Biomechanical indicators, stabilometry, balance, angular speed, rotating torque, extension, flexion, deficiency, work, body weight.
Aim: to assess speed-strength motor capacity of flexors and extensors of knee and hip joints, angles of force applications, and muscular performance in weightlifters. Materials and Methods. Polydynamometer produced by Biodex (USA) allows the basic, comparative, and graphic assessment of joint indicators of the upper and lower limbs (flexion-extension) at an angular speed of 150,120,920 deg/s. We examined 6 weightlifters (body weight 63.00±0.98 kg; body length 173.00±1.75 cm) qualified as Candidates for Master of Sport (n=4) and Master of Sport (n=2), aged 18.22±1.74. Results. Integrative assessment of isokinetic testing revealed that desyncrhonization and imbalance of statokinetic stability starts from the muscle system, its angular, temporal, and rotation characteristics, range of movement, dynamical instability of joints, and receptor ratio of groups of muscles participating in motor actions. These integrations are the trigger that leads to disturbances in supporting systems and shifts in indicators as seen from the comparison of involved and uninvolved elements, joint flexion and extension, and deficiency. Conclusion. The used diagnostic equipment allows the determination of muscular imbalance, assessment of structural and physiological capacity, and estimate biomechanical features including differentiation of efforts at various angular accelerations and force application.References
1. Vitenzon A.S., Petrushanskaya K.A. Ot estestvennogo k iskusstvennomu upravleniyu lokomotsiyami [From Natural to Artificial Management of Locomotions]. Moscow, NMF MBN Publ., 2003. 438 p.
2. Mak-Komas A. Dzh. Skeletnye myshtsy: monografiya [Skeletal Muscles. Monograph]. Kiev, Olympic Literature Publ., 2001. 408 p.
3. Aleksandrov Yu.I., Anokhin K.V., Bezdenezhnykh B.N., Sokolova E.N., Filippova V.A., Chernoverizova A.M. Neyron. Obrabotka signalov. Plastichnost'. Modelirovanie: Fundamental'noe rukovodstvo [Neuron. Signal Processing. Plastic. Modeling. The Fundamental Guide]. Tyumen', Tyumen State University Publ., 2008. 548 p.
4. Seluyanov V.N., Sarsaniya S.K., Sarsaniya K.S. Fizicheskaya podgotovka futbolistov [Physical Training of Players]. Moscow, TVT Divizian Publ., 2004. 192 p.
5. Alekseev K.A., Epishev V.V., Isaev A.P., Khomenko R.V., Sumak E.N. [Structural and Functional and Energy Features of Postural Characteristics, Spine and Body Composition of Weightlifters of High Sports Qualification]. Bulletin of South Ural State University. Ser. Education, Healthcare Service, Physical Education, 2014, vol. 14, no. 31, pp. 43–52. (in Russ.)
6. Yanda V. Funktsional'naya diagnostika myshts [Functional Diagnostics of Muscles], serbian translation. Moscow, Eksmo Publ., 2010. 325 p.
7. Van der Kooij H., Jacobs R., Koopman B., van der Helm F. An Adaptive Model of Sensory Integration in a Dynamic Environment Applied to Stance Control. Biological Cybernetics, 2001, no. 84 (2), pp. 103–115.
8. Donatelli R. Sports – Specific Rehabilitation. U.S.A. 2007. 336 p.
9. Gollhofer A., Gehring D., Mornieux G. Importance of Core Muscle Strength for Lower Limb Stabilization. 6 International Congress on Science and Skiing 2013, St. Christoph a. Arlberg. St. Christoph a. Arlberg, Austria, 2013. 11 p.
10. Morasso P.G., Baratto L., Capra R., Spada G. Internal Models in the Control of Posture. Neural Networks, 1999, vol. 12, iss. 7–8, pp. 1173–1180. DOI: 10.1016/S0893-6080(99)00058-1
11. Massion J., Popov K., Fabre J.C., Rage P., Gurfinkel V. Is the Erect Posture in Microgravity Based on the Control of Trunk Orientation or Center of Mass Position? Exp Brain Res., 1997, no. 114 (2), pp. 384–389.
