Aim. The paper aims to provide scientific basis and support for the control mechanisms of dynamic systems in adolescent athletes. Materials and methods. Athletes involved in strength endurance training were examined during the study. The choice of study sample in terms of age and skill levels was explained. The following equipment was used for the purpose of the study: Tanita BC-418 MA segmental body composition analyzer, MBN force platform, Clinitek Status urine analyzer, AMP portable express laboratory, EMNG and EEG systems (Neurosoft), bioimpedance system (Microlux), Digi-Lite system (Rimed), Oxycon Mobile Pro system, SPSS 15 statistical software. Results. In athletes aged 14-15 years, an age-related increase in cardiac performance up to 0.93 J was identified. In athletes aged 16–17 years, decreased myocardial performance was recorded. Other important observations in the sample under study were associated with a decrease in the contractile properties of the myocardium (50.82%) and metabolic stress provoked by changes in blood pH (7.32 c.u.). Conclusion. There are threshold changes in heart rate, О2 consumption, СО2, lactate, gas exchange, temperature of adequate vasomotor reactions and sweating depending on muscle heat production. Rhythm regulation is mostly associated with the respiratory and hypothalamic-pituitary systems. Pituitary hormones, vitamins and chemical elements in extreme conditions provide the so-called calorific effect.
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