Aim. To study methodological aspects of modern nutritional science considering healthy diet, health promotion and maintenance of working capacity. Materials and Methods. Scientific methodological analysis of aspects of modern nutritional science considering healthy diet, health promotion and maintenance of working capacity. Results. The research determined the following priorities of nutritional science: prevention of common nutritional diseases using specialized foods with different functionality including dietary supplements; individualized diet; energetic aspects of ontogenesis considering the structure of modern nutrition and its effect on metabolic functions of the body; safety of alimentary raw materials and foods; understanding of mechanisms of optimal pre- and postnatal development. Conclusion. Special focus is set on new fields of nutritional science – genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics – aimed to provide the understanding of mechanisms associated with influence of nutrition on correction of metabolic processes within ontogenesis.References
1. Vasil'ev A.V., Sharanova N.E. [Nutrimetabolomika – A New Stage in the Development of Food Biochemistry. The Role of Research Nutriproteomnyh]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition], 2013, vol. 82, no. 5, pp. 4–9. (in Russ.)
2. Vasil'ev A.V., Sharanova N.E., Kulakova S.N. [Nutrimetabolomika – A New Stage in the Development of Food Biochemistry. The Role of Research Nutrilipidomnyh]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition], 2014, vol. 83, no. 1, pp. 4–11. (in Russ.)
3. Vtoroy plan deystviy v oblasti pishchevykh produktov i pitaniya dlya Evropeyskogo regiona VOZ na 2007–2012 gg. [The Second Action Plan for Food and Nutrition Policy for the WHO European Region by 2007–2012 years]. Copenhagen, Evropeyskoe regional'noe byuro VOZ [WHO Regional Office for Europe], 2007. 24 p.
4. Gerasimenko N.F., Poznyakovskiy V.M., Chelnakova N.G. [A Healthy Diet and Its Role in Ensuring the Quality of Life]. Tekhnologii pishchevoy i pererabatyvayushchey promyshlennosti APK – produkty zdorovogo pitaniya [Technology of Food Processing Industry Agro-ndustrial Complex - Healthy Food], 2016, no. 4 (12), pp. 52–57. (in Russ.)
5. Global'naya strategiya VOZ v oblasti bezopasnosti pishchevykh produktov [The WHO Global Strategy for Food Safety]. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2002. 35 p.
6. Zhminchenko V.M., Gapparov M.G. [Current Research Trends in Nutrition and Food Hygiene]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition], 2015, vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 5–13. (in Russ.)
7. Kirbaeva N.V., Sharanova N.E., Pertsov S.S. [Pepper Methods Nutrimetabolomnyh and Proteomic Research in the Biochemistry of Food]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition], 2014, vol. 83, no. 2, pp. 4–15. (in Russ.)
8. Pavlov I.P. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy. Nobelevskaya rech', proiznesennaya 12 dekabrya 1904 g. V Stokgol'me [Full Composition of Writings. Nobel Speech Delivered December 12, 1904 in Stockholm]. Moscow; Leningrad, AN SSSR Publ., 1951. Vol. 2, pp. 347–366.
9. Pokrovskiy V.I., Romanenko G.A., Knyazhev V.A., Gerasemenko N.F., Onishchenko G.G., Tutel'yan V.A., Poznyakovskiy V.M. Politika zdorovogo pitaniya. Federal'nyy i regional'nyy urovni [The Policy of Healthy Nutrition. Federal and Regional Levels]. Novosibirsk, Siberian Federal University Publ., 2002. 344 p.
10. Postanovlenie Glavnogo Gosudarstvennogo vracha Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 14 iyunya 2013 g., № 31, g. Moskva “O merakh po profilaktike zabolevaniy, obuslovlennykh defitsitom mikroelementov, razvitiyu proizvodstva pishchevykh produktov funktsional'nogo i spetsial'nogo naznacheniy” [Resolution of the Chief Medical Officer of the Russian Federation dated 14 June 2013, no. 31, Moscow. On Measures for the Prevention of Diseases Caused by Micronutrient Deficiencies, the Development of Functional Food Production and Special Purpose].
11. Prognoz nauchno-tekhnologicheskogo razvitiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii do 2030 goda [Forecast of Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation Until 2030]. Moscow, 2013. 72 p.
12. Onishchenko G.G., Tutel'yan V.A., Gmoshinskiy I.V., Khotimchenko S.A. [Development of the Safety System of Evaluation and Control of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology in the Russian Federation]. Gigiena i sanitariya [Hygiene and Sanitation], 2013, no. 1, pp. 4–11. (in Russ.)