12. Kavounoudias A., Roll R., Roll J.P. Foot Sole and Ankle Muscle Inputs Contribute Jointly to Human Erect Posture Regulation. J Physiol., 2001, no. 532.3, pp. 869–878. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7793.2001.0869e.x
13. Kavounoudias A., Roll R., Roll J.P. The Plantar Sole is a ‘Dynamometric Map’ for Human Balance Control. Neuroreport., 1998, no. 9 (14), pp. 3247–3252.
14. Kelly R.U. Understanding the Neurophysiology of Action Interpretation in Right and Left-Handed Individuals. 2015. 154 p.
15. Kiemel T., Oie K.S., Jeka J.J. Slow Dynamics of Postural Sway are in the Feedback Loop. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2006, no. 95 (3), pp. 1410–1418.
16. Kluzik J., Horak F.B., Peterka R.J. Differences in Preferred Reference Frames for Postural Orientation Shown by After–Effects of Stance on an Inclined Surface. Exp Brain Res., 2005, no. 162 (4), pp. 474–489.
17. Kuo A.D. An Optimal State Estimation Model of Sensory Integration in Human Postural Balance. J. Neural Eng., 2005, no. 2(3), pp. 235–349.
18. Loram I.D., Maganaris G.M., Lakie M. Human Postural Sway Results From Grequent, Ballistic Bias Impulses by Soleus and Gastrocnemius. J Physiol., 2005, no. 564.1, pp. 295–311. DOI: 10.1113/jphysiol.2004.076307
19. Morasso P.G., Schieppati M. Can Muscle Stiffness Alone Stabilize Upright Standing? J. Neurophysiol., 1999, vol. 82 (3), pp. 1622–1626.
20. Krishnamoorthy V., Goodman S., Zatsiorsky V., Latash M.L. Muscle Synergies During Shifts of the Center of Pressure by Standing Persons: Identification of Muscle Modes. Biological Cybernetics, 2003, no. 89 (2), pp. 152–161.
21. Paillard T. Effects of General and Local Fatigue on Postural Control: A Review. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2012, vol. 36, pp. 162–176. DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2011.05.009
22. Han J., Anson J., Waddington G., Adams R. Sport Attainment and Proprioception. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 2014, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 159–170. DOI: 10.1260/1747-9541.9.1.159
23. Winter D.A., Patla A.E., Prince F., Ishac M., Gielo-Perczak K. Stiffness Control of Balance in Quiet Standing. J Neurophysiol., 1998, vol. 80, pp. 1211–1221.
24. Hlavacka F., Saling M., Krizkova M. The Effect of Head Position and Functional Status of the Cervical Spine on Body Sway in the Upright Posture. Bratisl. Lek. Listy, 1992, vol. 93, no. 6, pp. 324–327.
25. Winter D.A. Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human Gait. Waterloo, Ontario: University of Waterloo press, 1991. 143 p.
2. Mak-Komas A. Dzh. Skeletnye myshtsy: monografiya [Skeletal Muscles. Monograph]. Kiev, Olympic Literature Publ., 2001. 408 p.
3. Aleksandrov Yu.I., Anokhin K.V., Bezdenezhnykh B.N., Sokolova E.N., Filippova V.A., Chernoverizova A.M. Neyron. Obrabotka signalov. Plastichnost'. Modelirovanie: Fundamental'noe rukovodstvo [Neuron. Signal Processing. Plastic. Modeling. The Fundamental Guide]. Tyumen', Tyumen State University Publ., 2008. 548 p.
4. Seluyanov V.N., Sarsaniya S.K., Sarsaniya K.S. Fizicheskaya podgotovka futbolistov [Physical Training of Players]. Moscow, TVT Divizian Publ., 2004. 192 p.
