Aim. The aim of our research was to assess general physical fitness indicators in students practicing powerlifting. Materials and Methods. The study engaged 20 male powerlifters, aged 18–22, with different levels of sport skills. The control group included 20 male students practicing street workout – a new popular physical activity where most exercises are performed using purely body weight (calisthenics). The study involved measurement of general physical fitness indicators with the help of tests determining agility, maximum hand strength, speed-strength qualities of the legs, static strength, speed-strength and general endurance. Total body parameters and body fat percentage were assessed by the means of Tanita diagnostic system. Results. Statistical processing of data revealed that improvement of sport skills in the powerlifters was accompanied by significant (p &< 0.05) increase of speed-strength indicators of the lower limbs (Abalakov test), speed-strength endurance of hip muscles (squats) and of the upper shoulder girdle muscles (push-ups), static and strength indicators of the upper shoulder girdle muscles (holding the barbell with straight arms). The analysis of the body composition data showed that the experimental group had higher values of body fat percentage indicators than the control group. It was also revealed that the powerlifters had a low level of physical fitness; namely, their average body mass index was 25.235 ± 0.67 (kg/m2), which indicated the excessive body weight (pre-obesity). Conclusion. Thus, correlation analysis of physical fitness indicators and body fat percentage reveals several moderate and significant linear correlations, but no high correlations.References
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5. Kuzhuget A.A., Rubanovich V.B., Ayzman R.I. [Morphological and Functional Characteristics of Ctudents, Depending on the Sports Activities]. Novye issledovaniya [New Investigations], 2009, no. 4 (21), pp. 54?59. (in Russ.)
6. Landa B.Kh. Metodika kompleksnoy otsenki fizicheskogo razvitiya i fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti: ucheb. posobie [Methodology of Comprehensive Evaluation of Physical Development and Physical Preparedness. A Tutorial]. 5nd ed. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2011. 350 p.
7. Ayzman R.I., Ayzman N.I., Lebedev A.V., Rubanovich V.B. Metodika kompleksnoy otsenki fizicheskogo i psikhicheskogo zdorov'ya, fizicheskoy podgotovlennosti studentov vysshikh i srednikh professional'nykh uchebnykh zavedeniy [Methodology of Comprehensive Assessment of the Physical and Mental Health, Physical Fitness of Students in Higher and Secondary Vocational Schools]. Novosibirsk, 2010. 100 p.
8. Bakumenko O.E., Doronin A.F., Sheiderov B.A., Shatinyuk L.N. [Assessment of Health Status and Analysis of the Actual Diet of the University]. Vestnik Omskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Prilozhenie “Zdorov'esberegayushchie tekhnologii v obrazovanii” [Herald of Omsk State University. Appendix School Health Technologies in Education], 2005, no. 11, p. 43. (in Russ.)
9. Taymazova V.A., Khadartseva A.A. Fiziologicheskiy pauerlifting: Monografiya [Physiological Powerlifting. Monograph]. Tula, OOO Tula Polygraphist Publ., 2013. 120 p.
10. Monahan K.D., Tanaka H., Dinenno F.A. Central Arterial Compliance is Associated with Ageand Habitual Exercise-Related Differences in Cardiovagal Baroreflex Sensitivity. Circulation., 2001, vol. 104, pp. 1627?1632. DOI: 10.1161/hc3901.096670
11. Marin D.P., de dos Santos R.C., Bolin A.P., Guerra B.A., Hatanaka E. Cytokines and Oxidative Stress Status Following a Handball Game in Elite Male Players. Oxid Med Cell Longev., 2011, pp. 804–873. DOI: 10.1155/2011/804873
12. Fernstrom M., Tonkonogi M., Sahlin K. Effects of Acute and Chronic Endurance Exercise on Mitochondrial Uncoupling in Human Skeletal Muscle. J. Physiol., 2003, vol. 554, pt. 3, pp. 755?763.
13. Hulthen L., Bengtsson B.A., Sunnerhagen K.S. GH is Needed for the Maturation of Muscle Mass and Strength in Adolescents. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab., 2001, vol. 86, pp. 4765?4770. DOI: 10.1210/jc.86.10.4765
14. Maron B.J., Hoas T.S., Murphy C.J. Incidente and Couses of Sudden Death in U.S. College Athletes. J. Am. Coll Cardiol., 2014, vol. 63, pp. 1636–1643. DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2014.01.041
15. Harmon K.G., Asif I.M., Moleszewski J.J. Incidente, Couse, and Comparative Freguency of Sudden Cardiac Death in National Collegiate Athletic Association Athletes. Circulation, 2015, vol. 132, pp. 10–19. DOI: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.115.015431
16. Needleman I., Ashley P., Petrie A., Fortune F., Turner W., Jones J., Niggli J., Engebretsen L., Budgett R., Donos N., Clough T., Porter S. Oral Health and Impact on Performance of Athletes Participating in the London 2012 Olympic Games. A Cross-Sectional Study. Br. J. Sports Med., 2013, vol. 47, no. 16, pp. 1054?1058. DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2013-092891
References on translit
How to Cite
Kharisov, I., Nenasheva, A., Aminov, A., Cieslicka, M., & Mushketa, R. (2017). ASSESSMENT OF PHYSICAL FITNESS INDICATORS IN STUDENTS PRACTICING POWERLIFTING AND STREET WORKOUT. Human. Sport. Medicine, 17(1), 67-78.
Sports training
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