13. Rasporyazhenie Pravitel'stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 25.10.10 goda № 559-r “Osnovy gosudarstvennoy politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii v oblasti zdorovogo pitaniya naseleniya na period do 2020 goda” [Order of the Russian Government dated 25.10.10 no. 559-r. The Principles of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Field of Healthy Nutrition for the Period Till 2020].
14. Rasporyazhenie Pravitel'stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 17.04.12 goda № 559-r “Strategiya razvitiya pishchevoy i pererabatyvayushchey promyshlennosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii do 2020 goda” [Order of the Russian Government dated 17.04.12 no. 559-r. The Strategy for the Development of Food and Processing Industry of the Russian Federation Until 2020].
15. Spirichev V.B., Shatnyuk L.N., Poznyakovskiy V.M. Obogashchenie pishchevykh produktov vitaminami i mineral'nymi veshchestvami. Nauka i tekhnologiya [Food Fortification with Vitamins and Minerals. Science and Technology]. 2nd ed. Novosibirsk, Siberian Federal University Publ., 2005. 548 p.
16. Tutel'yan V.A., Poznyakovskiy V.M. [Current State and Prospects of Development of the Science of Nutrition]. Sovremennye prioritety pitaniya, pishchevoy promyshlennosti i torgovli: sb. nauchn. trudov, posvyashchennykh yubileyu kafedry biotekhnologii, tovarovedeniya i upravleniya kachestvom [Current Priorities are Food, the Food Industry and Trade. Sat. Scien. Works Devoted to the Anniversary of the Department of Biotechnology, Merchandising and Quality Control], 2006, pp. 5–10. (in Russ.)
17. Tutel'yan V.A., Smirnova E.A., Nechaeva A.P. [The Role of Food Micro-Ingredients in the Creation of Modern Power]. Pishchevye ingredienty v sozdanii sovremennykh produktov pitaniya [Food Ingredients to Create Modern Food], 2014, pp. 10–24. (in Russ.)
18. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii V.V. Putina “O sovershenstvovanii gosu-darstvennoy politiki v sfere zdravookhraneniya” [Ukaz Russian President Vladimir Putin. On Improvement of Public Health Policy, 2011].
19. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 01.12.2016 № 642 “O Strategii nauchno-tekhnologicheskogo razvitiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii” [Presidential Decree of 01.12.2016 no. 642. On the Strategy of the Russian Federation Scientific and Technological Development.
20. Chelnakova N.G., Poznyakovskiy V.M. Pitanie i zdorov'e sovremennogo cheloveka [Nutrition and Health of Modern Man]. Rostov-na-Donu, Old Russian Publ., 2015. 224 p.
21. Chereshnev V.A., Poznyakovskiy V.M. [Food Security. National and International Perspectives]. Industriya pitaniya [Industry Food], 2016, pp. 6–14. (in Russ.)
22. Word Health Statistics, Word Health Organization, 2012.
23. Allen L., de Benoist B., Dary O., Hurrell R. Guidelines on Food Fortification with Micronutrients. Part I. The Role of Food Fortification in the Control of Micronutrient Malnutrition. World Health Organization, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nation, 2006. 341 p.
24. Ray J.G., Meier C., Vermeulen M.J. Association of Neural Tube Defects and Folic Acid Food Fortification in Canada. Lancet, 2002, vol. 360 (9350), pp. 2047–2048. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(02)11994-5
25. Persad V.L., Van den Hof M.C., Dube J.N. Incidence of Open Neural Tube Defects in Nova Scotia After Folic Acid Fortification. CMAJ, 2002, vol. 167 (3), pp. 241–245.
26. De Wals P., Rusen I.D., Lee N.S. Trend in Prevalence of Neural Tube Defects in Quebec. Birth Defects Res A ClinMolTeratol., 2003, vol. 67 (11), pp. 919–923. DOI: 10.1002/bdra.10124
27. Liu S. A Comprehensive Evaluation of Food Fortification with Folic Acid for the Primary Prevention of Neural Tube Defects. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 2004, vol. 4 (1), p. 20.
