Sports technique, “strength course of arm strokes” (SSC), arm stroke model, training equipment, arm strokes phase structure
Aim. The article deals with the assessment of speed-strength characteristics of arm strokes in dolphin-style swimmers and development of the method for correcting their individual force course with the help of the training equipment. Materials and methods. We conducted the study with the help of the device for arm strokes registration – RGD-2, which allows us to assess the speed-strength course (SSC) of an arm stroke. Two swimmers from the Yunika youth sports school participated in the study: athlete A (Candidate for Master of Sport) and athlete З (Candidate for Master of Sport). Both athletes are dolphin-style swimmers. Results. We used the method of forced movement restriction (mechanical restriction of movement directions) to prove the possibility of creating the training equipment, which imitate the kinematics of elite dolphin-style swimmers arm strokes, with its subsequent implementation in the training for technique improvement. Conclusion. We established that the method proposed for correcting the individual strength course of arm strokes can be effectively used to improve arm strokes technique.References
1. Aikin V.A., Baksheyev M.D., Korichko A.V., Tarasevich G.A. [Age Features of the Formation of Movements in Sports Swimming]. Sovremennyye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya [Modern Problems of Science and Education], 2014, no. 4, p. 6. (in Russ.)
2. Baranov V.A. [The Effectiveness of the Differentiated Use of Tools and Methods in the Training Process of Young Swimmers]. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskiye yavleniya i protsessy [Socio-Economic Phenomena and Processes], 2011, pp. 316–319. (in Russ.)
3. Voylokov V.S., Lysenko V.V., Pavel’yev I.G. [The Use of Elements of Biomechanical Control in the Improvement of Techniques of Various Swimming Styles. Modern Methods of Organizing the Training Process, Assessing the Functional State and Restoring Athletes]. Materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference], 2017, pp. 43–45. (in Russ.)
4. Volkov D.A. [Optimization of Methods of Teaching Swimming in Butterfly Style]. Aktual’nyye problemy fizicheskoy kul’tury i sporta. Materialy V mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Actual Problems of Physical Culture and Sports. Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference], 2015, pp. 162–164. (in Russ.)
5. Makarenko L.P. Tekhnicheskoye masterstvo plovtsa [Technical Skill Swimmer]. Moscow, Physical Culture and Sport Publ., 1975. 223 p.
6. Kaunsilmen D. Sportivnoye plavaniye [Sports Swimming]. Moscow, Physical Culture and Sport Publ., 1982. 207 p.
7. Krasil’nikov V.L., Katsay D.A. Registrator grebkovykh dvizheniy plovtsa [Recorder of Swimmer's Stroke Movements]. Patent RF, no. 115475, 2012.
8. Krasil’nikov V.L., Komel’kov T.A. Vozrastnyye osobennosti formirovaniya tekhniki grebka rukami yunykh plovtsov: uchebnoye posobiye [Age Features of the Formation of the Technique of Stroke by the Hands of Young Swimmers]. Chelyabinsk, UralGAFK Publ., 2004. 54 p.
9. Krasil’nikov V.L. [Management of Technical Skills of Swimmers 11–12 Years Old During Basic Training]. Plavaniye [Swimming], 1982, pp. 50–53. (in Russ.)
10. Toropov A.A., Galeyeva O.B. [Identification of Errors in the Technique of Swimming Using the Butterfly Stroke Method for Swimmers 11–12 Years of Age at the Stage of Initial Training]. Simvol nauki [Symbol of Science], 2017, no. 6, pp. 126–128. (in Russ.)
11. Blickhan R., Hochstein S. Body Movement Distribution with Respect to Swimmer’s Glide Position in Human Underwater Undulatory Swimming. Human Movement Science, 2014, no. 38, pp. 305–318.
12. Mocanu G.D. Theory of Physical Education and Sport. Galati, The “Dunarea de Jos” University Foundation Publ., 2015, 177 p.
13. Mocanu G.D. The Didactics of Physical Education and Sport. Galati, The “Dunarea de Jos” University Foundation Publ., 2015, 278 p.
2. Baranov V.A. [The Effectiveness of the Differentiated Use of Tools and Methods in the Training Process of Young Swimmers]. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskiye yavleniya i protsessy [Socio-Economic Phenomena and Processes], 2011, pp. 316–319. (in Russ.)
