Aim. This paper aims to identify the effects of a modular, professionally-oriented physical education program on students’ physical fitness. Materials and methods. The study was conducted at Zabaikalsky State University during the 2022/2023 academic year. Eighty students were assigned either to a control group (CG, n = 40) or an experimental group (EG, n = 40). The CG received traditional training sessions focusing on general physical qualities and motor abilities. The EG participated in a modular program tailored to professionally-oriented enhancement and maintenance of physical qualities and motor abilities. Physical fitness levels were evaluated using standardized tests. Statistical analysis was performed using appropriate tests. The authors provide a methodological and theoretical analysis of existing literature. Results. The results obtained suggest that a modular, professionally-oriented approach to physical education can lead to more substantial improvements in physical fitness among students. Specifically, the mean improvement in physical fitness scores ranged from 5.78% to 12.46% for the EG and from 4.23% to 7.14% for the CG. Conclusion. Implementing a modular, professionally-oriented physical education program can promote progressive development and better maintenance of students’ general endurance, flexibility, strength, speed-strength, and coordination abilities.
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