28. Lopez-Camelo J.S. Reduction of Birth Prevalence Rates of Neural Tube Defects After Folic Acid Fortification in Chine. Am J Med Genet A, 2005, vol. 135(2), pp. 120–125. DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.a.30651
29. Czeizel A.E. Folic Acid and the Prevention of Neural-Tube Defects. New England Journal of Medicine, 2004, vol. 350, pp. 2209–2211. DOI: 10.1056/NEJM200405203502120
30. Abdollahi Z., Elmadfa I., Djazayery A. Efficacy of Flour Fortification with Folic Acid in Women of Childbearing Age in Iran. Ann NutrMetab., 2011, vol. 58 (3), pp. 188–196. DOI: 10.1159/000329726
2. Vasil'ev A.V., Sharanova N.E., Kulakova S.N. [Nutrimetabolomika – A New Stage in the Development of Food Biochemistry. The Role of Research Nutrilipidomnyh]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition], 2014, vol. 83, no. 1, pp. 4–11. (in Russ.)
3. Vtoroy plan deystviy v oblasti pishchevykh produktov i pitaniya dlya Evropeyskogo regiona VOZ na 2007–2012 gg. [The Second Action Plan for Food and Nutrition Policy for the WHO European Region by 2007–2012 years]. Copenhagen, Evropeyskoe regional'noe byuro VOZ [WHO Regional Office for Europe], 2007. 24 p.
4. Gerasimenko N.F., Poznyakovskiy V.M., Chelnakova N.G. [A Healthy Diet and Its Role in Ensuring the Quality of Life]. Tekhnologii pishchevoy i pererabatyvayushchey promyshlennosti APK – produkty zdorovogo pitaniya [Technology of Food Processing Industry Agro-ndustrial Complex - Healthy Food], 2016, no. 4 (12), pp. 52–57. (in Russ.)
5. Global'naya strategiya VOZ v oblasti bezopasnosti pishchevykh produktov [The WHO Global Strategy for Food Safety]. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2002. 35 p.
6. Zhminchenko V.M., Gapparov M.G. [Current Research Trends in Nutrition and Food Hygiene]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition], 2015, vol. 84, no. 1, pp. 5–13. (in Russ.)
7. Kirbaeva N.V., Sharanova N.E., Pertsov S.S. [Pepper Methods Nutrimetabolomnyh and Proteomic Research in the Biochemistry of Food]. Voprosy pitaniya [Nutrition], 2014, vol. 83, no. 2, pp. 4–15. (in Russ.)
8. Pavlov I.P. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy. Nobelevskaya rech', proiznesennaya 12 dekabrya 1904 g. V Stokgol'me [Full Composition of Writings. Nobel Speech Delivered December 12, 1904 in Stockholm]. Moscow; Leningrad, AN SSSR Publ., 1951. Vol. 2, pp. 347–366.
9. Pokrovskiy V.I., Romanenko G.A., Knyazhev V.A., Gerasemenko N.F., Onishchenko G.G., Tutel'yan V.A., Poznyakovskiy V.M. Politika zdorovogo pitaniya. Federal'nyy i regional'nyy urovni [The Policy of Healthy Nutrition. Federal and Regional Levels]. Novosibirsk, Siberian Federal University Publ., 2002. 344 p.
10. Postanovlenie Glavnogo Gosudarstvennogo vracha Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 14 iyunya 2013 g., № 31, g. Moskva “O merakh po profilaktike zabolevaniy, obuslovlennykh defitsitom mikroelementov, razvitiyu proizvodstva pishchevykh produktov funktsional'nogo i spetsial'nogo naznacheniy” [Resolution of the Chief Medical Officer of the Russian Federation dated 14 June 2013, no. 31, Moscow. On Measures for the Prevention of Diseases Caused by Micronutrient Deficiencies, the Development of Functional Food Production and Special Purpose].
11. Prognoz nauchno-tekhnologicheskogo razvitiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii do 2030 goda [Forecast of Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation Until 2030]. Moscow, 2013. 72 p.
12. Onishchenko G.G., Tutel'yan V.A., Gmoshinskiy I.V., Khotimchenko S.A. [Development of the Safety System of Evaluation and Control of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology in the Russian Federation]. Gigiena i sanitariya [Hygiene and Sanitation], 2013, no. 1, pp. 4–11. (in Russ.)
13. Rasporyazhenie Pravitel'stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 25.10.10 goda № 559-r “Osnovy gosudarstvennoy politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii v oblasti zdorovogo pitaniya naseleniya na period do 2020 goda” [Order of the Russian Government dated 25.10.10 no. 559-r. The Principles of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Field of Healthy Nutrition for the Period Till 2020].