3. Voylokov V.S., Lysenko V.V., Pavel’yev I.G. [The Use of Elements of Biomechanical Control in the Improvement of Techniques of Various Swimming Styles. Modern Methods of Organizing the Training Process, Assessing the Functional State and Restoring Athletes]. Materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference], 2017, pp. 43–45. (in Russ.)
4. Volkov D.A. [Optimization of Methods of Teaching Swimming in Butterfly Style]. Aktual’nyye problemy fizicheskoy kul’tury i sporta. Materialy V mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Actual Problems of Physical Culture and Sports. Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference], 2015, pp. 162–164. (in Russ.)
5. Makarenko L.P. Tekhnicheskoye masterstvo plovtsa [Technical Skill Swimmer]. Moscow, Physical Culture and Sport Publ., 1975. 223 p.
6. Kaunsilmen D. Sportivnoye plavaniye [Sports Swimming]. Moscow, Physical Culture and Sport Publ., 1982. 207 p.
7. Krasil’nikov V.L., Katsay D.A. Registrator grebkovykh dvizheniy plovtsa [Recorder of Swimmer's Stroke Movements]. Patent RF, no. 115475, 2012.
8. Krasil’nikov V.L., Komel’kov T.A. Vozrastnyye osobennosti formirovaniya tekhniki grebka rukami yunykh plovtsov: uchebnoye posobiye [Age Features of the Formation of the Technique of Stroke by the Hands of Young Swimmers]. Chelyabinsk, UralGAFK Publ., 2004. 54 p.
9. Krasil’nikov V.L. [Management of Technical Skills of Swimmers 11–12 Years Old During Basic Training]. Plavaniye [Swimming], 1982, pp. 50–53. (in Russ.)
10. Toropov A.A., Galeyeva O.B. [Identification of Errors in the Technique of Swimming Using the Butterfly Stroke Method for Swimmers 11–12 Years of Age at the Stage of Initial Training]. Simvol nauki [Symbol of Science], 2017, no. 6, pp. 126–128. (in Russ.)
11. Blickhan R., Hochstein S. Body Movement Distribution with Respect to Swimmer’s Glide Position in Human Underwater Undulatory Swimming. Human Movement Science, 2014, no. 38, pp. 305–318.
12. Mocanu G.D. Theory of Physical Education and Sport. Galati, The “Dunarea de Jos” University Foundation Publ., 2015, 177 p.
13. Mocanu G.D. The Didactics of Physical Education and Sport. Galati, The “Dunarea de Jos” University Foundation Publ., 2015, 278 p.
2. Baranov V.A. [The Effectiveness of the Differentiated Use of Tools and Methods in the Training Process of Young Swimmers]. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskiye yavleniya i protsessy [Socio-Economic Phenomena and Processes], 2011, pp. 316–319. (in Russ.)
3. Voylokov V.S., Lysenko V.V., Pavel’yev I.G. [The Use of Elements of Biomechanical Control in the Improvement of Techniques of Various Swimming Styles. Modern Methods of Organizing the Training Process, Assessing the Functional State and Restoring Athletes]. Materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference], 2017, pp. 43–45. (in Russ.)
4. Volkov D.A. [Optimization of Methods of Teaching Swimming in Butterfly Style]. Aktual’nyye problemy fizicheskoy kul’tury i sporta. Materialy V mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Actual Problems of Physical Culture and Sports. Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference], 2015, pp. 162–164. (in Russ.)
5. Makarenko L.P. Tekhnicheskoye masterstvo plovtsa [Technical Skill Swimmer]. Moscow, Physical Culture and Sport Publ., 1975. 223 p.
6. Kaunsilmen D. Sportivnoye plavaniye [Sports Swimming]. Moscow, Physical Culture and Sport Publ., 1982. 207 p.
7. Krasil’nikov V.L., Katsay D.A. Registrator grebkovykh dvizheniy plovtsa [Recorder of Swimmer's Stroke Movements]. Patent RF, no. 115475, 2012.
8. Krasil’nikov V.L., Komel’kov T.A. Vozrastnyye osobennosti formirovaniya tekhniki grebka rukami yunykh plovtsov: uchebnoye posobiye [Age Features of the Formation of the Technique of Stroke by the Hands of Young Swimmers]. Chelyabinsk, UralGAFK Publ., 2004. 54 p.