5. Alekseev K.A., Epishev V.V., Isaev A.P., Khomenko R.V., Sumak E.N. [Structural and Functional and Energy Features of Postural Characteristics, Spine and Body Composition of Weightlifters of High Sports Qualification]. Bulletin of South Ural State University. Ser. Education, Healthcare Service, Physical Education, 2014, vol. 14, no. 31, pp. 43–52. (in Russ.)
6. Yanda V. Funktsional'naya diagnostika myshts [Functional Diagnostics of Muscles], serbian translation. Moscow, Eksmo Publ., 2010. 325 p.
7. Van der Kooij H., Jacobs R., Koopman B., van der Helm F. An Adaptive Model of Sensory Integration in a Dynamic Environment Applied to Stance Control. Biological Cybernetics, 2001, no. 84 (2), pp. 103–115.
8. Donatelli R. Sports – Specific Rehabilitation. U.S.A. 2007. 336 p.
9. Gollhofer A., Gehring D., Mornieux G. Importance of Core Muscle Strength for Lower Limb Stabilization. 6 International Congress on Science and Skiing 2013, St. Christoph a. Arlberg. St. Christoph a. Arlberg, Austria, 2013. 11 p.
10. Morasso P.G., Baratto L., Capra R., Spada G. Internal Models in the Control of Posture. Neural Networks, 1999, vol. 12, iss. 7–8, pp. 1173–1180. DOI: 10.1016/S0893-6080(99)00058-1
11. Massion J., Popov K., Fabre J.C., Rage P., Gurfinkel V. Is the Erect Posture in Microgravity Based on the Control of Trunk Orientation or Center of Mass Position? Exp Brain Res., 1997, no. 114 (2), pp. 384–389.
12. Kavounoudias A., Roll R., Roll J.P. Foot Sole and Ankle Muscle Inputs Contribute Jointly to Human Erect Posture Regulation. J Physiol., 2001, no. 532.3, pp. 869–878. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7793.2001.0869e.x
13. Kavounoudias A., Roll R., Roll J.P. The Plantar Sole is a ‘Dynamometric Map’ for Human Balance Control. Neuroreport., 1998, no. 9 (14), pp. 3247–3252.
14. Kelly R.U. Understanding the Neurophysiology of Action Interpretation in Right and Left-Handed Individuals. 2015. 154 p.
15. Kiemel T., Oie K.S., Jeka J.J. Slow Dynamics of Postural Sway are in the Feedback Loop. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2006, no. 95 (3), pp. 1410–1418.
16. Kluzik J., Horak F.B., Peterka R.J. Differences in Preferred Reference Frames for Postural Orientation Shown by After–Effects of Stance on an Inclined Surface. Exp Brain Res., 2005, no. 162 (4), pp. 474–489.
17. Kuo A.D. An Optimal State Estimation Model of Sensory Integration in Human Postural Balance. J. Neural Eng., 2005, no. 2(3), pp. 235–349.
18. Loram I.D., Maganaris G.M., Lakie M. Human Postural Sway Results From Grequent, Ballistic Bias Impulses by Soleus and Gastrocnemius. J Physiol., 2005, no. 564.1, pp. 295–311. DOI: 10.1113/jphysiol.2004.076307
19. Morasso P.G., Schieppati M. Can Muscle Stiffness Alone Stabilize Upright Standing? J. Neurophysiol., 1999, vol. 82 (3), pp. 1622–1626.
20. Krishnamoorthy V., Goodman S., Zatsiorsky V., Latash M.L. Muscle Synergies During Shifts of the Center of Pressure by Standing Persons: Identification of Muscle Modes. Biological Cybernetics, 2003, no. 89 (2), pp. 152–161.
