppeler H., Keller U., Conley K., Linstedt S. Endurance Training in Humans: Aerobic Capacity and Structure of Skeletal Muskls. J. Appl. Phisiol., 1985, vol. 59, no. 22, pp. 320 327.
14. Hughes J. Physiological Effects of Habitual Aerobic Exercise: a Critical Review. Prevent. Med., 1984, vol. 13, pp. 66–78. DOI: 10.1016/0091-7435(84)90041-0
How to Cite
Popova, T. (2017). EFFECTS OF WATER TOURISM ON PSYCHOPHYSICAL CONDITION. Human. Sport. Medicine, 17(3), 18-24. https://doi.org/10.14529/hsm170302
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