9. Krasil’nikov V.L. [Management of Technical Skills of Swimmers 11–12 Years Old During Basic Training]. Plavaniye [Swimming], 1982, pp. 50–53. (in Russ.)
10. Toropov A.A., Galeyeva O.B. [Identification of Errors in the Technique of Swimming Using the Butterfly Stroke Method for Swimmers 11–12 Years of Age at the Stage of Initial Training]. Simvol nauki [Symbol of Science], 2017, no. 6, pp. 126–128. (in Russ.)
11. Blickhan R., Hochstein S. Body Movement Distribution with Respect to Swimmer’s Glide Position in Human Underwater Undulatory Swimming. Human Movement Science, 2014, no. 38, pp. 305–318.
12. Mocanu G.D. Theory of Physical Education and Sport. Galati, The “Dunarea de Jos” University Foundation Publ., 2015, 177 p.
13. Mocanu G.D. The Didactics of Physical Education and Sport. Galati, The “Dunarea de Jos” University Foundation Publ., 2015, 278 p.
References on translit
1. Aikin V.A., Baksheyev M.D., Korichko A.V., Tarasevich G.A. [Age Features of the Formation of Movements in Sports Swimming]. Sovremennyye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya [Modern Problems of Science and Education], 2014, no. 4, p. 6. (in Russ.)2. Baranov V.A. [The Effectiveness of the Differentiated Use of Tools and Methods in the Training Process of Young Swimmers]. Sotsial’no-ekonomicheskiye yavleniya i protsessy [Socio-Economic Phenomena and Processes], 2011, pp. 316–319. (in Russ.)
3. Voylokov V.S., Lysenko V.V., Pavel’yev I.G. [The Use of Elements of Biomechanical Control in the Improvement of Techniques of Various Swimming Styles. Modern Methods of Organizing the Training Process, Assessing the Functional State and Restoring Athletes]. Materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference], 2017, pp. 43–45. (in Russ.)
4. Volkov D.A. [Optimization of Methods of Teaching Swimming in Butterfly Style]. Aktual’nyye problemy fizicheskoy kul’tury i sporta. Materialy V mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Actual Problems of Physical Culture and Sports. Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference], 2015, pp. 162–164. (in Russ.)
5. Makarenko L.P. Tekhnicheskoye masterstvo plovtsa [Technical Skill Swimmer]. Moscow, Physical Culture and Sport Publ., 1975. 223 p.
6. Kaunsilmen D. Sportivnoye plavaniye [Sports Swimming]. Moscow, Physical Culture and Sport Publ., 1982. 207 p.
7. Krasil’nikov V.L., Katsay D.A. Registrator grebkovykh dvizheniy plovtsa [Recorder of Swimmer's Stroke Movements]. Patent RF, no. 115475, 2012.
8. Krasil’nikov V.L., Komel’kov T.A. Vozrastnyye osobennosti formirovaniya tekhniki grebka rukami yunykh plovtsov: uchebnoye posobiye [Age Features of the Formation of the Technique of Stroke by the Hands of Young Swimmers]. Chelyabinsk, UralGAFK Publ., 2004. 54 p.
9. Krasil’nikov V.L. [Management of Technical Skills of Swimmers 11–12 Years Old During Basic Training]. Plavaniye [Swimming], 1982, pp. 50–53. (in Russ.)
10. Toropov A.A., Galeyeva O.B. [Identification of Errors in the Technique of Swimming Using the Butterfly Stroke Method for Swimmers 11–12 Years of Age at the Stage of Initial Training]. Simvol nauki [Symbol of Science], 2017, no. 6, pp. 126–128. (in Russ.)
11. Blickhan R., Hochstein S. Body Movement Distribution with Respect to Swimmer’s Glide Position in Human Underwater Undulatory Swimming. Human Movement Science, 2014, no. 38, pp. 305–318.
12. Mocanu G.D. Theory of Physical Education and Sport. Galati, The “Dunarea de Jos” University Foundation Publ., 2015, 177 p.
13. Mocanu G.D. The Didactics of Physical Education and Sport. Galati, The “Dunarea de Jos” University Foundation Publ., 2015, 278 p.
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