sport reserve, management, complex control, competencies, effective adaptation
Aim. Sport reserve training processes is are based on the set of characteristics of management, assessment of morphofunctional genetic features, age-related psychophysiological and informational components of physical fitness and their correlations, and the revealing of sport performance criteria. Organization. Basic evaluation of fitness involves gravitational and ballistic motor actions (MA), combination with survey training, special physical exercises, strength endurance development, stretching, and relaxation. Modern sports form extreme conditions of activity and impose tough requirements to the athlete’s body, scientific and technological support, organization and implementation of training process and competitions. In this respect, the scientific research concerning almost all kinds of sport focuses on the complex control of athletes’ functional status and fitness. Results. The paper specifies energy-supply components influencing sport performance in cyclic endurance-training sports. The main metabolic values were within the reference limits. Cardiac cycle values were wihtin the range of 0.89 ± 0.02 and 0.98 ± 0.03 s; PO2 interval was within the range of 0.17 ± 0.02 s and 20.15 ± 0.01 s (0.125–0.165s). O2RS complex was within the range of 0.10 and 0.8 s (0.06 – 0.10 s). The critical systole duration was 0.37 ± 0.004 and 0.36 ± 0.003 s (0.355–0.400 s). Myocardial mass was 195.60 ± 5.30 and 199.72 ± 6.12, and left ventricular contraction was – 63.40 ± 4.27% and 60.29 ± 3.89%. Most indicators of respiratory and gas exchange functions in orienteering athletes were within the reference limits. Conclusion. Criteria determining the possibility to include the given indicators in the control program and technology are their informational value, reliability, and correspondence to the sport training process direction. The most informative parameters in the control process are the indicators relevant to the specific of loads applied at the given stage of training. The preparedness of main functional systems in the athlete’s body changes not only from stage to stage in the course of the long-term training, but aso during different cycles of training.References
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13. Boobis L.H., Williams C., Wooton S.A. Influence of Sprint Training on Muscle Metabolism During Brief Maximal Exercise in Man. J. Physiol. Lond., 2010, no. 342, pp. 36–37.
14. Westerblad A., Lee J.A., Lunnergren J., Alien D.G. Cellular Mechanisms of Fatigue in Skeletal Muscle. Am. J. Physiol., 2010, vol. 261, pp. 195–209.
15. Coggan A.R., Spiner R.J., Kohrt W.P. Effect of Prolonged Exercise on Muscle Citrate Concentration Before and After Endurance Training in Men. Am. J. Physiol., 2010, vol. 275, pp. 215–220.
References on translit
How to Cite
Erlikh, V., Abzalilov, R., Isaev, A., & TemnikovаI. (2016). COMPLEX CONTROL AS A FACTOR OF INDIVIDUALIZED MANAGEMENT OF SPORT RESERVE TRAINING IN ORIENTEERING. Human. Sport. Medicine, 16(3), 75-86.
Sports training
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