21. Paillard T. Effects of General and Local Fatigue on Postural Control: A Review. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2012, vol. 36, pp. 162–176. DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2011.05.009
22. Han J., Anson J., Waddington G., Adams R. Sport Attainment and Proprioception. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 2014, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 159–170. DOI: 10.1260/1747-9541.9.1.159
23. Winter D.A., Patla A.E., Prince F., Ishac M., Gielo-Perczak K. Stiffness Control of Balance in Quiet Standing. J Neurophysiol., 1998, vol. 80, pp. 1211–1221.
24. Hlavacka F., Saling M., Krizkova M. The Effect of Head Position and Functional Status of the Cervical Spine on Body Sway in the Upright Posture. Bratisl. Lek. Listy, 1992, vol. 93, no. 6, pp. 324–327.
25. Winter D.A. Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human Gait. Waterloo, Ontario: University of Waterloo press, 1991. 143 p.
2. Mak-Komas A. Dzh. Skeletnye myshtsy: monografiya [Skeletal Muscles. Monograph]. Kiev, Olympic Literature Publ., 2001. 408 p.
3. Aleksandrov Yu.I., Anokhin K.V., Bezdenezhnykh B.N., Sokolova E.N., Filippova V.A., Chernoverizova A.M. Neyron. Obrabotka signalov. Plastichnost'. Modelirovanie: Fundamental'noe rukovodstvo [Neuron. Signal Processing. Plastic. Modeling. The Fundamental Guide]. Tyumen', Tyumen State University Publ., 2008. 548 p.
4. Seluyanov V.N., Sarsaniya S.K., Sarsaniya K.S. Fizicheskaya podgotovka futbolistov [Physical Training of Players]. Moscow, TVT Divizian Publ., 2004. 192 p.
5. Alekseev K.A., Epishev V.V., Isaev A.P., Khomenko R.V., Sumak E.N. [Structural and Functional and Energy Features of Postural Characteristics, Spine and Body Composition of Weightlifters of High Sports Qualification]. Bulletin of South Ural State University. Ser. Education, Healthcare Service, Physical Education, 2014, vol. 14, no. 31, pp. 43–52. (in Russ.)
6. Yanda V. Funktsional'naya diagnostika myshts [Functional Diagnostics of Muscles], serbian translation. Moscow, Eksmo Publ., 2010. 325 p.
7. Van der Kooij H., Jacobs R., Koopman B., van der Helm F. An Adaptive Model of Sensory Integration in a Dynamic Environment Applied to Stance Control. Biological Cybernetics, 2001, no. 84 (2), pp. 103–115.
8. Donatelli R. Sports – Specific Rehabilitation. U.S.A. 2007. 336 p.
9. Gollhofer A., Gehring D., Mornieux G. Importance of Core Muscle Strength for Lower Limb Stabilization. 6 International Congress on Science and Skiing 2013, St. Christoph a. Arlberg. St. Christoph a. Arlberg, Austria, 2013. 11 p.
10. Morasso P.G., Baratto L., Capra R., Spada G. Internal Models in the Control of Posture. Neural Networks, 1999, vol. 12, iss. 7–8, pp. 1173–1180. DOI: 10.1016/S0893-6080(99)00058-1
11. Massion J., Popov K., Fabre J.C., Rage P., Gurfinkel V. Is the Erect Posture in Microgravity Based on the Control of Trunk Orientation or Center of Mass Position? Exp Brain Res., 1997, no. 114 (2), pp. 384–389.
12. Kavounoudias A., Roll R., Roll J.P. Foot Sole and Ankle Muscle Inputs Contribute Jointly to Human Erect Posture Regulation. J Physiol., 2001, no. 532.3, pp. 869–878. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7793.2001.0869e.x
13. Kavounoudias A., Roll R., Roll J.P. The Plantar Sole is a ‘Dynamometric Map’ for Human Balance Control. Neuroreport., 1998, no. 9 (14), pp. 3247–3252.
14. Kelly R.U. Understanding the Neurophysiology of Action Interpretation in Right and Left-Handed Individuals. 2015. 154 p.
15. Kiemel T., Oie K.S., Jeka J.J. Slow Dynamics of Postural Sway are in the Feedback Loop. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2006, no. 95 (3), pp. 1410–1418.
