sport training, management, models, adaptation to training and competitive loads, technologies, complex control
Aim is to design a modeling process for multifunctional adaptive phase phenomena in management and support of sport training technologies. The relevance of research issues from the necessity of the stated monitoring. The main point is the design and prediction of the sport training technology based on aggregate model characteristics of multifunctional state, physical working capacity, and sport fitness. The stated problem implies an essential aspect of individualized sport training. The design of sport training technologies requires scientific justification and support of the modernized loads and technologies for recovery process acceleration. We used vast theoretical material with modern approaches based on multifunctional and methabolic study of the body by means of modern technologies (Schiller, Oxycon Mobile, non-invasive diagnostic equipment, body composition analyzer, stabilometer, 3D-scanner). Methods and Organization. We used theoretical analysis including the intellectual one, mathematical extrapolation method, and diagnostic methods. We performed retrospective analysis of adaptation to modeling processes within the sport training system. Theoretical Analysis Results and Discussion. The conducted study revealed that the structure of mastery in highly-skilled athletes was expressed in variable and stable indices the integrative action of which is associated with sport performance. Variable indices reflect the level of motor qualities and skills in non-specific manifestation, characteristics of local functions of certain elements in main anatomical and physiological systems, leucogram composition, and components of immune status, metabolism, and mental status. Conclusion. Preliminary study conducted in the Research Center of Sport Science has shown that the material processing should involve computer technologies and a system of intellectual analysis of physiological data. We performed the spectral analysis of the blood flow allowing timely correction of regulatory processes in the whole body based on flatland and mountain training model.References
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27. Kulikov L.M., Rybakov V.V., Bolotov V.M., Poloznova N.F. Sportivnaya podgotovki: sostoyanie, problemy, napravlenie modernizatsii [Sport Training. State, Problems and Direction of Modernization]. Chelyabinsk, Ural Academy Publ., 2012. 274 p.
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34. Gollnick P., Matova H. The Muscle Composition of Skeletal Muscle as a Predictor of Athletic Success. Am. J. Sports Med., 1984, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 212–217. DOI: 10.1177/036354658401200309
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2. Aleshin I.N., Rybakov V.V. [Modeling One-Year Training in Team Sports Game]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2007, no. 10, pp. 43–46. (in Russ.)
3. Anokhin P.K. Printsipial'nye voprosy obshchey teorii funktsional'nykh system [Fundamental Questions of the General Theory of Functional Systems]. Printsipy sistemnoy organizatsii funktsiy [Principles of the Systemic Organization of Functions]. Moscow, Science Publ., 1973. 61 p.
4. Bal'sevich V.K. Ontokineziologiya cheloveka [Ontokineziologiya Person]. Moscow, Theory and Practice of Physical Culture Publ., 2000. 275 p.
5. Bal'sevich V.K. [The Contours of the New Strategy for the Preparation of Olympic Class Athletes]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Kultury], 2001, no. 4, pp. 9–10. (in Russ.)
6. Vaytsekhovskiy S.M. Sistema sportivnoy podgotovki plovtsov k Olimpiyskim igram. Avtoref. dokt. diss. [The System of Sports Training Swimmers for the Olympic Games. Abstract of doct. diss.]. Moscow, 1985. 52 p.
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8. Verkhoshanskiy Yu.V. [On the Way to a Scientific Theory and Methodology of Sports Training]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Kultury], 1988, no. 2, pp. 21–26. (in Russ.)
9. Verkhoshanskiy Yu.V. [Horizons of Scientific Theory and Methodology of Sports Training]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Kultury], 1998, no. 7, pp. 41–54. (in Russ.)
10. Godik M.A. Kontrol' trenirovochnykh i sorevnovatel'nykh nagruzok [Control of Training and Competition Loads]. Moscow, Physical Education and Sports Publ., 1980. 136 p.
11. Gorstko A.B. Poznakom'tes' s matematicheskim modelirovaniem [Meet the Mathematical Modeling]. Moscow, Knowledge Publ., 1991. 157 p.
12. Igumenov V.M., Piloyan R.A., Tumanyan G.S. [The Concept of Model Sporting Confrontation, Scientific and Practical Meaning]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Kultury], 1986, no. 9, pp. 24–26. (in Russ.)
13. Isaev A.P., Rybakov V.V., Erlikh V.V. Individualizatsiya sportivnoy podgotovki: sostoyanie, problemy i perspektivnye resheniya [Customization of Sports Training. State, Problems and Future Solutions]. Chelyabinsk, South Ural St. Univ. Publ., 2016. 513 p.
14. Issurin V.B. Blokovaya periodizatsiya sportivnoy trenirovki [The Bloc Periodization of Sports Training]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2010. 288 p.
15. Kulikov L.M., Rybakov V.V., Velikaya E.A. [Sports Training. Management, System, Adaptation, Health]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Kultury], 1997, no. 7, pp. 26–30. (in Russ.)
16. Matveev L.P. Osnovy obshchey teorii sporta i sistemy podgotovki sportsmenov [The General Theory of Sport and the System of Training Athletes]. Kiev, Olympic Literature, 1999. 320 p.
17. Medvedeva G.E. Predraspolozhennost' kon'kobezhek vysokoy kvalifikatsii k sprinterskim i mnogobornym distantsiyam. Avtoref. kand. diss. [Predisposition Qualifications Konkobezhek to Sprint Distances and Mnogobornym. Abstract of cand. diss.]. Chelyabinsk, 1997. 26 p.
