Aim. The article deals with justifying theoretically and describing the authors’ methods of mental health maintenance in teachers experiencing emotional stress. Materials and methods. The proposed methods of mental health maintenance in teachers are based on the ideas of psychosomatics (S. Freud and I. Malkina-Pykh) and non-directive psychotherapy (C. Rogers). Three groups of methods have been described: self-analysis of a current life situation, energy recovery in teachers, and self-regulation of emotions in group interaction. Results. The authors studied neuro-psychological stress in teachers using Nemchin’s method. At the summative stage of the experiment, it was established that 56% of teachers experienced high neuro-psychological stress, and 26% – average. In 2018, the methods described were implemented at one of the comprehensive schools of the Russian Federation. The results of control diagnostics demonstrate a significant decrease in neuro-psychological stress in teachers who implemented these methods of mental health maintenance. This proves the effectiveness of the solutions proposed. Conclusion. This article contributes to the theoretical data on mental health maintenance in modern teachers. The scientific novelty and practical importance of this study are connected with the developed methods of mental health maintenance in teachers. The methods proposed can be used in practice for improving teachers’ expertise both in Russia and abroad.
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