Aim. The aim of the research was to reveal mechanisms of adaptive-compensatory tension of the respiratory apparatus in Russian and foreign students depending on relocation to a different climate zone and adaptation to new environmental conditions. Material and Methods. All participants were divided into 3 groups: high stature – 180.00 cm tall, above medium stature – 170–179.00 cm tall and low stature – 169.00 cm tall and lower. Comparison was conducted between students with similar total body parameters (weight and length). Body length of examined Russian students was 174.50 ± 0.65 cm, and their body weight was 65.92 ± 0.48 kg. Body mass index (BMI) was 21.54 kg/m2. The study involved analysis of compensatory tension of the respiratory apparatus relative to flights to Bashkortostan and/or disturbances of lung ventilation. Results. Based on the research data it should be noted that in such large industrial Uralian city as Ufa respiratory function is stressed. Peak expiratory flow rate (L/s) in the group was significantly lower than normal (75.81 ± 2.08 %) and was accompanied by a dip of the curve in the 2nd phase. Parameters determining concavity of the forced expiration rate in the coordinates “flow – volume” (TauM0, TauM1, TauM2) in the first case were significantly higher than expected (145.12 ± 6.35; 138.87 ± 3.60; 139.34 ± 13.28 %), in the second case (TauM1) they even more exceeded expected values (210.52 ± 12.56; 204.17 ± 7.90; 205.97 ± 15.93 %), and in the third case they were much lower than expected values (74.19 ± 4.46; 68.25 ± 5.01; 73.26 ± 8.02 %). Thus, used Eton device calculates expected values of temporal characteristics according to Mueller and deviations of actual parameters from the expected values. Conclusion. The increased ventilation is observed in people under the conditions of a large city in Bashkortostan. The study reveals disproportions in physical development and “clear” restriction in 8.9% of participants. According to the analysis, there are respiratory function indicators depending and not depending on total body parameters determined by genotypic and phenotypic specifics. The research shows that respiratory function in the examined students is associated with hyperpnea and tachypnea and in general is determined by the increased ventilation.References
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10. Baldwin E.F. Pulmonary Insufficiency. I Physiological Classification, Clinical Methods of Analysis, Standard Value in Normal Subjects. Medicine, 1948, vol. 27, 243 p.
11. Hauser A. Similar Hemoglobin Mess Response in Hypobaric and Normobaric Hypoxia in Athletes. Med. Sci. Sports Exec., 2016, vol. 48, pp. 734–741. DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000000808.
References on translit
How to Cite
Gainullin, R., Isaev, A., Erlikh, V., & Korablyova, Y. (2017). EXTERNAL RESPIRATION SYSTEM DEPENDING ON THE PREVIOUS PLACE OF LIVING IN BASHKIR STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY (BSMU) STUDENTS FROM DIFFERENT COUNTRIES. Human. Sport. Medicine, 17(1), 14-27. https://doi.org/10.14529/hsm170102
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