16. Kluzik J., Horak F.B., Peterka R.J. Differences in Preferred Reference Frames for Postural Orientation Shown by After–Effects of Stance on an Inclined Surface. Exp Brain Res., 2005, no. 162 (4), pp. 474–489.
17. Kuo A.D. An Optimal State Estimation Model of Sensory Integration in Human Postural Balance. J. Neural Eng., 2005, no. 2(3), pp. 235–349.
18. Loram I.D., Maganaris G.M., Lakie M. Human Postural Sway Results From Grequent, Ballistic Bias Impulses by Soleus and Gastrocnemius. J Physiol., 2005, no. 564.1, pp. 295–311. DOI: 10.1113/jphysiol.2004.076307
19. Morasso P.G., Schieppati M. Can Muscle Stiffness Alone Stabilize Upright Standing? J. Neurophysiol., 1999, vol. 82 (3), pp. 1622–1626.
20. Krishnamoorthy V., Goodman S., Zatsiorsky V., Latash M.L. Muscle Synergies During Shifts of the Center of Pressure by Standing Persons: Identification of Muscle Modes. Biological Cybernetics, 2003, no. 89 (2), pp. 152–161.
21. Paillard T. Effects of General and Local Fatigue on Postural Control: A Review. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2012, vol. 36, pp. 162–176. DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2011.05.009
22. Han J., Anson J., Waddington G., Adams R. Sport Attainment and Proprioception. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 2014, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 159–170. DOI: 10.1260/1747-9541.9.1.159
23. Winter D.A., Patla A.E., Prince F., Ishac M., Gielo-Perczak K. Stiffness Control of Balance in Quiet Standing. J Neurophysiol., 1998, vol. 80, pp. 1211–1221.
24. Hlavacka F., Saling M., Krizkova M. The Effect of Head Position and Functional Status of the Cervical Spine on Body Sway in the Upright Posture. Bratisl. Lek. Listy, 1992, vol. 93, no. 6, pp. 324–327.
25. Winter D.A. Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human Gait. Waterloo, Ontario: University of Waterloo press, 1991. 143 p.
References on translit
1. Vitenzon A.S., Petrushanskaya K.A. Ot estestvennogo k iskusstvennomu upravleniyu lokomotsiyami [From Natural to Artificial Management of Locomotions]. Moscow, NMF MBN Publ., 2003. 438 p.2. Mak-Komas A. Dzh. Skeletnye myshtsy: monografiya [Skeletal Muscles. Monograph]. Kiev, Olympic Literature Publ., 2001. 408 p.
3. Aleksandrov Yu.I., Anokhin K.V., Bezdenezhnykh B.N., Sokolova E.N., Filippova V.A., Chernoverizova A.M. Neyron. Obrabotka signalov. Plastichnost'. Modelirovanie: Fundamental'noe rukovodstvo [Neuron. Signal Processing. Plastic. Modeling. The Fundamental Guide]. Tyumen', Tyumen State University Publ., 2008. 548 p.
4. Seluyanov V.N., Sarsaniya S.K., Sarsaniya K.S. Fizicheskaya podgotovka futbolistov [Physical Training of Players]. Moscow, TVT Divizian Publ., 2004. 192 p.
5. Alekseev K.A., Epishev V.V., Isaev A.P., Khomenko R.V., Sumak E.N. [Structural and Functional and Energy Features of Postural Characteristics, Spine and Body Composition of Weightlifters of High Sports Qualification]. Bulletin of South Ural State University. Ser. Education, Healthcare Service, Physical Education, 2014, vol. 14, no. 31, pp. 43–52. (in Russ.)
6. Yanda V. Funktsional'naya diagnostika myshts [Functional Diagnostics of Muscles], serbian translation. Moscow, Eksmo Publ., 2010. 325 p.