14. Rasporyazhenie Pravitel'stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 17.04.12 goda № 559-r “Strategiya razvitiya pishchevoy i pererabatyvayushchey promyshlennosti Rossiyskoy Federatsii do 2020 goda” [Order of the Russian Government dated 17.04.12 no. 559-r. The Strategy for the Development of Food and Processing Industry of the Russian Federation Until 2020].
15. Spirichev V.B., Shatnyuk L.N., Poznyakovskiy V.M. Obogashchenie pishchevykh produktov vitaminami i mineral'nymi veshchestvami. Nauka i tekhnologiya [Food Fortification with Vitamins and Minerals. Science and Technology]. 2nd ed. Novosibirsk, Siberian Federal University Publ., 2005. 548 p.
16. Tutel'yan V.A., Poznyakovskiy V.M. [Current State and Prospects of Development of the Science of Nutrition]. Sovremennye prioritety pitaniya, pishchevoy promyshlennosti i torgovli: sb. nauchn. trudov, posvyashchennykh yubileyu kafedry biotekhnologii, tovarovedeniya i upravleniya kachestvom [Current Priorities are Food, the Food Industry and Trade. Sat. Scien. Works Devoted to the Anniversary of the Department of Biotechnology, Merchandising and Quality Control], 2006, pp. 5–10. (in Russ.)
17. Tutel'yan V.A., Smirnova E.A., Nechaeva A.P. [The Role of Food Micro-Ingredients in the Creation of Modern Power]. Pishchevye ingredienty v sozdanii sovremennykh produktov pitaniya [Food Ingredients to Create Modern Food], 2014, pp. 10–24. (in Russ.)
18. Ukaz Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii V.V. Putina “O sovershenstvovanii gosu-darstvennoy politiki v sfere zdravookhraneniya” [Ukaz Russian President Vladimir Putin. On Improvement of Public Health Policy, 2011].
19. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 01.12.2016 № 642 “O Strategii nauchno-tekhnologicheskogo razvitiya Rossiyskoy Federatsii” [Presidential Decree of 01.12.2016 no. 642. On the Strategy of the Russian Federation Scientific and Technological Development.
20. Chelnakova N.G., Poznyakovskiy V.M. Pitanie i zdorov'e sovremennogo cheloveka [Nutrition and Health of Modern Man]. Rostov-na-Donu, Old Russian Publ., 2015. 224 p.
21. Chereshnev V.A., Poznyakovskiy V.M. [Food Security. National and International Perspectives]. Industriya pitaniya [Industry Food], 2016, pp. 6–14. (in Russ.)
22. Word Health Statistics, Word Health Organization, 2012.
23. Allen L., de Benoist B., Dary O., Hurrell R. Guidelines on Food Fortification with Micronutrients. Part I. The Role of Food Fortification in the Control of Micronutrient Malnutrition. World Health Organization, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nation, 2006. 341 p.
24. Ray J.G., Meier C., Vermeulen M.J. Association of Neural Tube Defects and Folic Acid Food Fortification in Canada. Lancet, 2002, vol. 360 (9350), pp. 2047–2048. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(02)11994-5
25. Persad V.L., Van den Hof M.C., Dube J.N. Incidence of Open Neural Tube Defects in Nova Scotia After Folic Acid Fortification. CMAJ, 2002, vol. 167 (3), pp. 241–245.
26. De Wals P., Rusen I.D., Lee N.S. Trend in Prevalence of Neural Tube Defects in Quebec. Birth Defects Res A ClinMolTeratol., 2003, vol. 67 (11), pp. 919–923. DOI: 10.1002/bdra.10124
27. Liu S. A Comprehensive Evaluation of Food Fortification with Folic Acid for the Primary Prevention of Neural Tube Defects. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 2004, vol. 4 (1), p. 20.
28. Lopez-Camelo J.S. Reduction of Birth Prevalence Rates of Neural Tube Defects After Folic Acid Fortification in Chine. Am J Med Genet A, 2005, vol. 135(2), pp. 120–125. DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.a.30651
29. Czeizel A.E. Folic Acid and the Prevention of Neural-Tube Defects. New England Journal of Medicine, 2004, vol. 350, pp. 2209–2211. DOI: 10.1056/NEJM200405203502120
30. Abdollahi Z., Elmadfa I., Djazayery A. Efficacy of Flour Fortification with Folic Acid in Women of Childbearing Age in Iran. Ann NutrMetab., 2011, vol. 58 (3), pp. 188–196. DOI: 10.1159/000329726
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