18. Nabatnikova M.Ya. Osnovy upravleniya podgotovkoy yunykh sportsmenov [Readiness Management Bases of Young Sportsmen]. Moscow, Physical Education and Sports, 1982. 280 p.
19. Novikov A.A., Kuznetsov V.V., Shustin B.N. [On the Development of Model Performance Athletes]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Kultury], 1976, no. 6, pp. 58–60. (in Russ.)
20. Platonov V.N. Teoriya sporta [Theory of Sports]. Kiev, High School Publ., 1987. 287 p.
21. Platonov V.N. Obshchaya teoriya podgotovki sportsmenov v olimpiyskom sporte: uchebnik [The General Theory of Training of Athletes in Olympic Sports. Textbook]. Kiev, Olympic Literature Publ., 1997. 583 p.
22. Platonov V.N. Sistema podgotovki sportsmenov v olimpiyskom sporte. Obshchaya teoriya i ee prakticheskie prilozheniya [The System of Training Athletes in Olympic Sports. The General Theory and its Practical Applications]. Moscow, Soviet Sport Publ., 2005. 820 p.
23. Platonov V.N. [The Theory of Periodization of Sports Training During the Year. The History of the Issue, the State of Discussion, the Path of Modernization]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Kultury], 2009, no. 9, pp. 18–34. (in Russ.)
24. Rogozkin V.A. [Sports Genetics. Status and Prospects]. Sovremennye problemy fizicheskoy kul'tury i sporta: materialy Vseros. nauch. konf. posvyashchennoy 70-letiyu Sankt-Peterburgskogo NII fizicheskoy kul'tury [Modern Problems of Physical Culture and Sports: Proc. scientific. Conf. Dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of the St. Petersburg Institute of Physical kultury], 2003, pp. 265–269. (in Russ.)
25. Rybakov V.V. Intellektual'nye vektor razvitiya sportivnoy kul'tury [Intelligent Vector of Development of Sports Culture]. Chelyabinsk, UralGAFK Publ., 2001. 220 p.
26. Rybakov V.V., Aleshin I.N., Gabov M.V. [The General Model of Individualized Management of Sports Training]. Optimizatsiya uchebno-vospitatel'nogo protsessa v obrazovatel'nykh uchrezhdeniyakh fizicheskoy kul'tury: materialy XVI regional'noy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Optimization of Educational Process in Educational Institutions of Physical Culture. Materials XVI Regional Scientific-Practical Conference], 2006, pp. 201–203. (in Russ.)
27. Kulikov L.M., Rybakov V.V., Bolotov V.M., Poloznova N.F. Sportivnaya podgotovki: sostoyanie, problemy, napravlenie modernizatsii [Sport Training. State, Problems and Direction of Modernization]. Chelyabinsk, Ural Academy Publ., 2012. 274 p.
28. Rybakov V.V., Ufimtsev A.V., Fedorov A.I., Akhmedzyanov A.N. Upravlenie sportivnoy podgotovkoy: teoretiko-metodologicheskie osnovaniya: monografiya [Management of Sports Training. Theoretical and Methodological Bases. Monograph]. Moscow, Sport Academic Press Publ., 2003. 480 p.
29. Ufimtsev A.V., Plotnikov A.V. [The Physical Condition of Players 17–19 Years in the Run]. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury [Theory and Practice of Physical Culture], 2010, no. 1, pp. 55–57. (in Russ.)
30. Khomenko R.V. [Justification of Precompetitive Preparation of Individualization Model Weightlifting]. Aktual'nye voprosy vospitaniya i obrazovaniya v oblasti fizicheskoy kul'tury i sporta: poisk innovatsii, perspektivy. Materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii [Topical Issues in the Field of Physical Culture and Sports Education and Training. Search Innovation Perspective. Proceedings of the Scientific-Practical Konferentsii], 2010, pp. 262–265. (Russ.)
31. Shustin B.N. Modelirovanie v sporte vysshikh dostizheniy [Modeling in the Sphere of Sports]. Moscow, 1995. 103 p.
32. Shustin B.N. [Model Characteristics of Competitive Activity]. Sovremennaya sistema sportivnoy podgotovki [The Modern System of Sports Podgotovki], 1995, pp. 50–73. (in Russ.)
33. Feck G. Checking the Progress. Principles of Sports Training. Berlin: Sportverlag. 1982, pp. 198–202.
34. Gollnick P., Matova H. The Muscle Composition of Skeletal Muscle as a Predictor of Athletic Success. Am. J. Sports Med., 1984, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 212–217. DOI: 10.1177/036354658401200309
35. Hoffman B. Leistungs- und Trainingssteuerung. Trainingswissenschaft. Berlin: Sportverlag. 1994, pp. 436–467.
36. Schnabel G. Pfinzipien Des Sportlichen. Trainingswissenschaft. Berlin: Sportverlag. 1994, pp. 282–294.
References on translit
How to Cite
Isaev, A., Abzalilov, R., Rybakov, V., Nenasheva, A., & Korableva, Y. (2016). MODELING IN THE SYSTEM OF ADAPTATION AND SPORT TRAINING MANAGEMENT. Human. Sport. Medicine, 16(2), 42-51.
Sports training
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