Keywords: training system technologies, functional system, integral rating indicator


Aim. The study aims to substantiate health monitoring, implement the effects of stress and adaptation, identify selection criteria and establish an integral rating indicator (IRI) in sports reserve training. Materials and methods. Representatives of cross-country skiing, swimming, middle-distance running, steeplechase, speed skating, wrestling, kickboxing, diving, orienteering, ice hockey were examined. The age of athletes varied from 18 to 22 years, their sports experience was 6–8 years. Sports skills level included the first adult category, Candidate for Master of Sport, Master of Sport, International Class Master of Sport. The following equipment was used in the study: Oxycon Pro Mobile, Schiller, Digi-Lite (Rimed), non-invasive AMP analyzer, MBN force platform, 3D scanner, polydynamometer, MARG 10-01 (Mikrolux). Data processing was performed with the methods of mathematical statistics. Results. Polyfunctional, metabolic, immunological features of resistance and special endurance were established. The criteria indicating successful sports performance, evaluative activity, connective tissue stability, neuroplasticity and adaptation were developed. Conclusion. The informative coefficients of statokinetic stability and resistance to hypoxia was obtained, as well as the integral rating indicator of successful competitive performance. An analysis of effective adaptation, fitness variability, normal limits, stable and premorbid health states, overtraining and overwork is proposed.

Author Biographies

V. Erlikh , South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Sports, Tourism and Service, South Ural State University. 454080, Chelyabinsk

A. Isaev , South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports, South Ural State University. 454080, Chelyabinsk

A. Nenasheva , South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation

Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture and Sports, South Ural State University. 454080, Chelyabinsk

Y. Korableva , South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation

Junior Researcher, Sports Science Research Center, Institute of Sports, Tourism and Service, South Ural State University. 454080, Chelyabinsk


References on translit

How to Cite
Erlikh, V., Isaev, A., Nenasheva, A., & Korableva, Y. (2021). SPECIAL AGE AND SKILLS-RELATED FEATURES OF EFFECTIVE ADAPTATION AND SELECTION IN SPORTS RESERVE TRAINING. Human. Sport. Medicine, 21(S1), 32-37. https://doi.org/10.14529/hsm21s105
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