7. Van der Kooij H., Jacobs R., Koopman B., van der Helm F. An Adaptive Model of Sensory Integration in a Dynamic Environment Applied to Stance Control. Biological Cybernetics, 2001, no. 84 (2), pp. 103–115.
8. Donatelli R. Sports – Specific Rehabilitation. U.S.A. 2007. 336 p.
9. Gollhofer A., Gehring D., Mornieux G. Importance of Core Muscle Strength for Lower Limb Stabilization. 6 International Congress on Science and Skiing 2013, St. Christoph a. Arlberg. St. Christoph a. Arlberg, Austria, 2013. 11 p.
10. Morasso P.G., Baratto L., Capra R., Spada G. Internal Models in the Control of Posture. Neural Networks, 1999, vol. 12, iss. 7–8, pp. 1173–1180. DOI: 10.1016/S0893-6080(99)00058-1
11. Massion J., Popov K., Fabre J.C., Rage P., Gurfinkel V. Is the Erect Posture in Microgravity Based on the Control of Trunk Orientation or Center of Mass Position? Exp Brain Res., 1997, no. 114 (2), pp. 384–389.
12. Kavounoudias A., Roll R., Roll J.P. Foot Sole and Ankle Muscle Inputs Contribute Jointly to Human Erect Posture Regulation. J Physiol., 2001, no. 532.3, pp. 869–878. DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-7793.2001.0869e.x
13. Kavounoudias A., Roll R., Roll J.P. The Plantar Sole is a ‘Dynamometric Map’ for Human Balance Control. Neuroreport., 1998, no. 9 (14), pp. 3247–3252.
14. Kelly R.U. Understanding the Neurophysiology of Action Interpretation in Right and Left-Handed Individuals. 2015. 154 p.
15. Kiemel T., Oie K.S., Jeka J.J. Slow Dynamics of Postural Sway are in the Feedback Loop. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2006, no. 95 (3), pp. 1410–1418.
16. Kluzik J., Horak F.B., Peterka R.J. Differences in Preferred Reference Frames for Postural Orientation Shown by After–Effects of Stance on an Inclined Surface. Exp Brain Res., 2005, no. 162 (4), pp. 474–489.
17. Kuo A.D. An Optimal State Estimation Model of Sensory Integration in Human Postural Balance. J. Neural Eng., 2005, no. 2(3), pp. 235–349.
18. Loram I.D., Maganaris G.M., Lakie M. Human Postural Sway Results From Grequent, Ballistic Bias Impulses by Soleus and Gastrocnemius. J Physiol., 2005, no. 564.1, pp. 295–311. DOI: 10.1113/jphysiol.2004.076307
19. Morasso P.G., Schieppati M. Can Muscle Stiffness Alone Stabilize Upright Standing? J. Neurophysiol., 1999, vol. 82 (3), pp. 1622–1626.
20. Krishnamoorthy V., Goodman S., Zatsiorsky V., Latash M.L. Muscle Synergies During Shifts of the Center of Pressure by Standing Persons: Identification of Muscle Modes. Biological Cybernetics, 2003, no. 89 (2), pp. 152–161.
21. Paillard T. Effects of General and Local Fatigue on Postural Control: A Review. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2012, vol. 36, pp. 162–176. DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2011.05.009
22. Han J., Anson J., Waddington G., Adams R. Sport Attainment and Proprioception. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 2014, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 159–170. DOI: 10.1260/1747-9541.9.1.159
23. Winter D.A., Patla A.E., Prince F., Ishac M., Gielo-Perczak K. Stiffness Control of Balance in Quiet Standing. J Neurophysiol., 1998, vol. 80, pp. 1211–1221.
24. Hlavacka F., Saling M., Krizkova M. The Effect of Head Position and Functional Status of the Cervical Spine on Body Sway in the Upright Posture. Bratisl. Lek. Listy, 1992, vol. 93, no. 6, pp. 324–327.
25. Winter D.A. Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human Gait. Waterloo, Ontario: University of Waterloo press, 1991. 143 p.
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